Is it it illegal to just watch porn? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-09-07 00:13:22 by ImThinkingofwathing

I've never watched it and I'm just genuinly curious, but I heard its illegal in most states. Wikipedia isn't really specific on the Watching part. It seems that Oklahoma is really strict, but I'm not sure. I've never watched that type of porn, but the idea of just watching it turns me on for some reason.

ZooMasil 3 points on 2016-09-07 00:58:04

As a general rule I think mos people here avoid that kind of stuff for a few reasons, the "beast porn" industry is pretty fucked up with their treatments of animals and it just seems kinda sad. Some people however will go look at stuff from people who are ethical practitioners and such, so there's the ethical question of it, if you don't give a shit about that stuff the actual legality on the subject I think is pretty strait forward, if you're in the US you're fine, if you're in the UK well too bad(don't know about those other countries). At least that's what I thought the last time I looked.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-09-08 05:25:17

"stuff from people who are ethical practicioners"...well, in porn, you only get to see what the editor wants you to see. What you identify as "ethical" practicioners might turn out to be just the same type of assholes as the "pro" animal porn industry, with all of the bad and abusive behavior involved when the camera isn´t rolling.

One could even argue easily that recording animal porn is an unethical practice per se because the animal is used for financial and/or personal gain (Fame/reputation, advertizing for your own little animal brothel, etc.) , as it can be witnessed in Beastforum. BF also is one of the worst when it comes to "converting" "amateur" animal porn into cash. The stuff that is uploaded to BF by "amateurs" can be found on New Caledonian´s pay sites and thus it is turned into "pro" porn. Basically anything you can see on the internet is turned into a happy buck in one way or another. I´ve even heard from several "amateurs" selling their own stuff on DVD to the "friends" they make in BF, turning those "ethical" practicioners into semi-pro porn entrepeneurs themselves.

I´ve even witnessed one of those "ethical" contributors of BF being exposed as a violent asshole brutalizing his horses. In his little films, he acted "ethically",, how can you ever be sure you´re not watching an animal abuser only acting "ethical" when the camera is rolling?

Fact is that watching animal porn supports nasty folks with oftentimes highy dubious behavior when the camera isn´t recording. Claiming there is "ethical" animal porn might be one of the biggest lies commonly believed by the so called "zoo community". Pornography is only ethical when ALL participants are 100% aware of ALL consequences. Animals surely can understand the concept of love or mutual pleasure gained by sexual activity, but they can´t grasp the concept behind pornography. They aren´t aware of the fact their "ethical" owner is turning them into "porn stars" for the world wide wanker community. Also, there is what may be the only accurate statement that has been made by ZETA: "Animal porn is mainly made for NON ZOOS, for the ones seeking for the "special" thrill, for the unusual, for the uncommon, for the perverted. AP aims mostly at bored "normals", not at zoophiles , as actual practicioners all know how twisted and contorted the image of actual zoophilia given by animal porn really is."

Publishing animal porn also increases the chances of getting caught as fur patterns of animals are unique as fingerprints and identifying a "zoo" owner through analyzing AP isn´t rare. We all know how lethal an exposure can be for the involved animals, most of the "porn stars" are euthanized when the owner gets caught.

Ethicality and animal porn, two words that don´t mix well IMHO. Feeding the porn craze, making the top level profiteurs richer and richer, increasing the risk of the animal being killed etc....all of that for people who mistake consuming another ones sexuality for exploring their own sexuality. Science has shown the potential dangers of porn addiction, your brain basically shows the same reactions when consuming porn as if you would snort cocaine...and it´s only "normal" porn that has been researched. I woulnd´t be surprised much if it turns out more extreme porn has even higher addictive potential.

To summarize it: there is no ethical animal porn, not even one megabyte of it. Be aware you´re supporting a shadow industry by consuming AP, even if you are totally convinced it´s "amateur", "non profit"...each click makes one asshole wealthier and wealthier, you can be sure of that.

MyBigK9 Canid lupus 1 point on 2016-09-08 17:24:40


What would happen if all those websites got taken down? I find that question curious. Would people then have no choice but to retort to drawings and better safer animal porn? I'd be fine with that since I love to draw. I kind of see it as a bad thing too, because then wouldn't that make some of them go out and get dogs or animals to do such actions with? Or is that totally wrong of me to think like that? I am not for AP. I just question what would happen if certain websites suddenly were to shut down and people could no longer make money off the production of their porn. I think it would be great. I don't understand how people make money doing those things on the web but it sickens me to think it does happens. :(

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-09-23 08:38:33

Studies shows that lack of porn increases sexual assault/rape. This applies to normal human porn, child porn, zoo porn and any kind of porn. I think the logic goes that people would rater jerk of at home with a legal option rather than risk doing something illegal with a living being, but if they have no porn access, urges build up and they do stupid shit with living beings and end up abusing or raping out of sexual frustration.

MyBigK9 Canid lupus 1 point on 2016-09-25 05:59:06

Thats very interesting. Are these studies available for the public to access and read on the web? I'd like to read up on some these topics. Cause I do find it interesting. And I do not understand the logic behind people thinking of doing such actions, and would like to read up on the psych of that too. Thanks for the reply by the way.

Aluzky 2 points on 2016-09-26 04:07:14

You can probably find pieces of them (summarized reports) in different sites, if you want to read the full study, you normally have to pay for it and download it from some university or library (through the internet)

Google: More porn less sexual crime. Google: Relationship between child pornography and child sexual abuse (Wikipedia, there is mentioned the studies that show that childporn legal = lower child abuse, or at least not an increase)

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 8 points on 2016-09-07 18:54:38

You'd be best off checking your local laws (usually easily googled) as it varies enormously from place to place.

As /u/zoomasil also outlined, be considerate of what content you support with your viewership because there is an enormous amount of immoral and abusive content on the web. I personally stick most with anthro and feral yiff, basically drawn pornographic art found in the furry scene. It's also nice in a way because if you have fetishes you'd want to incorporate(such as being tied up, etc) there is usually an artist who has drawn or draws specifically what you may like, and many also do commissions.

It's not quite the same and for some it could take some getting used to or coming around to but it's a very easy to find and safe outlet that you can't be incriminated for possessing unless you live in a culture that favors censorship

ZooMasil 5 points on 2016-09-07 20:33:40

Anthro o.O Reeeeeeee we have a normie.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 5 points on 2016-09-07 21:04:57

Lol it's gotta be realistic but sometimes you gotta make do

HendorneEndohRoth 7 points on 2016-09-07 23:41:29

He said also feral, which I agree makes do since it's illegal for me to view real stuff.

West_dogger niks soos die liefde van 'n hond 1 point on 2016-09-17 06:44:10

Go away trash.
