Questions from someone who wants to support. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-09-20 04:52:09 by [deleted]


Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-09-20 06:52:40

Do you guys feel an emotional love for animals as well as a sexual desire for them? Do you guys feel as if you genuinely could be in love with an animal?


Do you love all animals or are there certain animals you feel attracted to?

There are certain species I find attractive, and many that I don't. That's pretty standard among zoos, though how broad a person's interests are, species-wise, varies quite a bit. Also, to note, the species that I find sexually attractive are not always those that I find romantically attractive - for instance, I find Sea Lions incredibly attractive on a purely physical level, but not really much emotional connection there. On the other hand, I find dogs both sexually attractive and emotionally attractive.

Also Im curious as to why one would be attracted to a certain animal and not others. Because of them being cuter maybe?

That's difficult to answer. The reasons behind sexual attraction with respect to zoophilia are not at all well understood. I could tell you what traits I find attractive about certain species, and what traits I find unattractive about others, if you like, but I can't necessarily tell you why I find those traits attractive. Would you like me to elaborate a bit?

If a human has sex with an animal is it always rape? Because I always hear people say that it is cuz they can't consent cuz they can't speak and whatnot.

I don't think so. In fact, I strongly argue that it is not always rape, because we can determine consent. Speech actually isn't necessary - even among humans, sexual encounters, even of the purely consensual kind, aren't necessarily based on verbal consent, but on body language.

If a dog, for instance, has their ears perked forward, their mouth open and relaxed, is pushing back against the human, has exhibited flagging behavior, and is all-around indicating that they are happy participants, what sense does it make to say they aren't consenting?

Likewise, if a dog is growling, hackles raised, nipping or biting, trying to move away, and so on, clearly it's not happy with what's going on.

Really, it's not too different from any other behavior. Pet a dog, and you ought to understand if it likes the way it is being pet, or if it doesn't.

Do you guys think sex with animals should be legal? And if so why? (Idk if it's legal or not tbh haha)

Bestiality and the law is rather complex. There are places where it's outright illegal, places where it has been legalized, places where it might not be explicitly illegal, but you will still be penalized (sometimes by irrelevant laws - such as statutory rape, because the animal wasn't over the age of 18, as an example).

Anyway, I think it should be legal, for various reasons. One being that it can be practiced morally, which is the most important part, but more than that, making it illegal pushes it underground... Which means it is actually harder to spot when abuse is going on. Plus, lives are ruined from it being illegal - both human (legal repercussions, being forced to hide an aspect of yourself, which can impact depression and whatnot), and animal (because often animals are euthanized when they've been part of such relationships, and even if not, they are still separated from their human family and lover).

What's the best way to support you guys? I really support you guys already! I respect you guys, and I want you to know that I am a huge huge huge ally. That's why I'm here asking so I know more about you guys.

That's difficult to answer. I suppose I would say, try to defend zoophilia when the subject comes up - and do so intelligently (obviously don't defend rapists, for instance). Changing other people into allies is a great thing...

Right now I don't know what else can be done. Maybe others will have a better answer for you here.

Susitar Canidae 6 points on 2016-09-20 07:00:56
  1. Yes.

  2. I'm attracted to humans and canines. And not all dogs. Just male dogs (even though I'm bisexual for humans), and just the one's that are both handsome and have a good personality.

  3. No, I don't think it's always rape. Animals mate with each other, they have ways of communicating that they want to mate. With patience and knowledge, we can learn to understand those signals. Just as pet owners can learn to understand when their pet is afraid, wants food, wants to be pet... Sex is not that different. Also, it has happened that some male animals have tried to rape humans (for instance, dolphins molesting divers). It would be ridiculous to blame the human in those cases.

  4. Yes. It was technically legal in Sweden until a couple of years ago. If an animal was harmed, regardless of the context and and whether it was physical or psychological, the law regarded it as animal abuse. There was no specific ban on sex with animals. We didn't have any epidemic of animal rape cases. And banning an activity that doesn't harm anyone is hypocritical.

  5. Read and learn about zoophilia and the sexuality of animals, and have the guts say something if the subject ever comes up!

If someone says that people who are sexually attracted to animals deserve to die, speak up and say you disagree. Point out that zoophiles can fall in love with animals, a lot of people think we want to have sex with animals out of pure desperation and sexual depravation. But I have a boyfriend, so my attraction to dogs is not about being desperate for sex.

