What do you like about animals? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-10-08 11:21:09 by Susitar Canidae

What makes your heart flutter?

Is it the way the light reflects in a cat's eyes? The wet nose of a dog? The playfulness of an otter?

I thought we could have a positive thread. If you have an animal partner, what makes him/her so attractive? If you don't have an animal partner, what would your ideal partner be like. Do you prefer certain breeds or personality traits? Females, males, both? Tell us what traits you find attractive!

CireArts 3 points on 2016-10-08 11:42:38

My dog just knows how to make me happy. Always excited to see me when I get home. Loves to just follow me around. He also knows how to make me feel loved.. Always ready to have sex with me..

Susitar Canidae 8 points on 2016-10-08 11:57:12

Personality-wise, I like dogs that are a bit aloof with strangers and who like being active outdoors. I don't want a spoiled lapdog who begs for attention from every stranger, I want a dog who has to warm up to you. Not aggressive against strangers, but rather, just ignoring them at first. I've dog-sat dogs that don't want to go out when it's raining, or cold, and who lack any "wild" instincts (hunting, tracking etc). I want a dog that notices that squirrel long before I do, who rolls in the snow and plays with other dogs.

Appearance-wise, I like medium and big dogs. Preferentially spitz types, but german shepherds and golden retrievers are nice too. I love siberian huskies, alaskan malamutes, japanese akita and norwegian elkhounds.

I like the way dogs move, smell, the way they pant when excited, their fur and cute noses.

Cute dogs <3 <3

Edit: I prefer male canines. Wolves and coyotes would be ideal, but they aren't pets.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 7 points on 2016-10-08 13:48:28

Canines are very attractive on the inside and the outside.
But I'm going to talk about dogs specifically right now, because not all canines are exactly the same. (Neither are dogs, but still.)

Their pointy ears, long muzzles, set of teeth, furry fur, bushy tails, magical eyes, paws, body type, wet noses, flexible tongue, their genitals, you name it.
They're all a work of art to me.

Even the way they do things is fascinating.
Yes, I even like how they walk.
They're such cool animals, and are cute at the same time too.
Dogs understand you, they will support you.
They know how to make you happy and they will.
This is probably a very onpopular opinion, but I like how they smell. They're such playful creatures, and on top of that, they can be horny too.

Also, I don't really care about their gender. But I (partly) care about their breed, I prefer any wolf/fox-looking breed.
But if they aren't wolf/fox-looking it doesn't mean too much. It's just a preference.

Excuse me if my post seems somewhat weird, I was distracted by a dog paw that kept punching my phone outta my hands. EDIT: Added some things.

MyBigK9 Canid lupus 1 point on 2016-10-10 07:49:48

I cant add a reply because. You have made a perfect answer that complies with what makes me love dogs. :) such a beautiful comment. I'm glad me and others love it too! Thank you.

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2016-10-08 15:23:25

I get the feeling this thread is going to turn into "dogs are great!" by sheer numbers. So I'll describe my ideal partner, as I don't have one yet.

Physically, he'd have black hair, floppy ears, and a big head, with eyes that can stare into the soul. He'd have some flexibility, contorting himself to get into odd positions even while sleeping. He'd smell like a dog, being bathed only enough to be healthy and without the odors of carcasses or skunks. He'd be happy to play fetch, with speed and enthusiasm, and while he'd play at keeping the stick, he wouldn't actually get aggressive about it.

He'd have social graces of a sort, being both assertive enough to ask for what he wants and polite enough to do so quietly and subtly, with a paw at the leg rather than a bark. He'd greet people at the door, but wouldn't beg for their attention or food: just lie quietly at their feet, happy to be petted or given scraps. He'd also be intelligent enough to train for a number of fun things, including choreographed dance and getting me sodas every once in a while.

In short, he'd be a companion, ready to help but not expected to slave away for nothing. He'd improve me socially and physically, and I'd help him intellectually and in a more practical sense. To the world around, we'd simply be a man with an amazing dog. But to us, we would be cohorts in life and love.

Baaxten Canines, equines, cetaceans 7 points on 2016-10-08 16:07:09

What makes my heart flutter is the physique of a horses's behind.

What makes my heart flutter is the streamline, glistening figure of a dolphin in the water.

What makes my heart flutter is the warmth of a dog who would rather sleep on your bed than in front of the heater.

What makes my heart flutter is the similarities I see between the behaviour of humans and other animals.

But most of all, what makes my heart flutter is the idea that someone so different would be willing to put it all aside for the sake of being with me.

(I'm not the best poet in the world, so sue me)

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 3 points on 2016-10-08 20:20:41

I like the smell of horses.

