Does anyone know any zoophilia related things to do/see on a trip to Amsterdam? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-11-03 20:50:28 by actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied

Apart from all the animal brothels /s

I'm thinking of heading over there at some point for a bit of a holiday and I figured it would be neat if there was something over there that is related in some way to zoophilia. maybe references to how it was legal there until a few years ago or... I dunno really, just general references made to zoophiles in museums/art/red light district/current political things.

If anyone knows anything let me know :)

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-03 22:12:10

What about horseback riding?

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-11-03 22:29:53

yeah I guess, but I want something more about the history of zoophilia. was there ever an animal brothel there? maybe visiting that would be neat, that kind of thing.

I figure Amsterdam would have something somewhere seeing as it's basically the sex capital of Europe (and the world?).

IAmAZoophile 2 points on 2016-11-03 23:49:03

Any animal brothels that have existed were almost certainly not neat :/

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-04 01:09:33

Were there really brothels open to the public or just private sex clubs?

duskwuff 1 point on 2016-11-04 01:51:06

Doubtful. If there were, there'd be some sort of specific evidence of it -- videos, photos, stories, advertisements? After all, a brothel can't be successful without customers! But all you can find is people who claim, without evidence, that they existed.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-04 04:51:54

Obviously you´re not speaking from personal experience, right?

I´ve been visiting A´dam in the nineties three times and had enough insight into the whole red light district scene to make the statement that animal brothels/private clubs have existed in A´dam. Once I was visiting a regular sex shop and was scrolling through the masses of commercial animal porn offered for sale, totally baffled and simultaeously embarrassed. It only took about two minutes of me browsing through and some guy approached me, handing over a flyer that was an invitation to an animal sex party. The guy must´ve observed me going through the videotapes and decided I was "customer material".

On my last visit to A´dam around the year ´98, while we were searching for a specific coffeeshop in the red light district, another guy standing in front of one hooker dancing naked behind a lit window kept approaching tourists, offering live animal sex shows and more(!?!), suggesting that you can also participate if you want ...and can pay the price. He made that offer to our group and said "For 350 Gulden , you can do what you want."

That sounded a LOT like an animal brothel to me back then; and even more today. Don´t you underestimate the enormous streams of tourists rushing into A´dam for sex and drugs, consisting mainly of sexually adventurous folks that surely make a hellofa good stock of animal brothel customers. If in ANY place of the world, an animal brothel in Amsterdam totally would have enough customers! There are enough roaming the red light district every fucking night who would totally fuck an animal if it was offered to them at a "reasonable" price...hell, have you ever been to the local meet up sections of Beastforum? You don´t even have to generate new customers, the ones begging for animal sex would already be enough to ensure the financial survival of an entire chain of animal brothels. Finding enough potential customers really isn´t the problem here.

Another thing to take into consideration is the definition of "brothel". For me and almost every average person, a brothel is a place where you can buy sex for money. A brothel does not need to be "official", with a red light at the door and a neon sign saying "Animal brothel". Every single person offering his/her animal to strangers IMHO qualifies as an animal pimp, turning his house/barn/wherever the act is done into a bona fide brothel. And now scroll through all these ads on BF again and tell me that animal brothels don´t exist. You may say that there are a lot of fantasizers out there offering non existent animals/animal sex experiences to get in contact with others (Some guy in Germany was caught distributing AP and said in front of the court "I was only distributing AP because I wanted to meet gays!"), but in some cases, the ones offering their animals online even uploaded porn a.k.a. first hand evidence. If you allow a wider definition of the word "brothel", it´s undeniable that some do exist. And let´s be honest and realistic just for once, EVERY sexual orientation, regardless whether legal or illegal, has brothels offering exactly what "the market" demands; it´d be silly to assume otherwise when it comes to bestiality/zoophilia. There are hetero, homo, s/m, coprophilia, kiddie,etc. pp. focused brothels out there...why should bestiality be the shiny exception?

