Bizarre Fencehopping: The Curious Incident of the Bitch in the Daytime (
submitted 2016-09-04 21:07:33 by Kynophile Dog lover
Kynophile Dog lover 5 points on 2016-09-04 21:12:03

I bring this up for two reasons. One, to show what NOT to do if you're caught, because it apparently gets attention from across the pond. Two, because I think the incident itself, foolish and bizarre though it was, was in fact consensual as far as the dog was concerned. If you watch the full interview linked below the article, the owner says that the main thing which told her something was wrong was that the pitbull involved, a rescue, had stopped growling and barking at passersby. Those of you who know your Sherlock Holmes can make the proper deduction.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-09-05 00:02:49

Those who know Sherlock Holmes would stay away from quick deductions that aren´t backed up by further knowledge. Those who know Sherlock Holmes would also refrain from trying to justify patriarchistic prejudices like "If a woman is aggressive, she is in desperate need of a good fuck" etc...and they would also know that people in this special state of mind the intruder obviously was in can frighten animals easily. Animals may not understand what this "antichrist" was doing, but they surely can sense the neurotic anger, the (self-)destructiveness and so on...

Or the dog could have been positively imprinted on males, for example, and something in the intruder could have fit the old, positive imprint.(Smell, looks or tone of voice, to name but a few possibilities)

Someone who knows his Sherlock would be more likely to deduct YOUR motives here. To present this horrible and maybe even traumatizing experience/incident as a "proof" that animals will benefit from having sex with them is simply disgusting for me...

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2016-09-05 00:37:57

I did no such thing. I merely pointed out the case, and implied an alternative to the explanation given by the woman in the video. It's interest lies mainly in the surrounding details, and how this kid panicked. He probably was nuts, given how he carried on.

Also, where the fuck did that "patriarchistic prejudice" come from? I had nothing of the kind in mind. You're reading too far into both this incident and my motives for reporting it. Please calm yourself.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-10-09 02:44:49

You mind if I mine your comment history for some good cringe for the sub-reddit I'm a part of? I'm asking you because you seem to be a cringe gold mine. Granted I won't be paying you for this endeavor but still, your generous contribution is greatly appreciated by me and the brethren at /r/CringeAnarchy. Peace be with you and praise Jebus.

Kynophile Dog lover 0 points on 2016-10-09 17:50:44

Whether I mind or not is somewhat irrelevant, since it's public. But I am curious about what you choose. Feel free to let me know when the thread goes up, so I can laugh along with you, or correct you if that's needed. Praise the Father Kek, and the Son, the Lord Pepe, and the Holy Ghost of Frank Grimes

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-10-09 18:03:18

Oh sorry no warnings in advance, unless you consider your username being invoked randomly or the hate mail you no doubt receive as a notification that your brand of cringe has been posted. Less fun if people know about an ensuing shitstorm. Also why would I warn someone who justified some crazy dude jumping a fence and shoving his dick into some poor dog(yes I'm an asshole on Reddit but I have morals) that we're gonna make fun of him? Just saying.

Kynophile Dog lover -1 points on 2016-10-09 20:53:04

Did I justify it, or merely explain it with more than, "He's a fucking nut."?

AlphaOmegaSith 2 points on 2016-10-09 22:04:00

was in fact consensual as far as the dog was concerned.


If you watch the full interview linked below the article, the owner says that the main thing which told her something was wrong was that the pitbull involved, a rescue, had stopped growling and barking at passersby. Those of you who know your Sherlock Holmes can make the proper deduction. basically it's perfectly fine to go shove ones dick into a dog that doesn't belong to you? I sincerely hope you don't live in Texas or any other state that takes the 2nd Amendment seriously because that mindset is going to get you shot. More than likely killed and it'll be your own goddamn fault. You or your family and friends won't be able to sue or claim discrimination. Plus has it ever occurred to you that this particular Pit Bull didn't have it out for men? Sure she's aggressive but maybe she's not so aggressive towards men. Doesn't justify raping the damn dog, or anyone for that matter. Wtf were you thinking when you posted that? Honestly! What were you thinking? Were you fucking high or something?

