Story from 2012: Police Force Gallery To Remove Leda And The Swan Image For ‘Condoning Bestiality’ (
submitted 2016-09-04 19:07:12 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 5 points on 2016-09-04 19:07:40

/r/nottheonion material

doghumper 7 points on 2016-09-04 20:45:57

Yup, that's the UK for you. Probably one of the worst places to be a zoo these days

fuzzyfurry 4 points on 2016-09-04 23:57:35

Yup, heard about it from

Giving Chima a sentence of eight months in jail suspended for two years, the judge said:

“I know not that you didn’t fully appreciate that downloading disgusting images of this kind here is a criminal offence but now you know and let everyone know that it is a criminal offence.”

“These were shocking images and it occurred over a fairly lengthy period,” added the judge.

In view of his guilty plea, his age and his overall good character, in addition to the suspended sentence, Chima was also ordered to attend a 60-day rehabilitation programme and do 120 hours of unpaid work and have his laptop destroyed.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-09-05 00:25:39

Move to Maricopa County for a few years and then rethink your response... Oh,btw, how do you know this porn fiend "going through a phase" is a zoo?And what has the removal of a painting that shows ancient greek mythological bestiality to do with actual zoophilia? Surely it´s sad that "Leda and the Swan" was removed, but this painting never was intended to be a voice for zoophilia. So, where´s the connection? And why do you think the UK is worse than any other country? In almost any country of the world, if you´re caught in flagranti, you´re fucked and your social reputation is crushed. Compared to some fundamentalist countries where you can easily end the way Leviticus is proposing when caught, the UK is zoo heaven. Please stop whining. Getting caught possessing animal porn? You´re fucked. Getting caught having sex with an animal? Doublefucked. But you don´t end up being fuel for a bonfire, you don´t end up as the local stone throwing target.

The antidote? Don´t get caught. Build a life that minimizes the chance of getting caught. Don´t be horny, be smart. The legal status only has an effect on you when you´re acting dumb or carrying around your jack-off support material in public. It´s as easy as that.

duskwuff 3 points on 2016-09-05 02:41:31

What on earth are you even going on about now?

doghumper 4 points on 2016-09-05 05:03:51 Joe Arpaio might be setting up a bunch of craigslist stings but he's not monitoring all communications and enforcing mandatory porn filters on every internet connection

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-09-05 05:38:04

Thank you for bringing this back to the subject, voice of reason.

fuzzyfurry 4 points on 2016-09-05 08:56:00

porn fiend

Isn't it interesting how you like to vilify people to be "fiends", wile the judge, who found the idea of the porn too "disgusting" and "appalling" to even look at the "evidence" himself, points out the "overall good character" of this guy? If I didn't know it better I would think that's some kind of vorauseilender Gehorsam after the zoo haters.

but this painting never was intended to be a voice for zoophilia. So, where´s the connection?

The connection is that the "bestiality" taboo is ridiculous. Yes, the art isn't even "condoning bestiality", but it's an ancient motive in art and culture and now it's becoming too offensive to show renditions of it? It's not about zoophilia, it's about the taboo and the ridiculous laws.

Eamonpro 0 points on 2016-09-10 05:30:52

Well good to see the UK has something going for it. Say what you will about its current state, at least it's cracking down on freaks like you