What would a (insert candidate) victory mean for us? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-11-09 00:53:59 by thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag
Lefthandedsock 11 points on 2016-11-09 01:38:33

Nothing at all. They're both against us. Most everybody is.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-11-09 02:16:27

Only the libertarian party is pro-bestiality-legalization to my knowledge, and that's because they are property-rights nutjobs. Do not vote for them... seriously.

So no, the election means nothing for zoo rights.

[deleted] 4 points on 2016-11-09 02:20:05

Agreed. A vote for them is a vote wasted.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-09 02:30:51

I don't agree with "wasted votes" (I vote for who I think is best, odds be damned), but even if they had a chance at winning, I wouldn't vote for them. They put their presidential ticket on auction once for pete sake.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-09 02:19:31

If Trump wins all hell breaks loose.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-09 02:28:59

Or more likely, he's embattled by congress until finally impeached.

But yeah, no good for anyone.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-11-09 09:01:13

and he won.

Now we pray to the great zoo god I'm right.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-09 20:01:43

I'm scared shitless.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-11-09 23:47:23

I wouldn't be. He was elected president, not emperor. If he tried to create WW3 he'd be removed from office faster than a hot potato. He knows this, so he won't... which is almost dissapointing. (I kinda want to see congress go "Donald Trump, you're fired!")

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-10 01:15:29

I doubt the WW3 option, but have seen footage of youngsters seemingly preparing for a civil war...Trump administration will fuck up, but only America, not the entire world.

Oh, thank you for the last line....I´ve waited almost the entire day for this...;)

Frostfedora Captain Esports 7 points on 2016-11-09 03:17:49

I doubt bestiality is on either candidate's radar, although relatively, I believe Trump would be better for zoophiles (disclosure-- I'm biased as a Trump supporter).

1) Trump has a more libertarian belief in regards to LGBTZ laws. He's also not a religious man at all, and has a very loose moral code when it comes to sex in general.

2) Clinton is a liberal woman who holds very non-controversial fews to try to win over the center, and isn't left enough on sexuality to be okay with bestiality. It's actually pretty likely that she still disagrees with gay marriage, based on her past statements and even what Bill Clinton said about her still being uncomfortable with it. I'm not trying to sound sexist or anything, but it is worth mentioning that groups that tend to spearhead efforts against bestiality/zoophilia have a distinct woman majority.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-11-09 06:12:53

My main concern about Trump trumps zoophilia (pun intended).

I don't see him as a stable man to rule the country. I'm actually legitimately fearful for what he'll do to our national stability (not safety, I'm sure he'd be impeached before anything like that, but he's already hurting our economy before he even got elected).

I care about that more than my right to be an open zoo honestly. I mean we're talking about a man who's enough of a buffoon to threaten to "close the internet with the help of Bill Gates" despite neither securing the support of Bill Gates, nor researching the issue.

And that's the least worrisome among his various positions...

30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2016-11-09 07:42:40

Ooohhh, he´ll be sooo good...from the entertainment perspective. Walls, shutdowns, climate change is a chinese lie, Putin admires him (what Putin surely does not!), it´s like The Big Bang Theory ...a literal big bang, btw. With gay haters like Mr Pence backing him as VP, this 4 years (hopefully less) will be a muthafuckin´ hellofaride for you Americans. No "evil socialist" free medicare for everyone, no, the good ol´ "Ya ain´t got money? Well, you gotta die, then..." glorious capitalism. What a time to be a US political comedian...the jokes will basically write themselves and you can chill out in your Canadian studio... I also heard that Agent Orange prepares his own TV network...hmmm, TV under the control of the president, that surely will strenghten democracy and plurality. Well, we here in Germany are well prepared for an influx of huge masses of people fleeing from their country. We recently had enough experience with that...and also with voting for a loudmouthed, xenophobic, post-factual socio- and psychopath, but that´s a few years ago. Leave your guns at home, guys, btw! ;) And maybe bring Colorado with you over here....;)

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-09 20:00:51

Trump will annex Germany and most of Western Europe and cause WW3.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-09 22:53:48

Hmmmm....using irony,hyperbole and satire on this election´s aftermath gets me upvotes. Using the same on the many controversial areas of my/our orientation and I´m downvoted. Could it be this whole thing in here is about "sticking to your team" and not about addressing actual problems regardless of my own involvement in zoophilia? I think I get it, you don´t shit where you eat...but what if you´re already eating shit for nearly two decades now? Questions, questions everywhere....;)