Kynophile Dog lover 0 points on 2016-10-09 22:26:25

I'm not saying what he did was right as far as the other people involved were concerned. I'm just saying that this retarded kid might not have been committing rape, in the sense that the pit bull enjoyed it. Also, in the interview I mentioned explaining the story, this kid was chased off with a gun, and the gun was fired to the side of him to let him know that the owner would shoot if she had to, which she had every right to do.

You claim I'm justifying rape when I say there is a possibility that it wasn't actually rape. I'm saying that what this guy did, while completely fucked up in general, need not have been malicious or bad for the dog. It's a bit like if a girl walked in on her roommate being fucked by a guy she didn't know, having heard no sign of a struggle or resistance, and concluding that the guy must be raping her immediately. The difference, of course, is that ordinarily the woman being fucked will be able to say afterwards that she was OK with it and that she wasn't hurt by it. The same cannot be said for this dog, so people will tend to assume that it is rape merely due to their disgust with the sexual act and their assumption that the dog cannot be sexual with humans beings on its own.

My question for you is this: would you condone shooting first and asking questions later if you walked in on a woman you love like family, a sister or a friend, having sex with some guy you don't know anything about? And if not, why does the species difference allow you to justify that jump to conclusions and kill or maim a stranger?

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-10-10 03:28:13

I'm just saying that this retarded kid might not have been committing rape, in the sense that the pit bull enjoyed it.

Oh for fuck's sake you're going to be a future fucking headline."Dumbass sues dog owner for attempted murder after being caught raping the family dog, argues dog enjoyed it because her tail wagged once." Are you from Florida by any chance or Kentucky? Or Iowa for that matter? What the FUCK is wrong with you?!? That's not a rhetorical question either! Or are you from Gary, Indiana? Because if you are I'm sorry your mother was a meth/coke whore that obviously did drugs while pregnant with you. But get some fucking help!

You claim I'm justifying rape when I say there is a possibility that it wasn't actually rape.

No the dog invited her psycho boyfriend over for a damn quickie and her mom busted her obviously.

It's a bit like if a girl walked in on her roommate being fucked by a guy she didn't know, having heard no sign of a struggle or resistance, and concluding that the guy must be raping her immediately.

Ok I'm guessing you haven't exactly fucked a woman before......or anything that was human and of proper age. Women tend to make noise during sex, noise that displays that they're more than happy with what's going on sometimes loud dirty talk. If you're fucking someone or eating someone out and they are deathly quiet that's not a good sign, in case you didn't actually know this. So if someone walks in on two people fucking, they're not going to automatically assume rape you dolt. Secondly the dog was barking and then growled a bit, last time I saw a dog growl while getting fucked the bitch being mounted attacked the dog doing said mounting. Pair of junkyard dogs, mutts of unknown breed and ancestry. So clearly the dog in this story wasn't particularly happy about this situation either, not just the owner or the reasonably sane population of this planet that knows better to do stuff like this to dogs!

The same cannot be said for this dog, so people will tend to assume that it is rape

Ah yes the old "If he/she isn't actively screaming bloody murder and thrashing around and sobbing it's not rape" card or in this case the victim wasn't yelping and whining so it wasn't rape in your book. Sounds like you've been watching way too much Law and Order: SVU buddy. Have you actually TALKED to a rape victim? I seriously fucking doubt you have. I in fact have spoken to more than my fair share of rape victims. Given my area of "expertise" for lack of a better word the victims I deal with are CHILDREN. Now you likely don't know this but most victims seem to enter a state of shock, they're more than aware that they are in fact being raped and the vast majority register being in some form of pain but given the circumstances the mind detaches itself from the situation until after the rape is interrupted or completed. Or they're used to such treatment that to they're numb to it all now, I've seen this with a 12-year old girl who was being kept by a guy so he could film child porn. She was so used to being beaten, tied, raped ect that eventually it's as if her body and mind shut down. But I'm assuming you'll argue that this particular girl I'm speaking of was consenting to this treatment because of her later reactions, no running or screaming or thrashing so hey it's all good right? So maybe this isn't the first time the guy raped this poor dog, or maybe she's been raped before and honestly it would explain her aggression. And the growling too.

