Talked to my girlfriend and hinted at being a Zoo today (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-11-01 19:31:07 by [deleted]


[deleted] 8 points on 2016-11-01 19:46:17

Hiya, female zoo here. It sounds like you have an open, nonjudgmental and exciting partner, and that's really good. She's someone you hopefully will be able to share your life and all aspects of yourself with, without fearing her reproach. And I don't imagine she'll judge you for being a zoo.

That said, what does it mean? Not much more than that. I'm not entirely sure what you want to find out from her response. It shows that's she's open and she will unlikely have an issue with your zoophilia. And it seems she'd be up for foodplay between the two of you. But it doesn't mean that she's a zoo herself, nor would she necessarily be interested in participating with an animal. If she is, those are things she'll have to state clearly on her own, and you can't infer them from her reactions to anything else.

[deleted] 2 points on 2016-11-01 21:18:21


[deleted] 2 points on 2016-11-01 21:56:50

I think you have an understanding partner.

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2016-11-02 04:20:58

"my fellow zoos" wish.

Long BS story short: an avid watcher of porn , already into almost every kink imaginable, presents the usual fucked up crap of " I wanna see my GF gets banged by doggie" and calls it zoophilia.


Plus, it´s another clear and flawless proof that easily available pervo porn can actually function as something that will promote and advertize "giving it a try". How much proof else do you need for the simple fact that openly available animal porn has a distinctive disorienting effect on the public? Remember that "we" humans are monkeys...we learn through imitation. We imitate what we see. And if we choose to feed ourselves on a diet of vast shitloads of pervo porn, something like this "fellow" is the result.

But I digress, back to topic then:

You know, stories like yours are boringly common among a certain type of "zoophiles" ...or, as they are called by the "new" generation of "zoos", "zoo voyeurs". You should check out some of your real fellows and how they dealt with the huge repercussions once their relationship with their oh so tolerant partners broke up. To be more precise: SHE knows all of your dirty little secrets....and if the relationship ends in a non mutual, bad way, I bet my ballsac you´re known as "the dog fucker" or "the retarded pervo" in an instant throughout your community/village/city/whatever. Remember that revenge is a dish best served cold....some others forgot that fact and had to pay the price for their trust. It´s not as uncommon as you might think....keep that in mind. And don´t you call yourself a zoophile anymore, ´cause you aren´t.

P.S.: Peanut butter....also known as "one of the keywords only non zoos use". If you need PB to get doggie going, you don´t know shit. The common stinky snatch of a female humonkey should suffice... Using PB is the moral equivalent to the old "hole in the bottom of the popcorn bag" trick or dressing your dick with puppet clothing so an infant will grab it...

[deleted] 5 points on 2016-11-02 05:02:08


SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 3 points on 2016-11-02 06:13:08

Going to have to agree with /u/30-30 this feels like a fetishist.

I can't speak for all zoo but I've never had any romantic or sexual attraction to any humans and the fact that you started off in the title talking about a girlfriend raised a flag, then you went on to say

"everything I have wanted to try - she has been hesitant at first but ultimately is cool with - we have had alot of fun."

which brought up another flag for fetishist, finally you mentioned peanut butter which even I know is bulshite so I think you are in a very loving, open, and understanding relationship but I do not think you're a zoo more likely a furry who likes feral play nothing wrong with that

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2016-11-02 07:40:55

I don't really get it. Are you a zoophile or are just into woman+dog porn?

Why is it important to tell us it was a particular breed of dog and a particular hair colour on the woman?

And she seems like a person who is willing to try a lot of things to please you. Maybe she thinks this is part of your puppy play activites. Maybe she isn't disgusted with bestiality porn. I don't know, I don't know this girl. But I wouldn't say this necessarily points towards her being a zoophile.