Aluzky, the "Zoophile Activist" Reviled By Everyone Including Other Zoophiles Admits To Lying To People About Raping Their Pets • /r/CringeAnarchy (
submitted 2016-11-11 02:35:23 by [deleted]
Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 8 points on 2016-11-11 02:38:07

Can we quit the Aluzky drama, please? This isn't news.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 13 points on 2016-11-11 06:35:35

It's actually pretty important to show this. Aluzky is the quintessential example of everything wrong with this community. We struggle as a community to convince people that animals may enjoy zoophilic contact. We are all but incapable as a community to convince people that animals may be able to consent... And all the while we have a retard like him broadcasting his disgusting and uncurbed, borderline psychopathic behaviors to the entire world, while being utterly convinced he is in the right.

Seeing people like that calling themselves zoophiles makes me disgusted in myself. I read this entire thread, and the only conclusion I can draw from it, not unlike /u/WarCanine at one point, is that it is zoophiles who are wrong. The argumentative makes no goddamn sense, and it's only when you see someone with zero talent at rhetoric trying to make a case out of it that you start to appreciate just how flawed it truly is.

How can we blame people at large for seing us as depraved, sick and delusional individuals when zoophiles within the community find another zoophile depraved, sick and delusional?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2016-11-11 15:44:58

There really should be a rule against people admitting shit like this.
At the very least we get him banned from here.
He does more harm than good, in real life and online.

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 5 points on 2016-11-11 15:53:30

On one hand I would like to continue debating him on the vegan post, kinda masochistic when it comes to debating, sorry /u/peacheslala97, but on the bigger more important hand he admitted to fence hopping, being okay with, and doing animal exploitation.

So my vote's to ban.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 4 points on 2016-11-11 16:06:15

I doubt he'll open his mouth again.
But if he does, he'd need some fucking balls.
I wonder, does he break this rule?

No cruelty towards or abuse of animals. There is no place for such anywhere, and here is no exception.

Well, we don't have any proof he actually raped animals.
I am still strongly convinced he did because of his behavior.
Maybe we need to change the rule a little bit?

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 3 points on 2016-11-11 16:19:29

I would like to believe he has never rapped a dog though I do have doubt especially because he was ignorant in his youth, however he has admitted to having sex with other's pets without their knowledge, like a guy admitting to sleeping with a married girl, which does make him a fence hopper, also when he was arguing with /u/30-30 he admitted to being okay with animal exploitation and mistook 30-30 love and care for lust and exploitation.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 8 points on 2016-11-11 18:08:52

/u/Aluzky accusing /u/30-30 of exploitation is the epitome of irony.

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-11-20 01:48:46

I'm doing that to show that he is a hypocrite. Not because I think that harmless exploitation is wrong.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-23 07:17:34

At least /u/30-30 doesn't stray from his own mares these days. He was able to explain that others knew of his interests and was in a way allowed to fool around with other horses that did belong to the club. However he did make it a point to say he would NEVER engage in such behavior again and he was adult enough to own up to his actions.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-23 22:03:51

None of those points are relevant, he is still owning mares and fucking them (in the present) that shows that he is still exploiting animal sin the present (something he accuses me of doing as if that where a bad thing to do) he is a hypocrite, period.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-25 07:09:55

Yet he allows the mares to dictate when he may have sex with them. And while he's time at the riding club and his actions there aren't condonable he took responsibility for his actions and didn't let his cock rule his life latter on! You on the other hand seem to be running a dog brothel out of your house or wherever it is that you invite people to take turns with animals! At least /u/30-30 seems to have grown up! You on ther other hand have not!

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-25 21:28:00

Yet he allows the mares to dictate when he may have sex with them. And while he's time at the riding club and his actions there aren't condonable he took responsibility for his actions and didn't let his cock rule his life latter on!

Again, that is irrelevant, the guy is a hypocrite for judging me for stuff that he also does in the present. That was my point and it was easy to prove.

You on the other hand seem to be running a dog brothel out of your house

I don't charge money to let my dog fuck some one. So, you can't call it a brothel. I'm not jealous, if a friend of mine wants to let my k9 boyfriend fuck him, I have no problems with him doing so. My dog happiness comes first and he loves fucking humans. If you or 30-30 doesn't like that, then sad day for you, because that is YOUR PROBLEM to deal with.

At least /u/30-30 seems to have grown up! You on ther other hand have not!

How so? Explain yourself.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-29 03:27:14

he loves fucking humans.

If he loved to chase eat rabbits would you let him do that? If he didn't want to have sex would you respect his wishes? You criticize people for letting a dog eat raw meat yet you just let your dog screw anything he wants. What if he gets sick and catches an STD?

How so? Explain yourself.

Well for one /u/30-30 wouldn't ban people for harassment just because they disagree with you and post your comments and prove you lie.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-12-18 04:29:45

If he loved to chase eat rabbits would you let him do that?

No, because that would cause suffering to innocent rabbits. I will remind you that I don't eat animal products because of ethical reasons. If I don't eat them, what makes you think that I would by Ok with letting a dog chase and kill rabbits?

If he didn't want to have sex would you respect his wishes?

Yes, when my dogs don't want sex, I respect their wishes. I can spend week or months (and I have waited that long) having no sex till they are back in the mood for sex.

If I recall well, I posted on my youtube channel comment page a comment saying that I have been without sex for about a month and a half because my boyfriend was not in the mood for it. I wrote that 4 or 5 years ago (maybe even longer) that was a long time where he was not in the mood to fuck me. And is was a rare case, normally he would ask to fuck me like 2 or 3 times a week. Some times once a week, some times 0 per week but the next week would fuck me. That month was rare. Duno why he was not in the mood.

You criticize people for letting a dog eat raw meat yet you just let your dog screw anything he wants.

My dog screwing anything he wants is not harming anyone. So, his behavior is ethical. A dog eating raw meat can almost always only happen at the expenses of unethical behabior (unnecessary abuse and murder of innocent animals) also, is unsafer to feed a dog raw meat that cooked meat, the dog is likely to get e-coly and (I forgot the name) digestive sickness and also can get worms from eating raw meat, if you are going to feed your dog meat, at least feed him cooked meat.

So, can you see why I criticize that behabior? I have valid OBJECTIVE reason to criticize it, where they have no valid reason to criticize me for letting my dog have sex with other humans.

What if he gets sick and catches an STD?

Only STD that they can get from a human is chlamydia. The people he fucked didn't had that in their ass (or anywhere)

Well for one /u/30-30 wouldn't ban people for harassment

huh? Harassment is a crime or in several websites a TOS violation. Not reporting some one for harassment doesn't prove that the person has "grow up" it proves that the person is an asshole who supports harassment.

just because they disagree with you and post your comments and prove you lie.

I can't understand this comment. English is not your main language, right? Care to write that comment again so I can understand it? Write it again with different grammar and more context.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-18 22:45:56

I doubt /u/30-30 trained his mates to want sex.

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-12-18 23:26:07

I doubt /u/30-30 trained his mates to want sex.

Your point?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-19 10:21:23

He could be trusted around mares and horses. Maybe dogs though he doesn't want sex with dogs. However you cannot be trusted around dogs especially antis dogs because you will do things to them.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-12-20 23:32:56

He could be trusted around mares and horses.

Do you know that for a fact?

Maybe dogs though he doesn't want sex with dogs.

I don't want sex with cats, but if a cat comes and humps me, I will help him to get off to be nice to him. Him not being into dogs doesn't necessarily stop him from giving a helping hand/finger to a dog.

However you cannot be trusted around dogs especially antis dogs because you will do things to them.

If the person tell me to not do stuff with their dog, I won't do stuff with their dog. That I can be trusted with. I can also be trusted with not molesting/raping/harming the dog.

If the person doesn't tell me to not do sexual stuff with their dog, then yes, I can't be trusted to not do sexual stuff with the dog. Same way, that if a person doesn't tell me to not give his dog a belly rub or a ear scratch, I can't be trusted to not give a belly rub or ear scratch to that dog.

Also, your reply has nothing to do with the comment about 30-30 not training mares. smh

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-23 16:07:25

I can't be trusted to not do sexual stuff with the dog. Same way, that if a person doesn't tell me to not give his dog a belly rub or a ear scratch, I can't be trusted to not give a belly rub or ear scratch to that dog.

That is not the same thing and you know it.

Also, your reply has nothing to do with the comment about 30-30 not training mares. smh

Actually yes it did but you're too ignorant to see this.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-25 07:14:47

You are still a hypocrite

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-25 21:20:44

You are still a hypocrite

Care to provide evidence and an explanation for why I'm a hypocrite?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-29 03:17:36

Yes, I admit having sex with other people dogs without their knowledge.

Perhaps you should move to Russia. You'd fit in perfectly.

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-12-18 04:30:30

Perhaps you should move to Russia. You'd fit in perfectly.

I don't understand your comment. Care to explain yourself?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-18 22:38:55

Because they're insane. Mostly. That's an insult to Russians. Comparing them to you.

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-12-18 23:26:45

You calling me insane is a subjective opinion, nothing but a childish insult.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-19 09:50:45

Not at this point. Since you train dogs for sex when they don't want it. You have no respect for the individual animal's wishes!

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-12-20 23:40:22

Not at this point

if is a fact, then prove with evidence that I'm insane. Else, your accusation is just an insult, not a fact.

Since you train dogs for sex when they don't want it.

Citation needed. Provide objective evidence that I do sauch behabior.

FYI: I find it immoral to train dogs for sex, none of my dogs have been trained for sex even that I could have improved some of their sexual behaviors to make them more enjoyable for me.

You have no respect for the individual animal's wishes!

Again, citation needed that I have no respect for the animal wishes.

If you can't support none of those accusations/claims, then all you doing is throwing lies.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-23 16:27:50

Again, citation needed that I have no respect for the animal wishes.

If an animal doesn't want sex you don't train them for it. Let the animal make their own choice in the matter. If they don't like sex don't train then for this as the dog will only do this for treats and not because they want to do this!

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2016-11-11 17:28:42

Do I think he rapes animals? No. Do I think he gives a shit about what a given animal's owner thinks about sexual contact? Also no. Does this mean he's hurting the animals whose owners back he is going behind? Again, no.

I disagree a lot of Aluzkys methodology. However, given his stance on animal rights I find it highly unlikely that he is actually harming animals. In fact, not caring about owners' feelings regarding it falls pretty in line with that as well. Is it the owners right to disallow their dog from doing something non-detrimental to their health that the dog enjoys? I'm not saying that's Aluzkys thought process, but I think a lot of things are being misconstrued to paint Aluzky in a worse light than deserved. Personally, I allow my dogs to be frisky with other zoos if they are trying to initiate(unless of course this makes said zoo uncomfortable). If they both want it why not, of course give a little privacy(also obv depending on time and place).

I'm not defending Aluzky because I don't know him nor his true character, but I think we should really evaluate our sources of information and ensure we are really getting the full picture and a full understanding.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 4 points on 2016-11-11 18:06:50

I'm not defending Aluzky because I don't know him nor his true character, but I think we should really evaluate our sources of information and ensure we are really getting the full picture and a full understanding.

He's ADMITTED to lying to people and violating their trust! He outright said he's ok with animals being exploited but we need to evaluate whether or not he's a horrible person? He's a liar! What makes you think he wouldn't lie about raping animals? Secondly aren't we supposed to be against behavior like this? Aren't we supposed to have self control?! I lost my boyfriend because he was taken away from me. TAKEN AWAY FROM ME! Do you know what that feels like? To lose someone you love and cherish? The area I live in now has a lot of animals around here like dogs and horses(who I am attracted to) and other assorted animals. If I was like /u/Aluzky I could just as easily walk down the road a bit and hop the fence where this small farm is that had several horses 4 of which are stallions. I can head over to their neighbors place and fool around with their two Rottweilers. A mile down the road is another property with horses and big livestock guardian dogs. According to /u/Aluzky's mentality I can just head to any of the number of places nearby and fool around with the animals next time I get horny enough! But unlike /u/Aluzky I have self control and good sense! This is why we're hated and wonder why people say they'd kill us or attack us! This is all they're seeing of us Zoosexuals! They see unhinged uncontrolled sex offenders who will rape animals any chance they get and lie about it! This is why they say if they knew a friend was a Zoosexuals they'd hate them and assume they did something to their pets behind their backs! It's this mentality that makes us just as hated as Pedophiles!

Is it the owners right to disallow their dog from doing something non-detrimental to their health that the dog enjoys?

Considering the majority of pets owners think all human/animal sex is rape I going to say yes here. They're not going to say "Oh he's a nice zoo he'll be gentle with my pets." No they immediately going to view the person as some kind of Ted Bundy like person don't you understand any of that?!