My question for you is this: would you condone shooting first and asking questions later if you walked in on a woman you love like family, a sister or a friend, having sex with some guy you don't know anything about?

My sister killed herself when she was 10-years old. The hot Asian chick next door to me might actually be gay and she's a bigger gun nut than I am so I'm confident that any woman or man who tries to rape her will be one sorry bitch. But I see someone trying to rape my dog and their ass gets shot.

And if not, why does the species difference allow you to justify that jump to conclusions and kill or maim a stranger?

Don't wanna get shot? Don't try to rape people dogs then, common sense isn't that complicated. Don't want to get shot? Don't break into someone's house. Don't want to get shot? Don't mug people. It's not rocket science.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-10-10 14:23:51

A lot of your points are just insults, and false ones at that. But there are some points I think are worth going over.

Women tend to make noise during sex, noise that displays that they're more than happy with what's going on sometimes loud dirty talk. If you're fucking someone or eating someone out and they are deathly quiet that's not a good sign, in case you didn't actually know this.

Screaming and moaning during sex, believe it or not, is mostly a thing humans do, because they can do it safely and it feels good. Sex for other species is a very vulnerable time, in particular for dogs and wolves because they are physically tied together at the end. They might lightly whine or growl in typical mating, unless of course they are in pain or distress, in which case they'll give a loud yip. Mostly they're completely silent, though.

One of us clearly misheard the interview, because from what I remember she softly whined and made no other noise during the act, which is what prompted the owner to check on her.

Ah yes the old "If he/she isn't actively screaming bloody murder and thrashing around and sobbing it's not rape" card or in this case the victim wasn't yelping and whining so it wasn't rape in your book. Sounds like you've been watching way too much Law and Order: SVU buddy.

I thank you for your work dealing with trauma victims. It does a lot of good for society, and is very difficult physically and emotionally. But it may bias you into assuming the worst of people in these situations. Yes, victims do occasionally shut down and learn helplessness, in cases of repeated abuse. But my point is that the abuse has yet to be demonstrated: all we know is that he fucked this dog, panicked, and was fucking bonkers. You are assuming that the dog hated this, and I am questioning that assumption, that is all.

So maybe this isn't the first time the guy raped this poor dog, or maybe she's been raped before and honestly it would explain her aggression. And the growling too.

The dog had been aggressive since she was brought to that home, as a rescue. If she didn't trust this guy, it's probable she would have been him the first time he tried anything, unless he slowly built up her trust. And soft growling is something canines do even if they enjoy sex. There are other possibilities, but I'm not assuming the worst.

My sister killed herself when she was 10-years old. The hot Asian chick next door to me might actually be gay and she's a bigger gun nut than I am so I'm confident that any woman or man who tries to rape her will be one sorry bitch. But I see someone trying to rape my dog and their ass gets shot.

Sorry to have triggered you, it was only an example. But you seem to have missed my point by arguing about the specifics of your own life. Still, I think it's mildly sociopathic to find a dude in your house with your dog (whether it's rape or not, I don't know), and your first reaction is "Fucker needs to die!" Makes sense if you're at risk, but in that scenario, you don't appear to be, and you don't know if your dog is.

Don't wanna get shot? Don't try to rape people dogs then, common sense isn't that complicated. Don't want to get shot? Don't break into someone's house. Don't want to get shot? Don't mug people. It's not rocket science.

I love that you ended this by drawing the line to property crimes and not personal or sex crimes. So fucking your dog is on a similar level to hacking into your computer or ransacking your jewelry box. I doubt that's what you meant, but that's how it came across.

Also, you are assuming this is rape, and I am saying that assumption is not always warranted.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-10-13 10:38:02

A lot of your points are just insults,

Speaking of triggered.....

and false ones at that.

Well I'm not a dog fucker so that's probably why I haven't high fived you for your continued defense of this lunatic. Or your assertion that sneaking into a house or jumping a fence to rape an animal is a normal activity.

But there are some points I think are worth going over.

That dogs whining and growling and whimpering while being raped is fine and is and a sure sign that one should keep going. Like I said; future headline buddy. Future. Headline.

unless of course they are in pain or distress, in which case they'll give a loud yip.

