Do Stallions (Male Horses) Enjoy Anal? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-08-30 02:04:39 by [deleted]


icepaws 4 points on 2016-08-30 02:12:05

Giving or receiving? I imagine it depends on the horse. Not like every horse is exactly identical. I would first build a relationship with the horse before trying to figure this one out.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-08-30 02:31:42

I'm guessing that if you mean "gets prostate stimulation", then the answer is likely no. Human dicks aren't generally big enough for that. Otherwise, I guess it depends on the stallion.

30-30 amator equae 5 points on 2016-08-30 04:50:51

You´re 14, right? Checked your post history and can only say that even talking to you about animal sex may be punishable as "corruption of the youth".

I also wonder where your interest in topics like this comes from?

Noveno_Colono 2 points on 2016-08-30 15:43:04

Not OP, but by the time I was 14 I had masturbated my fair share to zoo porn. Not much to corrupt if it's already corrupted.

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2016-08-30 17:20:53

..and you´re proud of that, I guess,huh?

I hope you realize that authorities are damn quick to shut down the entire subreddit if we start to discuss animal sex with minors, regardless if the minor already is "corrupted" from watching porn or not.

Internet porn is truly a modern day poison. Especially the more "perverted" forms...I believe our society will have to pay for easily available pornography in the near future...watching animal porn as a 14 y.o. definitely can´t be good for your personal development. We have bred a bunch of severely twisted young ones and we call it "the age of information". Brave New World. Our "soma", onscreen...

Noveno_Colono 1 point on 2016-08-30 22:17:27

I'm not a little kid to be proud of something as stupid at being exposed at porn since an early age. Happened when i was 9, and it was in my (catholic, by the way) elementary school. Some kid had The Simpsons rule 34 in his phone. Eleven years ago. Didn't even look at it for long, wasn't (still isn't) my cup of tea. Later on, i ended up being a loner, since all my friends entered different schools, so i started hanging up with another loner. Didn't even like that bastard, but it was then, at the tender age of 10, where i was severely exposed to porn, like actual porn and erotica-related talk. I got my first and only porn mag from him.

Sorry, i derailed from my point. Thing is, i wasn't corrupted by the internet, but it was certainly a useful tool to find erotica that catered my interests. If law says it's bad to discuss these kind of bizarre themes with a 14 year old human, fine. I disagree, but i'm not stupid enough to go to jail over such a petty matter.

Nice reference to Huxley's work. Among my favorite pieces of utopic sci-fi.

SethKhan 2 points on 2016-08-31 01:40:24

I don't look 14. I can pass as 17 or 18. Also I fap to Horse porn sometimes