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2016-11-11 18:22:13

He spoke and clarified specifically of exploitation that does not take away from or harm the animal iirc. This clarification removes the connotation of any mistreatment, as exploitation simply means "to benefit from." Having sex with an animal in any context, hell owning an animal at all is in itself exploitative. However, the exploitation is mutual and it is not negative exploitation. We are getting sexual gratification from animals, they are in part being exploited for this whether by intention or by accident. But it is not negative. He could have chosen clearer wording but he did clarify this.

I get that hes okay with lying about having sex with people's animals, I pointed that out lol. I also said I'm not supporting him because there is plenty about him that I disagree with, I just don't think we should get our facts twisted.

For your last point, im talking in the view of animal rights. Animal rights are the ones that the animal is due, so certainly your layman would not agree with this because of our current social views regarding animals. However, objectively, if animals have the capacity to consent which we say they do, and which I personally believe in, is it right for us to think this way?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 6 points on 2016-11-12 00:57:49

However, objectively, if animals have the capacity to consent which we say they do, and which I personally believe in, is it right for us to think this way?

Unfortunately we don't have that luxury right now. You think the cops are going to care if someone says "Well my dog is horny so I let people have sex with him/her no big deal" do you seriously believe that? Or "Well it's not wrong to fuck dogs behind their owners backs." Make this a topic on /r/CMV or post this on /r/offmychest or /r/unpopularopinion or if you really wanna make an impact or make more people hate us then post it at /r/CringeAnarchy or /r/The_Donald and see what that does for the Zoosexual community on Reddit. This just enforces to everyone else that we're untrustworthy animal rapists with no self control who ought to be rounded up and gassed because if not we'll rape any animals we see once we're alone. You don't get it do you? You don't really get where our people are. Start paying attention to reality but if not than thank you for giving people more ammo against us.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 0 points on 2016-11-12 02:22:09

"Am I out of touch? No, it's the rest of the world that is wrong."

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-12 07:10:00

I'm not in the mood for joking so if you agree or disagree just say so.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 2 points on 2016-11-12 16:42:49

Oh, that comment wasn't directed at you.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2016-11-12 22:22:32

Oh ok

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2016-11-12 17:23:41

I'm not saying we do, I'm just speaking in regard to objective morality. I do not support him or his behavior, I don't know how many times you want me to restate that. I have already stated several times that I am just humoring on a possible mindset he might have. I just don't think that one should extrapolate their own assumptions or lies into actual rumors without defining evidence. Because while I don't support what he does, if hes not raping animals he shouldn't be labeled as one who does. It's honestly silly that this is even still being discussed by me because I am not his spokesperson, I don't know him.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2016-11-12 22:46:18

I'm just saying it's difficult to trust people who withhold things from people like this or think they're free to pursue what isn't theirs and as someone who has personally been on the receiving end of anti-Zoophile hatred that got a bit physical this scares me.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-23 07:10:27

Is it the owners right to disallow their dog from doing something non-detrimental to their health that the dog enjoys?

So by that logic can I go sneak around and fuck the horses in my neighborhood? Can I fuck the dogs too? It's harmless fun and according to you doesn't matter in they're on the otherside of a fence and the sign says no trespassing. Or when someone asks me to babysit their dogs can I fool around with them behind the owners back then? That wouldn't make me a good or honest person! I'm not a Zoophile who lets her pussy control her brain. Hence why I would only let MY animals have sex with me. I'd only allow MY dog to mount me and I only performed oral sex on him or MY stallion. I could just as easily go around doing this with other animals that are not mine and could very well be aggressive. I could be mauled to death by the dogs, the horses could trample me I could be attacked or shot by one of the people who own these animals. I want people to see me as a Zoophile who can be trusted, someone you can trust your animals around, someone who truly loves animals but also respects non-Zoophiles as well.

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-11-20 02:03:13

He's ADMITTED to lying to people and violating their trust!

Where I have admitted to lying to people? Where I have admitted to violating their trust? I'm pretty sure that I have never admitted to as I have never done that.

He outright said he's ok with animals being exploited but we need to evaluate whether or not he's a horrible person? He's a liar!

Your claim is false. You are only quoting half of what I said. What I have said is: I have no problems with animals being exploited when it is done with the animal consent and without harming the animal. Just the fact of owning a pet is exploitation on itself. Are you against responsible pet ownership? No? Then you are also supporting harmless and consensual animal exploitation.

What makes you think he wouldn't lie about raping animals?

I can't prove that I'm not lying (innocent till proven guilty) all I can do is say that I'm not laying.

Secondly aren't we supposed to be against behavior like this?

Yes. Believe it or not, I support others who don't have sex with other people pets.

Aren't we supposed to have self control?!

Are you saying I have no self control?

If I was like /u/Aluzky I could just as easily walk down the road a bit and hop the fence where this small farm is that had several horses 4 of which are stallions.

That would not be like me as I'm against fence hopping and I have never fence hopped. Fence hopping is a crime, what I do is not a crime.

According to /u/Aluzky's mentality I can just head to any of the number of places nearby and fool around with the animals next time I get horny enough!

If you do that without fence hopping,be my guess, I have no problems with that. If you do that by fence hopping, then I have a problem with it.

But unlike /u/Aluzky I have self control and good sense!

Again, who says that I don't have self control?

This is why we're hated and wonder why people say they'd kill us or attack us!

You know you are accusing me of stuff that I have not done and that I'm against, right? Are you that stupid to believe baseless rumors as if they where facts? Shame on you.

This is all they're seeing of us Zoosexuals! They see unhinged uncontrolled sex offenders who will rape animals any chance they get and lie about it!

If they think that, they are being irrational, their belief is not based on facts, their belief is a fallacy.

This is why they say if they knew a friend was a Zoosexuals they'd hate them and assume they did something to their pets behind their backs! It's this mentality that makes us just as hated as Pedophiles!

Both zoophiles and pedophiles are hated for irrational reasons. Don't you understand that?

Considering the majority of pets owners think all human/animal sex is rape I going to say yes here.

Their belief is not based on facts.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-20 02:11:23

I'm going to ignore the other bullshit of your message because it's just you acting innocent.
I'm really interested in what goes in that damned mind of yours.

pedophiles are hated for irrational reasons. Don't you understand that?

Please tell me, how is hating pedophiles for raping children irrational?

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-20 03:42:52

I'm going to ignore the other bullshit of your message because it's just you acting innocent.

Translation: I have no evidence to back up my bullshit claims so I will ignore the parts where you demanded evidence for my claims. know that by not providing evidence when asked, you are acknowledging that your claims where bullshit.

Please tell me, how is hating pedophiles for raping children irrational?

I didn't say that, I'm talking about the people who hat all pedophiles, even the ones that don't rape children.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-20 03:48:05

Translation: I have no evidence to back up my bullshit claims so I will ignore the parts where you demanded evidence for my claims.

Translation: I wasn't interested in the rest of your message.
Stop assuming shit. You can't read my mind. (Luckily, your poor brain wouldn't be able to handle that.)

I didn't say that, I'm talking about the people who hat all pedophiles, even the ones that don't rape children.

Didn't you say you also supported them even though they had sex with children?
If not, then it's fine. (Except for the fact that you're ridiculing zoophilia by supporting it.)

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-08 17:21:39

Translation: I wasn't interested in the rest of your message.

I read all your message, would an uninterested person do that?

Stop assuming shit. You can't read my mind.

I'm doing an educated guess based on your past and present behabior on ion this that YOU HAVE SAID about yourself.

Didn't you say you also supported them even though they had sex with children?

I support the orientation, not the rape acts done by pedosexuals who are rapists. Same way I support homosexuality but I don't support homosexuals who are rapists.

Supporting a sexual orientation is not the same as supporting rape (you and your rape obsession, you seems desperate to see me to support rape and be a rapist)

If not, then it's fine. (Except for the fact that you're ridiculing zoophilia by supporting it.)

So be it, I won't be a bigot and discriminate pedosexuals just to make zoosexuals looks "nice" in the eyes of others. They are in the wrong by thinking that supporting pedosexuality or any other sexuality is wrong.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-08 17:32:47

Shit, arguing about a comment that's 1+ month old.
How childish.

I read all your message, would an uninterested person do that?

I wasn't talking about you.
How hard is that to understand?

I'm doing an educated guess based on your past and present behabior on ion this that YOU HAVE SAID about yourself.

Show proof, because it's clearly some bullshit you made up again.

I support the orientation, not the rape acts done by pedosexuals who are rapists. Same way I support homosexuality but I don't support homosexuals who are rapists. Supporting a sexual orientation is not the same as supporting rape (you and your rape obsession, you seems desperate to see me to support rape and be a rapist)

I was asking, not saying it was.
You and your defense mode are out of control.
Look at your overreaction and think about it.
Oh wait a sec, what's also out of control? Your sexual beha- WHOOPS, shouldn't talk about your weak spots, sorry!
Also, I have no rape obsession, I'm against it.

So be it

Aluzky's logic:
-Wants to support zoophilia.
-Poisons zoophilia by being a fencehopper AND supporting pedos.

They are in the wrong by thinking that supporting pedosexuality or any other sexuality is wrong.

Why are you even supporting them?
All their sexual contact with a child = rape.
You support the ones what don't have sexual contact with children.
What are you even defending, then?
Because there aren't even any laws against these people as they aren't doing anything illegal.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-11-21 01:42:55

Yes. Believe it or not, I support others who don't have sex with other people pets.

You? Support people not using the pets of others? Sure sure, and I'm Donald Trump's second cousin.

Are you saying I have no self control?

I've seen heroine addicts with more self control than you have and they were at rock bottom.

If they think that, they are being irrational, their belief is not based on facts, their belief is a fallacy.

You're not exactly helping.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-12-18 23:45:51

You? Support people not using the pets of others?

Did I stutter? Was I not clear on what I said?

Sure sure, and I'm Donald Trump's second cousin.

How is you being her cousin relevant to this topic?

I've seen heroine addicts with more self control than you have and they were at rock bottom.

That doesn't make sense. If they where addicts, then they had no self control.

You're not exactly helping.

I won't make my life or other dogs lives less fun just to appease the bigots.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-12-19 23:58:05

Did I stutter? Was I not clear on what I said?

No it's not clear because your stances change daily.

I won't make my life or other dogs lives less fun just to appease the bigots.

So basically everyone who doesn't give you special treatment or question your behavior.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-12-20 22:41:19

No it's not clear because your stances change daily.

More lies about me. Or you can support that claim with evidence?

So basically everyone who doesn't give you special treatment or question your behavior.

I don't need special treatment, I don't mind to have my behabior questioned.

Going around making false criminal accusations and other false accusation about me has nothing to do with those 2.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-12-20 23:18:15

More lies about me. Or you can support that claim with evidence?

So if someone eats a steak that's fine? Well someone that isn't me obviously.

I don't need special treatment, I don't mind to have my behabior questioned.

Oh look another lie.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-21 13:26:55

Where I have admitted to lying to people? Where I have admitted to violating their trust? I'm pretty sure that I have never admitted to as I have never done that.

Do you read a goddamn thing that you say?! Do you?!

Your claim is false. You are only quoting half of what I said. What I have said is: I have no problems with animals being exploited when it is done with the animal consent and without harming the animal. Just the fact of owning a pet is exploitation on itself. Are you against responsible pet ownership? No? Then you are also supporting harmless and consensual animal exploitation.

And again how are we to know that what you say is true when you conceal things from Zoosexuals then? How do we know we can trust you and accept you as our official spokesman when you see fit to go after that which isn't yours? Maybe later when people are more comfortable and fully accept us we might be able to have sex with animals that don't belong to us but with the knowledge of the owner.

I can't prove that I'm not lying (innocent till proven guilty) all I can do is say that I'm not laying.

This isn't helping any of us right now and might be bad for us in the long run.

Yes. Believe it or not, I support others who don't have sex with other people pets.

But not for yourself? Do as I say not as I do?

Are you saying I have no self control?

You say that you do not!

That would not be like me as I'm against fence hopping and I have never fence hopped. Fence hopping is a crime, what I do is not a crime.

But the owners will never know if I let the dogs mount me or I give oral sex to their stallions. You seem to think if the owner isn't informed or told heard that is is perfectly fine.

If you do that without fence hopping,be my guess, I have no problems with that. If you do that by fence hopping, then I have a problem with it.

And if I do this and am found out the owners would never trust me again and think poorly of Zoos I want to be trusted and accepted.

Again, who says that I don't have self control?

You did!

You know you are accusing me of stuff that I have not done and that I'm against, right? Are you that stupid to believe baseless rumors as if they where facts? Shame on you.

Look at your very comments! Perhaps you should be more clear then others you are the one brings shame to us!

