Public Health Watch supports #OpBeast. It's time to put an end to bestiality worldwide. • /r/PublicHealthWatch (
submitted 2016-10-28 00:28:36 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 5 points on 2016-10-28 00:30:46

Just some innocent humor here.

/u/Aluzky You do realize it is pointless to argue in that subreddit, right? Look at their usual posts over there. Their favorite pastime is posting slur filled rants against gay people and transsexuals. You can't really argue with people like that.

edit: Lots of gems in the comments on that subreddit.

I hope one day anti-miscegenation laws will come back


Petition to start calling the legal and lawful murder of degenerates "duterting" being "duterted" etc.

I wish the Philippines had a higher standard of living because I'd move there and join the police or army in a minute.

What can you find?

(I wonder what their ratio of trolls to genuine bigots is)

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 9 points on 2016-10-28 00:53:34

Sometimes arguing with bigots is fun. It can be good practice also on occasion lol.

30-30 amator equae -7 points on 2016-10-28 02:31:51

Agruing with bigots is fun....sure, up to the point when you having a little "fun" will tremenduously increase the risk of being exposed and your animals taken from you/ euthanized. What splendid fun it is...right?

Sometimes I wonder if dicks like Aluzky do it only to feel reassured what a marvelous "sexual progressive" he is....or for the shock value of it. It is exactly this mindset you´re displaying with your comment, btwIAMA, that pushes me into total desperation....everyone is busy blaming society for the bad standing zoophiles have, but when examined more closely, our position would be not even as worse as it is now if all of those "zoo fighters" had learned to shut the fuck up at the right moments. People like Aluzky, pushing their aggressive propaganda into the public, actually harm us more than all the antis combined. People like him shape our public image more, and more negatively I have to add, than anyone else. When will you learn that simple fact? Our worst enemies are NOT to be found within the antis, they can be found right within our own group. Success is dependent from two decisions: 1) doing the right thing at the right time and in the right place 2) NOT doing the wrong things at the wrong time and in the wrong places.

Stop glorifying Aluzky. He´s not a hero of any kind, he´s just an idiot. Publisher of illegal porn, loudmouth, fool....and apparently also a supporter of pedophilia. Just what we needed, right? Just one of those guys who affirms almost any prejudice society has towards zoophilia.

Of course there´s a need for advocates carrying our sides´ viewpoints into society....we need to find the right person for that job. But it`s even more important to abstain from choosing the wrong person for such a difficult job. Aluzky definitely is. Plus, for any future trouble with the authorities he will run into by infuriating OpBeast with stupid comments, he and he alone is responsible for that....if they throw him into jail, I won´t shed a single tear.

I also wonder what kind of "practice" it is you meant with your last sentence....if you ever meet one of those anger ridden true antizoos, the only thing you should rely on is keeping your goddamn mouth shut and stay under the radar. This is not a "David slingshots Goliath" situation....there´s no way to convert an anti zoo by simply using the right "mantra". The only advice ANY zoophile should hand out for such situations is "Do everything not to get yourselves into such a situation" won´t go bearhunting with a BB gun and you won´t put yourselves into an argument with an open, convinced anti zoo relying on words only and without a sufficient escape plan...

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2016-10-28 02:35:47

I'm open to a more practical solution to seeking acceptance for zoos, and have several ideas along those lines. There's a middle ground between hiding from people and openly antagonizing them with bad arguments from naive skepticism. Could you please make some positive suggestions? If not, I could think of a few and put them here.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 6 points on 2016-10-28 02:54:26

I'll separate this for each paragraph, because each one caused me to grab the bridge of my nose and sigh.

Having some fun will not tremendously increase your risk of being outed, this isn't CSI. The two main sources of data to out someone are IP address/location tracking and actual literal data from either sharing too much on your account or mixing zoo accounts with personal stuff(emails etc.) So like, yeah.

I'm not displaying any particular mindset with my comment. You are looking way too hard into it to try and derive such a level of meaning from it; it's frankly silly. I said arguing with bigots is fun sometimes. That is not an uncommon or untrue statement. It can be a fun way to pass the time or vent at people, as well ass refine your own knowledge and arguments.

I'm not glorifying aluzky? Bye? Have a good day? Maybe read my literally TWO sentences one more time?

(i think you were kinda tangentially ranting at this part)

I suppose I should clarify for that last sentence, since you seem to have developed a cute but inaccurate narrative around it. By "practice" I literally meant practice. "It" refers back to the action of the previous sentence, "arguing." Arguing with bigots can be good practice, because they may present scenarios or uncommon questions that you may want to think about, or reference data that is new to you, etc. It can help you sharpen your wit, it can help you extend your patience, and you could even change a viewpoint in the midst of an argument which is always nice, and which I have done before.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 8 points on 2016-10-28 22:52:58

just had a look at his profile. seems like he's actually trying to change peoples minds and help them understand zoophilia whereas you continue to criticise zoos for being zoos.

