CEO of the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies: "We Can't Shut Our Eyes To Bestiality Anymore" (
submitted 2016-09-11 13:01:07 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2016-09-11 13:03:33

First we read the tired old opinions about this supposed link:

For one, we're loathe to admit that bestiality happens in Canada and often coincides with child sexual abuse. Recently, there have been three high-profile cases involving the sexual abuse of animals and children in Canada. The link between these two crimes has been confirmed again and again

but at the end of the article we're seen a positive surprise:

Hearing about these cases, you may think that the link between the abuse of humans and animals incidental -- that abusers simply choose many ways to express those tendencies. In fact, several research studies conducted across North America confirm that the co-occurrence of these crimes represents an established pattern that is known as The Violence Link.

In one of the numerous studies done on this topic, researchers found that animal abuse was more clearly correlated to family violence than poor mental health, drinking or drug abuse. As well, most serial killers and mass murders choose to "rehearse" with animals before they start killing humans.

Unfortunately they still miss to ask the obvious question about the people who do not fall into this category.

Maybe one day...

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2016-09-11 15:31:49

It would be easier for the true zoos if our community would start to take care of what the fuck is going on in the name of "zoophilia" instead of being just a bunch of delusional, self centered fuckheads only interested in their "special snowflake" status and clinging onto their "tolerance" bogus bullshit.

Seriously, what is it you expected would come from this all inclusive attitude. "NO, man, everyone fucking animals is a zoophile! You´re an intolerant asshole trying to split up our oh so harmless community!"

Well, technically it isn´t wrong to link bestiality to violent behavior. There are many who are members of "our" community and expose very dubious, despicable motives to engage in this form of sexuality. Our community mostly consists of folks like the ones the article rightfully showed as an example. Unless you all finally realise that the criticism from the antis isn´t just totally made up and drawn out of the blue, this whole "zoo rights" bullshit is seen by society as it is....bullshit.

When indifference is mistaken as tolerance, then conclusions like the ones drawn by the antis are totally legit. I say that time for "tolerance" is over. We all need to apply some heavy amounts of "scene hygiene" and drive out all of the ones with clearly identifiable dubious motives. Look where our "tolerance" of almost every cancerous behavior has led us, look how futile any attempt of "teaching the public" has become due to the vast destructiveness that our community suffers from. Stop your "all inclusive" bullshit now! Start anew, throw away all of the previous failed approaches.

Regulation is the key. Without mandatory rules, our community is nothing more than a bunch of perverted dickheads...without consequences like being expelled from the community for violating rules, we won´t get anywhere.

Stubbornnness won´t change a fucking thing, folks! Get rid of your "tolerance", it´s time to be a "jugemental asshole"....for the sake of hope, for the possibility of a better future, for the self image zoophiles usually tend to carry around as if it were a shield.

Fill the zeta rules with life! Don´t use them as cheap excuses. These rules have been invented for a reason...and it´s not to dismiss any sexual adventurousness, but to ensure we zoophiles have a steady moral fundament to argue from.

Fuck "tolerance"!

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 1 point on 2016-09-11 16:39:08

we need to further separate zoophilia from bestiality.

fuzzyfurry 6 points on 2016-09-11 17:48:28

I didn't see where anyone here has shown much tolerance towards the guy who was the reason this went to the canadian supreme court. As far as I can see the lack of vocal opposition comes from people not including people like him in "the community" in the first place.

Well, technically it isn´t wrong to link bestiality to violent behavior.

It is wrong, in how it is often presented. That's why I was surprised to get a more elaborate version here:

Hearing about these cases, you may think that the link between the abuse of humans and animals incidental -- that abusers simply choose many ways to express those tendencies. In fact, several research studies conducted across North America confirm that the co-occurrence of these crimes represents an established pattern that is known as The Violence Link.

You can purge everyone you don't like from the community as much as you want, she will still not acknowledge that people like you exist.

zetas212 1 point on 2016-09-14 21:26:20

He just wants to say "I told you so!" so badly that he re-frames past instances of being a dick as his way of warning everyone that this would happen

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 6 points on 2016-09-11 18:03:47

instead of being just a bunch of delusional, self centered fuckheads

I think you only speak for yourself there.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 7 points on 2016-09-12 01:14:48

Fuck "tolerance"!

How about no?

I don't know what fantasy realm you live in 30-30, but nearly none of these news cases I read about have people active in this "community" you seem so eager to cleanse.

huskyencroacher lel 5 points on 2016-09-12 16:33:11

Unless you all finally realise that the criticism from the antis isn´t just totally made up and drawn out of the blue

Hahaha. Let's look at the article's comments.

Some actually scientifically make no difference between humans and animals, and it is impossible to get them to think otherwise. When you cross that line, then I guess it is easier to lose your human decency. And this way of thinking (humans are animals) is spreading, then we wonder why abnormal sexual behavior is on the rise too, and more accepted, even encouraged by some media people, like that article about how we should enjoy sodomy (anal sex), published by this very site...And don't forget, if some animal sodomise each other, then it's a scientific proof that it's a sane sexual activity...


All sexual interference. Sexual touching, oral sex, all of it. Focusing solely on penetration leaves out a lot of damaging and exploitative behaviours that harm animals.