If they think that, they are being irrational, their belief is not based on facts, their belief is a fallacy.

With they air of our visible people act I can't blame them anymore if this is all they see. Selfish Zoophiles created this,

Both zoophiles and pedophiles are hated for irrational reasons. Don't you understand that?

You're not making it better for either group with what you have said.

have uploaded videos of me having sex with other people dogs, you are free to go and look that they are not harmed.

Oh sure tell someone who doesn't want to see people having sex with animals to watch soundless videos of you having sex with(albeit a lot of those dogs look terribly uncomfortable) dogs to prove you're not a rapist. You're the worst possible person to represent us Aluzky if this is how you think we will win over antis.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-21 19:22:50

Do you read a goddamn thing that you say?! Do you?!

Of course I read the stuff that say, that doesn't answer my questions. I will ask again:

Where I have admitted to lying to people? Where I have admitted to violating their trust? I'm pretty sure that I have never admitted to as I have never done that.

And again how are we to know that what you say is true when you conceal things from Zoosexuals then?

What things I have allegedly concealed?

How do we know we can trust you and accept you as our official spokesman when you see fit to go after that which isn't yours?

The validity of my arguments are not effected by me having CONSENSUAL sex with some one else pet without their knowledge.

By the way, I 'm not the official spokesman nor I want to be an official spokesman. I'm just an individual who goes around the internet correcting and educating the zoophobes.

If you want to select an official spokesman, then select one that doesn't have sex with animals at all to avoid such "problems"

Maybe later when people are more comfortable and fully accept us we might be able to have sex with animals that don't belong to us but with the knowledge of the owner.

I agree.

This isn't helping any of us right now and might be bad for us in the long run.

Do you realize that they are attacking me with false accusations, right? And is not my fault that they are attacking me. Or, are we superposed to not defend ourself against bigots? Because they attack me because I fight back against their bullshit.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi

We are in the part were they fight us. We have to keep fighting back if we expect to win.

But not for yourself? Do as I say not as I do?

I have no problems with people having consensual sex with animals, be with their own pets or with some one else pets. If some one chooses to only have sex with their own pets or chooses to never have sex at all, I support their choice, where is the problem with that?

You say that you do not!

I have never said that (unless I use a poor choice of words to make a sentence and end up saying something that I didn't mean to say, remember, english is not my main language, I do make grammatical mistakes from time to time or use words in a incorrect way or with a different meaning) People are just assuming that I don't have self control, assumptions can end up being true or false, in this case, their assumption is false.

But the owners will never know if I let the dogs mount me or I give oral sex to their stallions. You seem to think if the owner isn't informed or told heard that is is perfectly fine.

I get it that it is rude, I'm fine with people being rude, being rude is not a crime. Is your choice of you want to be rude or not. Trespassing on the other hand is a crime, I'm not fine with crimes.

And if I do this and am found out the owners would never trust me again

And you reap what you sow. Which is why you have the choice to do it or not doit. If I ever get caught, I will sow that I reaped and I will accept the consequences.

and think poorly of Zoos I want to be trusted and accepted.

That is a fallacious way of thinking, the actions of one person does not represent the actions of the whole group.

If I had a human girlfriend and I find out that a fiend of mine is fucking her, would it be rational to think poorly about all heterosexuals? I would be irrational to think like that, would it be rational to make heterosexual sex illegal because of that? My hypothetical friend was an asshole for doing that, the other heterosexuals who didn't do that, they have nothing to do with it. Same for the zoos, my actions don't represent the whole group. And like I have said before, if we lived in a more tolerant world, I would ask for permission first, if bigots don't want people like me acting in this way, then maybe they should consider stop being bigots so we can stop acting behind their backs.

You did!

Again, I have never said/mean that.

Look at your very comments!

Nowhere in my comments I have admitted to raping dogs or to not having self control.

Perhaps you should be more clear then others you are the one brings shame to us!

I know I'm not perfect, but again, my actions do not represent the whole group and my actions are not even worse than the actions of zoos who eat meat (their action are directly harming animals) And in the end, the people who are shaming all of you for my harmless actions are using a fallacy (a hasty generalization fallacy)

You're not making it better for either group with what you have said.

How so?

Oh sure tell someone who doesn't want to see people having sex with animals to watch soundless videos of you having sex with(albeit a lot of those dogs look terribly uncomfortable) dogs to prove you're not a rapist.

All my videos have SOUND. If you watched a soundless video of mine, is because some one else re-upload it and removed the sound.

albeit a lot of those dogs look terribly uncomfortable

From what I remember, only in one of my videos that is the case. And she was uncomfortable from being on her back with me on top of her and not related with the sex acts (me masturbating) if you see the other videos with her, you can see that she is happy and not uncomfortable with me masturbating near her, the problem was the position I chose. Was that rape? NOPE. Was the dog harmed? NOPE. Did I do that again in that way? NOPE.

What I do have see over and over is people confusing my dog behavior (he is the type of dog that will knot a bitch and walk around non-stop dragging the bitch around) with him being unconformable with sex. Almost every complain I hear about my videos is from people who misunderstood what they saw. Let me know which videos you have a problem with and I will correct you if your problem is invalid. If your problem is valid (like with that video I talked about) then I will agree with you.

You're the worst possible person to represent us Aluzky if this is how you think we will win over antis.

Beggars can't be choosers. Again, there is not a lot of people who does zoosexual activism. If you people where to also do their share of work, then I would have no need to do my share for YOU. If you can do a better job, then why don't you do it?

I got thousands of links of youtube videos with 100000 comments from bigots saying bullshit about us that needs to be addressed, where are you or anyone else for that matter? Is almost always me alone fighting them, if I don't do it then almost nobody does it.

And no, the worst person to represent zoosexuals would be an animal rapists fence jumper and meat eater bestialist. Like I said, I know I'm not the best of the best, but I'm very far from being the worst.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 6 points on 2016-11-11 18:26:18

Don't let his ''animal friendly'' behavior fool you.
Do you really think he really likes animals if he'd basically fuck any animal he sees?
He cares more about his sexual pleasure than anything.
It's so fucking obvious that it's not even funny, it's actually pretty infuriating.
Him not caring about the owner's permission even makes it worse.
Respect the owner's rules.
Besides it would be pretty weird for the dog to get fucked by a stranger and especially when they suddenly get fucked for the first time in their life.
You letting others have sexual contact with your dog is just weird, are they also sex toys to you and your so called ''zoo'' friends?
I really hope no one changes his behavior towards him.
HE did this, he caused the negativity towards him and zoophilia.
But you're right! We should allow him to make us look even more ridiculous! Right?
Yes, let's just roll with it and leave him undisciplined and unpunished. Yeah?
If you want a better picture of him, go to youtube, type in ''zoophilia'' or ''bestiality'' click a video, scroll the fuck down, guess who is whining in the comments? Mmmmhhhnm.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 4 points on 2016-11-11 18:39:11

You are loading a lot of words into my mouth. I never said what he does is okay or that I support him, in fact I said the opposite. What I did say, though, is that we need to evaluate our sources and really look at what we're judging. Accusing him thereby associating him with raping animals is not right. Its just as wrong to say he's a pedophile due to his opinion on people who are only attracted to kids and don't do anything to them. I simply am not a fan of spreading bullshit.

I don't think he'd fuck every animal he sees, again I don't know him but that seems a little absurd. I can't say he values his own sexual pleasure over all, because again I don't know him and I've never witnessed him.

In regard to my own pets, you are misconstruing things again. I didn't say I let people fuck my dogs. What I said was I allow my dogs to be frisky with people if they feel like it, and I don't feel it's fair for me to stop them if we're in a situation where it doesn't matter whether they continue. Keyword ALLOW. My dog is a sentient being, if he gets horny and wants sex and there's people to oblige him in that it is not wrong or abusive or objectifying in any way. Remember, dogs have sex because it feels good so if my dog wants to feel good with my friend and i know my friend isn't going to be abusive to him, why should I stop my dog?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-11 18:49:35

What I did say, though, is that we need to evaluate our sources and really look at what we're judging. Accusing him thereby associating him with raping animals is not right. Its just as wrong to say he's a pedophile due to his opinion on people who are only attracted to kids and don't do anything to them. I simply am not a fan of spreading bullshit.

And I am not a fan of having him as an image to zoophilia.
People call him a rapist because he truly does not care about an animal's feelings, rather puts his sexual feelings up front.
Okay, there's not direct proof, but his behavior just SCREAMS it.
I mean c'mon, really?
Fuck something because it's left alone with you and because you want sexual pleasure?
He cannot control himself.
He also deserves any hate he gets, no matter how big it gets.
You know why?
Hate won't stop his dumb actions and for that reason it's not a punishment.

I don't think he'd fuck every animal he sees, again I don't know him but that seems a little absurd. I can't say he values his own sexual pleasure over all, because again I don't know him and I've never witnessed him.

He fucks any animal as long as they're both left alone.
Again, his behavior just screams that he's a pervert.

Remember, dogs have sex because it feels good so if my dog wants to feel good with my friend and i know my friend isn't going to be abusive to him, why should I stop my dog?

I guess it's the same reason ''normal people'' don't let their boyfriend/girlfriend get fucked.
But still, this is different.
In this case, you're ALLOWING your dog.
He fucks people's pets secretly.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 5 points on 2016-11-11 19:15:41

Is it the owners right to disallow their dog from doing something non-detrimental to their health that the dog enjoys?

Well, yes. Absolutely. So we're doing what now? Supporting fence hopping?

How would you feel if I came to your house and fucked your dog without your knowledge?... The problem is that "what the dog enjoys" and even what is "non-detrimental to their health" is, well, very subjective. Maybe an owner who has good knowledge of his own dog and of dogs in general can ascertain the state of mind of his dog with good accuracy. Can the same be said of a dog you gotten to know for a few minutes? I sincerely doubt it. Holy shit, Aluzky just admitted he was bitten while trying to pet a dog through a fence. How's that for being incapable of reading dogs properly?

And in the case of what is "non-detrimental to their health," it may not be the case for male dogs, but females can develop infections pretty easily down there. Pretend you own a bitch. And now imagine you hire a sicko like Aluzky to sit your dog while you're away. He fucks her, again without your knowledge or permission, doesn't take the necessary precautions, causes her to develop an infection, and now YOU have to deal with it. Again, how do you feel?

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2016-11-11 20:50:27

I'm talking in terms of an animal rights perspective, as I stated. That does not mean nor did I indicate that I support fence hopping. There is more than just the animal aspect in regard to fenchopping, obviously. It's the caring about and respecting other people and their loved ones bit, not to mention risk of legal action and social suicide. However, Aluzky has demonstrated that he doesn't really care about owners' viewpoints on the matter(as I also pointed out) so, therefore, it would be very easy for him to draw a conclusion of having sex with ones pet without having a rapist mentality. That's all I said. I didn't support fencehopping in any way so there's no need to say crap like that.

If you came into my house and fucked my dog[as a bottom] and cleaned up after yourself, I wouldn't have a problem with it because I'd never know. If I found out, I wouldn't trust you because you would be invading my personal space and privacy by trespassing like that, and I'd be mad that someone who I don't trust is in my house and touching my pets. It'd be better if I knew my dog was happy and in good medical standing. I still wouldn't trust you though. Obviously if I had a bitch and she got sick from you things would be much more serious. It's a moot point however since I would very rarely find a situation of fencehopping okay.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 2 points on 2016-11-11 21:01:39

If you came into my house and fucked my dog[as a bottom]

I'm curious as to why you specify "as a bottom." If doggy likes it up the butt and his health isn't affected, shouldn't it not be a problem?

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2016-11-11 21:14:27

You're absolutely right, but given my dogs mannerisms I highly doubt either of them would be into bottoming especially for a stranger considering trying to top with them can be perceived as a display of dominance and also aggressive. If you can do so without hurting them and them having a good time from the experience, more power to you I guess but it'd still be breaking of trust lol.

incognito-cognition 1 point on 2016-11-15 16:30:23

Strictly speaking, from an animal rights perspective there would be no pets (at least ones in captivity), no potty training, and dogs could eat as much dark chocolate as they wanted.

It is well within reason to have the human responsible for the animal (insofar as human society is concerned) set limits, and it is ethically and in some cases legally proper for those limits to be enforced.

I think we are probably in agreement, but talking "from an animal rights perspecxtive" without the other necessarily layers of real life on top of it is kind of meaningless at best or misleading at worst, and I think that's where some of the confusion is coming from.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2016-11-15 17:01:02

Right we are in agreement, I just think that aluzky's apparent reason is sound enough to believe that he does care about animals and not rape them. Practically though he is still not being good. But that doesn't mean he should be labeled a rapist if hes not. I just don't see him raping animals being a likely conclusion to draw

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 3 points on 2016-11-13 20:51:12

Oh and no offense taken :)

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-11-11 16:33:45

How can we blame people at large for seing us as depraved, sick and delusional individuals when zoophiles within the community find another zoophile depraved, sick and delusional?