If someone claims that animals only have sex for procreation, give them the truth instead (, that animals have gay sex, masturbate, mate across species boundaries etc.

Don't judge people based on their sexual preferences, but by their actions.

Don't defend actual animal rapists or abusers. Don't support commercial animal porn, where the actresses are usually not zoophiles and the animals might not be treated as they should be. That type of porn is made for people with a bestiality fetish, usually men who like seeing women getting banged by "an ugly beast", not for people who love animals.

Remember that zoophiles can be male, female, straight, gay, bi, from the countryside or from the city... We are different. Speak up against stereotypes that we are all ugly men from rural areas, it's just not true.

ThrowwwayGurl 2 points on 2016-09-20 08:49:54

Thank you for taking the time to understand those who have such different lives!

I think almost everyone here or in the zoo community has a different story and attitude, from people who are exclusive to animals to people like myself who may have had an experience or an attraction but are not interested in doing anything past fantasy. There has been much debate over what actually constitutes a "real" zoophile from what I've seen.

I'll answer your questions from a personal perspective because there are way too many shades on this spectrum to cover everything.

  1. I had both, but mostly only with one animal, and both feelings developed simultaneously, very much like a human relationship. I was kind of in love with him, in that he made me feel good and I wanted his company as much as possible and we seemed to understand each other on a few different levels. But love is a huge, loaded word and means so many thing to so many people. I say I was "kind of" in love only because later in life I learned the deeper kind of relationship that you can have with the right human, and it's a very different flavor.

  2. I've thought long and hard about this. I'm mostly entirely attracted to a specific set of features found in wolves and wolf-like dogs like Shepherds, Malamutes and other large breeds with predatory features. They look absolutely gorgeous to me and always have. I have no idea why. I know lots of people refer to wolves and similar looking dogs as "beautiful" and "handsome" but for me those terms are on the same level as when I say those things about an attractive human. Like, I could imagine touching them, kissing them, sharing intimacy with them, and I get that same fluttery feeling deep in my core. No other animal, predator or otherwise, sparks that feeling in me. A misfiring in my brain? something happened as a tiny baby that I don't remember? A flipped genetic memory of predators in the wild and that fear is being transmuted to excitement? I've philosophized all these ideas in depth and am no closer to a good answer.

  3. I think the number of times I've given verbal consent to a human partner I could count on one hand, and those few times are just my husband saying "wanna do it?" as we loaf around on a weekend. Ever other time I've ever been intimate with someone else, they have communicated their intent to me very clearly, sometimes too clearly, by way of touching, looking, breathing, kissing and even forceful desires to take control. My first lover initiated his intentions the exact same way. I didn't give consent either. So who raped who? I can't speak for male humans and female animals, but I'm pretty sure most people who love their partners are going to be equally respectful and have no desire to hurt those they love. People don't see to trust this, probably because they can't imagine being that close to another creature.

  4. No. I don't trust people enough to have the love and respect to animals. Part of the reason that the laws are in place is so that animals aren't hurt and exploited systematically, for entertainment and profit. And given the HUGE number of guys who have messaged me that they want to watch me have sex with a dog, some even offering to pay, I have a feeling that the last thing we want is the humiliation/degradation fetishists out there to have freedom to do what they want with whatever they want. The law is unfair to some people, and really, really needs an overhaul, but I don't want to see it go away entirely.

  5. Public attitude is not changing anytime soon, maybe not ever. It's as horrendous as child abuse to many people. But you can help educate and correct people so that maybe at least people will "chill out" a little and let other people live in peace and love who and what they want to love. One thing you can do, strangely enough has nothing to do with zoophilia directly so it's safe for anyone to champion. You can educate people to STOP TREATING THEIR PETS LIKE BABIES. I'm beyond frustrated inside every time I'm at someone's home and they have a little Pomeranian or a neutered poodle or something and they spoil it, dress it in baby clothes, baby-talk to it, give it food off their plates and respond to it like it's helpless. Animals are NOT people, and adult animals should be treated as such because it's very bad for dogs particularly to be babied and looked at like children. Get rid of this attitude and you make great strides towards the public beginning to recognize that animals, like people, grow up, mature and have desires and feelings much like our own.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 2 points on 2016-09-20 11:39:16

May I recommend the book "Understanding Bestiality and Zoophilia" to you? It is a bit biased, but it is the closest thing I have found to a serious study on the matter. It includes surveys and statistics regarding those questions.

In the end of the day, the answer you are going to get from each zoo depends on each.