We all just have to face the facts here, there are some folks out there running something you can easily identify as an animal brothel. This automatic denial of existence does not help us in any way; I do not intend to tell you what to think, I only intend to make you think and not fall for propaganda of any side. Think about it for a while, but leave out any prejudice and dogmatic thinking: what makes bestiality SO special that absolutely no one, not even a single person will come up with the idea to buy a bunch of animals and offer them for the existing army of potential customers filling BF´s threads with their carnal desires? The more taboo, the higher the financial gain...just ask your local drug dealer why all of his shit is so goddamn expensive and why he is selling although he could easily end up in jail for it.;)

If viewed rationally, you just cannot exclude the possibility of animal brothels existing. I even remember seeing a pricelist for a "private animal sex party" once; like in a brothel, you were able to choose between several options, ranging from "One hour with a dog" for 250 Euros to 500 Euros for "Two hours alone with three dogs". Sure, I´ve never been to an animal brothel myself and I´m speculating...but my specualtions are based on several pieces of first hand experience and evidence. Sure, it´s a kind of a sport for A´dam residents to fuck around with tourists and all the offers for animal sex could also have been nothing more than an attempt to lure individuals into a non public place to rob them. But somehow I tend to believe it´s more likely that there actually are some places selling their animals for sex. Organized crime will always be where the money is...and there´s a lot of money to be made by offering animals for sex.

If I take all of that and merge it into one coherent picture, I have to say that it is very likely animal brothels exist. I do not think that of all segments of sexuality, it´s bestiality that´s so morally above anything else, it abstains from the commercialisation of sexuality. Just look at BF and all of its affiliated you think the runners of BF keep their forum up out of benevolence and empathy with us poor zoophiles? No, they are in it for the money ...lots of money if what I heard is true.

An animal brothel is an easy way to make lots of money in a very short time and with a very low level of risk involved if you run it with the least amount of intellect. Although I cannot prove it, all the pieces hint at a very high probability that animal brothels may exist....even higher when you accept the common, average definition of a brothel.

[deleted] 2 points on 2016-11-04 17:50:12

What you said about brothels makes sense but if you don't like porn, how come you were in a porn shop?

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-11-04 18:01:10

Remember it was the animal porn on the internet,´cause there was no internet like you know it today. I´ve heard others saying that in the Netherlands, you can buy animal porn in official sex shops and wanted to see it with my own eyes to believe. Well, I did...and somehow I regret entering these sex shops now, I should have entered a coffeeshop instead...;)

It was a totally different time back then...and quite comparable to the gun nuts USA from the perspective of a European not allowed to buy guns at all. When I travelled to the US over a decade ago, I couldn´t resist entering a gun store, just to see if what others told me was real. Curiosity, mixed with morbid fascination, I guess...and the same applies to my animal porn offering dutch sex shop experiences. The simple thought of legally sold animal porn was so fuckin´ far out, I just had to see it myself.

the_howler 2 points on 2016-11-06 21:23:13

I don't know what part of the world you're from but in the 90's you could actually find animal porn in some adult video stores in North America as I can personally attest to. The Netherlands was nothing special in what it had in it's sex shops except for I believe the age allowed to appear in a adult video was like 16 or something thus it had more lower age 'teen' stuff than would be legal to have in North America. Hell I have old Hustler magazines that had ad's for animal movies in it so I'm surprised someone in the 90's would think it's so 'far out' . After the 90's that shit got progressively more locked down more and more until it's what it is today.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-11-04 07:30:13

its like Auschwitz. yeah what happened was shitty but it's a part of history whether you like it or not. Morbid curiosity drives people there to really appreciate and process what went on.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-04 00:41:00

Not that I know of.
I don't think there's anything zoophile related in this goddamned country at all. (Or any signs of intelligence.)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-11-06 16:56:19

if by this country you mean to say youre a Netherlands native can I ask you how accepted being a zoo is over there? If I wear a zeta symbol t-shirt while partying do you know if there will there be a positive/negative/no reaction to it?

Aiziu 2 points on 2016-11-06 17:17:48

Actual native here. Although we're quite open to sexuality in general (including, in a way, animals. As neutering, sterilizing and keeping intact dogs is about 50/50), actual zoophilia isn't a subject that's easy to talk about. I happen to have a fairly accepting social group but I wouldn't go out wearing a zeta symbol. Most people wouldn't know what it is, and those who do you probably don't want them to know.

Zoophilia was never quite legal in the Netherlands. It was only condoned for a very long time as it wasn't considered an 'issue'. But by law it was still illegal.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-11-06 18:23:37

Standard reactions then, fair enough. The reason I ask is that I was on the Trouw website and it states:

Relaxed behaviour is a basic principle. We expect a tolerant and positive mentality from our visitors towards other guests present at the club night, no matter what ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual nature, religion, musical preference or age they might have.