The same way heterosexuals aren't disgusted with heterosexuality as a whole when they learn about rapists?

It really doesn't seem that complicated to me.

Personally, I hate fencehopping, and the only way I could ever see him the same after hearing about it is basically if he had long ago sworn it off and this was a "young and stupid" type deal.

Maybe your right. Maybe the disconnect between us and him is important to highlight. I just personally don't find this surprising or newsworthy.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 3 points on 2016-11-11 18:09:43

He implied that he still does this on a regular basis.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-11-11 19:54:20

I know that. I was speaking theoretically.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2016-11-12 00:44:02

Either way he's just making things worse for us.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-11-12 03:51:51

No disagreement. His methods are certainly not ones I approve of.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2016-11-12 07:13:02

This situation is almost as bad as being told to leave and never come back by my entire family and social circle :(

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-11-12 10:55:07

No offense, but if it is, you really should evaluate your priorities.

Yes, there are bad people on the internet. Be thankful you have not met them in person.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-11-12 12:20:41

If I´d rely on false analogies as often as you do, it wouldn´t be complicated for me, too. "Normal" heterosexuals aren´t zoos. The rape victim usually has a voice and can turn in the authorities on the rapist or could ask others for help. A "zoo´s" victim can´t. I absolutely understand why you´re so desperately fishing for any piece of wood swimming by to clinch on for survival, but you won´t. It really doesn´t take much to realize the differences between normal hetero and zoophilia...if you abstain from any form of simplification and cherrypicking reality. I know, everything feels tremenduously better when you can lock yourselves into a nice little brain construct that gives you "safety". A grid of reasons why you´re under no circumstances "the bad guy". I have said before that living as a zoophile is hard. That still holds truth, but it isn´t hard because of the sea of tears, the depressions, the felt isolation,´s hard because there is NO certainty, nowhere. Being a zoophile means you NEVER can be 100% sure about yourself being "the good guy". If science progresses and my UHAT (Universal Human-Animal Translator) becomes reality, we may ALL turn out to be real,actual rapists. At this point, nobody can know for sure. It´s also possible that animals don´t mind being used/abused sexually, who knows? I always leave open that tiny bit of doubt regarding myself. If my mare tells me via the UHAT she never wanted me to mate with her, I´ll stop. Immediately. And I will pay for abusing her. Waking up and knowing that I really raped her every single time and my deceased loved one, too, you can bet your ass I will not be able to sleep for the rest of my life. My longtime experience with horses hints at a different outcome of such an experiment, but , as I said, you simply cannot know for sure.

Please, kickstart your brain and do the thinking instead of parroting old slogans that were outdated the day they were invented. Zoophilia isn´t just like heterosexuality, it isn´t comparable to it in any way. It´s an entirely different cup of tea. Stop living in your "permissive bubble". Get out of it and fetch some fresh air once in a while, fresh oxygen is needed to keep neurons working. Yes, confronting yourself with the real world will hurt a little at first, but it´s also more interesting than spending your entire life encapsuled in your little cloud castle of total sex lib. That´s fanstasy. Reality is real.Not fantasy. Start reconnecting to those you find out there. And don´t you forget what can happen, when the "progressive" folks are so mesmerized from the construct they have built up so they lose any contact to that "real reality". Don´t blame the rollback the US will possibly face entirely on Trump, Pence or Palin (yuuuckkk! It was already like a highway car crash watching the elections. Disgusting, but you simply fail to stop looking at it. Palin...well, now we´re full snuff movie...). It was everyone´s fault. The Dems´, The GOP´s, the voters´ , the systems´...not a single one to also was the fault of the ultra "progressive"..ultra "permissive" built that ultra permissive bubble, that bubble slowly lost contact to the earth´s surface and now you´re floating ten feet in the air. But earth still is down here and it´s real. Your bubble isn´t.

Any animal´s life and wellbeing matters. It is the goddamn duty of zoophiles to keep their fellow "zoos" from the worst. As a real animal lover, I simply cannot shrug my shoulders and say "Why me worry?" when I see something that might turn out as abuse.

You have seen what happens when a whole country and both major parties don´t take criticism for serious, when they just look away and return to business as usual. Because apathy. Becasue it´s more comfy that way. Because. You may consider yourself inclusive, tolerant and openminded. Yet, you refuse to include the "conservative". You seem to have problems tolerating views totally diametric to your own, you usually relapse in your trademark passive aggressive defense position. And you´re openminded...but only as long until someone (usually me) tells you something unpleasant, uncomfortable. You refused to answer questions I brought up multiple times now. Maybe because you have no answer, maybe because it´s easier to remain on your old, long held beliefs; it feels so familiar, so comfortable, so cozy...I see and I understand why you´re doing this. But staying inside your bubble hasn´t changed a thing since the first second you became aware of the fact you´re not like all the others, am I right? Nothing changed...except that soothing feeling to "know" you´re "right", 100%, no doubt, no way, never. About everything. But it´s an illusion, it´s frozen time you´re living on. Change is possible...maybe...but only outside of the bubble. Challenging others´ views is fine,splendid, brave. But challenging your own is truly heroic. What if I am wrong? I constantly ask myself that. Do you, too?

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 2 points on 2016-11-13 07:38:46

It's this kinda thought that I agree with you on, but hate to agree with. I have scratches from whenever I was younger and tried to force her, I used them as a reminder to follow her lead, but if that device had been made and I had found out that all those times, she had thought that it was rape, and that she just didn't fight back because of instinct or something, but she wanted to, then... what you said

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 4 points on 2016-11-11 15:05:22

No, we need to point out disgusting behaviors like fencehopping and show we don't support them

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-11-11 02:55:40

Can you all please return to defend him, it feels strangely uncomfortable for me to have a majority agreeing to me. I´m totally not used to that and it feels creepy.... ;)

Valiant1204 Now with added gay! 7 points on 2016-11-11 07:34:27

Ok, I admit it, Aluzky is very much wrong here.

Next time we disagree though, can you show me something like this rather than ridicule my position, please?

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 3 points on 2016-11-11 15:58:56

I agree with what you say a lot, just not how you say it. but Aluzky is way worse then you.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 5 points on 2016-11-11 04:32:59

Top kek

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 6 points on 2016-11-11 11:31:13

I seriously hate this guy now.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 5 points on 2016-11-11 14:08:16

You didn't before?
I mean, everyone knew him before he even came to this sub.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 4 points on 2016-11-11 17:49:19

Well I didn't know too much about him and now I feel stupid. I wish I had known about all this :(

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 5 points on 2016-11-11 18:31:43

You should consider yourself lucky actually.
You do NOT want to argue with a stubborn, untrained, abandoned mutt who does not listen to shit.
Seriously, people on a furry porn site hated him.
Like, what the fuck?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 3 points on 2016-11-12 00:28:28

Seriously, people on a furry porn site hated him.

Gee I wonder what he did to piss them off😑

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 6 points on 2016-11-12 12:11:50
peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 4 points on 2016-11-12 22:24:26


Kynophile Dog lover 7 points on 2016-11-11 15:07:40

Wow, this is fucked. The implication behind his statements is, "it's not rape if no one finds out," which is fucking atrocious. To be fair, I don't think he hurts dogs when he fencehops, but his behavior seems predatory to any reasonable person, even one who thinks sex with animals is OK. He is preying on the goodwill of his friends and neighbors to get off, and then justifying it by focusing on the dogs, disregarding the humans who care about them. If he continues like this, he will be lynched, and I can hardly blame people for being upset by him.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 6 points on 2016-11-11 19:25:26

am I reading something different? that quote doesnt say anything about him raping animals. yeah banging them behind someones back isn't nice, but thats not rape.

I haven't done much searching on aluzkys past/present but it seems to me like everyones working themselves up into a frenzy over not very much? I dunno, I'm not really getting the extreme Aluzky hate tbh.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 5 points on 2016-11-11 19:46:43

am I reading something different? that quote doesnt say anything about him raping animals. yeah banging them behind someones back isn't nice, but thats not rape.

No, but it shows that he doesn't care about animals but sees them as sex toys.
Also, he is VERY dumb and delusional, I doubt he can know if a dog likes it or not.

haven't done much searching on aluzkys past/present but it seems to me like everyones working themselves up into a frenzy over not very much? I dunno, I'm not really getting the extreme Aluzky hate tbh.

Check out his post history.
Alot of people know who he is and his actions are blamed on us.
We need to show that we do not support his dumbass actions.
He harrasses every person who disagrees with him, zoophile or not.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 4 points on 2016-11-11 20:00:49

Also, he is VERY dumb and delusional, I doubt he can know if a dog likes it or not.

So is 30-30, frankly. I don't question his ability to see consent though.

I think Aluzky probably gets consent. Does he love them? Can't say. Lack of love does not equal rape however.

Believe me, I speak from experience when I say this: Your anger is blinding you.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 6 points on 2016-11-11 20:11:21

Atleast /u/30-30 is looking to move zoophilia forward in a mature way, but /u/Aluzky is just a whiny piece of shit who forces it down everyone's throats.
His lack of love can lead to rape.
If he cares more about his sexual pleasure, it can easily lead to rape like that.
Have you seen what he said?
He fucks any dog as long as they're alone, and let's other fuck his dog.
He can't even control himself...
He's a fucking animal pimp.
If you support that then consider us enemies.
My anger isn't blinding me for sure, I know what I'm talking about.
Even if my anger was blinding me, atleast it wouldn't be as bad as Aluzky's mental illnesses blinding him.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 6 points on 2016-11-11 20:14:09

Where did I say I supported that?

I said calling him a rapist is jumping the gun a bit, in short. It is.

and sorry, but

Atleast /u/30-30 is looking to move zoophilia forward in a mature way

lolwut.... His hate-filled rants are pretty darn immature.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 5 points on 2016-11-11 20:26:08

I did not say you supported that, but if you did we'd be enemies for sure.
I guess I'm being stretchy here by calling him a rapist.
But still, you can't trust him if you leave your dog alone with him.
He's perverted, do you think he really cares about an animal's feelings if he's so perverted?

30-30 was looking to move zoophilia into the public by getting zoophiles to catch fencehoppers and animal rapists.
I'd say that's a more mature way than what Aluzky chooses to do: Whine on the internet and shove his fact- I mean opinions down people's throats.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-12 03:58:40

But still, you can't trust him if you leave your dog alone with him.

I probably wouldn't no.

30-30 was looking to move zoophilia into the public by getting zoophiles to catch fencehoppers and animal rapists.

My main issue with 30-30 is the other groups he targets and his over the top way of going about things that makes me think he has no place being a representative of us. I have no issue with turning in fencehoppers and animal rapists, provided you actually have evidence that is irrefutable (and it better be, as a victim of a blackballing campaign by fellow zoophiles myself, I know for a fact you can't go on hearsay).

I'd say that's a more mature way than what Aluzky chooses to do: Whine on the internet and shove his fact- I mean opinions down people's throats.

Not that I'm defending Aluzky's methods, but internet campaigning does have it's place. You just need to pick your targets. There was even one instance here in which I thought Aluzky did rather well, but that was apparently the exception rather than the rule...

Either way, my main point is don't thing going online and debating people is a bad idea. It's not. If done correctly and with people you have a modicum of change of either

a.) discrediting (such as other bigot groups)


b.) converting (usually easier with someone already open to the subject).

Pick your targets. That's the difference. From what I've seen, Aluzky failed at that massively.

All in all, I Feel Aluzky's heart was in the right place with his campaigning even if he fucked up. I have more of an issue with his admission of fence hopping. I abhor that.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-23 06:43:50

All in all, I Feel Aluzky's heart was in the right place with his campaigning even if he fucked up. I have more of an issue with his admission of fence hopping. I abhor that.

The fact is he claims that him targeting animals that are not his and trading animals around are lies despite him saying he did it! It's disgusting and things like this are why people turn against us.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-11-23 06:52:12

Run that by me again?

I said I had an issue with his fencehopping. I think that's the end of that. He admitted to it. That shows at least a tinge of honesty. As I said, the world is not black and white. I think his heart is in the right place, he has just made some very poor decisions and I would hope he will soon learn to diverge from that path rather than continue on it, before it hurts more than just himself.

Either way, he hasn't violated any community rules here, and ranting about him isn't going to accomplish anything.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-23 08:13:11

He admitted to it. That shows at least a tinge of honesty.

Yes he admitted to being dishonest and when called out for it he said it was a lies.

and I would hope he will soon learn to diverge from that path rather than continue on it, before it hurts more than just himself.

