Why Are Zoosexuals So Hated? Considering Women Are Too Expensive. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-08-29 15:26:43 by Hedonist-Glen

..Considering all of the cruel stuff we've done to animals--genocide, enslaving, exploiting, and eating them--you'd think that having a genuine sexual fetish for them would not be so taboo and stigmatized...but it sure as hell is.

I myself am a strictly-equine zoosexual. I love mares.

"C'mon mate. you can easily get yourself a human girlfriend," people keep saying to me. And every time they do, I cover my mouth to contain a laugh, and then fail and roll on the floor hysterically...because they could not be more wrong. I may be handsome, strong-built and tall and fun to be around, but unless I have a Rolse Royce Phantom, a six digit salary and a luxury apartment, I'm afraid human women are off limits.

But the racehorse called Chieftess doesn't give a shit about the fact that I'm still studying, have a honda cbr250 motorbike, and still live with my mum and I'm on disability welfare...she cares about ME.

So why are we equine zoos so hated? Considering most women are just Trump-bitch-wannabes.

[deleted] -1 points on 2016-08-29 15:38:04


huskyencroacher lel 2 points on 2016-08-29 15:50:11

My best advice would be to get out of your mum's basement and interact with real people once in a while. Judging by your post history, I'd wager you are not a "strictly-equine zoosexual," but a desperate misogynistic manchild who sees animal pussy as his only option because he can't get a human's.

If you think women are "more expensive" than a horse (or even a dog for that matter), be my fucking guest. Animals are entirely dependent on you. A horse needs hectares of pasture, it needs a stable to live in, it needs constant care and grooming... and this doesn't even account for other expenses like medical bills, insurance and etc. You're going to need a six figure income to afford any of that in any case. Meanwhile, people who work at minimum wage get married and even have children.

Go back to /r/theredpill.

Hedonist-Glen -1 points on 2016-08-29 17:19:48

"Meanwhile, people who work at minimum wage get married and even have children."

Load of BS. I have proof right here




And a human woman will want you to spend at least a grand a day on her. The cost of owning a horse is nothing compared to that.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-08-29 17:45:40

A grand a day? Really? Is that a minimum? Because I'm pretty sure that needs income close to the top 1% in the U.S. to even be doable. Meanwhile, people at all income levels get married and get into relationships. 48% of households in the U.S. in 2014, in fact Census estimate. Hell, I used to work in a nonprofit for poor youth (16-24). Do you know how many of them were married? How many had kids? How many were pregnant at the time?

Here's a tip: when it comes to gifts, price is not the same as value. Getting to know a woman and getting her her favorite Starbucks drink for $5 will mean a hell of a lot more than a $500 necklace that you picked out for her.

huskyencroacher lel 1 point on 2016-08-29 17:49:27

Wow. That is some irrefutable proof right there.

ZooMasil 2 points on 2016-08-29 19:59:05

Last time I checked in a healthy relationship the woman actually brings in income, because to be honest a womans place is in the workplace, so campared to your average horse whom takes up money and gives nothing financial in return unless it's a race horse or something, which lets be honest, it won't be. Mares are lovely lovers, but I feel like people like you are making us all look like MGTOW dick heads who just want an easy fuck. dude, fuck off.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-08-29 20:20:44

Well, my own data points from when I was still dating women does not reflect what you are claming. If anything, I have found non-humans to be more expensive than the women I dated (most of whom had their own jobs/careers); that based on about 10 years of detailed accounting.

Also, in your "evidence".... Only one of them even bothers to cite any research, the Daily Mail (oh so reliable is the Daily Mail!). Of the remaining two, your reference to "TheModernMan" doesn't even agree with you and rejects the idea that it's all about money.

If you reject the statement "Meanwhile, people who work at minimum wage get married and even have children.", please kindly explain the lives and loves of 99.99% of the world's population who cannot afford $1000 a day.

peacheslala97 4 points on 2016-08-30 12:38:11

Well with your attitude, which is sad and immature, no wonder you can't get a woman. I pity that poor horse you inflict yourself on, she deserves so much better in her life. She deserves someone who will cherish her instead of use her like a fleshlight because the cheerleaders turned you down in high school. Get a life.

ZooMasil 1 point on 2016-08-29 15:50:43

there are plenty of nice people out there that don't care about income, maybe the fact you're on a welfare is a turnoff? maybe you should just have your interests in mares without shitting on the female 50% of the population.

ZoroasterTheCat 10 points on 2016-08-29 16:17:36

This whole post reeks of trolling, but on the chance that you're serious, maybe woman don't like you because you're a bitter, deluded misogynist who is unemployed and living in his mother's basement? Just a thought. But hell, as long as you have realistic standards, go find yourself another unemployed, maladjusted basement-dweller, I'm sure you two would be very happy together. But I doubt that; you're probably looking for a 10/10 with a college degree, but because you got shot down and had your feelings hurt, that means 'most women are just Trump-bitch-wannabes.'

If you're going to live in mommy's basement collecting disability, try dialing back your expectations a bit, hmm?

weekendwarrior13579 1 point on 2016-10-14 00:46:52

Haha! That was fantastic!

Kynophile Dog lover 8 points on 2016-08-29 17:04:34

I was wondering when we'd get a MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) on here. I consider myself one in the technical sense (no plans to get married because of the social and legal implications), but some of the extremist elements of that are just too spiteful for me.

