fMRI study published in Science finds that dogs understand both vocabulary and intonation of human speech (
submitted 2016-08-30 07:10:39 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 5 points on 2016-08-30 07:11:26

Alternative article:

Didn't the last fMRI study show that already?

ursusem 0 points on 2016-08-30 07:33:04

And your point for sharing this is........?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-08-30 09:40:51

just because you're afraid of dogs doesn't mean this sort of thing doesn't interest other people here.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-08-31 05:20:47

I'm just wondering what the reason for posting this article is. How is it relating to the topic of zoophilia from the OP's perspective. There isn't a lot of info about it as it is just a link with no background.

fuzzyfurry 6 points on 2016-08-31 10:59:37

It's not directly related. It's just indirectly related that studies into animal / canine cognition are always interesting to me and I figured many other zoos would find them interesting too. Not that we weren't quite sure of it anyway, but to see some scientific validating it.

ursusem -2 points on 2016-09-01 00:28:37

I'd agree that such a topic is somewhat related to zoophilia. I'm surprised this group accepts it though. But they probably accept it since it is coming from you and not me. I'm too controversial of a character for this group.

Swibblestein 6 points on 2016-09-02 08:12:41

I've got no problem with you but your "woe is me" attitude recently is getting kind of obnoxious.

If you don't like it here you ought to leave. I'm not saying that because I think this place would be better off without you, but rather as a general rule you shouldn't participate in communities that you don't want to be a part of. But if you are going to be here you should adjust your attitude.

It just really comes off like you're more interested in pity and making everything about you than in anything else.

CognitivelyDissed a sapient animal 2 points on 2016-09-05 16:49:45

I would say interspecies communication is extremely relevant to zoophilia. I would love to see more of such things being discussed. (Not to mention more research being done!)

Lefthandedsock -1 points on 2016-08-31 15:42:39

Yep, ursusem's being an asshole, as usual.

ursusem 1 point on 2016-09-01 00:30:59

The more you guys regard me as an asshole the more I'll live up to that I guess.

Lefthandedsock 0 points on 2016-09-01 02:15:53

Go for it.

ursusem -1 points on 2016-09-01 03:38:50

I wish you would go away at least.

Lefthandedsock 0 points on 2016-09-01 04:15:16

I feel the same way about you. :)

ursusem 5 points on 2016-09-01 05:05:25

You and I should be proof that zoophiles don't always agree with other zoophiles and we don't all like each other. The zoo community is not some sort of hug box. It's a conglomeration of individuals associated on merely one point. Maybe I hold minority views but I'm still zoo just like you are.

Lefthandedsock 5 points on 2016-09-01 14:39:35

I agree.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-09-02 20:11:12

For someone who complains about feeling that they are not welcome, this is not a useful and productive response as you are doing exaclty what you are condemning; thus making you look like a hypocrite.

Both you and 30-30 have a habit of diving right in with the insults and negativity and then complaining when you get back exactly what you dish out. As for getting negative feedback from your comments, have you considered posting constructive criticism instead?

If you don't like the content, how about posting some new, thought provoking threads yourself?

ursusem -1 points on 2016-09-01 00:36:10

It is all of you people on here who are the assholes in my view.

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2016-09-01 02:15:45

Well, you know what they say. If everyone around you seems to be an asshole, you're probably the asshole.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-08-30 12:12:09

excellent news. Sometimes I cant understand what people see when they see a reaction from a dog. stuff that seems pretty obvious to me other people have real problems understanding the meaning of it.

12121212l 0 points on 2016-08-31 03:44:13

X post this to /r/todayilearned

MyBigK9 Canid lupus 4 points on 2016-09-02 11:12:58

Thanks for this article. Canine's have some great things to show us and the more this is studied on the better for them and for us who love them. Indeed it would be wonderful to have some studies on other animals that live in cohabitation, such as equine. But for now dogs are on the spotlight for recognition of their cognitive functions, and I am proud to be living in an age where so much discovery is being made about them! :) It really has me hyped for what future articles/ studies may look like, imagine a title stating that, dogs can give consent. That would be a good day.