It's more than clear now that he has no plans to change. He said sex with animals will be illegal soon in his country. He freely admits to sharing animals with people, who's to say someone won't hear about him doing this and reporting after this is illegal?

and ranting about him isn't going to accomplish anything.

I'm not just this because I feel like typing early in the morning when I should be sleeping. It needs to be said so this isn't a rant.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-11-23 08:20:29

I don't actually have any issue with sharing animals, provided one owns said animal and the animal is fine with it.

That's clearly not the case here though.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-25 07:44:19

That's clearly not the case here though.

Which is why this upsets me so much

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-11-20 01:45:33

You both immature. This comment of your is literally immature. Just look at the language you use.

His lack of love can lead to rape.

What lack of love?

If he cares more about his sexual pleasure, it can easily lead to rape like that.

I care about my sexual pleasure but I also care about the dogs pleasure.

He fucks any dog as long as they're alone AND AS LONG AS THE DOG CONSENTS TO HAVE SEX.


He can't even control himself...

Citation needed.

He's a fucking animal pimp.

Pimp is when you get a cut of the money earned from prostitution. When I let my dog fuck others, I never charged money and I did it for his pleasure (he likes to fuck humans) that is totally different from pimping.

What I did is similar to a open relationship. The fact that you are so offended by open relationships and call them pipping shows how irrational/immature you are.

My anger isn't blinding me for sure, I know what I'm talking about.

LMAO. Deluded.

Aluzky's mental illnesses blinding him.

Citation needed. What mental illness?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2016-11-20 02:28:55

You both immature. This comment of your is literally immature. Just look at the language you use.

I'm using English, thanks.
Atleast mine's not broken.

What lack of love?

The lack of love for animals, professor Irezumi.
I'd rather love and pet every dog I see instead of wanting to fuck every dog I see.
If you'd focus on anything other than having sex with dogs, people might believe you actually love them.

I care about my sexual pleasure.

I can agree with you for once.
Trust me, this was obvious way from the start.

Citation needed.

Have a look...

He fucks any dog as long as they're alone AND AS LONG AS THE DOG CONSENTS TO HAVE SEX.


Pimp is when you get a cut of the money earned from prostitution. When I let my dog fuck others, I never charged money and I did it for his pleasure.

Money does not need to be exchanged.
Even if there needed something to be exchanged, it doesn't have to be money.
You even claimed that it's in exchange for pleasure.

What I did is similar to a open relationship. The fact that you are so offended by open relationships and call them pipping shows how irrational/immature you are.

I never said I was offended.
Just because I disagree with something doesn't mean I'm immature.
Even if I was immature, so what?
It doesn't ruin my points in any way.
But hey, atleast I don't go around whining: Waaaah! Love us! Love us! You're all just dumb and I'm the smarto!

LMAO. Deluded.

LMAO. Fucking = Relationship

What mental illness?

I wish I knew.
Can't get my finger on it, but I can say that it's not very healthy for your head.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-20 03:40:19

By language I mean the insults and the way you write.

The lack of love for animals, professor Irezumi.

And I ask again, what lack of love? Where is the evidence that i don't love animals?

I'd rather love and pet every dog I see instead of wanting to fuck every dog I see.

And your point is?

If you'd focus on anything other than having sex with dogs, people might believe you actually love them.

Because you can't have sex with dogs and love them at the same time? Your argument makes no sense.

but I also care about the dogs pleasure

I can agree with you for once. Trust me, this was obvious way from the start.

Did you really only read and quoted half of what I said?

I said: "I care about my pleasure but I also care about the dogs pleasure"

Meaning, I won't do something that would harm them just to get my pleasure out of it.

Have a look...

And how does that proves that I have no self control?

Money does not need to be exchanged.

Pimping definition: Procuring or pandering is the facilitation or provision of a prostitute or sex worker in the arrangement of a sex act with a customer. A procurer, colloquially called a pimp (if male) or a madam (if female), is an agent for prostitutes who collects part of their earnings.

Yes, MONEY EXCHANGE is needed for it to be pimping and for it to be prostitution.

No money or goods enhance, means that it is not prostitution and not pimping. I gain noting by letting my dog fuck others, I did it because he liked it, that is not pimping nor prostitution.

Even if there needed something to be exchanged, it doesn't have to be money. You even claimed that it's in exchange for pleasure.

I get no pleasure from letting my dog fuck other humans. And sorry, pleasure is not money not a physical good, if it where then anyone who has sex with anyone would always be prostitution and that is not reality. You are talking bullshit.

I never said I was offended.

Then why are you attacking me with baseless accusations? Why accuse me of pimping when I have never done that? What is your deal with me?

Just because I disagree with something doesn't mean I'm immature.

But evidence shows that you are being immature, you are making false accusations to attack me, and deny facts justly to fit your agenda. That is the opposite of being mature.

Even if I was immature, so what?

Because being immature is a good thing.

It doesn't ruin my points in any way.

It doesn't support them either, and so far, all you hae mad are baseless points. Where is the evidence that supports all your accusations?

But hey, atleast I don't go around whining: Waaaah! Love us! Love us! You're all just dumb and I'm the smarto!

What is that supposed to mean?

LMAO. Fucking = Relationship

Huh? Where did i said that fucking = relationship?

I wish I knew. Can't get my finger on it, but I can say that it's not very healthy for your head.

So, you accuse me of having a mental illness without even knowing if i have one. Ok... PS: where is the evidence that it is not healthy for my head?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-20 04:53:15

By language I mean the insults and the way you write.

Oh so we're going to judge eachother by how we type now?
In that case you're a dumbass who can't spell for shit and has grammar issues.

And I ask again, what lack of love? Where is the evidence that i don't love animals?

You seem to care more about sex then them.
Everyone sees it.

And your point is?

That I can atleast control myself and don't see dogs as sex toys.

Because you can't have sex with dogs and love them at the same time? Your argument makes no sense. but I also care about the dogs pleasure.

I mean that you constantly fuck dogs and talk about it.
Is there anything else at all that you think of?
Nobody's going to think that man who'd fuck any woman truly loves women.

I said: "I care about my pleasure but I also care about the dogs pleasure" Meaning, I won't do something that would harm them just to get my pleasure out of it.

Stop lying.
That's extremely hard to believe.
You mostly do it for your pleasure, otherwise you wouldn't have sex with every dog you have access to.
If you really wanted to make them happy, you'd play with them and give them a nice juicy piece of meat.

And how does that proves that I have no self control?

You can't stop yourself from fucking dogs.
You're like a wild rabid animal who can't stop itself.

Pimping definition: Procuring or pandering is the facilitation or provision of a prostitute or sex worker in the arrangement of a sex act with a customer. A procurer, colloquially called a pimp (if male) or a madam (if female), is an agent for prostitutes who collects part of their earnings.

Let me finish it for you, exactly where you ended: The procurer may receive this money in return

I get no pleasure from letting my dog fuck other humans. And sorry, pleasure is not money not a physical good, if it where then anyone who has sex with anyone would always be prostitution and that is not reality. You are talking bullshit.

You let others fuck your dog.
And it doesn't need to be a 'physical good', payment can be done trough services and other rewards.
There is a big difference with people having sex occasionally and a dog trained to be fucked every day.

Then why are you attacking me with baseless accusations?

I am not.
I'm acting like you, if I see something I don't agree with it, I speak up.
Except I don't force my facts and keep calling things like 'ez not fekts huehue im smart".

Why accuse me of pimping when I have never done that? What is your deal with me?

I don't accuse you of things you don't do, I accuse you of things you do.
Mmmm, maybe it's because you let people have sex with your dog?
Just a wild guess.

But evidence shows that you are being immature, you are making false accusations to attack me, and deny facts justly to fit your agenda. That is the opposite of being mature.

'Evidence'. Brb gotta take a breather.
It's going to take a while to recover.
If I don't get well soon enough my level of intelligence might lower down enough to reach yours.
Look mate, atleast I don't go around screaming we have to be loved and force our sexual orientation down people's throats.

Because being immature is a good thing.

Oh look, sarcasm.
I thought you were serious? Mmm, you might be immature yourself there, eh?
No negative downside to being immature, except that it distracts you.
And don't tell me it doesn't, you keep pointing it out so it must really bother you.

It doesn't support them either, and so far, all you hae mad are baseless points. Where is the evidence that supports all your accusations?

It indeed doesn't support my facts, only my arguments do.
And I already told you in all my previous comments.

What is that supposed to mean?

What? Can't even recognize yourself in there?
Mmm, must be a low memory span.

Huh? Where did i said that fucking = relationship?

I never said I was immature either, yet you say it everytime.
So my message makes just as much sense as yours.

So, you accuse me of having a mental illness without even knowing if i have one.

I know you have one, I just don't know what one.
Mmm, very bad autism? That borderline shit maybe?
Your behavior clearly says so.

where is the evidence that it is not healthy for my head?

Mental illnesses aren't good for your head.
If I really have to explain why, then I do not understand you made it to the age of 18 ever.

LadySaberCat 2 points on 2016-11-21 01:37:51

So, you accuse me of having a mental illness without even knowing if i have one.

It's obvious something is seriously wrong with you.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-12-18 23:46:52

It's obvious something is seriously wrong with you.

If it is so obvious, why can't you prove it?

Hint: Because you are telling a lie.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-12-20 00:02:17

If it is so obvious, why can't you prove it?

Well for one according to you a sausage is safe to eat without ridicule because it's not an animal, you claim you only use animals because you're scared of bigots telling you no instead of just leaving their dogs alone, any Zoophiles who question you are branded bigots, you claimed to be from America but then said you were not and you previously stated that you thought trying dogs to wats sex was wrong yet you condone this practice despite not respecting the dog not wanting sex.

Hint: Because you are telling a lie.

Why would I have to lie about you when I can simply read your comment? What would I gain from lying about you exactly?

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-12-20 22:35:15

Well for one according to you a sausage is safe to eat without ridicule because it's not an animal

I have never said that. Prove me wrong, point where and when I have said that.

you claim you only use animals because you're scared of bigots telling you no instead of just leaving their dogs alone

Again. I have never said that. Prove me wrong, point where and when I have said that I'm scared of bigots telling me NO.

any Zoophiles who question you are branded bigots

If their reasoning for questioning me is bigoted, then by definition they fit the definition of bigot. Believe it or not, there are zoophiles who are bigoted against other sexualities, other nationalities or skin colors and so on.

you claimed to be from America but then said you were not

Again, I have never said that I'm not from America. Prove me wrong, show where and when I have said that.

and you previously stated that you thought trying dogs to wats sex was wrong yet you condone this practice despite not respecting the dog not wanting sex.

Can't read that part, you made several typing errors, spelling error or punctuations errors. Write that again with good grammar or I can't reply to it.

Why would I have to lie about you when I can simply read your comment? What would I gain from lying about you exactly?

I don't know I don't care, what i do know is that you accuse me of several things that I have never done or said (In this reply alone, you said like 4 or more false things about me) So, where is the evidence that those accusations are true? If you can't support those accusations, then you are lying (for what reasons, I don't care)

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-12-20 23:34:07

I have never said that. Prove me wrong, point where and when I have said that

You told WarCanine that sausage is not an animal.

Again. I have never said that. Prove me wrong, point where and when I have said that I'm scared of bigots telling me NO.

This is too easy

I would not learn that. You know how to make me stop? If people stop being bigots, it that happens, I would have no reason to do that without the owner permission, instead, I would have no fear to ask the owner for permission first.

If their reasoning for questioning me is bigoted, then by definition they fit the definition of bigot. Believe it or not, there are zoophiles who are bigoted against other sexualities, other nationalities or skin colors and so on.

TL;DR Anyone who criticizes you.

Again, I have never said that I'm not from America. Prove me wrong, show where and when I have said that.

When trying to argue with AlphaOmegaSith for wanting to protect his dog and you complained and went on about claiming to know exactly how the U.S. Judicial System works.

Can't read that part, you made several typing errors, spelling error or punctuations errors. Write that again with good grammar or I can't reply to it.

Oh that was intentionally misspelled. Either way if a dog showed no signs of wanting sex simply because they didn't want any you wouldn't respect the dog and leave them alone.

I don't know

No shit.

I don't care,

That's a lie.

what i do know is that you accuse me of several things that I have never done or said

You said sausage isn't an animal, you said that training animals for sex isn't proper, then you say training them for it is good, you claimed to be from America, you claimed to not be from America, you claim to be trustworthy, but unless someone puts a sign on their property telling you to not touch their animals you'll prove that you can't be trusted and you claim to be scared to ask people if you can use their dogs but you're too lazy to get more dogs of your own.

(In this reply alone, you said like 4 or more false things about me)

You're the one who can't keep a story straight.

