Anonymous tv (ANONTV) #opbeastphase2 (
submitted 2016-10-09 23:25:36 by fuzzyfurry
electricfoxx 5 points on 2016-10-09 23:54:50

I so hope they make eating meat illegal as well. /s

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 10 points on 2016-10-10 00:28:30

lol #opbeast is a joke.

Aluzky 3 points on 2016-10-10 22:01:21

They are on the side of PETA #opbeast are a joke and no different from any other zoophobe.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-10-13 17:22:38

Aren't you like scared? Even just a little bit?

People have been sent to jail for less...

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2016-10-13 18:20:36

With basic internet safety, opbeast doesn't really have the power to touch him. They're a bunch of phoneys lol

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-10-13 18:37:23

"Basic internet safety" involves not filming yourself fucking your dog and uploading it to a public website. And as far as I understand it, Alex fucks other people's dogs as well.

Wasn't bestiality made illegal in Costa Rica this year? Just an email/phonecall to the local animal protection services could be pretty devastating. There is a plethora of evidence to back any claim up.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2016-10-13 19:18:03

Eh, I'd say that full names, precise locations, and other PII not being shared falls under basic internet safety. Public posting of bestiality porn is more of an advanced discussion, one which in itself could get very in-depth in several ways. I can't really comment in the explicit morality of what he's done because I don't know much of anything about him. There are, however, ways that one can easily keep their identity protected even with the public upload of bestiality porn.

I'd say that as long as his full name and detailed location information aren't public knowledge, as long as he keeps himself behind a non-logging VPN to obscure his public IP and browsing habits then he is fairly untouchable even from a government standpoint.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-10-13 20:08:33

I'd say that as long as his full name and detailed location information aren't public knowledge

Well, it is. Have you seen the video?

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2016-10-13 20:28:55

It isn't really though. Given the heritage of his name, it is astoundingly common and they only have recent and past wherebouts. The two even together are not enough to personally identify him. An address, a workplace, a part of town, a profession, his middle name or siblings/family member names, or clearly identifying imagery would bring them closer to that but as it stands they really don't have much.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-10-30 00:17:29

You don't know what I know. I will Pm you.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-10-30 00:14:38

Laws are not retroactive, meaning, even if I did that in the past, it can't be used with the present laws as evidence that I did a crime in the present. I have no longer uploaded/filmed new stuff. No evidence = no crime.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-10-30 03:10:45

Yes, I'm aware of the fact that it was not illegal where you live until very recently. However, laws certainly aren't everything.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-10-30 00:13:27

I'm not a tiny bit scared.

FYI: Over here, is not a jail crime to do bestiality, you would need to prove animal abuse and I would get fined 2000$ (or 1000$ can't remember well the number) I'm confident that they can't prove that.

Worse they can do is annoy me by telling everybody. While I try to avoid being outed, it won't be the end of the world if that happens. It would be interesting to see how people react to it if that ever happens.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-10-11 06:10:05

I don´t sympathize with Opbeast at all....yet, they managed to shut down Beastforum for a quite long time. Within that timespan, the cashflow benefitting the owners of BF was massively interrupted. Popularity of BF decreased significantly after the DDoS-Attack, the average numbers of users "active within the last hour" also significantly decreased as well. You can think of Opbeast what you want, but they definitely made an impact on BF´s cashflow for over a month and beyond.

Also, why so hostile? As far as I know, Opbeast first and foremost tackle facebook profiles featuring animal porn, animal porn websites and so called "zoophiles" providing the net with "new" and "fresh" animal porn. If you´re not filling your FB profile with animal porn, aren´t the host of an AP website or shooting and uploading AP yourselves, chances are pretty damn low you´ll ever have to deal with their "hacktivism" directly.

Sure, the methods used by Opbeast are dubious, the hatred spread on Opbeast´s social media accounts unlimited and their level of self reflection at an all time low. But aren´t we, the ones who have to put up with that kind of hostile and negative attitude for quite a long time now, not yet familiar with it? We all know how incoherent anti rants are, how full of logical holes etc....we also know how irritating our orientation is for the vast majority of the outsiders and how difficult it is to overcome prejudice by talking, let alone starting a kinda neutral conversation about zoophilia.

