Redditor defends pokephile redditor from attack. (
submitted 2016-08-30 14:08:46 by JonasCliver Mightyenas lol
duskwuff 3 points on 2016-08-30 16:26:34


JonasCliver Mightyenas lol 8 points on 2016-08-30 18:30:47
MyBigK9 Canid lupus 1 point on 2016-09-02 23:43:53

Wow that person really stood up for Zettai. I'm surprised by how the comments didn't sink into a battlefield about it too. Thanks for the share.

CognitivelyDissed a sapient animal 1 point on 2016-09-05 16:54:13

It's always nice to see people being sensible and non-judgemental. Even if the fictionality may be making it easier.

britishdragon01 5 points on 2016-08-30 16:39:48

Use for everything man.

morbidlyobesedog 1 point on 2016-08-30 19:19:35

Remember when we used to save babies from burning homes

ursusem -1 points on 2016-09-01 00:51:38


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 5 points on 2016-09-02 06:04:09

if you don't like the threads that are posted here on this reddit, the best way to fix that is to start threads with things that you think belong here. if you think people will bash it simply because it's you, start consistently posting thought-provoking, interesting topics until people start changing their minds about you. it's a long tough road, but if you actually want to improve the opinions people have of you here, i think it's worth a shot.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-09-02 06:38:28

Don´t fool ursusm, us or even yourself...the hug box mentality in here is huge. When I recapitulate the responses ursusm has received for voicing her personal views on homosexuality, I heavily doubt that it´s worth fighting for a change of minds.

Especially when I see the abuse of the voting system that is frequently occurring whenever a dissident like ursusm or me is posting, I really wonder if there actually is any chance of "improving opinions"´re basically working the same way as the society. "Kill the (antihomo) bitch!", " Burn the (asshole zoo) heretic!" see, basically the same mechanisms you all like to accuse society of when it comes to zoophilia.

Once someone attacks your sacred cows, you act like chimpanzees...flinging poo posts, downvoting every single post although that is NOT the idea behind it, etc...

Let´s be clear: the so called "zoo scene" also has developed mainstream opinions and is acting just like the "normal" society whenever this mainstream views are challenged. You demand change.....from others. But changing yourselves seems to be not a thinkable option for you all. And dissidents have to be silenced at all costs. You all think you´re such "special snowflakes" because you´re getting a hard on from animals, but in the end, you´re no different from the "normals".

Realizing how static this entire community (not limited to reddit!) has become would be the first step towards any improvenment..."mind crimes" as questioning homosexuality in a non-hateful way or even questioning the legitimity of "zoosexuality" in general have to be abolished before there is any progress.

"The oppressed of yesterday will become the oppressors of tomorrow."

the_egoldstein 6 points on 2016-09-02 16:58:16

I really wonder if there actually is any chance of "improving opinions"´re basically working the same way as the society. "Kill the (antihomo) bitch!", " Burn the (asshole zoo) heretic!" see, basically the same mechanisms you all like to accuse society of when it comes to zoophilia.

Oh please, while you've both seen some hostility when you have been rude and insulting, the vast majority of responses both of you have gotten have been at least as respectful as the posts of yours they were replying to, in opposition to many of your own.

Respect is a two-way street, both of you have a habit of being insulting, condescending, and outright hostile and yet you both seem surprised when you get push back from the community.

Find me a post of mine where I have treated either of you with any less respect than I show to anyone else. As a counter, I can find multiple examples from both of you directly insulting and hostile toward me specifically, just in the last month.

Both of you complain about how everyone else agrees on everything, when it is apparent that we do not, and then complain bitterly when there is any disagreement with you, specifically.

And dissidents have to be silenced at all costs.

And yet the two most vocal dissidents here have posts in this very thread. We are very effective in our campaign of total intollerance, so much so that many have repeatedly extended olive branches to both of you.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-09-02 21:53:52

I wonder if you ever stopped to consider if it's yourself that's trapped in a box, 30-30?

For the record, the only times I have ever downvoted your posts is when I found them offensive to some group which more often than not, I confess, is the case. I have never downvoted you based on opinion alone, but why bother when that's seldom this issue anyways?