So, where is the evidence that those accusations are true? If you can't support those accusations, then you are lying (for what reasons, I don't care).

I provided evidence of your words.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-12-20 23:41:32

It is how it works in America, I'm from America.

You were saying? Which one North South or Central?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-23 06:51:12

But evidence shows that you are being immature, you are making false accusations to attack me, and deny facts justly to fit your agenda. That is the opposite of being mature.

You're the one who's being immature here. Accusing people of being spies, saying that you don't lie about going after animals that are not yours when you do in fact lie to the owners about it but when someone brings it up you say they're lying.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-23 22:14:16

You're the one who's being immature here.

I fail to see how.

Accusing people of being spies

A single person is not people. And he tagged zoophobes in the comment so they would come to attack me (look, people has come to attack me, how convenient) Isn't that something that a zoophobe would do? If he is a "zoophile" and tags zoophobes to attack a zoophile, in my book, that makes him a hater/zoophobe and a spy for the haters.

saying that you don't lie about going after animals that are not yours

Never lied about it. I have always been open about doing that. If you ask me "do you have sex with other people dogs" I will say YES.

when you do in fact lie to the owners about it

Again, I have never lied to an animal owner about that. Your accusation is baseless.

but when someone brings it up you say they're lying.

Because they are lying. I have never done that, yet they claim that I have done it and when I ask for proof that I have done it, they got ZERO PROOF. How is that called? LYING, RUMORS, LIBEL.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-25 07:05:13

Again, I have never lied to an animal owner about that. Your accusation is baseless.

Your earlier comments prove that you're lying. If they knew you wouldn't call it rude and applaud people for controlling themselves!

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-25 21:36:53

Your earlier comments prove that you're lying.

PROVE IT. Quote that comment here and explain how that comment proves that I'm lying.

If they knew you wouldn't call it rude and applaud people for controlling themselves!

I call it rude because some people find it rude, I personally don't find it rude. And I support people who don't do that or even chose celibacy, as they give haters less reasons to be hatted. And in the end I respect other people harmless choices.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-29 03:34:07

And in the end I respect other people harmless choices.

Unless they don't worship you just because you call yourself a Zoo then you whine an it and accuse people of harassment.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-12-18 04:04:45

Unless they don't worship you just because you call yourself a Zoo

What are you talking about?

then you whine an it and accuse people of harassment.

I never whine. And If I accuse some one of harassment, is because there is PROOF of harassment. By the way, I have never accused anyone of harassment, so, what are you talking about?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-29 03:43:32

I would not learn that. You know how to make me stop? If people stop being bigots, it that happens, I would have no reason to do that without the owner permission, instead, I would have no fear to ask the owner for permission first.

So I guess fence hoping is ok then because of bigots?!

Yes, I admit having sex with other people dogs without their knowledge.

Which makes you a liar!

I have made it clear in old comments (as old as 10 years) that I'm against fence hopping. And I have never fence hopped. And yes, I go after animals that don't belong to me (without fence hopping) and like I have said in the past, I know that this behavior is rude and applaud and support people who can stop themselves from doing that.

You don't have control of yourself!

The zoophiles that hate me do so for irrational immature reasons.

The reason me /u/SilverPluto24 and /u/WarCanine and /u/30-30 and /u/huskyencroacher and /u/Kynophile dislike you is because of your lies and your behavior and how you paint all Zoos with a bad name. You give antis a reason to hate us. But you also gave two antis a reason to support us. I'm glad /LadySaberCat and /u/AlphaOmegaSith stood up to you. I'm glad they refused to back down! You want to ban me too then fine go ahead! Act like a little child then! You're an embarrassment! If I can handle my family and friends disowning me and a suicide attempt and REAL trolls you can handle taking responsibility for your actions!

It is how it works in America, I'm from America.

You said you weren't.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-12-18 03:58:25

So I guess fence hoping is ok then because of bigots?!

Fence hopping is already a CRIMINAL act as the person is trespassing on private property without permission. What I do is not a criminal act, is just immoral.

Which makes you a liar!

A liar is some one who says things that are not true. How does me having sex with other people dogs without their knowledge proves that I have say things that are not true? What logical syllogism you used to reach your conclusion that I'm a liar?

You don't have control of yourself!

That is your SUBJECTIVE OPINION and not fact. If you want that opinion to be factual, present objective evidence that I can't control myself.

The reason me /u/SilverPluto24 and /u/WarCanine and /u/30-30 and /u/huskyencroacher and /u/Kynophile dislike you is because of your lies

Again, WHAT LIES? Where is the evidence that I have said things that are false?

Also, since when Kynophile dislikes me? I didn't know that.

And Warcanine dislikes me because he thinks that I act smart and he hates people who act smart. I already explain to him that I don't act smart, that I look smart because I'm smart. I look smart without trying. He doesn't are about that fact, he still hates me and he is a troll and possibly a zoophobe.

And 30-30 hates almost everybody, he is a moralist. If people don't act or follow his beliefs, he will hate them. The other 2 names, I don't remember why they hate me. But considering that I haven't done anything wrong to them, I ensure you that their hate of me is not justifiable. Same goes for most of your hate as you hate me for stuff that I have not done or that I'm not responsible for.

and your behavior

See, that I don't mind that. I don't give a fuck if you hate me just because I have sex with other people dogs.

and how you paint all Zoos with a bad name.

You are blaming the victim. I don't paint all zoo with a bad name, the BIGOTS who makes hasty generalization fallacies about zoosexuals are the ones who paints zoos with a bad name. You are blaming me for something that the bigots are doing.

You give antis a reason to hate us.

Me being a zoosexual is already a reason to hate us. You don't get it right? Majority of them will hate us no matter what. They even hate the zoosexuals who never have sex.

The only way to not give them reason to hate us is to stop existing.

But you also gave two antis a reason to support us.

Only two? I have turned several dozens of antis into supporters.

I'm glad /LadySaberCat and /u/AlphaOmegaSith stood up to you. I'm glad they refused to back down!

Ok... I'm losing tract of the conversation.

You want to ban me too then fine go ahead! Act like a little child then!

I think you are confusing me with some one else, unless you do something ban worthy, i won't try to get you banned. And banning some one for breaking the rules is not the same as acting like a child.

You're an embarrassment!

Subjective opinion, not a fact. I don't care if you think that about me.

If I can handle my family and friends disowning me and a suicide attempt and REAL trolls you can handle taking responsibility for your actions!

What actions I have not taking responsibility for?

Here, let me act like you:

my family and friends disowning me

Your family disown you and they now hate zoophiles, you gave humans a reason to hate zoophiles, you are a disgrace and you are painting zoophiles in a bad way. /sarcasm.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2016-12-18 23:02:20

At least /u/30-30 acted like an adult when he talked about the mares he had sex with in the past this didn't belong to him. He said he would refrain from doing that again. You however will continue to do this unless caught a jailed for a long time.

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-12-19 00:42:28

At least /u/30-30 acted like an adult when he talked about the mares he had sex with in the past this didn't belong to him.

Are you saying that I'm not acting like an adult? Is so, what proof do you use to support that accusation?

He said he would refrain from doing that again.

If that is what he wish to do, good for him.

You however will continue to do this unless caught a jailed for a long time.

Pretty sure I will continue even if I get caught and when out of jail I will still continue. You see, I only stop doing something if: 1-The behabior is harmful to others. 2-I can feasible stop doing it. 3-There is a rational reason to stop (which pretty much is the same as number 1).

More or less that is about it.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-19 09:55:08

Are you saying that I'm not acting like an adult? Is so, what proof do you use to support that accusation?

For one I doubt he'd train horses for sex. He doesn't whine when people don't like him like you do, he doesn't deliberately go after horses that aren't his to piss puff antis.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-12-20 23:35:47

For one I doubt he'd train horses for sex.

Training an animal for sex or not doing it has nothing to do with the person acting or not acting like an adult.

He doesn't whine when people don't like him like you do

Never whined in my life.

he doesn't deliberately go after horses that aren't his to piss puff antis.

I don't do that either.

Conclusion to your reply: You failed to provide proof that I'm not acting like an adult.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-23 16:09:43

Never whined in my life.

You whined about people expressing their choice to not leave their pets with you under any circumstances.

Conclusion to your reply: You failed to provide proof that I'm not acting like an adult.

Look at your comments! This started because someone didn't blindly agree with you or kiss your ass simply for being Aluzky.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-12-23 05:38:24

Just jumping in to clarify things: My alleged "fencehopping" activities occurred more than 22 years in the past. I never cheated on my mare the entire 22 years we were together and I don´t plan on even cheating on my new partner with the other two mares I own.

I still doubt that my activities of the past qualify as fencehopping. I had occasional, shortlived affairs with some mares legally not mine, yes. But due to the fact that I was fully responsible for the horses, a known zoophile and there was no owner I could betray with my affairs, I still wouldn´t file this under fencehopping. I know, what I did almost three decades before isn´t exactly good conduct. I immediately quit when I met my mare. I endured more than one and a half year without any sex before I saved enough money to buy her and I gave us another half year without any sex to become familiar with each other. Two years of blue balls...although I had more than enough opportunities and temptations being among more than 60 horses for 14 hours a day.

No other horse owner has to fear I will fuck his mare when given the opportunity.Nobody ever had to, nobody ever will have to. I´m just not that type of guy, I know how much our public image depends on respectful and reasonable interaction with society...and that first and foremost includes leaving other peoples´ animals alone.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-12-23 15:05:22

No other horse owner has to fear I will fuck his mare when given the opportunity.Nobody ever had to, nobody ever will have to. I´m just not that type of guy, I know how much our public image depends on respectful and reasonable interaction with society...and that first and foremost includes leaving other peoples´ animals alone.

That is what sets you apart from people like Aluzky. You have integrity, self control, admittedly you seem arrogant sometimes but that's besides the point and you can be relied on to keep your word. If more Zoophiles were like you I doubt you guys would have such awful press.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-12-19 16:52:59

And Warcanine dislikes me because he thinks that I act smart and he hates people who act smart. I already explain to him that I don't act smart, that I look smart because I'm smart. I look smart without trying. He doesn't are about that fact, he still hates me and he is a troll and possibly a zoophobe.

Subjective opinion, not a fact.
Your own weapons work well on you.
I have no reason to hate smart people.
I only hate people who act smart while they aren't.
They are taking credit for something they aren't, like you.
I'm not a zoophobe. (Although I wouldn't trust any zoophile with my girl, but that's the fault of people like you who can't leave dogs alone.)
Please give me an example where I am a zoophobe and not talking to you.
Me only hating you doesn't mean I hate every zoophile, another big flaw in your dumbass arguments.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-12-20 23:02:32

Subjective opinion, not a fact.

You literally said when I asked that this is why you hated me. So, how is that a subjective opinion?

Your own weapons work well on you.

What weapons? What are you talking about?

I have no reason to hate smart people. I only hate people who act smart while they aren't.

You hate me, don't you? If so, you are contradicting yourself, because I'm smart and I don't act smart on purpose, I look smart because I'M SMART.

They are taking credit for something they aren't, like you.

Do you have proof that I'm not smart and that I act smart?

I'm not a zoophobe.

Calling zoophobes to attack a fellow zoophile (me) makes you a zoophobe in my eyes.

Me only hating you doesn't mean I hate every zoophile, another big flaw in your dumbass arguments.

I never accused you of hating every zoophile. Is not impossible for you to be a zoophobe with only a selected group of people.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-12-21 12:23:44

You literally said when I asked that this is why you hated me. So, how is that a subjective opinion?

No I didn't, I hate you because of:

  1. Fencehopping.
  2. Being a vocal vegan.
  3. Forcing your opinions down people's throats. (See 2)
  4. Saying you are smart, while you obviously aren't.

I'm smart and I don't act smart on purpose, I look smart because I'M SMART.

Stop embarrassing yourself.
It's so cringy how you think you're everything and that you're smart.
lmao kys

Do you have proof that I'm not smart and that I act smart?

You need proof to be smart first.
You also don't have any proof I'm not a god.
Who knows? Maybe I am. You cannot prove otherwise.

See? That shit works the same way here. Makes 0% sense.

Calling zoophobes to attack a fellow zoophile (me) makes you a zoophobe in my eyes.

So if I hate a guy who just happens to be German, I hate all Germans?
I don't hate you for being a zoophile, I hate you for all the things I've listed above.

never accused you of hating every zoophile.

Explain this:

Calling zoophobes to attack a fellow zoophile (me) makes you a zoophobe

Let's take a look at your 'definition' of zoophobe, shall we?
zoophobe has 2 definitions: 1-Irrational dislike of animals 2-Irrational dislike of zoosexuals.