First of all, you have a really simplistic view of what women want. Yes, women are generally attracted to money and power, for reasons relating to our ancient tribal history. But different women have different priorities, and there are a lot of women who'll be quite happy with someone who's funny, kind, and smart, even if he isn't conventionally attractive or all that wealthy. Treating all women as the same as "Trump-bitch-wannabes" (which undoubtedly do exist, just not in the numbers you claim) is a childish, sour grapes way to look at the situation.

If you think it's all about money and looks, please explain why Elliot Rodger couldn't get laid, and subsequently decided to go on a shooting spree. And I'll agree, with animals the standards are a lot easier to understand. Pretty much just "Are you kind to me?" and "Do I like you that way?." But it isn't easier to be in a relationship with a mare than with a human being. You have to know about their care and feeding, understand their body language, and be sufficiently wary that you can keep your relationship a secret. That last part alone can be psychologically damaging, especially if you don't have anyone in your life to help you deal with the more complicated social stuff.

You sound pathetic to me, and I don't think you have to be that way, even with your troubles. Armoured Skeptic did an excellent video explaining both that MGTOW has some good points in it and that the misogyny (overused though that term is, it applies here) prevalent in that movement's worst members is really idiotic and counterproductive.

the_egoldstein 3 points on 2016-08-29 17:23:18

While you're still nursing that misogyny, most women with any character aren't going to waste time on you. If you want a woman, they are certainly attainable if you try. I'd suggest ditching that misogyny for starters, and work on your social skills at least. Being fun to be around will win you more dates than being boring. As for income, it's far less important than you appear to believe.

While I don't want to make a judgement of you based on something so impersonal as this short note, I do wonder how much the horse is a valued part of your life and how much it may just be an outlet for sexual tension. That may be something you should think about if you intend to refer to yourself as a zoophile. You owe me no answers in this regard, but I feel you owe yourself and the horse some serious thought on the matter.

Edit: typos

fuzzyfurry 12 points on 2016-08-29 19:11:28
the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-08-29 20:06:59

I thought the exact same thing, but didn't bother to look and see if it was the same person.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-08-29 19:55:25

You don´t "love" mares, you just hate women. By the way, I´m pretty sure that you´re a total nutjob and fantasizing moron...who else would give away the name of his (fantasy) mare? Don´t you know there are studbooks? Don´t you know that every horse running in a race has a set of data maintained by your nation´s racing association? Even if there are several mares with the same name, you did your best to help any policeman in finding you with giving away many other details.... Only someone who is totally making all the BS up could be so unaware of that fact....why don´t you go elsewhere instead of trying to sell us the same boring, made up bullshit for the, what was it, second?Third or even fourth time? As I see it, there are two things to get for you: lost...and professional help.

horse_account 1 point on 2016-08-30 03:36:04

OP must be trying to fuck up that POF guy's life by posing as him on reddit. There's no way someone could be so stupid that they would make a post like this on an account with identifying information.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-08-30 04:12:10

Well, it might be possible that somebody else is trying to fuck around with this guy´s life, but don´t rule out the massive amount of idiocy that is shown surprisingly often in the beasty scene. Many folks on Beastforum put out profile pics with their face in it and the amount of animal porn out there with clearly visible and identifiable faces of participants is overwhelming.

I have a tendency to believe OP really is the guy from the pictures as there are way more efficient ways to mess around with someone else than impersonating him in a subreddit that´s frequented by but a few.

If we actually deal with an impersonator , how do these postings have a negative effect on the guy he´s trying to impersonate in here? It´s very unlikely the "original" guy will notice it or have any repercussions from this shitposting fest.

" Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity. And I´m not so sure about the universe at all..."

For an attempt of impersonation, his posts are giving away a picture that´s too coherent and consistent, a sad picture of a slightly mentally challenged guy desperately yearning for attention.

Frostfedora Captain Esports 3 points on 2016-08-29 22:22:42

I'm considering leaving this up just as an example of what the zoo community isn't as shown by the responses.

Real shit though OP, if you're frequenting bars and nightclubs looking for love, you're in the wrong place and you're more likely to find people looking for more shallow relationships based on money/sex.

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-08-30 12:36:39

Go be a troll somewhere else.

peacheslala97 3 points on 2016-08-30 12:44:12


He's a filthy fence jumper not a Zoophile! I'm sick of people like this creep giving us all a bad name! He's a pathetic man-child who blames the entire world for his short comings and he only goes after horses(that aren't even his!) because no woman is self loathing enough or DESPERATE enough to want the company of such a guy! He's literally a walking bloody stereotype of "Can't get a woman so I'll fuck an animal." This is why no one takes is seriously and instead of seeing human beings who love animals they see desperate, ugly and undesirable people and this troll is not helping our case.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-08-30 19:45:49

You really shouldn´t be so upset as everything this guy writes is pure fantasy, not actual truth. Just another eejit attracted by weirdo magnet number one, zoophilia.

Easily accessible animal pornography + mentally challenged sociopath = Hedonist-Glen

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-09-10 08:45:51

Sorry. Shit like this just pisses me off so much though! He's literally just a fencehopper who can't get laid due to his atrocious personality so he takes it out on horses and I'm certain he's lying about his treatment of them. He sounds like someone who needs a sound kick in the head from a draft horse. Maybe that'll straight him out for once. I'm sorry for being so emotional about this.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-02 18:50:36
