Animal advocates push for Ohio bestiality law (
submitted 2016-09-28 21:54:06 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 4 points on 2016-09-28 21:57:47

"It's an unpleasant topic, nobody likes to talk about it. I guarantee the city council members in Warren didn't want to talk about it, but they did, they sat down and they had an educated meeting with their constituents, attorneys and with their law director and they came to the conclusion that if the state of Ohio isn't going to afford us the protection that we need for this type of behavior, then we're gonna act upon ourselves and I really hope that was the flash point to ignite conversations down in Columbus with our legislators to get this legislation passed," said Cooke.

Then there is

The teen was not charged under the city's new anti-bestiality law because the incidents occurred before the ordinance went into effect.

No comment on the case because there is no information whatsoever what he actually did.

But this sentence right here should make anyone question why the law was "needed" in the first place.

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2016-09-29 01:03:38

I will take your Youtube bit of Bender laughing as proof of the clandestine arrogance that is very common in our community. Guess what....not everyone is fantasizing to have sex with animals 24/7 and thus, it is totally valid to say no one wants to talk about it.

It is yet another example of how far from the "normal" mindset some "zoophiles" really are. You still lack the awareness of your sexual interest´s controversial nature, you´re still completely lacking the ability to see your sexual desires through the eyes of a normal person not at all into sex with animals. Without that, you´re basically no more than just an "anti anti", someone unable to grasp the facts out of sheer defensive automatism.

Let me tell you something: animal abuse is pretty common among so called zoophiles and the authorities don´t touch the controversial and unpleasant issue because they are underworked...they issue laws (or try to introduce new laws) because we, the so called community of "zoophiles", force them to deal with this subject. Since Enumclaw, there´s no month without yet another headline about some fool fencehopping, another idiot making and publishing animal porn, without more than enough proof that this so called "community" (BF!) needs pressure put upon to stop the most vile and despicable things from happening. As long as people like you don´t realize the true nature of the so called "zoo community" and turn the zoophilia issue into an "either-or", black-and-white decision, adding nothing more than a polemic cartoon bit as a response, nothing´s gonna change.

I´ll have to repeat what I´m saying for ages now: until we as zoophiles won´t open our eyes for the grey areas of our orientation, until we stop to prefer the easy answers ("Zoophiles are always good!" , "There are no animal brothels because there´s no red light above the entrance!" , "Fencehopping isn´t that bad!" etc...), this whole crap won´t get any better for us...or the animals!

So, will you plleeeaaazzzuue stop denying the actual truth? There is abuse within our community and it is a legit effort to try and stop this. Being a "zoophile" won´t make you immune from being a narcicisstic, egocentric asshole abusing animals and trying to justify that conduct with this intellectual, semantic mumbo-jumbo that can be found on the internet. We need to realize how weak and stupid our justifications really are in the eyes of a "normal" person, we need to push the button and restart it all over again, finding new explanations, new definitions and new forms of communication with so called "normals". Without gaining some understanding for those we demand tolerance from, the lawmaking will continue, the pressure will get heavier and, in the end, simple participation in an online forum like this one will get you into trouble. Remember...if the NSA really wanted to catch us perverts, they could do it within a 48 hour timespan. They have everything they need to identify each and every one of us.... My predictions for the near future: after sex with animals is banned worldwide (this will be the case pretty soon, folks!), they will target animal porn. When AP is wiped off of the surface net and forced into the darknet, they will target places like this. The triptychon of prohibition: don´t do it, don´t show (or consume) it, don´t talk about it. Arpaio and his likeminded are secretly browsing through BF , using any actual info to catch people...just imagine the consequences when the entire apparatus of the authorities goes on a "zoo hunt" online. I really wonder if you have the guts to comment actions like these with a stupid Futurama bit used polemically....

