How to access private reddit? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-11-04 06:22:21 by rabbitkiller24

Hey fam,

I'm new to reddit and it's functionality. How do I view the bestiality community? It says I don't have access... Is it private?

ZooMasil 3 points on 2016-11-04 06:32:06

I don't think r/zoophilia would really be the place to ask about it, we don't care much for beasty porn in gerneral, so most of us probably haven't been there.

rabbitkiller24 1 point on 2016-11-04 06:34:43

Then I guess I have two further questions,

How do I contact a moderator of a reddit community


Why is there such a big divide between the zoophilia reddit and the bestiality reddit?

Maybe I just have my definitions all crossed?

Swibblestein 8 points on 2016-11-04 07:21:14

1) Send a private message with the recipient as "r/[subreddit name]" (without quotes).

2) a) Because a lot of real-life pornography involving animals is abusive.
2) b) Because a lot of real-life pornography involving animals is not actually made for zoophiles, but rather for guys getting off to the idea of women degrading themselves, which is an attitude that many here find repulsive on a number of levels (myself included).

I feel like I've been saying these things a lot recently, but we've had an influx of new members who seem to not understand these things.

arnset 5 points on 2016-11-04 11:47:07

It's always going to be the case becuase Reddit is accessible to new people starting to reach out. It's cool to let people know the darker and less acceptable size of loving an animal, but the audience you'll see here will liekly always have newbies asking the same question. Just got to put on a friendly tone and guide them the right way as we'll all be those first impressions of the wider community here for some

Swibblestein 3 points on 2016-11-04 19:51:06

It just seems as though we've had a disproportionate number of them. But, even so, it wasn't my intent to not be friendly. I did answer the questions and try to explain the hostility. Hopefully I didn't come across too badly.

rabbitkiller24 1 point on 2016-11-04 20:29:55

No, I'm tougher than that ;)

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2016-11-08 04:32:52

I am guessing hiccups at a certain large porn site which is known for such material.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-11-08 05:28:04

If you're referring to something in particular, I'm out of the loop.

rabbitkiller24 6 points on 2016-11-04 14:32:34

First off, I am a female active zoo sexual. I also somewhat work in the sex industry, so I know what it is to have my image used for the sexual gratification of others (and although not all 'fans' are disrespectful, certainly some are). I am also a an avid porn watcher, and I know the difference between amateur exhibitionist porn and degrading porn made because the subject lives in poverty. They are not one in the same.

On beastforum, there is a community of people that swap and post bestiality and zoosexual porn that I am a part of. I was looking for others on reddit in a similar vain.

So I appreciate you answering my inquiry. It is only to find like minded people, and I will tell you the initial hostility towards my inquiry totally shocked me.

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2016-11-04 16:38:59

So you´re a BF member and searching for animal porn in HERE? That´s like working for McDonalds and entering your local pizzeria, surprised by the hostility when you order "a cheeseburger and some french fries"...

The recent influx of new members demanding access to animal porn in here is too damn high to be a coincidence. I wouldn´t be surprised if all of this is indeed an attempt to acquire new targets for DDos attacks by OoBeast or any other anti group or individual. It only takes the effort of reading through this sub´s rules or read the replies to AP requests to learn that this sub isn´t for porn distribution and that there are zoophiles out there totally opposed to animal porn. Most of the flics you can watch are from BF anyway, so why do you come here, to an obscure little subforum that´s frequented by but a few individuals when you have "beasty heaven" at BF?

Smells fishy like the entire 7 seas of the earth combined...

P.S.: Ten hours ago, you wrote that you are looking for a therapist to get rid of your "zoophilia", now you demand access to porn subreddits....something absolutely does not match here....

rabbitkiller24 4 points on 2016-11-04 18:24:57

"So you´re a BF member and searching for animal porn in HERE? That´s like working for McDonalds and entering your local pizzeria, surprised by the hostility when you order "a cheeseburger and some french fries"..."