Guess whos side I'm on... go on, guess.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-10-29 04:41:59

This is not a "David slingshots Goliath" situation....there´s no way to convert an anti zoo by simply using the right "mantra".

I've actually done it once, but no, admiteddly that usually doesn't happen.

You can still massively undermine their public credibility if you demonstrate the holes in their arguments. It's easiest to do with fringe nutjobs like PublicHealthWatch, whom most of the population already considers a bit unhinged.

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 1 point on 2016-10-30 00:00:29

y'know, sometimes you hit the nail pretty well, but you're just so much of an ass that nobody gets what your point

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-10-30 01:41:55

I really tried to understand his point once upon a time.

I ended up with a headache.

Baaxten Canines, equines, cetaceans 1 point on 2016-10-30 12:59:01

The reason silly people exist is because life would be boring without them. :)

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-10-29 19:09:28

You do realize it is pointless to argue in that subreddit, right?

Well, I didn't know that till now. Is just today when I checked their other postings on that reddit that I see a pattern. Before, I only looked to one thread and well, I see bigots everywhere, I didn't know they where the special stupid kind of bigots.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 0 points on 2016-10-29 21:51:04

Don't sell yourself short here. This is one of the most effective places to argue actually (though it's also one of the most painful sometimes).

Notice you have the most upvotes of anyone there?

Yep, society actually is finding your argument more appealing than theirs. Against a backdrop of racist/sexist/everythingist shitheads, we suddenly have a willing audience on the outside listening to us, and upvoting us. :)

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-10-29 22:16:04

Forgive my ignorance, what is an upvote and where one cheks for them?

PS: I just find out my posts have "Don't brigade you cuck" in red letters. O.o Aren't they the ones doing that and not me?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-10-30 01:34:12

I'm pretty sure they are just mad the general public is not liking them. No one is brigading except perhaps them and OpBeast on our reddit, lol. We don't have the numbers to mount a successful brigade vs them. The idea is lunacy and represents a basic misunderstanding of gradeschool mathematics and how reddit works.

See here to tell your posts upvotes (from my screen). It means the outside audience viewing said post considers your post "worth more" than it's competition.

EDIT: And lol, I'm pretty sure they are downvoting these posts. Notice how our points just dropped? You start with one and now we have zero. Does the truth hurt a bit much?

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-10-30 02:28:25

I always though those points meant nothing. Or where given just by posting. Like, I sometimes get "you just gained one point for posting" when I make a post.

So, they are the youtube version of old dislike and like button. Cool to see I have likes, hope they are not just from zoos.

By the way, I got banned from a bunch of reddits just because I posted on that site. Seem that people hate them so much that they have bot banning anyone who makes several comments in that place, even if those comments are against them.

So, i would advice people to not make many comments there unless you don't mind being banned from a bunch of other reddits by a bot.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-10-30 02:30:11

So, they are the youtube version of old dislike and like button.

Basically yes.

They are a gauage. Don't read too much into them... But at the same time, when you outrank your debate opponents by 8/1, you are doing ok. :)

I really doubt it's zoos, too. We don't have the numbers vs them for that.

Oh, and the bot banning is interesting. Unsure if it's that they share a banlist or if someone watches that reddit like you said. It's weird.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-10-30 06:25:37

No one is on our side. Stop fooling yourself.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-10-30 11:13:12

So how do you explain a 8 to 1 upvote ratio on a reddit we have no chance of brigading via raw numbers? Because I'm quite curious.

This isn't a case where I can be "fooling" myself. It's basic math.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 2 points on 2016-10-30 19:35:01

/r/zoophilia : 3,291 subscribers

/r/PublicHealthWatch : 1,588 subscribers

With "raw numbers" alone, we already have a 2 to 1 ratio. As for the 8 to 1 ratio, I think a thread that concerns zoophiles directly is bound to disproportionately attract a lot of zoophiles.

Now go look at threads concerning themselves with bestiality that actually made it to the front page, as opposed to a feud between two tiny subs, and get an idea of what the general public actually thinks of us.

According to reports citing local authorities, the man cannot be charged for abusing the dogs, which were all strays. So if there was no vigilante justice in this case there would have been no justice at all? And so he would have been able to keep doing this as long as he wanted because it's legal? I'm generally not one for mob mentality but in this case what else could the people horrified by this have done to stop this man?

728 points

Raping dogs? Dog brothel? What the actual fuck?!?!?! edit: look I know some people like to fuck animals.. whole websites devoted to that.. but seriously.. who looks at a dog, gets a boner and then wants to rape/FUCK it? Paging Dr. Freud! ;)

643 points

This isn't a case where I can be "fooling" myself.

Of course not.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-10-30 20:41:30

You got me. I made a stupid assumption without fact checking that their sub would be many times our size, it's obviously not (can I be happy about this?) I based this assumption on the fact that bigoted ideologies seem to be all the rage as of late, nothing more.