Except when it's done in the context of meat/dairy production. Or breeding of animals. Basically, if money is involved, it's okay. The act isn't the problem. The intention behind the act is.

Lumping animals and children together bothers you, Dave Jones. Why is this..let's look at how they are similair..children in most casses can not speak for themselves in regards to abuse, animals can not speak out about their abuse, both are in positions of trust believing the people who are to protect them will keep them safe when they don't, evidence is needed since the court does not go by words, both are vulnerable in our society. I see no different between the two actually.

... In other words, animals = dogs. And not even all dogs, it seems. Let's just ignore all the animals forced in containment so we can harvest their produce, slaughter them for food, test pharmaceuticals on them... Let's ignore animals forced to work for us, often in deplorable conditions and often risking their lives in the process. Let's ignore how society as a whole views animals as mere objects of property. Let's ignore that every aspect of their lives (down to the integrity of their biological mechanisms) is completely in the hands of their owner, for good or bad. There is indeed no different [sic] between children and animals.

Don't get me wrong, I am highly doubtful of a lot of self-proclaimed zoophiles' motives. But yes, the majority of the criticism of "anti-zoos" is absolute bullshit. The average "anti" is named Linda, is in her thirties, lives in the suburbs, is a soccer mom, owns a neutered Golden Retriever bought from the pet store and was raised by Disney movies to see animals as perpetual children. She considers herself an "animal activist" despite eating meat daily, raising her children to do the same, encouraging puppy mills, buying fur articles from China made from animals skinned alive, feeds her pet Beneful on a daily basis... She does not have the presence of mind to take a position on an issue unless the media brings her attention to it. Even then, the only action she will ever accomplish is writing a message on facebook about how it's sooooo wrong to kill wolves or how her precious fur baby is compromised by evil bestialists.

Linda is an "anti." I don't concern myself with her, and neither should anyone here.

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2016-09-12 17:07:30

feeds her pet Beneful on a daily basis...

Saw this on /r/vegan yesterday.

They also had this link saying it's unlikely to be really bad, but could happen.

huskyencroacher lel 2 points on 2016-09-12 19:19:12

I don't remember where I've seen the study, but it's been proven that dogs who eat fresh, unprocessed aliments have significantly less odds of developing cancer. It's not like any of this is surprising. Food made for humans is garbage, what do we expect from what goes into the food we feed our pets?

So do many other facilities that find themselves with large volumes of otherwise unusable dead animal parts, including animal shelters and veterinary clinics that euthanize a lot of animals.

Holy shit

zetas212 1 point on 2016-09-14 21:40:29

And who do you propose should be in charge of this ethnic ethical cleansing? Anyone who nominates themselves or who wants to be in charge should immediately be disqualified IMO, as they clearly don't understand the implications of what they would want to do.

What metric should be in place to judge others in a manner that could never be exploited? By what process should it be created? What's to stop someone from being a petty shithead and fabricating evidence against someone they had a disagreement with?

Fill the zeta rules with life! Don´t use them as cheap excuses. These rules have been invented for a reason...and it´s not to dismiss any sexual adventurousness, but to ensure we zoophiles have a steady moral fundament to argue from.

Creating a set of rules to govern everyone isn't required to not be abusive. What is the end goal of these "rules" anyway? Anyone who violates a rule can't call themselves a zoophile? Yeah, good luck with that.

Frostfedora Captain Esports 4 points on 2016-09-12 13:53:22

I usually open my eyes to bestiality.

huskyencroacher lel 1 point on 2016-09-12 15:48:50

Aaah, Canada. Land of the virtue signaling cucks. Concern for animal welfare is never actually an issue. Torturing an animal to death still only gets you a few months of jail time, if any. None if your goal was to produce a steak. The only reason why bestiality is bad is because putting peanut butter on your balls and letting the dog lick only logically leads to raping children, obviously. Causality = causation. Everyone knows this. It's basic philosophy, people!

We Can't Shut Our Eyes To Bestiality Anymore

Well, we shut our eyes to our government selling arms to oppressive regimes around the world, I think we'll be fine.

fuzzyfurry 4 points on 2016-09-12 17:22:57



only logically leads to raping children, obviously

I actually read the whole article before scrolling up again and seeing that it was written by Barbara Cartwright, CEO of the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, then it all made sense. Every single time I've seen any utterance from the humane society on the topic it has been highly opiniated and was light on facts. For some reason they seem to have the most trouble grasping simple concepts there.

zetas212 1 point on 2016-09-14 21:23:08

It's much easier to secure funding if you appeal to people's emotions and don't waste time with facts or nuance

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-09-18 10:13:12

Hearing about these cases, you may think that the link between (sexual contact with) humans and animals incidental

I do, yes... but it also sounds like a coalition. One in three plus one in thirteen plus... fuck, who else can we chuck on this boat?

Other voices think the same way...

todaywefox 2 points on 2016-09-19 03:12:11

Trust me, your border collie is kind of hot but your kid is a disgusting little bacteria that I really don't even want to be around. Not to say I go around fondling other peoples pets, I don't, but sometimes the mind wanders.

Cyenawe 2 points on 2016-09-21 08:04:33

"We can't ignore bestiality anymore, but factory farming and all that barbarism, we're cool with that."

And people ask me why I struggle with misanthropy...