CyberDragonoftheVoid Dragons and Canids 1 point on 2016-11-10 05:42:55

If you're rude to the opposing team, then people tend to be alright with that. If you're rude to your own circle, then you'll get a negative response.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-11-09 06:22:58

ad 1): Yeah,sure,´cause power doesn´t corrupt. There never was gay sex in the Vatican, right? Seriously, now....have you forgotten which party Trump belongs to and for how long the party will sit still and let rapey can of fanta do what he likes? If he wins (sadly it looks like the Trumpocalypse will be real in a few hours), I highly doubt he will stop his trademark hate rhetoric...when he was referring to the LGBT in one of his speeches, he couldn´t even say those four letters fluently...obviously he´s not using that term very often. Don´t forget he is running for the Republicans, is basically politically an empty shell that can and will be filled by his advisors, also Republicans and very likely one of the believers in Alt right propaganda. As gays are considered a part of the Zionist conspiracy, guess what the direction will be....you Americans wanted to return to "the good ol´ 50s", now voíla, here you have it.

ATM, my emotions are split in two: on one hand, his grandfather´s birthhouse lies only some 15-20 kilometers away from my birthtown and I should be proud an offspring of a fellow Palatinian may be POTUS. On the other hand, as a German, I think the last few hours give quite a accurate picture of what itmust´ve felt like on the evening of January, 30th, 1933. Good luck, America...you´ll need it.

fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2016-11-09 08:56:40

Have you... looked at his prospective vice president?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-11-09 08:59:23

I can't answer for FrostedFedora, but from what I've seen, most Trump supporters can't see beyond the trump fervor, IMO.

And yes, I'm aware that's a massive generalization, it's just my experience.

But yeah, the man believes gays can be cured with electroshock therapy. What's not to love? /s

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2016-11-09 21:57:56


30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-09 22:44:47

Check the facts...oh, my bad, we´re in post-factual era....

You vote for Trump, you vote for Pence. Pence likes to electrocute the gayness out of homos....you´re a homophobe!!! ;) #easyanswersforcomplicatedmatters. #feelingsarefacts #trumputin ;)

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-09 23:48:38


I kid really... kinda. Honestly this election was going to suck regardless but I really do struggle to see how a zoo could vote for Trump knowing Mike Pence is expected to do a lot of the governing. I'm open minded though. Explain it to me. I really do want to understand.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-10 01:20:23

Well, that´s obviously the root of all evils these days, considering someone an ally although anything hints at the opposite. Bubbles, bubbles everywhere...;)

Gays, Latinos, refugees, muslims....some of them actually voted for Trump. The parallels to Hitler´s election are frightingly uncanny, as Hitler also got many votes from Jewish Germans who were convinced "he does not mean it this way"...The Age of Stupid.

Now it´s official, humans are the most dumb species on this planet. Voting against your own interests is actually a thing now...

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-11-11 20:32:04

I support trump more for the anti establishment part of it. same reason I voted for brexit.

anyway, I'd call myself a libertarien before anything else.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-12 03:53:19

Meh, being "anti-establishment" by voting for an old, rich, white guy strikes me as an "only in america" type thing.

But sounds like you are british, so I'm proven wrong, lol.

Not like we had a butt-ton of options this election though. I'm cool with whoever voted for who, I'm just kinda sick of hearing about it.

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2016-11-15 10:33:34
Dogsoulmate 3 points on 2016-11-09 07:33:41

I'll still love ❤️

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-09 10:41:35


[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-09 17:36:37


Aluzky 2 points on 2016-11-10 01:37:41

Both options are horrible, nothing good will ever come from them to zoos.

30-30 amator equae -2 points on 2016-11-10 01:40:44

Oh, how do YOU know? Making statements for a group you´re clearly not belonging to at all is kinda...oh, well...forget it, you won´t learn anyway. Don´t forget to consult a shrink, Autism is a serious mental disorder and it needs to be treated by an expert.

P.S.: Aladeen 2020!!!

Aluzky 2 points on 2016-11-10 01:53:39

How do YOU know?

