Help needed in searching a big and great Story/Book Everybody of you is asked with their interweb knowledge. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-08-27 09:08:59 by Ten_Lights

Long story short. Like 2 years ago I read a story on the interweb.

Its more a like a book, really spend 3 days straight on it and wasnt even close to half of the page. The story is about a girl called dare, that gets on a ranch as a "dog girl" or so. Her master is a native american and they are living in a reservation with their 3 big dogs. I dont wanna go in detail because I dont want to hurt sub rules here. Its translated into many languages as far as I know.

The site I was reading it on suddenly dissapeared, but I really want to finish this astonishing story. Can somebody help me , bcuz it seems to be really popular around Zoos.

EDIT: If it helps you, its called "Story of Dare" or so and was originally, I dont remember the site name correctly, posted to a site called zoomasterx or something. Thats all I know, the author is from Great Britain and the book is translated in many languages. Pls try your best finding that masterpiece, you wont regret it I swear, it hooked me immediately.

lampenkugel 2 points on 2016-08-27 12:16:05

Sounds great

Ten_Lights 1 point on 2016-08-27 16:09:34

Thats why im searching it. Its not NSFW like most of the interweb stories around that topic, but more in a romantic, freedom loving way with a bit fantasy.

MyBigK9 Canid lupus 1 point on 2016-08-27 17:31:22

If anyone finds it, I'll give it a read. ^_^ sounds delightful.