I just wondered how far that kind of mentality went over there.

Aiziu 2 points on 2016-11-06 21:57:52

The Dutch are quite open and tolerant towards different sexualities, that's very true. A lot better than from what I heard how the US is treating it. It's not as much of a taboo and we love joking about this stuff. But that doesn't automatically mean that everyone is also accepting towards zoophilia. As far as the general public cares, it's still grouped together with paedophilia.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-11-06 22:23:03

mhmm, thanks for the concise rundown. I will put my thoughts of partying in a zeta shirt out to pasture (pun intended).

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-09 02:52:12

They had to pass legislation circa 2010:

I think it was pretty aparently legal before then, or they wouldn't have made an issue of it.

Also, I followed this fairly closely and it was one of the closest bestiality votes ever, nearly not passing with almost 51/49 margins.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2016-11-06 17:24:31

Well, that's hard to say since nobody really knows I'm a zoophile.
And I've never met another one, so...
I only got the opinions of a few people, and it wasn't specifically zoophilia, but rather bestiality.
(I don't know how to bring this up without being caught.)
Their reactions weren't special, really.
It's just the usual reaction like ''It's funny and retarded why people do that.'' or ''It's disgusting and I'll report anyone who does it.''
People also think that it's abnormal that I said that I was asexual and that I don't want a girlfriend and that I'm fine with my dog.
So yeah, I'd say it's just like everywhere else.

If you wear a zeta shirt then I don't think anyone will realize that it's related to zoophilia, but there's probably an extremely small chance that they do, I don't think they'll be happy.
I've also never been to Amsterdam so people can be quite different there.
I recommend you to be just like how you always are.

Lastly, sorry for my earlier comment. My misanthropy was blooming at that time again.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-11-06 18:29:25

No worries, I took no offence to your last comment.

like I said in the other reply, I was only curious after reading the blurb on the Treuw website about its policy of tolerance. Just wondered how much of that was shared with the rest of amsterdam/netherlands.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-11-06 19:01:55

1) Among the Dutch, you can run into some of the most tolerant people on planet earth. I remember meeting two Dutch families while I was working for my first riding club. At that time, Dutch military was stationed in my home town and those two soldiers decided to take their families with them to Germany. So, out of nowhere, these two Dutch mothers with their daughters appeared at my riding club and I , being very "dutch friendly", befriended with them pretty quickly. I remember that special little conversation I had with one of the mothers. She was approaching me between two riding lessons while I was cleaning and preparing my mare for training. She said that I caught her attention because I treated my mare in a way she has never seen before. I automatically unloaded all of the decoy remarks, trying to lead her away from the obvious: " Only a happy horse will give its best" , " I don´t need a slave below the saddle, I need a friend I can rely on" and all the other distraction tactic rhetoric ....and then, out of the blue, she asked me if my mare was the love of my life. I just said "Yes" and asked her if it was so obvious for an outsider. She nodded. And told me that she never has seen "one of us" live before, that she never imagined mutual love between human and animal was more than a myth, but now she has seen my mare and me for over a year, she knows this is true. I´ve never met another person with that kind of openness.

I won´t generalize, of course...there surely are some Dutch people without such an extensive amount of tolerance. But I never experienced this soothing "normality" this Dutch mother dealt with my unusual sexual orientation. Not when I was talking with some of my closest friends, not even when I was talking to my family.

From my own experiences, the Dutch are one of the most openminded nations.

BUT: I heavily doubt that wearing a zeta t-shirt will gain you much sympathy. There´s a difference between being a zoophile and trying to advertize it in public. That´s something you all have to wrap your heads around. Especially because the zeta symbol is completely corrupted and stripped of its meaning. Wearing a zeta t-shirt can easily link you to the army of animal abusers as they are using the same symbol, the same name..."zoophilia" and the zeta have some negative connotations. Additionally, nobody seems to know the fine art of keeping a secret anymore...why do you feel the need to step out into the open with a zeta t-shirt? Why is it so important that everyone around you knows your sexuality? Is this really activism...or just another form of exhibitionism and self centered egoism? Why is it so important to be "open"? Why do you want to force it into society?