1 - Zoophilia refers to having a romantic interest for the animal, bestiality refers to sex alone. Zoophilia has a romance component by definition.

2 - Some zoos are into most or any animal, some are just into some species or just one. Some are also into humans, some are not.

3 - I wouldn't think it is always rape.

4 - It should be not illegal. Ethics appart, illegalizing sexual interaction with animals would kill the food industry. Many breeding farms are industrialized rape facilities. The fact that a government would ban recreative sex while keeping industrialized sex legal is not ethically consistent.

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2016-09-20 11:47:30
  1. I don't know if I can genuinely love anyone, human or nonhuman, but yes. It comes with a bunch of empathy too. It really brings me down to see how many people don't give a second thought about killing and eating animals.
  2. It varies of course, but in general I'd say most so called "higher animals", in their own ways. Why do I find dogs more attractive than some other animals? Your guess is as good as mine. Why do "normal" people find certain traits like certain hair colors or certain breast sizes more attractive than others? It just happens.
  3. That's a question people seem very unwilling to discuss. Just ask what exactly consent means in terms of nonhuman animals and to what degree they may give consent to different things and to what degree they can or need to be "informed" so it's sufficient. I've yet to see a good discussion about this issue, usually it's just "animals can't consent, so it's rape, period" and that's all you're ever going to get from people. Sometimes you get "but they can't give fully informed consent", but then people don't see that fully informed consent is a fiction anyway. You'll probably never going to find two people who were fully informed about all possible consequences before having sex. What if they both unknowingly have dangerous diseases and when they have sex, they combine into a super disease that brings about the zombie apocalypse? If you haven't thought about that, you haven't consented! Anyway, here is a scenario. You are naked, tied up and completely unable to move in any way. A dog comes along and decides to mate with you. Did you rape the dog? Now you do the same thing, but without being restrained. Still the same answer? Especially from antispeciesists I expect more acknowledgement that animals are subjects who autonomously make decisions regarding their own bodies and sexuality. But in most animal rights circles, sexuality is not even an issue worth looking at and what would be considered a severe violation of human rights is regarded as normal and allowed by default: surgically destroying/removing sexual organs. And that's even though there are less invasive methods available today to sterilize animals while keeping their sexual hormones and sexuality intact. Sounds a bit like whataboutism, but I think it's a relevant question to look into why certain people are so concerned about their perceived lack of sexual consent, yet have no concern whatsoever about surgically removing sexuality.
  4. Yes, because by default everything should be legal. The laws shouldn't define what you're allowed to do, but what you're not allowed to do. And there only should be laws when there's a reason to protect something. So of course, forcing or coercing animals to have sex (aka rape) should be illegal to protect the animals' sexual autonomy and interests, but if both partners are willing and there's no harm done I fail to see a reason for making it illegal.
  5. Because of the previous point I don't think there's much to do except one thing: Scientific long term studies about the mental and physical health of nonhuman animals in sexual relationships with humans, then create appropriate laws, banning what's harmful, allowing what's not harmful. On a social level there is little hope to make a major change anytime soon. But maybe people can be brought to understand that zoophiles are not just "the evil others", but that there are normal people all over the world who grew up normally and for no particular reason are struggling with this, often for years, before coming to terms with it. Or not. Maybe they hate themselves all their lives. Maybe they commit suicide. There are no statistics. How many parents lost their children to suicide without knowing they being a zoophile was the cause? What opinions would they have held had they known it?

FYI, I think your post contains some red flags.

One time I tried to message someone from here

Honestly, I would love to be friends with some of you guys

I am a huge huge huge ally

If a human has sex with an animal is it always rape?

Why would you be an ally and then ask that last question?

You repeatedly mention that you want to be friends with people and are eager to contact them (privately). I give it a 50:50 chance that you're either genuine, or that you're a cop trying to entrap people by trying to look innocent and genuine with those questions.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-09-20 23:52:44


fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2016-09-21 00:24:59

it just cuz they don't want them to produce more puppies right?

Vasectomies and tubal ligations do that job perfectly fine without altering the hormones and behavior of the animals. Just google advantages of "neutering" and you'll find a lot of praise for how it supposedly improves the behavior, whatever is meant by "improve".

First of all none of you are doing anything illegal????

Some do, depending on where they are. Check out Sheriff Joe Arpaio:

In the decade since, Arpaio said the unit has arrested 10 individuals for bestiality with a 100-percent conviction rate resulting from guilty pleas. The latest arrest occurred on May 4, which Arpaio said was the second arrest of 2016.