When looking at ALL the available sources on the internet, one shouldn´t wonder too much why the aversity of dealing with "that filthy animal fucking stuff and pervos" is so high. I´ll ask you: if you´re gonna apply for a job, is it your best choice to wear a tuxedo jacket, but are buttnaked from the belt line down, with your balls´n´dick out? Basically, that´s our situation right now: while struggling to make zoophilia more tolerable by discussing it with "normals" (the jacket), we simultaneously show off our private parts. Whether you like AP or not...let´s set aside any personal preferences for one have to admit that AP definitely isn´t the best possible PR for our community. But, and that´s a fact, more than 95 percent of all available "material" about "zoophilia" IS animal porn, with all of the negative implications that accompany it, such as international porn mafia, exploitation of animals for financial gain etc...)

We are badly respresented....well, that can be changed. But as long as for every voice portraying zoophilia as a reasonable and beneficial practice of but a few, there is an entire choir of sheer lunacy out there, subdueing the lone little reasonable voice, the concerto will stay disharmonic forever.

Opbeast may be all cunts and dicks, but remember that you´ll always get the enemies you deserve....

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 3 points on 2016-10-11 12:33:26

So, a DDoS to a known website and get people who publicly display zoo content. These days you can protect against DDoS pretty fairly as website.

Not much anon work, more of a script kiddo who wants attention. Seems more like someone wants to prove himself that he can hack. Attention whoring if anything. Anyone can DDoS without any knowledge.

And as of info gathering, they get the information that is easy to acquire. So, for the average user, as 30-30 mentioned, not a threat at all.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 6 points on 2016-10-11 20:26:43

Also, why so hostile? As far as I know, Opbeast first and foremost tackle facebook profiles featuring animal porn, animal porn websites and so called "zoophiles" providing the net with "new" and "fresh" animal porn.

You are aware they consider furry porn the same thing as "zoo" porn, and report it equally right?

Fact: these people are psychos.

fuzzyfurry 3 points on 2016-10-11 22:27:28

A DDOS isn't hard, it just takes some criminal energy. IIRC they boasted on twitter how they abused the tor network for their attacks. Fuck that. They can DDOS beastforum all they want and all the other small ad and malware infested animal porn websites, I don't care. But they shouldn't abuse the tor network for that.

Yes, I am familiar with those people and I am more mildly amused by them than I am bothered.

I just thought I'd post it here without comment to see what happens, since /u/Aluzky posts here too.

more than 95 percent of all available "material" about "zoophilia" IS animal porn

The ratio would be much better if there was a way to delete all the "bad" animal porn from the internet. :) But I don't disagree. If you just go search random animal porn videos, you'll see almost only "bad" videos that I find really offputting. For example I sometimes look around and if that was my board I'd really delete most of those posts... There is so little visible affection...

Andrew-R 1 point on 2016-10-17 09:33:02

I think whole (fundamental) point against porno - it definitely myopic, focuses only on small timeslice when 'someone does sex', throwing all life outside of those moments out of window. It often one-sided not just in sense "one parthner got pleasure and other got ...nothing or even negative", but by very fact humans want to show something positive and thus made whole thing prebiased, not showing uncertain or somewhat less than successfull moments (how many porno videos contain text saying 'sex not saved our day , because ..", or "we failed this night..", or "I failed to live up to her expectations, even if she not voiced them ..", or something along those lines, spontaneously? Few, I guess ...

Also fundamentally there is problem with devaluation of words and actions too - words devalued because we mostly have finite number of words and after all of our good words like love, respect, etc were used and overused by those who is not loving and not respecting their loved...little is left to say. :/

Actions become also devalued because even if someone lived good, much better than avg. life protecting and helping others (incl. non-human others, even mostly them) - there are limits on what one human can do, and because overall situation still worsening - it become really unclear what can be done at all today, if even best human attempts unable to make real change? How to show/say/do your love 'for real' if even act of extreme selfless nature today basically doesn't count, because everyone suspect it jut show? What to do if even you personally don't feel any your action will be 'real' anymore ....