Guess what, you can be a zoophile without all of these "zoo shirts" , "zoo jewellry" and other also can be a zoophile without feeling the need to force your orientation into society. If a discussion with normies arises, I´m glad to participate, but I´m not a fucking walking posterboard. That´s one thing I really like to emphasize on: Leave the normies alone with your animal fucking stories. Learning that one of your friends/relatives/random guy fucks animals can be a goddamn traumatizing revelation to some normies...would you all please learn that? Sometimes, ignorance IS bliss and the usual violent, irrational reactions towards "open zoophiles" or zoophilia in general could be diagnosed as traumatic stress disorder. Haven´t you wondered why the anti side is acting so hysteric and irrational? Well, here´s your answer. I really believe that this kind of empathic thinking, this "seeing yourself through another one´s eyes" is the key to progress. Only when we can understand the opposition, we can find appropriate strategies to deal with it; only when we don´t act like we´re alone on this planet, we will be able to improve our situation in the future. As long as the "zoophile" focus lies on the ego, denying any problems that are included in bestiality/zoophilia, all our efforts are nothing more but elaborate, rhetoric jerking off with a "heads through the wall" attitude. This has to change.

When I demand the right to love an animal, I simply cannot deny the right of others not to be confronted with it without the rancid smell of bigotry.

What once what a meaningful movement with its own symbols, ideas and words has deteriorated into "pop culture"...btw: wearing a zeta without knowing its origins, without knowing what it really stands for is like wearing a Nirvana t-shirt, but without knowing one goddamn song of the band, insisting that "Nirvana" and the x-eyed smilie is a fashion brand´s symbols.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-11-06 19:48:40

aw bloody hell this post started off so well before you plunged into another giant tangent.

firstly, its a bit rich criticising me for thinking about wearing a zeta t shirt when you just said you yourself actually got found out by a member of the public. what the hell were you doing with your horse for them to pick up on the fact that you two loved each other that much? talk about advertising it eh....

Also its a bit different wearing a zeta t shirt out and about as opposed to wearing it to Trouw where (emphasis mine):

Dress code: TrouwAmsterdam stimulates creativity and free expression and loves to see visitors in extravagant and wayward clothing rocking it on the dance floor.

Now, this is why I was asking here. It was more just a whimsical fantasy but youre banging on about it like I was thinking of wearing a zeta shirt to the local neo nazi rally.

What once what a meaningful movement with its own symbols, ideas and words has deteriorated into "pop culture"...btw: wearing a zeta without knowing its origins, without knowing what it really stands for

all I can do is shake my head in disbelief at this bit. the past is behind us, its time to look to the future.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-11-06 22:44:00

WHAT the fuckin´ fuck is wrong with you? Why do you have the strong tendency to think everything I write is aimed specifically at you and not a general statement I was making because you brought up a question?

How sad does one have to be to constantly be offended by fucking WORDS?!?! The t-shirt example you brought up actually is a splendid example what this "zoo activism" is really about. It´s not about a safe environment for a unusual form of love, it is "show off" material for the most of you. Special snowflakes and all of that shit, you know what I´m talking about... Although your t-shirt idea may not´ve been meant literally, it unveils a (at least for me) certain mindset...a mindset that has brought us and our orientation to this exact point in space and time...with laws against it everywhere, with self proclaimed zoo hunters scanning the net for targets, with sting operations from Arpaio and his likeminded followers. As I said, what is terribly missing these days is the fine art of keeping a secret.

"The past is behind us, it´s time to look to the future".....let´s see..." who isn´t capable to learn from the past will have to relive it again and again"...what about that? Maybe that´s the basic flaw of it all. Denying the roots of the movement, not knowing the historical facts, not being able to tune in to the original ideas behind zoophilia and the movement. Have you thought about it lately? Have you considered the possibility that it isn´t ME who is an asshole here, but you and those with a similar attitude? Have you ever wondered, have you ever given it a thought what would be if I am right with all my criticism, my "intolerance"?

