submitted 2016-10-19 02:28:03 by [deleted]
anon-opbeast 17 points on 2016-10-19 02:28:15

We will expose the abuse of the innocent be an animal or child until our dying breath.

We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not Forgive.

We do not Forget.


duskwuff -6 points on 2016-10-19 02:45:10

Fuck off.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2016-10-19 03:17:09

This is a repost fyi it was already posted earlier today. Feel free to expose the abuse of animals, most anyone here desires the same thing. Abuse of animals is disgusting. Considering you're "teamed up" with PETA, I'd hope you folks are vegan as well?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 5 points on 2016-10-19 06:18:36

Damn, back again with that cringy shit you repeat everytime.
I'm not surprised you're all a group of delusional bigots.
You sure are doing god's work, mate.
Have fun getting all these dogs euthanized sick fucks.

fuzzyfurry 3 points on 2016-10-19 12:11:59

You are away that bestiality is the correct spelling and beastiality is a misspelling, right? Even my spell checker points out the latter one.

Anonymous has many ongoing operations? Seriously? I got the impression that you are maybe 5-10 people in total who do not have a lot of competence. By the way, have you found this guy called Christian at that turkish university yet? Apparently that's me, on that twitter account I don't use anymore. Except that I am in germany and my name is not Christian of course and that photo is not of me, of course. By the way, I don't use that twitter accoung anymore after twitter requests a valid phone number to "unblock" that account. Not that I couldn't provide one, but it's an issue of principle not to use services that request deanonymizing info from their users. As supposed part of anonymous it's weird to see you use such services instead of going to more open services like diaspora. I'd really expect more of you, supporting such open networks instead of DDOS'ing community run pods like because one user (!) posts opinions (!) that you don't like. Yes, that was also me.

Are you really "friends" with PETA and ALF or do you just say that? Are they aware of your activities of DDOS'ing community paid bandwidth for open social networks like and creating and spreading fake "dox"? Do they support that?

I am confused. What exactly did you "expose"? You show his twitter account and some comments he made on youtube. That's not exactly secret. He literally seeks out videos about zoophilia and tries to debate people in the comments. Good job for "exposing" this activity, I'm sure nobody else could have done that! Is it that name you found on his twitter account? What makes you think it's not an alias?

I haven't really gotten a child molester vibe from him. I only see him aggressively arguing that pedophilia can't be "wrong", because it is something some people just have, whether they want it or not and that actually having sex with children is wrong. You did take that out of context, did you not?

He has not said that he can "mentally communicate with dogs". You... are capable of understanding simple points like claiming he understands the normal means of canine communication - body language, etc?

Aluzky claims the dog gives him consent to perform sexual acts on him? I have watched his videos and my impression is that the dog performs more sexual acts on him than the other way around. :)

Let's get to the core of your "message":

Studies have shown that cases involving sexual or violent abuse of an animal later result in the sexual or violent abuse of adults and in some cases young children.

Here is my refutation: [citation needed]

I have not read many studies dealing with this so far, but so far I have not found one who can (or does) claim to make a representative statement about zoophiles in general. While it is true that there is evidence that people with violent sexual tendencies tend to force animals and humans into sex, I have yet to see any evidence whatsoever that this link exists in the case of your normal zoophile who simply is attracted to our nonhuman fellow creatures. The problem is even more basic once you realize that you have not reflected at all on what "sexual abuse of animals" really means and - if you could imagine that there is such a thing as consensual sex between nonhumans and humans - what would separate the two. Remember Peter Singer's interview? Why do people always shy away so much from having to think about what he says? He isn't even for the legalization of bestiality. He just does what people like you are unable to do: Recognize that the presumptions and emotional hostility is not justified.

Here is my challenge to you: Find me some credible evidence, studies etc., that are reasonably convincing that exactly this stuff you can see aluzky doing in his video has any harmful effects, mentally or physically. This is not just a rhetorical question, this is what you need to do to be taken seriously by anyone who is able to reason about their belief instead of being receptive to the purely emotional argument you put out there. Show some facts.

You will never stop defending the oppressed people of this planet? This is the irony of your message: You can not show that zoophiles do any harm, yet you call for the oppression of zoophiles.

You think anonymous is everywhere? Think again - zoophiles are everywhere. Your friends, your coworkers, your family, we are everywhere. Most of them never do post about it online, many never look at the porn. That woman with her perfectly happy dog working at PETA? Could be a zoophile who cuddles with her dog a little more intimately than you are comfortable with every night. And you know what? You would never know, because when there is no abuse, there are no signs of abuse for you to find.