As I was saying. I get the sinking feeling that you're the kind of person who would likely explain this away as "Oh the dog does this all the time she/he isn't in any pain nothing to see here folks!" Can't imagine you'd be honest to a veterinarian if your dog was hurt as a result of your continued abuse or him or her and if you were you'd probably run to some ambulance chaser to represent you in court and play the insanity card(which might actually work all things considered) or play the poor oppressed victim card.

One of us clearly misheard the interview, because from what I remember she softly whined and made no other noise during the act,

Good thing she had an owner that gave a shit and not an owner like you. Though I'm not entirely keen on the dog being tied outside, hopefully the owner has moved her inside now for her continued safety and state of mind.

But it may bias you into assuming the worst of people in these situations.

Considering I'm not some self loathing misandrist and an alarming number of the kids I've seen were abused by women I'd say I'm relatively free of bias. Relatively. However you're asking to excuse the fact that you call a trespasser assaulting a dog consensual and only BARELY condemning his actions. I say this because isn't going after an animal you don't own considered a major no no for people like you? Well not you not you obviously.

The dog had been aggressive since she was brought to that home, as a rescue. If she didn't trust this guy, it's probable she would have been him the first time he tried anything,

Or maybe

unless he slowly built up her trust.

Finally you say something that doesn't sound like an excuse for dog rape.

And soft growling is something canines do even if they enjoy sex.

head-desk Ok I fully expected to see impossible levels of crazy shit here, I already knew this. I knew precisely what this group was but you seem to be aiming rather high on the mentally fucked up and dumb shit excuses pedestal.

Sorry to have triggered you,

This coming from a guy who believes that it's perfectly acceptable for strangers to molest dogs, namely dogs that don't belong to them in the first place. Then proceeding to take issue with me because I pointed out how so very disgusting and rightfully illegal that is.

Still, I think it's mildly sociopathic to find a dude in your house with your dog (whether it's rape or not, I don't know), and your first reaction is "Fucker needs to die!"

Oh what you think I'm gonna set out chips and dip for the person once their done? Maybe call an Über for them and say they're welcome back anytime? For a guy who's part of a group that supposedly cares about animals so much and how they're treated you seem way too relaxed at the idea of people just casually breaking and entering and going after the family pets. In case you're unaware of how many people in the real world feel about their pets, most consider their pets to be family or their children. I actually have a dog now, not an official rescue/adopted dog though since I found him wandering around in the boonies. He was covered in ticks and sores, looked like he'd had a run in with a poisonous spider of some sort and was underweight. Took him to the vet, got him dewormed and treated for his multiple injuries and since no one had come forward for him I just "Well he's got himself a home to live in now." He's gradually putting on weight and I have no idea what the hell he is, looks like a cross between a wolf, a Rottweiler and some other big long haired dog. He's 2-years old and is a rather quiet, he's been with me for a couple weeks now. He's my dog now and I fully intend to protect him from any and all further harm and if that means shooting someone that attacks him then that's on them, plus they're also trespassing and might attack me so this counts as self defense as well. But what you're telling me is that if I come back and someone is raping my dog I should pretend I didn't see that shit? I should pretend that my dog isn't being abused by some lunatic who broke into my apartment? Do you actually believe this shit you're spewing or are you just trolling? Because if you're trolling then well done, you had my fooled. If not then and you're serious then I hope people don't leave their animals outside, unsecured or in your presence unsupervised where you reside.

I love that you ended this by drawing the line to property crimes and not personal or sex crimes. So fucking your dog is on a similar level to hacking into your computer or ransacking your jewelry box. I doubt that's what you meant, but that's how it came across.

I'm guessing you're not from North America are you? Ok I'll fill you in on one of the rights we have here for now. It is legal to protect ones property and family with the use of a weapon deadly or otherwise, these laws often have different names like the Stand Your Ground law or the Castle Doctrine. Also the only reason someone could get to my dog and rape him is by BREAKING INTO MY APARTMENT OR STEALING MY HIM! What part of this are you not getting right now?! In one or all of the aforementioned shooting the offending person isn't against the law nor is sociopathic, because who's to say that the figurative criminal in this scenario won't hesitate to attack me or kill me.

