Dogs trained to sniff out porn find flash drives in difficult places (
submitted 2016-09-07 01:01:48 by farva_gsd
Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 1 point on 2016-09-08 02:52:20

I read an article about drug-sniffing dogs in a magazine a couple weeks ago, but this is incredible! I would've never guessed electronics and USBs and things had unique scents. It always amazes me how amazing dogs' sense of smell is.

MyBigK9 Canid lupus 1 point on 2016-09-08 19:45:24

This was an awesome read. And its really great the dog that was taken back to the pound got picked again. Though it makes me wonder.. If other dogs get sent to the pound for failing tests what happens to them? ~,~

Hope the best for these guys.. And I guess I should destroy my USB's full of artwork in the dump. •_•

tencendur_ Neeeigh 1 point on 2016-09-15 22:27:59

Just encrypt the hell out of the USB drives before putting things you don't want to be found in them.

You get bonus points if you overwrite the encryped filesystems with pseudo-random data before you put an USB drive in the bin.

tundrovvy-volk I told you I'd be back. 4 points on 2016-09-09 01:29:51

smut mutt

That's fantastic. x3