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 3 points on 2016-10-08 22:29:46

Lets have a tally for this!

I'm number 2!

tencendur_ Neeeigh 2 points on 2016-10-10 18:02:11

I also like the smell of horses. I also love sharing breath with them, it is a very bounding experience.

Lateoss Lovin Mares 2 points on 2016-10-10 20:42:30

I too like the horse smell

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 2 points on 2016-10-09 03:13:16

what would your ideal partner be like.


Eonexas 1 point on 2016-10-09 23:52:39

I love when a cat looks me and it's like: I can see your soul! It's so cute... I don't know how to describe it but I love that. (My favorite animal tbh)

And when you play with a dog and he is happily playing with you. Dogs are awesome.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 2 points on 2016-10-10 18:08:21

There are many things I like about horses. The one I like the most is their tencency to scratch you back with their teeth when you are scratching or grooming them. Many trainers try to supress this behavior, and I think it is a shame. A horse who scratches your back with her mouth while you do the same thinks that it is a very serious social event.

A thing I love about my horses is that they might be naughty and all, but in the end they love their home and know their boundaries, to the point that we once had an accident and some fences fell down, but they prefered to stay at home instead of running away looking for adventure - which is what many animals would do.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-10-10 22:50:37

Any canine looking animal will do for me (I think) to say, hmm sexy. From a practical point (sex and groom maintenance) I like short haired dogs, but I like long haired dogs (just not as my pet) I like clear eye colors, blue or white specially. I like non-submissive dogs (but not aggressive) I like when they love playing and cuddling. I dislike extreme flat faced dogs. I dislike shrimped legged dogs (like some GSD have) I dislike dogs without ears or tails or desexed (though is more of a dislike of humans for making them look like that) I like both males and females but I think I like males a bit more. I don't like excessive drooling.

Huskies are like in the top 10 of dogs I like, so cliche. But I also like female Chinese crested dogs, not many people like that breed.

SunTzuSaidThat 2 points on 2016-10-14 00:39:41

I love when you groom a horse, and they groom you back like you are one of them.

I love it when you scratch just the right itch and they start stretching and making silly faces.

I love it when they know you're coming and run up to the fence, ears perked up and focused.

I really just love all the moments when two minds from two different species can come together and bond in a simple way, a way that both parties can share and understand. I know it's so unspecific, but being able to share those moments and appreciate them on a deeper level than most other people...that's really what gets me more than anything else.

CognitivelyDissed a sapient animal 1 point on 2016-10-14 17:48:41

I feel that my attraction to non-human animals is more like I'm attracted to all beings, just not humans. So that's the same, but different. There's just some sort of artificiality to beings influenced by humans - such as cats, dogs and humans. I think this may be one of the reasons I'm more gay-leaning, the fact that society tends to make women conform to unnatural standards like makeup and hair-shaving. And dogs are extremely affected by humans, and even those who don't look very unnatural still live mostly with humans which makes me associate them with humanity. I never think of any pet or livestock species when I hear the word "animal", not as a first association. So I guess my zoophilia is some kind of a logical extreme of nonconformism?

Alas, certain ideologies ended up making me disgusted with some natural things too, such as hierarchies and breeding. It's a tricky thing.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-10-16 01:18:34

i've been meaning to make a post here for a while, but haven't felt like i had the time to really formulate a good response. i realize, however, that if i keep postponing it, no one will ever see the post, rendering it pointless. i suppose one could argue it's pointless anyway, but it's a fun question to answer anyway, so here's a short version.

faces. it almost always gets back to the face. i like other aspects, other body parts .. it's hard for me to see a face and think about sex, so obviously at some point, my eyes go elsewhere and there are things to like about the rest of an animal's body, but .. let's just start with faces.

i've always preferred longer snouts, though there is certainly such a thing as "too long" to my eyes.

lips .. i have a major kissing fetish. i would love to teach every mammal of manageable size how to kiss like humans do. kissing has always been something i fantasize about.. like.. 80% of the time...

eyes. it's something that keeps certain animals from what i would consider to be ideally beautiful (i have a thing about horizontal pupils... has kinda creeped me out...). basically, it's more human-like pupils that i find more attractive, like most carnivores have, though having no visible sclera (the white part of the eyes that surrounds the iris) is definitely more attractive as well (which is part of what i find less or unattractive about human eyes).

in general of course, fur. because saaaft... though i admit i'm curious what it would feel like to be skin-to-skin with a cetacean or a pig.

.. and it turns out i don't know how to make a "short version" .. sorry! (though there is plenty more i could say on the subject)

edit: added ending parenthetical statement