Kynophile Dog lover 0 points on 2016-10-13 11:45:07

You're clearly confused, so let me just elucidate a couple of points:

  1. So, your argument is that the dog was raped because she stayed silent, and humans don't do that during sex... but also because she made noise. sigh. Would you like to see what's behind source #1, source #2, or source #3?

  2. I don't know how many feminists you've argued with lately, but gender bias is not the only kind. I meant, specifically, that if you deal with abuse all the time, you'll tend to see it around you more often, whether it's there or not. It's a form of confirmation bias, and while it has the best of intentions in this case, it may still lead you astray factually.

  3. My position is that what this kid did is absolutely wrong for both this kid and society, AND that the dog may have felt differently at the time. I'm not saying he didn't rape her, I'm rejecting your assumption that he did.

  4. Regarding defense of your home and loved ones, I'm saying that it's possible to gradually escalate the situation in many ways other than taking a shot, whether through shouting, talking it through, or intentionally missing. In fact, that is precisely what the owner did in this situation: she told the guy to get the fuck out, said she was getting her gun, got it, and fired a warning shot. She was happy she didn't have to kill this kid, because she didn't want that on her conscience. Considering the dude was buck naked and spouting crazy, and she thought he might have a knife or something, she may have been justified in shooting him. But it's better for everyone, including her and her dog, that she didn't.

  5. I'm guessing you've never looked into these laws state by state. They vary pretty damn wildly. In CT, the state where this happened, you actually have a Duty to Retreat if you are threatened and running away is an option: self-defense is something you have to demonstrate is the only option. Fortunately, CT also has a Castle Doctrine law which would apply here. Let's read it:

A person in possession or control of premises, or a person who is licensed or privileged to be in or upon such premises, is justified in using reasonable physical force upon another person when and to the extent that he reasonably believes such to be necessary to prevent or terminate the commission or attempted commission of a criminal trespass by such other person in or upon such premises; but he may use deadly physical force under such circumstances only (1) in defense of a person as prescribed in section 53a-19, or (2) when he reasonably believes such to be necessary to prevent an attempt by the trespasser to commit arson or any crime of violence, or (3) to the extent that he reasonably believes such to be necessary to prevent or terminate an unlawful entry by force into his dwelling as defined in section 53a-100, or place of work, and for the sole purpose of such prevention or termination.

In other words, if a "shoot first" reaction is unreasonable in the situation (some dude in a circle of his own clothing fucking your dog in the backyard, for instance), you can legally be held responsible for shooting the guy. The fact is, if you can reasonably be expected to think you can scare him off otherwise, you're required to do so.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-10-14 06:31:56

Can I just say it's very disturbing how you handled this? You got angry because this guy said he wouldn't be in the least bit happy to come home to see his dog being raped. You got angry because he'd defend his dog and more than likely himself..........this guy is wrong about you though in a way. He's saying you'll be a headline on the news. I think you're going to end up being a story on /r/NoSleep or /r/Nope or /r/Creepy or /r/horror or /r/WTF or /r/rage or /r/nottheonion at this rate. That's not a good thing! In addition you might end up on the freaking news over some shit like this! That entire.........thing was just disturbing more than disgusting. Hell several of your buddies here were creeped the fuck out by your comments! Now if you excuse me I'm going to nope the fuck away from you and hope we have never crossed paths in real life or on Reddit ever again.

P.S. Are you only pissed because this is an activity you regularly engage in and wish to NOT be shot in the process of said activity? Because you were way too riled up by AlphaOmegaSith saying he'd use a weapon to defend himself and the dignity and physical well being of his pet. That's what I'm getting from this exchange here.

Kynophile Dog lover 0 points on 2016-10-14 11:03:22

This is not anger. This is mild concern at best. Everything I've posted here, I've done with a sort of satisfaction at being level-headed and rational. The fact that I object to his histrionics says nothing of my emotions, much less my actions.

Also, there's a difference between not totally condemning someone's actions and condoning them. Could you please learn it?

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-10-14 16:10:39

This is mild concern at best.

For who?!?! The figurative dog rapist/burglar?!? Or the dog?!

being level-headed and rational.

Did you type this with a straight face?