P.S.: You really wonder if the law was needed? Are you blind? Do you live on the dark side of the moon? Haven´t you realized that zoophilia has become an internet cult drawing more and more undecided, adventurous folks into having sex with animals? Don´t you see the massive amount of cases surfacing with a clearly abusive nature? I bet the authorities know exactly that a law won´t wipe zoophilia off the earth, but they need to do something about the increasing cases of abuse. If a law against "zoophilia" is keeping just one (in numbers: 1!) asshole from abusing an animal for his personal sexual gratification, I´ll gladly welcome the introduction of this said law. We Germans were free to fuck animals ´til July,2013.....there was no law against it. We had a bunch of amateur animal brothels where animals could be "bought" for a certain amount of "free fucking time", many of the AP flics are of German origin...this is exactly what the lack of a law will support, the worst.

IMHO, there´s no other way to deal with zoophilia than regulation. Without regulation, the ugliest, worst and most despicable things will prevail over moderate zoophilia. If certain people can´t deal with their given freedoms in a responsible way, it´s only logical that a reaction will follow...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 5 points on 2016-09-29 02:44:05

Guess what....not everyone is fantasizing to have sex with animals 24/7 and thus, it is totally valid to say no one wants to talk about it.

Sorry, but tough, you gotta talk about things you want to ban. This is a legislators job.

I stopped reading when you implied that it is "normal" to think otherwise. You are really completely detatched fron the real world.

30-30 amator equae -2 points on 2016-09-29 03:06:50

Yeah, sure....totally detached from the world...that´s why I was able to live with my mare in this real world for more than 20 years without running into trouble. And you know what? Legislators are humans, too...they´re not machines. So it is legit to assume many of these legislators would rather discuss something else than sex with animals. " You gotta talk about things you want to ban"......if it´s something that is rejected so unanimously and completely as sex with animals, you don´t even have to speak one word...and if you really imply otherwise, then you´re the one completely detached from anything that vaguely resembles reality.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 6 points on 2016-09-29 08:52:38

Living with your mare has nothing to do with understanding of how the world is supposed to work.

Yes, legislators are human, but they should never be excused for failing to discuss an issue, no matter how distasteful. To do so represents a terrible misunderstanding of how this process is supposed to work. It also sickens me to see a fellow zoo making such excuses, frankly. You are really the first poster ever I've gone from somewhat respecting, to being on the edge of placing on ignore.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-10-10 23:17:19

Well said.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 7 points on 2016-09-29 10:15:07

Abuse against animals is already covered by existing regulations in most countries. You don't need specific anti-bestiality laws unless you are targeting zoophiles and bestialists - and such laws target both the good and the bad.

Anti-zoo laws strike me just as many other redundant laws. For example, if you punch somebody in the face, you are charged for assault, but in some places, if you punch somebody in the face because of ideological reasons, you get a different charge. Such laws are made for political reasons only, so some party can sell to some collective that they are now protected from being punched in the face, when the fact is that there was already a law for that.

Then there is the fact that laws are only as powerful as people makes them be. In a country where nobody cares for animal welfare, no amount of animal abuse law is gonna change anything. I have volunteered for animal welfare asociations, and authorities themselves don't give a damn for the law.

altoids1989 zoo-exclusive 4 points on 2016-09-29 13:30:18

I don't really understand what you think we should do about this. Yes, there are abusive zoophiles and porn is prolific, but there's nothing we can do about that. It's not like the abusers are connected to the zoophile community. How would you even find them? What would you do if you found them? Report them to law enforcement and cause an even bigger public reaction too zoophilia, which would create legislature that would surely ensnare non abusers?

If the public creates a witch hunt against zoophilia, people like us (presumably single men obsessed with animals, especially female animals) would be ostracized, even if you don't have sexual intercourse with your animals. You could never explain your deep emotional bond, because most people believe that it is sexually connected and reserved for humans only. They would ask why you don't have a human partner and assume you don't because you are sexual with your animal. But if there are no laws and discussions about zoophilia, it's not going to be on people's minds.

The less people are talking about zoophilia in the political sphere, the better. The less laws there are against it, the better.

fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2016-09-29 13:56:00

they sat down and they had an educated meeting with their constituents, attorneys and with their law director