Frostfedora pretty much said it.

re clearly not belonging to

I'm a zoo. So what the hell are you talking about?

well...forget it, you won´t learn anyway. Don´t forget to consult a shrink, Autism is a serious mental disorder and it needs to be treated by an expert. P.S.: Aladeen 2020!!!

Are you drunk or on drugs, because none of that makes sense. Sober up.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-11-10 03:26:06

Go fuck other peoples´ dogs without their knowledge and deny calling it fencehopping.

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 1 point on 2016-11-10 16:21:54

Why are you encouraging his sick habit? Also don't call him autistic for two reasons: 1. I have autism and he clearly has something much worse, 2. he could then call you bigot, of wait he'll probably already do that because your disagreeing with him

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-10 16:53:34

Ah Pluto, he probably doesn't really mean it.
We know he's got something much worse.
Let's just keep it silent before we wake 'em up.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-20 05:34:22

Fence hopping definition: The act of trespassing (jumping some one property fence) into other people property to have sex with their animals.

All the sex I have had with dogs has been done without me trespassing on some else property. AKA not fence hopping.

Last time I check, fence hopping is not defined as: Having sex with an animal that is not your property.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-20 07:48:39

You just don´t get it, right? Fencehopping does not necessarily involve hopping an actual fence. Idiot.

Aluzky 0 points on 2017-01-08 18:07:05

You just don´t get it, right? Fencehopping does not necessarily involve hopping an actual fence. Idiot.

I know that. Private property can be unfenced and is still private property. Trespassing that property is what makes it fence hopping. Not the act of jumping a fence.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-10 11:42:12

He might be not a real zoophile, but he is right for once. (Even though he basically repeated what others said.)

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 0 points on 2016-11-10 02:02:50

I'm glad he won.

Fuck the status quo.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-10 03:03:47

Hillary was a founding sponsor of something which I believe is called the Adam Walsh act of 2006. It mandates that states must seek and confine "sexually abnormal" persons in internment camps without trying them or charging them with a crime.

Literally. Justice Thomas noted that about a fifth of the people now so interred (comstock, 2008) are thus not accused of a crime.

OTOH, she made direct appeal to TIberius' love of kindergarten boys in her campaign announcement, so she may have been backing off of this.

Trump... is a bit harder to read. The Pence/Giuliani thing is... slightly scary, as is Christie to those who studied the Boston situation. Conversely, I read a very good article in Sandernista-space that I'm trying to find that makes a very good case that Trump deescalated his base, heavily.

So... unpredictable and mixed? I'll edit if I can find the article...

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-11-10 04:08:06

Don´t focus on Trump so much, ´cause Trump´s strategy is shortsighted and has one basic flaw. The options are: 1) Trump will do all of that he promised in his campaign. Results: Total isolation from the world, high import taxes as he wants to leave NAFTA and the WTO, large waves of Emigration because people with a more progressive mind will flee their country (Canada´s official internet site shut down due to massive access, btw) and by leaving NATO, your country has to face every single conflict alone, without any "coalition of the willing". 2) Trump does some of the things he promised: the less promises he can realize, the more he´ll be under fire...from his own posse!

and 3) Trump cannot get any of his promises done. Let´s take a look into the mindset of those long time non voters who made his victory possible. These people won´t be satisfied with "just a little bit", they want what they voted for. Trump used their anger to win, he directed it anywhere he wanted. Crooked Hillary, Hey, it´s Rubio etc.... the disadvantages of such a hate campaign are the ones you´ve kept "on fire" for more than a year. Has someone read Goethe´s "Zauberlehrling" (magic apprentice/ sic!!!) ? A young and dimwitted magician conjures demons, thinking he can handle them, but quickly losing control. Same with his enthusiastic supporters, his die hard fan club. Remember that now he´s President, there´s no direct target anymore he can blame for all the bad of the world. The lack of a designated scapegoat will inevitably create a vacuum...and guess what, his hate apostles won´t stop hating all of a sudden, Mr Trump got them fixed during his campaign and once you´re on a drug, you cannot simply quit without any withdrawal symptoms. So, here we are: a president who cannot turn back the wheel of time as he promised, a fanaticised mass of people not knowing where to put their hate now, a land in total division and his own party isn´t even backing him up 100%. That´s the danger when playing with fire, as Mr Trump did. He also gave his crowd easily memorizable slogans they surely will remember the next 4 years, so he can´t rely on the typical 3 second attention span of an average citizen. Chances are pretty high that he´ll leave office hanging from a lamp post like Mussolini in 1945.