The fact that I object to his histrionics says nothing of my emotions, much less my actions.

Ok maybe just MAYBE you're right and you're just trying to find a less violent solution to this guy figuratively finding his dog being violated by someone who broke into his apartment. However that's not the vibe I got from this post of from you. What the hell do you think goes through the mind of a person who finds a stranger in their house with their dick in their dog?! Oh never mind that the dog would be yelping or whining or struggling to get away or growling, you really think someone is going to look at that shit and think it's normal? You really think someone is just going to shrug and say "Oh don't mind me, please by all means continue and when you're both done be sure to clean off the floor and I'll give you a spare key for the next time you wanna fuck Fluffy"?!?! You really think they're not going to be horrified to see their dog being raped?!? Can you actually comprehend how someone that isn't you(ie someone who might be a fence jumper) or zoophile would feel seeing some shit like this? Because I don't think you're capable of such extraordinary comprehension! The only reason I replied to you was because I was just lurking this guy's comments and came upon this horror show.

Also, there's a difference between not totally condemning someone's actions and condoning them. Could you please learn it?

There's also a difference between how someone who isn't a Zoophile(or in your case a possible fence jumper) would react to seeing their dog being raped during a break in! Could YOU actually try to learn that?! Fuck, I liked that other Zoophile I talked to a few times here. He actually sounded sane and rational and, dare I say, like a decent human being and not like the type of guy who would trespass onto someone's property just because he thought they had a cute pit bull. Lastly you're not doing Zoophiles any favors here and I forgot to add /r/LetsNotMeet as a possible future you'll appear in or as a narrated story by Be.Busta or LazyMasquerade or urmaker or CorpseHusband. That's all but seriously try to actually put yourself in someone else's shoes here, maybe then you'll get why Alpha freaked out and why I'm freaking the hell out!

Kynophile Dog lover 0 points on 2016-10-14 21:28:31

Madam, in the case described, no such struggle was evident from the dog, hence my title alluding the the Sherlock Holmes tale "Silver Blaze." Also, you seem to think that there is nothing in between "kill that fucker with fire" and "let's debate this sensibly over tea and crumpets." There is a middle ground of gradual escalation, of threats and warnings and evaluation of the problem at hand, which is what the owner did and was grateful, afterwards, for having done.

To which other zoophile are you referring? I might be able to learn from them. I understand why you are freaking out, I just think you are wrong to do so, and I think that you are attempting to distance me from humanity as you know, to label me some kind of monster, because you would rather not acknowledge that someone could think as I do and not act in such horrendously stupid and self-destructive ways as the kid in this incident.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-10-15 10:42:35

and I think that you are attempting to distance me from humanity as you know, to label me some kind of monster, because you would rather not acknowledge that someone could think as I do and not act in such horrendously stupid and self-destructive ways as the kid in this incident.

Remember what I said about comprehension early? This is exactly what I was talking about.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-10-16 10:33:11

And you're 100% certain that this dog was basically making these happy mating noises of course.

I don't live in Connecticut and where I live the law differs greatly differs from the one in Connecticut. But anyway since you're still going on about what's acceptable "dog sex" and what's not(barely) give me your opinion on this Think this dog was making happy noises or do you think he was more than likely yelping his pain? And before you give some bullshit answer about anal sex causing injuries like this you're wrong. In humans this happens if a large object(toy, a particularly large penis, bottle ect) is inserted into the anal cavity without preparation beforehand such as stretching, massage and sufficient lubrication as well as the physical and mental relaxation of the person on the receiving end. If however the person is forcibly penetrated or attempts insertion without prior preparation you'll get the horrific injuries that are often the subject of embarrassing hospital visits. Or worse you end up with a case of someone having been anally raped ie sodomized.

In other words, if a "shoot first" reaction is unreasonable in the situation (some dude in a circle of his own clothing fucking your dog in the backyard, for instance), you can legally be held responsible for shooting the guy. The fact is, if you can reasonably be expected to think you can scare him off otherwise, you're required to do so.