So yes, you accused me of disliking all zoosexuals.
Also, ''irrational'' doesn't even belong there.
There are always normal reasons to hate someone.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-23 06:47:01

And yes, I go after animals that don't belong to me (without fence hopping)

Just because you don't hop fences to get to dogs doesn't mean you're any different than the scumbags who do.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-23 22:16:28

Just because you don't hop fences to get to dogs doesn't mean you're any different than the scumbags who do.

The fact that they are doing a crime and I'm not doing a crime, that is a BIG DIFFERENCE between them and me. So, just on that alone, your claim can be dismissed for not being factual.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-25 07:02:07

Still shows that you cannot be trusted at all and your word means nothing

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-25 22:16:16

Still shows that you cannot be trusted and your word means nothing

Where is the evidence that I can't be trusted?

If I'm told to not have sex with a dog, I will say "OK" and keep my word. But, If nobody forbids me from having sex with a dog, then I have no reason to not have sex with that dog. How does this translate into "I can't be trusted" ?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-29 03:47:32

Where is the evidence that I can't be trusted? If I'm told to not have sex with a dog, I will say "OK" and keep my word. But, If nobody forbids me from having sex with a dog, then I have no reason to not have sex with that dog. How does this translate into "I can't be trusted" ?

Must have a learning disability.

I would not learn that. You know how to make me stop? If people stop being bigots, it that happens, I would have no reason to do that without the owner permission, instead, I would have no fear to ask the owner for permission first.

Or you're just a disgusting person

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-12-18 05:21:20

Must have a learning disability.

Who has a learning disability?

Or you're just a disgusting person

Disgust is subjective. Me being a distrusting person is subjective and not a fact. Thus, it is irrelevant if I'm disgusting or not.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-18 22:33:05

You literally think training animals for sex is right you liar!

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-12-18 23:27:43

You literally think training animals for sex is right you liar!

Yes, I don't see anything wrong with training an animal for sex. How does that makes me a liar?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-19 09:48:31

If I see a dog that doesn't want dec I will not make it to have sex. I will leave him alone and not train him to want it. Same with a horse. You would take dogs and make them have sex!

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-12-20 23:45:54

If I see a dog that doesn't want dec I will not make it to have sex. I will leave him alone

Good for you.

and not train him to want it.

There is nothing wrong with training as long as it is done in an ethical way.

You would take dogs and make them have sex!

You can't make a dog have sex. Dogs only have sex when they want and not when the human wants.

Your accusation is ludicrous, baseless and non-factual.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-23 16:37:41

There is nothing wrong with training as long as it is done in an ethical way.

Let the animal have a say in the mater rather than being trained for sex.

You can't make a dog have sex.

Ah but simply training a non-sexual dog for sex takes away the dog's voice and individuality. I'd rather have a that never wants sex than have a dog trained for sex.

Dogs only have sex when they want and not when the human wants.

Unless trained otherwise.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 4 points on 2016-11-11 20:09:40

please point out the exact part of that quote linked in the OP that implies to you he treats them like sex toys. I'm really struggling to see it. Again, having sex with their animals without the peoples consent isnt nice, but this doesnt mean he is an animal abuser.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-11 20:20:24

I'm not mainly talking about what's in the OP, but his comment history.
He admits to having sex with other's animals, and also without the owner's permission.
If he and a dog are left alone, he fucks it.
He also admitted to being a pervert and that it's not wrong.

Nothing wrong with being a pervert. Are you now going to be judgemental of perverts? Because almost everyone in /r/zoophilia are a perverts.


You horny fucktard.


I'm guilty.

He cannot control himself.
If you can't leave him alone with a dog, do you think you can really trust him?

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2016-11-11 20:36:27

just been through his recent comments and holy crap i didnt realise one of the recent topics got over 200 comments what the fuck. How do some zoos have so much to say? I get bored after a few comments and go do something more interesting 😂 I'll try and have a see what gets said...

edit: read a little bit and it seems like you have a bone to pick with him and are trying to get supporters with this thread.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2016-11-11 21:41:40

I didn't make this thread.
I don't need supporters, he ran away himself.
I'm just stating that he's a bad rotten apple in our community and is making us look bad.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-23 06:40:31

I'm just stating that he's a bad rotten apple in our community and is making us look bad.

At least you're brave enough to admit it.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-23 07:29:12

That's not it, other zoophiles just don't care or even know.
The outsiders just think we're funny now.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-23 07:46:31

The outsiders just think we're funny now.

Well at least two of them actually made a distinction between us and Aluzky with one of them flat out calling him a bestialist and not a Zoophile. He hasn't been able to make them back off yet.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-11-11 20:18:23

No, but it shows that he doesn't care about animals but sees them as sex toys.

Say that some woman knowingly sleeps with a married man. Is it fair to assume that she doesn't care about men, and sees them as sex toys?

That seems to me to be a comparable analogy.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-11 20:28:20

If that woman basically would have sex with every man she is left alone with, then yes she would see men as sex toys.
I'm not saying Aluzky doesn't give a single shit about animals, but his behavior makes me think this.
He also values his sexual thoughts over anything else, it seems.
You've got to be pretty sad if anyone thinks that living beings are basically fuckpuppets.

Swibblestein 6 points on 2016-11-11 20:46:53

I'm not sure that follows. I'd play video games with just about anyone I was left alone with (if they were up for it, of course), but I see other people as more than video-game playing robots.

I'm not talking so much about Aluzky right now - I haven't bothered to look into his situation right now and honestly I don't care much about him. I'm more interested in how you fellows see things like open relationships / polyamory, casual sex, and other such things, as they relate to interspecies sex, and this was a good jumping-off-point from which to pick your brains.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-11 20:58:46

Thing is, sex is something different.
You can't force others to play videogames, yet you can force others to have sex with you.
But in Aluzky's case, he ADMITS that he is a pervert.
Honestly, would you think a pervert would care more about his sexual pleasure or more about the feelings of the being that person is fucking?
It's kind of sad if you see living beings as fuckpuppets.
Because surprise surprise: They aren't.
They don't live to fuck with you everyday.
But if you brainwash your and others dog's to do that, that's pretty sad.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-11-11 21:08:45

Well, technically you could force someone to play video games with you, but it's not common.

We can agree, of course, that if there is any forcing going on, that any sex related to that would be immoral. I'm not arguing that. I don't see living beings as puppets or sex slaves, but your chain of logic bringing that up seems to me to be broken.

Pervert is, to me, a meaningless category. Depending on how you define it, all zoophiles are perverts. Heck, depending on how you define it, nearly everyone on earth is a pervert. So I don't put any stock at all in the word.

Blah. As I said I don't really care about Aluzky, but about tangential issues that his conduct has brought up. It seems you're more interested in discussing Aluzky, so I'm going to end it here.

Not that there's anything wrong with what you want to discuss, mind you! We just want to discuss different things, is all.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2016-11-13 07:09:49

But in Aluzky's case, he ADMITS that he is a pervert.

you have to consider how pervert is defined. not what the dictionary says but what he thinks the word means. he may not see the word the same way you do, which means you're making assumptions about him based on that statement that may be incorrect. even if you're going by a dictionary definition .. we're ALL perverts - we are sexually outside of the norm.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 5 points on 2016-11-13 11:56:57

You know exactly what we meant.
Don't play dumb.
He cannot control himself, he fucks other's dogs all the time and let his' get fucked too.
Leave him alone with an animal and the animal gets fucked as long as they 'like' it. snicker

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 3 points on 2016-11-12 00:13:26

That's the title of a post made on cringeanarchy. Of course, everyone there is going to see zoophilia as rape.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-23 06:55:17

Well two of them have sided with us

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 2 points on 2016-11-23 07:48:43

"Siding with us" and "condemning Aluzky" are two different things.

Most people would loathe what Aluzky has done. And frankly, it is my belief that zoophiles who are trying so hard not to be seen as rampant deviants in society should be especially vocal about it. But by no means does that equate to these people siding with us and us with them.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2016-11-23 07:58:50

Well AlphaOmegaSith and Lady so haven't been generalizing us lately. They actually said we sound like people who have self control. I'd say this is a step up from "You're all rapists! But Aluzky is a worst rapist!" to "I might not agree with you but you guys don't sound like rapists."

Swibblestein 7 points on 2016-11-11 20:42:52

I'm going to be honest here, and if you guys hate me for it, so be it.

I don't necessarily have a moral problem with a person sleeping with another person's animal without their knowledge or agreement.

To me, the situation is somewhat analogous to sleeping with someone's son / daughter without their knowledge (assuming they are of age). Or mother / father. Or brother / sister. I see dogs primarily as a member of the family of the household to which they belong.

There are some confounding factors in there, so definitely the situation is not ideal. I would be put off by someone taking someone else's dog for a walk without their knowledge, and that situation is also comparable... But neither do I think it's ideal for an animal to be denied their sexuality outright.

I have even less of a problem with a zoo allowing their animal to be sexual with others, for the same reason that I openly support polyamory.

I think the most important aspect here is if an animal's wishes are respected, and if they are treated kindly, and with care for their health and well-being.

Note that I avoided the word "fence hopping". That's because I've heard conflicting points on whether or not that encompasses all sex with an animal without the owner's knowledge, or whether it is the interspecies equivalent of casual sex only (the latter of which I've not defended).

Anyway, CMV?

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 3 points on 2016-11-12 00:09:41

I don't necessarily have a moral problem with a person sleeping with another person's animal without their knowledge or agreement.

As if taking the liberty of screwing an animal without the owner's knowledge wasn't already pretty bad, doing it without the owner's agreement as well is pretty damn fucked up.

Animals are property. And I know this sucks, as they aren't objects. But they are still property. And there is a reason why they are seen as property. It's exactly to stop people from doing whatever the fuck they want with other people's pets as long as it isn't abusive. And now we are talking about sexual activity, which most people do see as abusive to boot.

I think the most important aspect here is if an animal's wishes are respected, and if they are treated kindly, and with care for their health and well-being.

I hope you understand how very subjective this all is. An animal cannot communicate their wishes as clearly as a human can. With that same logic, you could defend people who would break into a zoophile's home to take their their animals away. Someone would to that with the best interest of the animal at heart and would probably treat the animal kindly. And yet, does it make it okay?

To me, the situation is somewhat analogous to sleeping with someone's son / daughter without their knowledge (assuming they are of age). Or mother / father. Or brother / sister. I see dogs primarily as a member of the family of the household to which they belong.

Yeah, sure. The only difference, is well... people can consent.

Do you know why "fencehoppers" don't ask for permission? Because they'll be reported to the police if they do. The permission will invariably be a categorical "no". Mr. Aluzky said so himself. Only other zoos willing to pimp their animals are going to agree to let others do such things. I guess I don't particularly see a problem with that, if every other condition is met, but it still is a bit fucked up. Animals are more than sextoys, no?

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-11-12 00:36:57

As if taking the liberty of screwing an animal without the owner's knowledge wasn't already pretty bad, doing it without the owner's agreement as well is pretty damn fucked up.

I don't understand how you'd expect to get someone's agreement without their knowledge as well. It seems to me that knowledge is a prerequisite to agreement.

With that same logic, you could defend people who would break into a zoophile's home to take their their animals away.

Most animals would very much like to remain with their caretakers... So no? That would almost certainly be violating the wishes of the animal.

That said, if a household is abusive, I don't have a problem with the animal being removed from those conditions.

Yeah, sure. The only difference, is well... people can consent.

I think that animals can, in fact, consent.

Do you know why "fencehoppers" don't ask for permission? Because they'll be reported to the police if they do.

I know plenty of people who would refuse to let their teenage daughters (and sons, but the sentiment tends to be stronger for daughters) have sex, if asked, and yet I don't think that teenagers having sex despite that implied "no" from their parents is wrong.

Animals are more than sextoys, no?

Certainly. Indeed, our disagreement is actually due to me being on the other extreme - rather than treating them like sextoys, I think animals are acting agents, and if they choose or agree to be sexual with a person, it is not unreasonable to me that such a thing might be respected.

Our disagreement might be summed up as such:

Only other zoos willing to pimp their animals are going to agree to let others do such things.

You seem to see it necessarily as a human pimping out an animal. However, while that does happen, I think there's a major, significant distinction between pimping out an animal, and allowing it the freedom to have sex with whom it chooses.

Indeed, saying of the animal "they may only have sex with me, regardless of how they might feel on the matter, and I refuse them that agency to choose" seems to me to be pretty akin to treating the animal as a sex toy.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 2 points on 2016-11-12 01:11:28

I don't understand how you'd expect to get someone's agreement without their knowledge as well. It seems to me that knowledge is a prerequisite to agreement.

I guess the wording wasn't perfect, because I understood that statement as "even if the owner doesn't agree, I'm still going to fuck their dog!" But I guess that would still fit with your logic.