BTW: I cannot believe I would ever have to say this, but kudos to George W. Bush for not voting for Trump. Who would have thought Bush wasn´t the worst and actually has a certain kind of honor in him, keeping him from voting for Sir Tinyhands Gropes-a-lot.

What you will really have to worry about is Trump´s team, probably all some sort of hardliners with a Tea Party twist. I told you the pendulum would eventually swing back... it will be these people running your country, not the orangyskinned oxtoad; he´s the distraction, he´ll keep you entertained with his scandals while those working behind the scene will try to turn back time to the 50s.

The only chance I see: both major parties need to unite. They need to fix your voting system that hardly is democratic at all, as Mrs Clinton,like Al Gore, had more votes in total. You´ll need to find something that calms down the urban youth, some of the already walking through the streets, shouting "not my president". Maybe Trumpocalypse is a real chance for you to fix your system.

We should all learn from that; it teaches a valuable lesson what happens when people mistake privilege for equality, when criticising certain groups is a "hate crime" and when there´s no reality anymore, but two opposing bubbles/echo chambers. We´re not living in 1880 anymore and all Democracies have failed to adapt their political system to the new realities of internet and worldwide communication. Don´t worry about Trump too much. With all of these ticking timebombs he fused in his campaign, chances are high he´ll get the Kennedy or Mussolini treatment sooner than he thinks. W

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-10 06:39:02

when criticising certain groups is a "hate crime"

Amusingly, it's "murdering," not "criticizing," but it includes you courtesy of the Obama/democratic administration's first act on office... and the help of Rep Green(R).

There's a nice video or two of Rep. Hastings making some beautiful speeches.

What you will really have to worry about is Trump´s team


That was what worried me about W, too. All he did was start a few wars, none of them with Saudi Arabia. The roving street gangs and the Alberto/Gonzales regime, though...

With all of these ticking timebombs he fused in his campaign, chances are high he´ll get the Kennedy or Mussolini treatment sooner than he thinks.

Unfortunately, that would install "Kill the Gays" Pence.

I'm not that terribly awestruck by the LGB community, as they were very eager to become a hate group fighting the rest of sexual diversity... but I also don't think it implies that they'll advance the rest of diversity, either.

No matter what happens, though... this, too, shall pass, and we will survive.

So, that's good.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-10 05:05:27

I can't find a single reference to interring people without a crime in the Adam Walsh act as described on Wikipedia. But it's a dense read and I may be missing something, or wikipedia may. Can you please back up your claims?

Also, I am opposed to any active exploitation of children. Pedophilic thoughts are a sticky issue and I'm hardly against thoughts, but as I read the Adam Walsh act, I'm not exactly opposed...

urdaughtersacutie ally 2 points on 2016-11-10 06:25:43

Can you please back up your claims?

Under this provision, even prisoners who have never been previously charged with or convicted of a sex crime may be civilly committed


As noted, Justice Thomas' dissent in Comstock is another good read.

but as I read the Adam Walsh act, I'm not exactly opposed...

You know that "first they came for the communists" poem?

You are literally slated for a concentration camp without trial or charge...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-10 07:17:21

You know that "first they came for the communists" poem?

I'm pretty sure he didn't have sexual predators in mind there. And I'm sorry, but that's what I consider any active pedophiles.

That said, you are talking people who have already commited crimes can be civilly commited (the word "prisoners" is used, implying they are already in prison for something).

Granted, they don't have to be sex crimes to get you examined for "sexual abnormalities." You could've had a bad day, got caught in a drug sting and suddenly you get locked up forever because you like dogs.. And yeah, that's fucked. I missed that part. My point was I'm not opposed to the core idea of the Adam Walsh act, but it sounds like a horrible overreaching mess even after I read through the overblown lines you've provided. I can't say I'd vote for it... but you are sort of doing yourself a disservice the way you are misrepresenting it.

There's also a major difference between interment camps and concentration camps. You do realize one stores people enmasse, the other KILLS people enmasse, right? Granted, I wouldn't want to be in either.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-10 07:30:06

And I'm sorry, but that's what I consider any active pedophiles.

...or for that matter, Jews who kill children for their passover rites.