These arrests are usually the culmination of months-long investigations, sometimes spanning more than a year, Evans said. Investigating bestiality cases is “more than a 24/7 job,” he added.

He said he scans websites like Craigslist and bestiality forums every day for posts advertising animals for sex or seeking animals for sex, then fires off responses to the ads. Once he connects with a suspect, Evans said he spends months exchanging e-mails and text messages before arranging a date, time, and place to meet.

One poorly worded text or delayed response can unravel months of work, he said.

“You have to keep corresponding with these people or they're gone,” he said.

The regulars here won't be up for that type of activity, but that doesn't mean law enforcement is not fishing for it anyway.

Also I feel like a cop would probably use a new account and not post all the time on the subreddits I post in.

Maybe, maybe not. It's not that relevant whether I believe it, it's about what is possible.

Quixenare 2 points on 2016-09-20 11:56:03

Thank you for actually trying to understand us.

  1. I do.

  2. Canines only. Yes, all of them.
    They're beautiful creatures. Everything about them is a work of art.

  3. Not always.
    There's people who rape animals by forcing them, but zoophiles don't do that since we actually care about them and understand them.
    Sometimes you have them to get them in the ''mood'', too. Also, some animals (or atleast dogs) enjoy it. This is obvious because of body language.

  4. Yes. I don't see a downside to it since we don't hurt anyone by doing it.
    Ofcourse we'd need a few rules for this, like not actually forcing the animal.
    But it's kind of sick if you take anyone's animal away.
    Only harm is done that way.

  5. I honestly have no idea.
    You see, it's very hard to support a group no one wants to understand.

I'd say you can defend zoophillia when people talk about it.
It's very risky, though. (People will usually instantly look down on you.)

Also defend actual zoophillia, not rape or anything like that.

It really warms my heart that there are people like you that actually want to understand us.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 8 points on 2016-09-20 12:53:03

I am going to answer number 3 specifically because everyone here has done a pretty good job of answering the other questions(3 as well, just wanted a further POV) so I didn't think it necessary.

A lot of people assume due to the misconstrued fact that humans and dolphins are the only species that mate for pleasure. I would like to correct that, just in case you think that as well. The actual factoid is that humans and dolpins are the only species(theres a couple other new ones too) that don't just have sex for reproductive purposes. AKA, within human and dolphin social structure, having sex serves other purposes. Such as socially, which can be witnessed a lot in today's society. However, that does not mean that animals only want to reproduce. Dogs don't exactly think like that. The reason dogs have sex, and the reason you can see dogs trying to hump legs in a sexual way, or hump pillows and blankets, is because the act of sex feels good. They still have nerves just like humans and when those nerves are touched the right way it is literally orgasmic. Now, with knowing that dogs do not integrate sex as a special part of "dog culture," and knowing that they do indeed derive pleasure from it just as much as about any other animal, it is at this point very easy to draw a comparison to something non-sexual, such as playing with a toy, or wanting to go for a walk, or being pet. Dogs want to do stuff thats fun. Sex is fun and feels good to them, they think nothing more of it. This doesn't mean they always want to have sex, just like they don't always want to go outside or always want to be pet. However, just like other things they do to signal--for example being pet(pawing at you) or wanting to go outside(barking or circling at the door)-- it is very easy for them to indicate that they would like a little stimulation. One of my dogs will relentlessly try to hump my leg and turn up the charm, doing things like licking my ears and face and foot, just like he would a bitch, and my other dog will sit and posture himself in a specific way, because hes weird and likes doing "things" sitting down(sorry if thats tmi, real world examples aren't often explained). So, with all of this information on hand, I would say that not only can dogs consent, but given the way they(scientifically observed by a third party, not by us zoophiles so there is no manipulation of research) view sex and how they enjoy the act, it is also quite easy to read signs for it as well. Will your average Fido down the block have a signal for when he wants sex? Probably not, because it is more something that develops after they know it is a possibility, getting stimulation from their owners. However, it certainly does happen.

TLDR: Animals such as dogs DO derive pleasure from sex, and they do not use it as a social component in their societal structure. This makes knowing when they want sex pretty easy.

urdaughtersacutie ally 0 points on 2016-09-20 15:08:08

Oh, hey, buddy, what's up?

Do you guys think sex with animals should be legal?

Mostly, yes.

And if so why?

More specifically, I don't believe in one law for one group and a different law for another group.

