Does Anyone Like Spiders? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-08-23 10:25:20 by peacheslala97

Curious if anyone is attracted to spiders, like Tarantulas and Orb Weavers or Jumping Spiders and the like. I've been wondering about this for a while, as I've heard of people liking birds and whales and one guy loving porcupines.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 6 points on 2016-08-23 12:33:22

I personally am not, but I do have a zoo friend who considers his interest in bugs not necessarily zoophilic or zoo romantic, but curious and caring. He wouldn't ever do anything sexual with bugs though, that I know of at least lol.

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-09-10 09:28:54

Oh? Sounds like a a curious case.

tundrovvy-volk I'm back. 9 points on 2016-08-23 14:46:40

As an Australian, I share my bed with them.

Really though, I find them pretty unpleasant. Not to the extent I used to, but there will always be a few fist-sized huntsman spiders that get into the house every year, and I definitely don't look forward to those encounters.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2016-08-24 11:54:41

Are we talking like trump fist or regular fist?

tundrovvy-volk I'm back. 3 points on 2016-08-24 15:44:23


peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-09-10 09:28:21

Not sure how I'd react to such a thing o.o

Swibblestein 5 points on 2016-08-23 17:10:33

I like spiders, but in a platonic, completely non-zoo sense only.

They eat annoying insects, and will generally stay out of your way. I mean, what more do you really need to say?

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-09-10 09:29:22

In that sense I do like them but they are scary.

Lefthandedsock 4 points on 2016-08-23 20:01:40

Absolutely not.

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-09-10 09:29:45


epparixey69 2 points on 2016-08-23 22:58:36

I think they can be aesthetically beautiful, and I like them, but I've never had a sexual thought about a spider.

Now that I think about it, submitting to a giant spider "tentacle-porn" type scenario could be pretty hot. So I guess you can go ahead and disregard my "never had a sexual thought about them"!

peacheslala97 2 points on 2016-09-10 09:33:38

I don't look at tentacle porn very much but I have in the past and liked it well enough. Though I prefer dogs and horses and recently I've found myself becoming attracted to rams but not for the sake of kink.

epparixey69 2 points on 2016-09-17 00:47:16

Rams are so majestic and powerful, yeah!

peacheslala97 2 points on 2016-09-23 01:49:48

And they invoke classic imagery of strength

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2016-08-24 01:45:49

The only thing creepier then spiders are Daddy-Long-Legs.

the_egoldstein 5 points on 2016-08-24 02:46:01

It is unfortunate that you feel that way. Daddy-Long-Legs, also known as Harvestmen or Opiliones, are truly interesting creatures. Did you know that they are known to have sex for non-procreative reasons? Tell me that's not interesting. :P

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2016-08-24 04:25:10

That is interesting. I'll remember that next time I see one.

MyBigK9 Canid lupus 2 points on 2016-08-24 07:57:28

That is very interesting. XD but I can stand having a widow in my room, other than a long legged flying arachnid on my ceiling. Hehe

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-09-10 09:31:10

Those just seem funny to me.

MyBigK9 Canid lupus 3 points on 2016-08-24 07:52:35

Like many here, I don't affiliate sexual desires to be with spiders. As someone who grew up around black widows and used to keep them as my personnel pets, i.e. Feeding them, rubbing their webs with my fingers, and watching them for hours, I have a deep care and understanding for the arachnid kinds, as I do for other creatures. Please don't be a fool and try to keep black widows as pets. They are dangerous and highly likely to not like the things I did with them. I was a bit of a noob when I first started feeding them, but now I know I shouldn't have. I probably let the ones who were not as strong survive, they probably passed down those genes and now there could be a whole starving population thanks to me feeding them by hand. I have practiced this for many years (by many years, I mean 9-10 years since I was five or six at the time of discovering them) and I really don't recommend any one sane doing these sorts of actions. And again to your question above, I guess if I thought about it and used some imagination I could get off to seeing the male and female widows doing it.. Though the outcome is usually not so good for the male. It is interesting to watch it happen though! thanks for reading.

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-09-10 09:30:27

Well that's certainly odd yet I'd like to hear more.

Mnemosynyx 2 points on 2016-08-28 16:14:48

I'm not really attracted to them but in a fantasy-sense I can empathize with the appeal. Like if a tarantula were human size, I might like to try it (as a novelty, I suppose?). But no, I am not sexually or romantically attracted to them like I am to dogs.

CognitivelyDissed a sapient animal 2 points on 2016-09-05 17:13:38

I love pretty much all exotic creatures. At least in a platonic way, but possibly in a non-platonic way too, why not. As long as it's feasible. This doesn't look bad at all :P

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-09-10 08:39:12

Teehee I've seen that picture before numerous times and wondered if perhaps someone has thought at such a thing. I'm not attracted to arachnids I'm terrified of them but I can see why they'd have a certain sensual appeal.

epparixey69 2 points on 2016-09-17 00:52:00

Anything with that intricate of a mouth would be interesting giving oral!

peacheslala97 2 points on 2016-09-23 01:46:01

Well........I hadn't given thought about the mouth lol! I wonder if Jumping Spiders would be like the Lollis for those sexual attracted to spiders.