I'm searching for a community here, and if it also involves sharing content, so be it, and if it doesn't, so be it. I didn't know that the bestiality reddit was even strictly porn sharing until someone in this thread said so, because I can't see that community anyway. That's the only reason why I addressed the porn topic to begin with. Keep in mind that I'm relatively new to reddit and don't even know how these groups work, and certainly didn't know there was such a sharp divide between these two communities on reddit. How could I know that? Also, as a side note, me enjoying porn in general does not make me any less a zoo, or any worse a person, than anyone else in this community,and it is possible to still have civil discussions and support between those who watch and those who don't.

"The recent influx of new members demanding access to animal porn in here is too damn high to be a coincidence. I wouldn´t be surprised if all of this is indeed an attempt to acquire new targets for DDos attacks by OoBeast or any other anti group or individual.

It is possible that the number of people asking for access is 'too damn high to be a coincidence'. I wouldn't know, and there's no way to prove anything. If you're paranoid, as most zoos are rightfully so, then I can't prevent you from being skeptical. I literally have no way of proving who I am without exposing myself. So I don't know how any new members or people who are looking to connect are supposed to make you feel better about that. Nothing that I say is going to change your stance on that. How are new members supposed to connect without being accused? It's hard enough reaching out as it is. I don't need the hostility and the accusations that I'm some agent for some anti zoo group.

"Most of the flics you can watch are from BF anyway, so why do you come here, to an obscure little subforum that´s frequented by but a few individuals when you have "beasty heaven" at BF?"

Like I said before, I didn't come to reddit to look for porn. And I didn't know the bestiality subreddit was strictly such anyway. I also feel that by mentioning that I have looked at porn and that i do enjoy some porn, I have now become excluded from a community where I could have connected with others in a meaningful way regardless.

"Smells fishy like the entire 7 seas of the earth combined..."

I don't think I need to mention how OTT this is.

"P.S.: Ten hours ago, you wrote that you are looking for a therapist to get rid of your "zoophilia", now you demand access to porn subreddits....something absolutely does not match here...."

If you bothered to take 5 minutes to read my posts before writing this, you probably wouldn't have included it. But I will save you the trouble since you clearly won't do me the deceny.

The post where I addressed searching for a therapist was in response to someone else's post. The original poster was not okay with her zoo self. I identified the complexities of some of her situation, admitted that my scenario was not entirely the same, but that I was seeking a sex therapist. I made no mention of wanting to 'get rid of' my sexual orientation as I believe that is impossible.

Furthermore, if you bothered read any of my other posts (or even look at the TITLES!), of which there are less than 10, so not exactly heavy reading here, you would find that my primary reason for searching for a sex therapist is to get therapy for assault and violent rape trauma, resulting ptsd flashbacks that impede my daily life, and yes, if I want to discuss the complexities of being a closeted zoosexual, then I have every right. Shame on you.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2016-11-04 19:02:01

I apologize on his behalf for hostility. 30 acts like(perhaps is?) a psycho asshole sometimes, as observed above. He very rarely contributes realistic content but he does sometimes, hes riding a thin line here but while he's still here, it's best just to down vote if it is non-contributory and report if it is aggressive.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-11-04 19:43:16

I would like to apologize on behalf of 30-30. I know someone else apologized on his behalf, but I just want to double-down and clarify that, no, he is not representative of the board as a whole.

This board generally is a pretty welcoming place, from what I've seen. You happen to have come at a particularly frustrating time (since we have been threatened by an anti-zoo group), and touched a nerve which has been rubbed raw by this point. I think that the way you've been treated thus far isn't representative of how you'll be treated if you stick around, but I understand if this has all put a sour taste in your mouth and you don't want to deal with this board.

rabbitkiller24 3 points on 2016-11-04 20:33:35

I just didn't have any context. I also don't know how anti zoo groups could target this community on reddit. Is it that they just want the community shut down? Do they want to find out who you are and prosecute? What's their goal with infiltrating? I'm not even familiar with who these groups are.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-11-04 20:37:40

The group has the stated objective of eliminating bestiality. How they want to go about that is unclear, but they did post in this subreddit to that effect.