And if I can't he/she/it catches a bullet in their leg or groin region. If I don't have my gun then they can explain to the cops why they're missing several teeth, their arm is twisted in the wrong direction and why their eye is swollen shut.

and I think that you are attempting to distance me from humanity as you know, to label me some kind of monster, because you would rather not acknowledge that someone could think as I do and not act in such horrendously stupid and self-destructive ways as the kid in this incident.

I know this wasn't directed at me but you're not exactly doing yourself any favors, so if you feel detached from humanity that's your problem.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-10-16 15:47:30

See, this situation is deserving of wrath. The dog was severely hurt, physically and emotionally, multiple times. Anal sex done right does not cause prolapses like this, in humans or in animals. This case is fucking disgusting and the person who did it should be beaten to death in the woods with a hammer with salt poured in the wounds.

That, however, is an extreme worst case. The case we were originally discussing had absolutely no such signs of injury, physical or emotional, according to vet exams afterwards. Also, your 'lesser' examples of beating are also things which need to be justified legally. I'm sure, practically, police would turn a blind eye because this seems so fucked up to you and them, but that doesn't mean your assault was absolutely fine.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-10-28 04:49:34

but that doesn't mean your assault was absolutely fine.

What makes you think I care? I have a right to protect myself, my property and my dog. The feelings of a lone Zoophile mean nothing.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-10-28 11:01:50

You and the law differ, it seems. I hope you never have to test that out in court.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-10-29 11:13:29

I hope you never have to test that out in court.

Don't do anything stupid and I won't have to test this out.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-10-30 03:14:55

I don't plan to. Can't say the same for idiots around you.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-03 02:55:30

Well then I'd really hate to be in the shoes of the idiot who tries anything.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-10-10 03:30:29

Also let me just say you seem to be very worried about people defending themselves and their pets from assault. You trying to say something there? Also you're really not helping your friends here at all with your mentality.

the_howler 3 points on 2016-09-05 06:40:00

This is what you got from reading that article? Wow buddy, I think we're going to be reading about you in the news eventually.

How about One: Don't fucking go onto other people's property and violate their property whether the violation be animal vegetable or mineral. In some states the owner could have simply shot him and been within their rights. Two: Who the fuck care's about consent in this example? It's not his dog. He requires mental help and obviously frightened the homeowner, you think anyone would give a shit about a consent argument in this case, even someone open minded?

The only possible thing incidents like this do are rack up examples for legal systems that people into animals are both criminal and often mentally unstable thereby justifying the common attitude of negativity. Yay!?

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-09-05 17:56:41

This is, legitimately, the worst fencehopping I've ever read about in terms of publicity, just for the sheer insanity presented throughout. Also, by the same token, it's not a typical case, nor should it be viewed as one. If someone is stupid enough to think that this actually represents all zoos, they have severe confirmation bias or difficulty understanding human beings in general.

peacheslala97 1 point on 2016-09-10 08:33:43

Gee thanks for putting us on the /u/CringeAnarchy radar again with that stupid comment. Bravo-___-

the_egoldstein 5 points on 2016-09-05 10:54:23

Crazy man does crazy things, news at 10.

42LSx 2 points on 2016-09-05 12:42:51

I hope they didn't shoot/put to sleep the dog in the aftermath?

horse_account 1 point on 2016-09-05 17:38:20

Why would they do that? And why are you asking us if you hope they didn't?

42LSx 1 point on 2016-09-05 22:53:23

Police loves to shoot dogs for no reason. I'm asking because it concerns me? Who else should I ask about this issue if not this thread..?

Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2016-09-05 17:53:20

Thankfully, no. She was treated at the vet and went home safe and sound.

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2016-09-05 15:24:30

Sounds like psychosis.

I'm glad the dog seems to be all right.

horse_account 1 point on 2016-09-05 18:53:52

Wow...ISIS have really gone off the deep end, haven't they?

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-09-05 20:12:45

No... the guy was just brown and crazy. He also said he was spreading ebola because that was another scary thing in the news.

horse_account 1 point on 2016-09-05 20:25:01

I was joking. I doubt ISIS actually told him to do this. I'm pretty sure they execute you for bestiality.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-09-05 20:32:19

It's been on here before. They do.

peacheslala97 2 points on 2016-09-10 08:35:21

Great more fence hoppers.