Bjork: 'I'm not into normcore sexuality' Bjork announces she is into Bestiality on Interview (
submitted 2016-10-06 23:10:02 by btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute.
btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2016-10-06 23:13:43

I, being from the United States, don't know all too much about this woman. However, it seems that she is/was a very popular alternative pop artist in her peak. She seems like a very free-spirited and "alternative" person, judging by samples of her music and the way she dresses.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2016-10-07 00:40:03

I never heard of her either, but I think she can be an ally.

ZooIam 2 points on 2016-10-07 04:02:43

I would encourage those not familiar to look her up and listen to her music. Beautiful. I'm not surprised in the least that she may have unbounded romantic inclinations. What is surprising is the nonchalant disclosure to a reporter.

IAmAZoophile 11 points on 2016-10-06 23:27:40

That's a pretty cool thing to say in the interview.

From the context, though, I kind of wonder if she meant exactly what she said. The concept of a well-adjusted and successful person actually being interested in bestiality is probably so absurd to most people that they'll take her comments as a metaphor for her interest in the natural and disinterest in mainstream 'urban' sexuality.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-10-07 04:06:27

I don't know if she means it literally either, if so I think it would be treated as slightly more of a bombshell... but who knows? I do know Scandinavian in general (which Iceland is kinda sorta part of) has less of a taboo against such subjects, but that doesn't mean it's accepting of it by any means.

30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2016-10-07 07:22:24

Knowing Björk since her Sugarcubes time and her Icelandic background as well, I heavily doubt she meant what she least, she hasn´t meant it literally.

Whoever is familiar with Björk´s work surely has noticed how much she is into tribalistic, maybe even shamanistic culture, her very first video "Human behavior" shows all of the common shamanistic themes, like the bear totem swallowing her. Björk is also known to have lots of psychedelic experiences, there still may be one clip out there in which she is definitely under the influence of psychedelics.

So, take all of what she says with a grain of salt, her music is cryptic, her appearance too....can you imagine someone with that kind of associative thinking as she is showing in her art talking straight and plain what she thinks?

For those among us who aren´t familiar with her music, I strongly recommend watching her videos of "Human behavior", "All is full of love", " Wanderlust" , "Joga" etc... Read a little about Icelandic mythology as well to fully understand Björk´s origins. I believe that mentioning beastiality in this interview is just Bjork´s unique way, her trademark gimmick to alienate people a little bit, like her music and her art is....strange, but fascinating. I doubt she would be an "ally" for anyone in here....she just likes controversial behavior and statements.

Anyway, starting to listen to her music because of her remarks in the interview isn´t something you will regret...absolutely worth it. Hearing "Joga" still makes me cry as this was what I considered "our song", the soundtrack of my mare and me.

zoononymous 1 point on 2016-10-26 03:27:44

Yay, another Bjork lover. Glad you get it. As I stated in another comment, I think she's just a very Earthy sort of person, and with that comes desire for carnal things closer to nature I suppose. An artist, free spirit, and someone I will forever aspire to be like.

As someone else said,

I do know Scandinavian in general (which Iceland is kinda sorta part of) has less of a taboo against such subjects, but that doesn't mean it's accepting of it by any means.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 4 points on 2016-10-07 17:52:45

yeah, pretty sure she meant bestiality as in wildness and/or instinctual behavior... admiration for animals' lack of inhibitions, and how the simply do what they feel without any filters or mental/emotional baggage holding them back.

Susitar Canidae 3 points on 2016-10-07 18:17:39

Maybe she didn't mean it seriously. Maybe she did, but doesn't mind that the journalist doesn't take it that way. It's hard for us to know. Either way, I am happy that she said this. She is in a position where it's possible to say something like that, without becoming a pariah. She is seen as quirky, musical genius with a strong will. She is also a woman, which makes it less likely for people to accuse her of rape. But, little steps like these make it easier to talk about zoophilia, I think. No longer are "ugly weirdos who can't get real sex" the only one's to voice such fantasies, but also beautiful musicians with Grammy Awards.

The fact that she even corrects the journalist, when the journalist mentions liking David Attenbourough? There is something here... I'd guess she has never participated in bestiality, and she might not be a zoophile like us (both romantically and sexually attracted), but I'd guess she can find animals attractive in some sense. It seems like she feels this connection to nature somehow (listen to her album Biophilia).

It seems like bestiality is legal in Iceland. Doesn't mean it's accepted, I would guess the situation is similar to how it was in Sweden between 1933-2014. They removed an old law against sodomy, and never got around to creating a new law specifically against bestiality. 10 years ago, bestiality was seen as strange, even disgusting, in Sweden. Something to tell crude jokes about. But it wasn't considered always animal abuse, magazines could even write about the subject as just another "strange lifestyle".

Anyway, I love Björk's music. Human Behaviour was one of my favorite songs (and music videos!) when I grew up.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-10-07 22:34:31


zoononymous 1 point on 2016-10-26 03:17:41

I have always loved her. She's so... real. Her art has always spoken to me though, and I really cannot say I am that surprised. Look at her videos. Yet, as others have said- I don't think she directly means bestiality, just in animalistic tendencies. Her music focuses very much on spirituality and desires of the flesh, comparing things to nature and other such things. Who knows- perhaps she really is a zoo. Perhaps she isn't, and is just into more primal things. I forget what it's called, but it's a fetish.

Really, what 30-30 says is on the dot.