I've gotten a couple of PMs that make me think that perhaps they are fishing for the private details of people (which would go along with finding who you are and prosecuting - or even vigilante justice, though I doubt that), but that also doesn't mean that's the only thing they're doing.

Honestly I don't consider them that big of a threat. If anything the greatest threat they've managed has been sowing a certain amount of discord among the members of this subreddit.

rabbitkiller24 2 points on 2016-11-05 02:00:58

Ah. You know that seems like an awful waste of efforts and time... And mental suffering. I can't imagine what it's like to have that as your mission statement. Then again, people have done worse when they put their minds to it.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 3 points on 2016-11-05 07:59:45

I also feel that by mentioning that I have looked at porn and that i do enjoy some porn, I have now become excluded from a community where I could have connected with others in a meaningful way regardless.

some people are on higher horses than others about porn. 30-30 is on the very highest horse imaginable about porn. don't take anything he says personally. he just has certain triggers that he goes ballistic about, and porn is one of them.

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 2 points on 2016-11-05 02:05:52

Dear diary, today 30-30 was more right than asshole.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-11-05 03:04:17

Well,...yes, I´m capable of being more right than asshole and sometimes when the weather is nice, I decide to cut back on the assholianism...just for the lulz.;)

The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2016-11-05 22:19:41

Hell hath frozen over.

Aluzky 2 points on 2016-11-05 00:29:15

the initial hostility towards my inquiry totally shocked me.

Your name doesn't help at all. You should expect hostility when you made up such name.

IAmAZoophile 2 points on 2016-11-04 07:05:56

There sure have been a lot of new people around here lately who mostly seem interested in getting at places that probably have some pretty questionable content.

I'd be in favor of outright banning any discussion/inquiries about other subreddits on sight. That's not what this community is for, and not something I'm interested in seeing or facilitating.

rabbitkiller24 3 points on 2016-11-04 14:24:17

You may not be interested in facilitating it, but to ban people for asking about it seems exclusionary, even for a zoo.

IAmAZoophile 3 points on 2016-11-04 16:47:04

Banning users for single infractions would be too much, I agree-- but I don't think these posts should stick around.

It'd be nice if open discussion of bestiality didn't have any consequences, but realistically linking this subreddit to the 'bestiality community' will change the kind of attention this place gets for the worse.

rabbitkiller24 3 points on 2016-11-04 18:26:48

So you can't or won't have discussions about bestiality on here, just fantasies and drawings, that kind of stuff?

Xoltine 2 points on 2016-11-04 23:07:18

I think this conversation has gotten a bit absurd. Sounds like the Monty Python sketch about how much the Peoples' Front of Judea hates the Judaen People's Front.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-11-05 14:19:06

Splitter! ;P

Xoltine 2 points on 2016-11-05 14:35:48

wag wag

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2016-11-04 23:15:01

eh, it more depends on the perspective when the topic of sex with animals comes up. If its respectful to both human and animal it fits here. If the conversation is degrading to either party then it doesnt fit here.

basically its less about the overt and more about the subtext.

rabbitkiller24 1 point on 2016-11-05 02:04:05

Okay well that clarifies it

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 6 points on 2016-11-04 19:42:44

and another one. Really, i cant keep ignoring all these red flags. There's something going on

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2016-11-04 22:48:45

Bonus points because of OP's name.

rabbitkiller24 3 points on 2016-11-05 02:03:04

I mean really, if I was trying to cover something up, don't you think I would use something way more under the radar? More like doglover88?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-06 11:32:01

Heh, was just pokin' fun.
Atleast I don't cry about it like another person in this post. Ahem

rabbitkiller24 1 point on 2016-11-06 22:31:29

I honestly don't know who you're referring to.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-06 23:12:26

Which is only a good thing.
I know this sounds so random and out of nowhere, but I don't recommend looking for the comment and actually reply to it, unless you want to get into an argument that lasts for about a few days.