Just think about it...what if you folks are wrong and I am the one pointing out the only viable way to improve our situation? What if the solution lies in the open and you don´t realize that because you are blind or don´t want to leave your comfy animal sex abode? What if you are the real enemies of zoophilia? Another user posted a text in which he emphasized a zoophile´s duty of constant self criticism...and to be honest, exactly this is what can´t be observed at all in the so called "zoo community". All I see is repeating the same old myths that have been falsified long ago...the usual tactics of retreating to the common ground of self ascertion and "zoo" myths. Hell, you are very well capable of being sceptical...when it comes to the opposition. But when your own "team" is involved, your capability dwindles rapidly. Since you obviously are looking forward to the day I am banned or gone from this sub as you have stated in another thread, I really wonder if you just can´t handle any form of critical thinking, just like any other sect or fascist movement. Very well done! Demanding openness from society, but simultaneously denying any criticism speaks volumes.

So, enjoy your long held (mis-)beliefs and misconceptions...oh, and don´t mind the train´s direction heading for a long as everyone has a seat, nothing´s wrong... #realityisforidiots

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-07 01:38:28

No need to swear.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-07 07:54:04

Hey, despite the fact that I like you, you´re not gonna tell me that, do you?

I´ve seen my orientation being held captive, sold, abused and defiled for over two fucking decades now; I´ve seen how goddamn apathetic many other so called zoos are, displaying bona fide Alfred E Newman motto "Why me worry?" , I´ve seen our public image we veterans of the IRCs tried to build up for a better future bein´raped and flushed down the toilet afterwards and you tell me there´s no need to swear? The entire community could use a fair amount of constant swearing so it has the tiniest chance to come back to its senses, waking up from a terrible nightmare involving hordes of fetishists and grownups masturbating to anime. The orgiastic party that our scene has turned into since the porn craze of 2000 has to end...and with all the recent decline we can witness within our own community, what better place than here, what better time than now?

You want a revolution? Every revolution starts with a person like me, angry and not willing to take this shit anymore, from no one.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-07 15:18:24

Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-07 07:39:23

Have you ever wondered, have you ever given it a thought what would be if I am right with all my criticism, my "intolerance"?


If you're right, I don't want to be right.

If you want to throw all these other people under the bus to get us accepted, fuck acceptance, frankly.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-08 23:24:29

aw bloody hell this post started off so well before you plunged into another giant tangent.

I'm begining to wonder if you and I are like the only people short of the mods who have not placed him on ignore at this point...

I'm only slightly kidding.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-06 21:12:00

That's a nice story. I wish everyone was that tolerant. At this one stable I volunteered at people knew I was a zoo and tolerated me.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 3 points on 2016-11-06 22:19:02

Why don't you go to Bucharest? It's filled with stray dogs and zoophilia in Romania is never explicitly mentioned by law so i.e. legal.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2016-11-06 22:21:55

lol, oh you. I'm not going to Amsterdam specifically to bang dogs.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-11-06 23:23:16

Ok, so it's to smoke weed? :P

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-11-06 23:36:43

Afaik, fresh magic mushrooms are sold also...I´d head for that first, then the weed. ;)

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-11-07 18:20:27

Ahh, yeah. But weed is more, um shall we say, emblematic of the city.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-07 09:41:29

I really hope you weren't serious with that one...

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-11-07 18:23:24

Only half serious. I'd lie if I said I never thought about it. To go far away, befriending an ill-fated street dog and bringing her home with me, away from all the hardships... it's so romantic.

It almost happened in the past. Unfortunately, the "bringing her home with me" part never took place.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-07 18:36:23

I thought you ment to pick dogs off the street to fuck all of 'em.
Trust me, I got traumatized because of a comment similiar to this, except much worse.
But this sounds like the start of a beautiful story, actually...

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 0 points on 2016-11-07 19:13:33

I thought you ment to pick dogs off the street to fuck all of 'em.

Oh yeah, that too... ;)

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-07 19:15:37

How to be Aluzky 2.0
Step 1...

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-11-07 19:35:50

Step 2: film yourself doing it.

Step 3: Upload it to

Step 4: "it's okay, I'm vegan bruh"

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-07 19:45:12

Step 5: Continue to harass people on the internet.
Step 6: Repeat step 5 until someone tries to prove you wrong.
Step 7: ''ah no i only recorded fucing dogs long ago when i was yung and dumb nd not vegn yet i have proven facts u dont hue huehue''
Step 8: ??????
Step 9: Profit from animals.

EDIT: lmao @ sudden downvote rain, wb aluzky my good ol' friendo

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 0 points on 2016-11-07 20:10:55


[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-10 20:36:51


huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-11-10 21:37:32

Well... where OP is from, people are jailed for having dog porn on their HD.