A subreddit for vegan zoophiles. I was inspired by another post so I created this. (reddit.com)
submitted 2016-10-25 21:47:53 by [deleted]
huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-10-25 22:31:32

Please, for the love of all that is good, change that header image!

ZenaOBrien 1 point on 2016-10-25 23:06:40

Why? Is it too plain? If so I know. I just wanted some sort of header image for the subreddit.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-10-26 02:12:03

It shouldn't take half the screen lol

ZenaOBrien 1 point on 2016-10-26 02:27:49

Ok I made it smaller.

duskwuff 4 points on 2016-10-25 23:43:32


It's not as though this subreddit gets a lot of activity as it stands. Creating a new sub for an even smaller group seems unnecessary.

ZenaOBrien 0 points on 2016-10-25 23:46:04

I did it so that vegans who are supportive of zoophilia have a place to talk and not make it to where people think all vegans are against zoophilia.

duskwuff 6 points on 2016-10-25 23:52:42

Have you tried discussing the topic here? (Doesn't look like it.)

Keep in mind that posts in a subreddit are, for the most part, only seen by people who are subscribed to it. Creating a new subreddit for a very specific topic means that very few people will ever see it -- it's not an effective way of getting publicity.

ZenaOBrien 0 points on 2016-10-25 23:58:01

I've discussed it here already. It was in another zoophile post someone made about abuses and threats to zoophiles. Also I know about posting in subreddits. I did it for the zoophiles here. I'm not going to post it in the vegan subreddit though.

ZenaOBrien 0 points on 2016-10-25 23:58:50

Also people could share it if they want. We could gain more members.

ZooMasil 3 points on 2016-10-26 06:00:25

As to what the others said, I also see no reason to further divide us, and for the most part vegans either really hate us or are indifferent, I'm a vegetarian my self and the eggs I eat are from my chickens so I really don't see the harm.

ZenaOBrien 1 point on 2016-10-26 06:47:21

Do you really see it as dividing? It could help zoophiles gain acceptance in the vegetarian and vegan community.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2016-10-26 16:30:46

I think the best way to approach that community is just to have vegetarian and vegan zoos reach out to those already-established communities like normal people. I myself am vegan, but I don't think I would use a vegan zoo subreddit just because it'd simply be so dead all the time. I rather just use this zoo account on other subreddits I frequent and I have gotten positive recognition in the past. I just don't see where we'd go with a specifically zoo veg subreddit.

ZenaOBrien 1 point on 2016-10-26 17:14:35

We could show that it's possible to be both.

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 1 point on 2016-10-27 20:25:46

I tried that. They said i fucked dead pigs (even though i made it clear i was a girl) and dropped the ban hammer. I just dont mention my zoophilia anymore to vegans

ZooMasil 1 point on 2016-10-26 21:28:53

I highly doubt it, but you do you.

ZenaOBrien 1 point on 2016-10-26 22:32:38

Thank you. I have high hopes.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-10-27 18:48:17

You aren´t vegetarian/vegan for long, right? Maybe too short to realize what kind of a sect-like pseudo religion this veganism á la mode has become. I heavily doubt you will create any sympathy for us in any way, more like the total opposite...trust me, I´m vegan myself for a really long time and know this kind of folks.

Most veggies will lean towards our opponents´ point of view, you know. Frankly said, you are completely wrong to believe veggies can or will be alliies of zoophiles. It´s a waste of time and webspace...

P.S.: I still can´t wrap my head around the fact that some zoos can "love" one animal, but remain apathetic when another is slaughtered for its meat....the sole sad fact that there are zoos who are NOT abstaining from eating meat is not necessarily a unifier and more of a divisive factor...an additional one...if you know what I mean.

ZenaOBrien 1 point on 2016-10-27 19:27:03

I've been vegetarian for a little over a year now. I've noticed the crazy vegans though. Some even made death threats to me for defending zoophilia. I noticed some treat it like a cult.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-10-28 04:33:01

I still can´t wrap my head around the fact that some zoos can "love" one animal, but remain apathetic when another is slaughtered for its meat....the sole sad fact that there are zoos who are NOT abstaining from eating meat is not necessarily a unifier and more of a divisive factor...an additional one...if you know what I mean.

I don't understand how this makes any sense and I hope to hell you are not trying to claim moral high ground with that statement.

And for the record, I don't even eat meat.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-10-27 04:20:00

I really don't think this is the best way to go about things, but I support when people try to do things that they think will help, even if I don't think so. I do think think encouraging people to try stuff is good.

Having trouble making that thought fully coherent. Blah. But, the gist of it is that I wish you all the best nonetheless.

ZenaOBrien 1 point on 2016-10-27 05:13:30

Thanks. It means a lot. Maybe you're right.

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 1 point on 2016-10-28 05:05:00

Sorry for eating meat but even if I didn't my daughter is a carnivore so she kinda need meat you can't raise a cat on tofu. I personally am against the main industries and how they treat animals that's why I try to buy local.

ZenaOBrien 1 point on 2016-10-28 08:02:58

Someday we could have lab grown meat. If we did both humans and non-humans could consume it.

ZenaOBrien 1 point on 2016-10-28 08:06:03

Also I'm a "situational vegetarian". If I had to eat meat I would. Like if I was starving. So I get that cats need meat.