:) Good to see you here...

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-09-20 18:53:47


urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-09-20 19:42:25

The heart of a revolutionary is love, brother, and it ain't over 'till everyone is liberated...

I'm really glad that you've decided to become an ally for other groups!

Remember how I refused to let any orientation get linked to this account?


doghumper 9 points on 2016-09-20 15:38:04

Nobody bothered clicking on this guys posting history and seeing that he has hundreds of posts in /r/pedofriends?

With all the anti-zoo activists trying to draw comparisons between pedophilia and zoophilia I don't think that's an alliance you want

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-09-20 17:22:49

Meh, why the downvotes for this?

I mean I won't say no to any ally, but this is certainly a legitimate point.

duskwuff 3 points on 2016-09-21 16:38:19

I mean I won't say no to any ally…

I will.

Having guys like this as "allies" can do us no good; it can only drag us down.

CognitivelyDissed a sapient animal 2 points on 2016-09-23 17:20:40

I wouldn't accept every ally either, but I would abstain from saying a hard no to someone for non-specific reasons (such as actions done by the members of the person's group rather than the person themselves). I would say "potentially detrimental" at most.

[deleted] 2 points on 2016-09-20 18:27:22


btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 11 points on 2016-09-21 02:52:16

I assumed you meant "someone like me" as in a normie, just someone who doesn't share the attraction. That being said, I don't have a problem with someone who is attracted to children so long as they are non-practicing and not consumers of child pornography(images and video, I'm sure fiction literature and drawings/renderings exist and while it's definitely not for me, there isn't any inherent moral harm in that).

All that being said, I don't know whether alliance would be more or less beneficial, because even in the zoo community any single slip up below a model citizen provides foothold for discrediting, which to a normie is gonna basically be a deal breaker in an argument a lot of times due to the level of taboo of each.

The whole aim of pedophile acceptance(and even the very definition of pedophile)is a very grey area to the public eye as well as my eye, so that also makes me hesitant. If someone goes "that guy is a pedophile" in public almost everyone is going to assume that said person has or has tried to molest a child and that alone can destroy any footing one may have.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-09-24 02:57:53

"Work together to achieve OUR(?) goals"...what goals would that be? More acceptance for pedozoos? Or zoopedos?

"Any ally is better than none" about no? We zoos already suffer from the hugely distorted picture drawn by people some of us invited into our community...the fencehoppers, the bestialists treating animals like sex toys, the porn mafia exploiting us and our orientation; do you really think we haven´t enough problems already? What would be the benefits of an "alliance" of pedos and zoos? Honestly, I cannot see even one improvement for anyone out of such an alliance. It would be yet another piece of evidence for those "slippery slope argument" guys , it would increase and multiply problems on either side, normals, zoos and pedos.

With all that said, no ally is actually better than an ally introducing yet another fight, yet more problems,further weakening our already quite wobbly/on the edge stance in society.

A quick comparison: I´ve met quite a lot of people who displayed some kind of understanding for me and my orientation. I´ve heard things like " Well,you love an animal? Including sex? Well, if you both are in love and you don´t hurt the animal, I´m okay with it. " often, but have never heard someone say "Well, if you don´t hurt the kid, I´m okay with it". I simply don´t see how sharing each others´ problems will have any positive effect. If your defense is weak already, only a fool would willingly open up another frontline that is (from a zoophile´s viewpoint) even more under fire and less defendable than your own, primary frontline.

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 8 points on 2016-09-20 19:55:28

I knew. and I just dont care. He asked questions about zoophilia, not about the morality of his personal life and the subs he posts in.

huskyencroacher Age is just a number, just like millions of years of evolution 2 points on 2016-09-20 18:47:21

I'm pretty sure I am the one you tried to message a while back, under my old account.

I hope you don't take it personally. I have nothing against you as a person, given that you never act on your proclivities. But I am going to second what /u/doghumper has said. As a zoophile struggling to come to terms with my differences, I think the last thing I want to see is my "community" associating itself with pedophiles. I'm really sorry...

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-09-20 18:50:15


thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 1 point on 2016-09-20 20:05:01
  1. Definitely yes for me. At least, with my main lover(s)

  2. Certain ones. Just like "normal" people only like some types of humans.

  3. Animals CAN consent, just not through any clear human language. They can and do consent through body language and their own "language"

  4. Yes, just the same as normal sex. Why? Because (when done properly) it is like normal sex. Both the animal and (hopefully) the human get pleasure from it.. Its hard to explain further than that.