The poem, however, was fairly explicitly about those you don't have in mind.


that's what I consider any active pedophiles.

I only mentioned Tiberius because the boylove community (lbl) is who Hillary chose to reach out to. I'm sorry the dogfuckers don't have the political power and relevance of a bunch of pedophilels, but bluntly, I did not design Hillary's campaign.

Granted, they don't have to be sex crimes to get you examined for "sexual abnormalities." You could've had a bad day, got caught in a drug sting and suddenly you get locked up forever because you like dogs.. And yeah, that's fucked. I missed that part.

It's worse than that...

You could have a bad day, get caught in a drug sting, be found innocent, and be locked up forever because you like dogs.

... but you are sort of doing yourself a disservice the way you are misrepresenting it.

My criticism is not so far off the Justice's dissent.

There are literal concentration camps, no trial or accusation of a crime required. That is a problem. Why you are prattling on about anything else in that circumstance, I shall not understand...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-10 08:17:57

You are again misusing the term for "concentration camp", and as to why I am "prattling on" about anything else in that circumstance, maybe because I'm admitedly scatterbrained. Maybe because I really don't care about how relevant you pedos are vs us and don't want to get into a "I am less hated contest." Maybe I care more about the economy surviving in my vote since they both suck sexual rights wise... take your pick.

Most likely though, it's that I have bigger concerns in my life than to fret over this or get in any kind of real worry about it, and thus am not well versed in it. Hence my requests for clarification in response to your uncited opening statement. If it offends you that I implied you were misrepresenting the issue with your initial vague statement, the I suggest you start providing citations for bold claims from the get go.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-10 08:34:56

You are again misusing the term for "concentration camp"


I really don't care about how relevant you pedos are

Wow. Making shit up about people. How creative.

Totally a shock after trying to red-herring. Totally.

your uncited opening statement.

  • the law, which you could look up at congress.gov.

  • the supreme court case which revolved around extrajudicial detainment.

  • whether the ruling or the dissent talked about it more.

You have some pretty bullshit definitions of "uncited."

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-10 22:25:06

Concentration camps are not internment camps.

You have some pretty bullshit definitions of "uncited."

I missed your citation in parenthesis. I guess I'm used to an era of weblinks, guilty.

I didn't mean to accuse you of being anything you aren't, and for the record, I did not intend that as an insult. Your username led me to the assumption. Accept my appologies, please, if you took offense.

I personally, feel this could be a lot more productive if you took my criticism as just feedback and quit getting so damn offended.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-11 02:58:32

Accept my appologies, please, if you took offense.

Bless your little heart. That's fairly rare...

and for the record, I did not intend that as an insult.

...and that's fairly honorable.

It is intended for trolling for those who need to be trolled - what people hallucinate into a blank slate tells one much about them - but I guess we'll just call this friendly fire? lol...

I personally, feel this could be a lot more productive if you took my criticism as just feedback and quit getting so damn offended.

Honestly, I'm not nearly terribly offended. I've been in this world enough that I've got a thick skin, but apparently a slightly prickly one, lol...

When ten people with a handful of socks each are trying to gaslight and bully you into conforming to the mainstream, this is good... but every now and then, a gentle soul apparently collapses when I get close, even if I didn't really do anything or get into an argument.

Sorry about that. It's not you; that's just my basic shell..

Concentration camps are not internment camps.

I feel kinda bad about doing this, but..


...click the link.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-11 03:12:25

Kudos. My high school history textbook definitions were wrong, I guess, on the concentration camp points.

Not the first time. Need to stop trusting them. :)

tencendur_ Neeeigh 2 points on 2016-11-10 15:36:36

Western Socialists are sold to animal welfare groups that will oppose zoophiles, Socialists are not an attractive option.

Western Conservatives are sold to religious nutjobs who oppose any type of sexual orientation that is not their own. Conservatives are not an attractive option.

Western Libertarians are mostly ok with zoophilia as a concept, but will face a lot of opposition if they try to openly favor zoophiles. Besides, the subject is very low in their priority list. They might be the best option, but not a really attractive one.

Summary: Don't expect politics nor politicians to solve your problems.

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 1 point on 2016-11-10 17:12:45

Don't expect politics nor politicians to solve your problems.

I'm not. I'm just trying to figure out what would have fucked us over the least