Kudos on pointing out the truth, I am as flawed as anyone in this regard, I withdraw my claims. Have an upvote.

Oh, and BTW, I was referencing the general populations attitudes vs bigots, not the general feelings about us as a whole.

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 2 points on 2016-10-28 02:04:18

Why does seeing bigots get me so angry? I should have learned to accept they existed by now.

"Puritanism. The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." - H. L. Mencken

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2016-10-28 13:34:35

You should learn to laugh about the absurdity - at least in the cases like this here where the bigots have no actual influence. Much healthier.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-10-28 15:07:14

Still, it's kind of scary how bigger their number of people is.
I mean, it doesn't mean they're right, but it still makes me question our own intelligence sometimes.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-10-28 02:41:54

Honestly, this is an alliance that can only go badly for them. Even people who might agree with their goals wouldn't want to touch that subreddit with a 15 foot pole. This pretty much caps how influential they are capable of being, while giving them basically no benefit.

duskwuff 3 points on 2016-10-28 04:21:36

For what it's worth:

One of the primary people behind OpBeast took some time away from it a while back so they could concentrate on #OpChemtrails.

Take that as you will.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-10-28 11:02:31

I would say "oh thank god", but people do believe these conspiracies.

I mean, here in the UK we had some massive conspiracy about the EU being "undemocratic" that was run by a dude who was only ever elected to the EU…


Aluzky 1 point on 2016-10-29 19:06:58

That reddit, is the name of it a satire? They don't seem to care about Public health at all. In fact, the people i have talked with seem to be racists and homophobes (and zoophobes and misogynist and transphobes and several other phobes) aren't such people the actual threat to public safety? That reddit is like a site called "public-anti-rape-watch" being run by a bunch of rapists.

Oh, and seems I got banned from that reddit, duno why. Probably some admin got triggered by me making them look bad.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-10-29 21:40:52

I'm not really sure about the name, but I'm sure it stems from something along the lines of us all being "sick in the head" from their point of view.

EDIT: Can I just say I find it incredibly telling that you have more upvotes than anyone there? Aparently they are more disgusting to the outside world than us. Well played. That's how you bring bigots down my man.

Aluzky 5 points on 2016-10-29 23:14:40

Having a chat with that reddit moderators.

Ok, I got banned from that place (bohoo big deal) anyways, I asked them why did I got banned (as I got a PM saying that I got banned and that PM said "if you have any questions, asks)

I asked: why did I got banned?

They answer is: "Specifically, rule 6 faggot. Check the sidebar."

My reply to that comment is this:

Rule 6: Do not promote unhealthy behaviors.

Where did I promote an unhealthy behavior? (I'm pretty sure I never told anyone: hey, you should fuck dogs, it is great to do that‼‼‼‼1111)

Then I said: Another question: Are you banning the people that told me to kill myself? I'm pretty sure that telling others to kill themselves is a very unhealthy behavior.

So, Goy_Terrorist (a mod) said in that thread "kill yourself" so, he is getting banned, right? Or Rule 6 only applies when it is convenient to your bigoted agenda?

PS: smokeyapaloosa also said "kill yourself"


If they out to enforce their own rules, they have to ban their own moderators. Only me find that to be sad and funny? What a joke they are.

Aluzky 3 points on 2016-10-30 01:08:26

Their mods reply: Our subreddit's goal is to promote public health. The only "cure" for faggotry is suicide/forced euthanasia.

I'm for freedom of speech, but having a reedit with that goal, isen't that against reddit TOS?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-10-30 01:50:15

I'm for freedom of speech, but having a reedit with that goal, isen't that against reddit TOS?

It's only a matter of time until they close down on it I hope, because frankly, yes. You may try filing a report with your findings to reddit itself. I'm sure you aren't the first though.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2016-10-30 03:30:34

I'm all for what you're doing, but if laws were consistently and reasonably applied, I'm pretty sure that sex crimes would be penalized by the harm they do as opposed to how squicked out the general public are by abnormal people.

TheAsianTroll 2 points on 2016-10-31 13:09:30

I'd go to the Reddit admins. If the mods of that sub won't do anything about the people telling you to kill yourself, then they themselves are in violation of Reddit-wide rules.

Not only are they practically encouraging people to tell you to kill yourself, they're providing no disciplinary action towards it and their sub pretty much says "if you're gay or trans then kill yourself", which I believe qualifies as a "hate" sub like Reddit has been so keen on removing.

The mods didn't handle the situation too well either. Consistent bigotry, banning you because you didnt agree with everything they said, and then flairing you with a derogatory term after the fact. They're all a bunch of children.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-10-31 15:55:35

I'm banned from /r/PublicHealthWatch and one of the mods of course told me to kill myself. I wonder if they're mad that I actually failed in my attempt or just happy I tried?