  5. The best way? Get the message out there. Help society learn that we exist, we're pretty much everywhere, and what we're doing isnt abuse.

Cyenawe 1 point on 2016-09-21 07:46:35
  1. Yes of course. To me personally it feels weird to want sex with someone you don't have that emotional connection with.

  2. I'm only attracted to canids and large felines. Obviously the latter are not an option in any sense. ^^; I think I'm attracted to these species and not all in part because of my identity (I am feline transspecies), and in part because of my probably exceedingly close relationship with my dog during my pubescent years.

  3. No. Adult animals are adults, they have sexual urges like any person. If in a moment of passion 2 humans have sex with out either one saying a word is this rape? Of course not because they're using body language to communicate. Animals do this too, even more so than humans, and animal behaviourists make a living out of being able to interpret an animal's body language. Anyone else with a desire to know and communicate with their animal friends can do the same.

  4. Yes, I think bestiality should be legal. Animal abuse laws just need some refining to help protect animals from people who would exploit and rape them with out penalizing those with a truly loving, mutual relationship.

  5. At this point I'm not sure what can be done to help. The public first needs to get over this silly notion that pets are perpetual children, and that because they're language is primarily non-verbal, that they can't communicate.

MyBigK9 Canid lupus 1 point on 2016-09-21 08:30:16
  1. Yes, I do feel very emotionally in love. I have sexual desires, but not as many as the desires to make them happy and feel loved. Yes I do feel like I could fall in love and be genuinely in love with them.
  1. I have a respect and care and love for all living creatures, but my main attraction would have to be with dogs. Their anatomy is perfect to me, more so than a humans anatomy. The way they stand, sit, run, ect.. All of that makes me happy and makes me want to understand them. I feel I developed an attraction to animals and mostly canines because of my mental disabilities as a child and anti social behavior. And a plus factor would have to be, me acting like the dogs my family had as well as one of the dogs opening me up to what pleasure felt like at a very young age. So a lot of factors have helped me grow up into loving obsessing and seeing dogs as emotional and as smart as we are.

  2. I wouldn't call it rape unless the human is abusing or forcing the animal. Since all animals will show signs of disliking experiences and will walk away, bark, be hyper submissive, or whimper in discomfort. Ultimately it's up to the animal and not the human. And if he or she shows interest and will demonstrate it with their actions. Not sure I have to say any more. Than I won't consider it rape. In a way animals have language that they communicate with, we just have to learn it. For an example I just learned that even subtle signs is a way of communicating with dogs. If they lick their lips a lot and it's not because of food or a smell, it means they are quite nervous and uncomfortable about the situation. :3

  1. In my mind it's complicated. I want to see animals happy and that may pay a price for my rights with my partner. I want it to be legal in the future, but cruel people or people only thinking about money/ themselves are not putting the animal on the top of things they should care about. So as I wish for my right to love and to be loved back by my animal I also understand that this could pose as a problem for many animals in the long run. If we can somehow single out and make rules(such as Zeta'a rules) a law somehow and get the corrupted people to stop what they are doing to animals, than yes. I would want it to be legal. But for right now I am going to have to say no. Because I want whats ultimately best for all animals.
  1. Best way to support us? Just be a good person. Don't try to tell lots of people, it's okay to have sex with animals, if they don't understand it. Be kind and caring to animals. Eat less meat. A lot less meat. And be open to put money towards charities that help animals, if you have enough.

I hope my answers help in some way.? Have a great week. :3

MyBigK9 Canid lupus 1 point on 2016-09-21 08:49:27

Just read the comments posted below mine and found it rather interesting. I didn't know there was a loli person. Now I understand why he posted these questions for us? Kind of. Well, still hope my answers helped. I can see there are plenty of answers for OP to read here. >_<;

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-09-21 10:49:49


MyBigK9 Canid lupus 1 point on 2016-09-21 11:40:32

Thanks for replying and reading my answers. :) yeah, Our writing style's kind of look similar to me. Haha maybe not to you. Weird, but neat. Yes, Exactly, love is love. And yay for planning on becoming a vegetarian. :D It's tough the first year, but gets easier as time goes on. And don't feel bad if you do end up eating meat. >_<

being respected and supported is a very nice feeling to have. And I (and others, hopefully) appreciate your will to understand us better, and to ask these questions. Its a nice way of getting to know why we love animals. so thank you.