Most animals would very much like to remain with their caretakers... So no? That would almost certainly be violating the wishes of the animal.

I could just as easily argue that animals don't know any better and it is therefore a human's job to step in and intervene. In my opinion, where one draws the line of what is "abusive" is just as subjective as where one draws the line of "that dog just made a pass at me."

I know plenty of people who would refuse to let their teenage daughters (and sons, but the sentiment tends to be stronger for daughters) have sex, if asked, and yet I don't think that teenagers having sex despite that implied "no" from their parents is wrong.

I don't see how this is relevant at all.

You seem to see it necessarily as a human pimping out an animal. However, while that does happen, I think there's a major, significant distinction between pimping out an animal, and allowing it the freedom to have sex with whom it chooses.

"Pimping" may be a harsh term, but it how it feels to me. It's very difficult for me to think of this as something else than people who lend their animals to others so they may assuage their sexual urges. To me, it feels as if you strip the animal of everything except their sexual potential and reduce them to mere objects and I don't particularly like it.

Indeed, saying of the animal "they may only have sex with me, regardless of how they might feel on the matter, and I refuse them that agency to choose" seems to me to be pretty akin to treating the animal as a sex toy.

Well, at the end of the day, we all have to look after our own interests, too. I wouldn't let my dog screw with every other dog that catches her fancy because I'd be stuck with an infernal puppy problem. Ok, the same can't be said for humans, but still. If she has sexual urges, I am there to relieve them. And if she wants to help relieve mine too, well that's fine. But I don't really understand why I should be fine with other people joining in in that relationship, especially if they do it behind my back. It may not be an abuse of the animal, but it is a definite abuse of trust.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-11-12 01:37:56

I could just as easily argue that animals don't know any better and it is therefore a human's job to step in and intervene. In my opinion, where one draws the line of what is "abusive" is just as subjective as where one draws the line of "that dog just made a pass at me."

Let me explain this in abstract terms, because I think it'll be easier.

I used Logic A to support Claim A. You argued that Logic A could support Claim B. I explained the reason why Logic A cannot support Claim B. And you responded with how Logic B could still support Claim B.

Do you see the issue there? Your original point was that my logic supported that conclusion - whether or not the conclusion can be supported by other logic is irrelevant.

"Pimping" may be a harsh term, but it how it feels to me. It's very difficult for me to think of this as something else than people who lend their animals to others so they may assuage their sexual urges. To me, it feels as if you strip the animal of everything except their sexual potential and reduce them to mere objects and I don't particularly like it.

As you're describing it, I don't like it either. I think that a prerequisite to a moral sexual encounter with an animal should ideally be that one understands that animal on something of a deeper level - that they have a relationship with that animal that is not based entirely on sex.

That's entirely possible, even for a dog you don't own, as long as you still have had an opportunity to spend quite a bit of time with them.

Well, at the end of the day, we all have to look after our own interests, too. I wouldn't let my dog screw with every other dog that catches her fancy because I'd be stuck with an infernal puppy problem. Ok, the same can't be said for humans, but still. If she has sexual urges, I am there to relieve them. And if she wants to help relieve mine too, well that's fine. But I don't really understand why I should be fine with other people joining in in that relationship, especially if they do it behind my back. It may not be an abuse of the animal, but it is a definite abuse of trust.

I was trying to demonstrate the difference between my reasoning and the sort of reasoning that leads to viewing animals as sex toys. I could have perhaps been a bit clearer, but hopefully you understand that part, at least.

Anyway, to clarify - I don't begrudge you your desire not to have others join in your relationship. It makes you uncomfortable. I think your reasons are respectable - indeed, I would certainly be uncomfortable with someone sleeping with an animal of mine (if I had one), for reasons similar to yours.

A person's reasons for not wanting their animal to have sex with someone else are fairly important to me, with respect to how wrong I see someone's violations of those wishes.

If someone's reasoning for not wanting someone to sleep with their animal is "sex with animals is abusive", I think their reasoning is wrong, and so it doesn't bother me too much when I see someone fail to respect their wrong reasoning. On the other hand, your reasoning is not wrong, so violating your wishes would be much more significant.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-11-12 02:13:16

Let me explain this in abstract terms, because I think it'll be easier. I used Logic A to support Claim A. You argued that Logic A could support Claim B. I explained the reason why Logic A cannot support Claim B. And you responded with how Logic B could still support Claim B.

What I said is "Logic A" doesn't work because you can use it to support frankly any claim. The concept of the animal's wishes isn't something you can really use to defend such behavior, because animals can't communicate at the same level as humans. This is why I don't believe animals can consent. It's only one's subjective interpretation of the animal's wishes that must be taken in account. And as such, a subjective interpretation of the animal's wishes can be used to justify any behavior. I really fail to make much of an objective distinction between "this dog wants to have sex with me, therefore it's okay for me to fuck it" and "this dog is suffering in this situation, therefore it's okay for me to take it away."

As you're describing it, I don't like it either. I think that a prerequisite to a moral sexual encounter with an animal should ideally be that one understands that animal on something of a deeper level - that they have a relationship with that animal that is not based entirely on sex.

I agree with this. But still. But if we step back at the original subject of the post, I sincerely doubt this is the case of someone like Aluzky.

If someone's reasoning for not wanting someone to sleep with their animal is "sex with animals is abusive", I think their reasoning is wrong, and so it doesn't bother me too much when I see someone fail to respect their wrong reasoning. On the other hand, your reasoning is not wrong, so violating your wishes would be much more significant.

I find this a bit iffy to be frank. I think all reasoning for not wanting your dog to have sex is valid to some extent. Most people see bestiality as rape, as something that is damaging physically and psychologically to the animal. I think many zoophiles are able to entertain a sexual relationship without that sort of damage being done, but I am not going to pretend all bestiality doesn't have the potential to cause harm. Most people don't want their animals to come to harm and this is very understandable. Maybe a lot of people are ill-informed, but that doesn't necessarily means their reasoning is invalid.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-11-12 02:40:28

Regarding the consent thing, I don't think we're going to agree there and I don't feel like arguing about it, so I'm dropping that.

I agree with this. But still. But if we step back at the original subject of the post, I sincerely doubt this is the case of someone like Aluzky.

Honestly I don't care about Aluzky. My only interest in this thread is discussing some tangential issues. Stuff directly related to Aluzky to me just comes off as drama - which isn't bad, in some contexts, but in this context I have zero interest in it.

I think all reasoning for not wanting your dog to have sex is valid to some extent. Most people see bestiality as rape, as something that is damaging physically and psychologically to the animal. I think many zoophiles are able to entertain a sexual relationship without that sort of damage being done, but I am not going to pretend all bestiality doesn't have the potential to cause harm. Most people don't want their animals to come to harm and this is very understandable. Maybe a lot of people are ill-informed, but that doesn't necessarily means their reasoning is invalid.

There is a difference between valid and sound. Their reasoning may be valid - that is, their conclusion follows from their premises, but that doesn't mean that it's sound.

"Sex with dogs is abusive. I don't want my dog abused. Therefore I don't want anyone to have sex with my dog."

That is valid reasoning. However, I don't think it's sound, because the first premise is false.

"Pillows cause autism. Autism causes the sky to be blue. Therefore the sky is blue because of pillows"

This is also valid reasoning, though definitely not sound. At the same time:

"The sky is blue. Turkeys are birds. Therefore, 2+2=4"

This is an example of invalid reasoning with true premises and a true conclusion.

The point I'm trying to make is that, yes, their arguments may be valid, but that doesn't say much about their conclusions. Their arguments can definitely be understandable, and even valid, but valid does not mean right.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 2 points on 2016-11-12 03:58:53

Ok, I understand what you mean, but for a majority of people, that premise indeed is true.

Their arguments can definitely be understandable, and even valid, but valid does not mean right.

And most people would probably say the same of zoophiles trying to advocate sex with animals lol.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-11-12 04:07:33

Ok, I understand what you mean, but for a majority of people, that premise indeed is true.

There's a difference between people thinking that a premise is true, and a premise actually being true. Many people think that premise is true. I do not. Whether or not it is actually true cannot directly be observed, but the point can be argued one way or another.

My experience is such that when the premise is examined critically, it falls short (hence why I think it's false).

I really don't get your point here. Just because many people think a thing doesn't make that thing reasonable. Just because something is commonly said doesn't mean that I am forced to agree with it.

I genuinely don't even understand what you are trying to say at this point.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 2 points on 2016-11-12 20:25:03

There's a difference between people thinking that a premise is true, and a premise actually being true.

Eh, in the case of animal abuse/consent, let's just agree to disagree. I don't really hold it against anyone to think that sex with dogs is abusive. I don't think zoophiles hold some objective truth on this is issue. I have yet to come to a conclusion on this myself, even though I am attracted to dogs myself, so I can't simply dismiss the opinion of the average Joe just because they don't fit with the average zoo's very contrarian worldview.

My point here is to exercise caution. In this situation, I'm sorry to say, but all people on either side of the argument use to fuel their opinions is conjecture. There is little to no objective, empirical evidence to defend either position. Your conjecture isn't worth more than somebody else's.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-11-12 06:56:26

Why does it always devolve into some kind of Monty Pythonesque "...oh, now you´re just contradicting..." - " NO, I´m not!" agruments? Like two avatars of ancient Greek philosophers living and discussing real things like they were math problems? Folks, it´s fairly easy... if I want to have a "right" to love MY animal, so another one MUST HAVE the right to decide whether you hump his dog or not. Or let me put it this way: imagine you have a car. You really like your car. Now, somebody else also likes your car....would it be okay if said other person would "borrow" this car without you having any clue, for whatever reason? Even if this person refills your tank and returns the car without a single scratch, I bet you´ll be infuriated.

There´s another thing you both tend to forget. Have you thought about the variables? Since I´m a horse guy, I´ll give you an equine example: a mare is standing outside at night. Some guy approaches her...does this guy know anything about the animal? Medical conditions, lameness from arthrosis (walking and especially trotting hurts the horse, allergy,etc....? It´s possible a human gets an anaphylactic shock from contact with animal body fluids etc....and so is vice versa! Doing anything with an animal without the owner´s knowledge , without knowledge of the animal´s medical condition and without the owner´s consent is exactly the first and foremost reason we´re seen as victims of our unnatural sex drive. Even if nothing happens (and you can´t even exclude that "something" happens a few minutes after you leave your temporary sex partner), this kind of selfish conduct still is speaking louder than words to the public. A "zoo´s" desire stands high above any possible harm that could be inflicted onto the animal, that´s what it says, affirming the usual, common prejudices about how selfish our "love" for animals is.

From this perspective, I´d even be "okay" with animal "sharing" when the owner knows and consents (the animal, too, of course!), although sharing your animal with another "zoo" is a clear sign for bestiality, not zoophilia. As long as these two animal sharers aren´t going to call themselves "zoophiles", well, go on with it. I don´t like it as it totally contradicts my definition of love (as well as that of 90% of the "normal", non polyamorous Joe Average,btw), but if you don´t harm the animal, don´t force it, don´t objectify it and make it your exciting live sex toy, go on...but don´t you call yourself a zoo.

If we want to establish a "trademark", we will have to do what has never been done before....we have to take our own rules seriously. If we want to "disconnect" our orientation from the fetishists, the "animal sex party" people, the "me first" fencehoppers who mistake desire for love and all the others who stain the pure and "ideal" zoophilia, there´s no other way.

If you apply for a job and you really want to get hired, what will you do? Show your worst side to your potential future boss? Give him your facebook account name, so he can see you hammered at the last party you were invited to? See how you were lying in your own vomit, how you fingered that overweight girl on the couch, your dick pics? Or do you want to avoid that at all costs? Huh? Just transfer that to our basic problem... we need to get the best picture across that we´re capable of sending out. We want something from society, not the other way around. When we display such a ridiculously little amount of self control, if we can´t keep our dicks/pussies in the pants when it´s inappropriate to get ´em out ( and, folks: "not your animal" is as inappropriate as it can get!), how can we ever be trusted that we have enough self control and stop immediately when an animal suddenly isn´t "into it" in the heat of the moment?

If we ever want to leave a positive impression for the outside world, we´ll have to show our best side...always, ever, no excuses, no exceptions. Every single zoophile is an ambassador, a representant of our community. Imagine what an impact it would have on the picture you have from any other country when its ambassador is caught walking around naked in your country´s capital, intoxicated, doin´ the dong helicopter and singing his country´s national anthem. Sure, there won´t be war because of that, but you won´t be able to see another one from that country without thinking back to "helicopter penis national anthem". This will stick, regardless of how educated, how gentle , how well spoken this person is...bad shit, isn´t it? Now imagine another fellow countryman of "Mr Apachepenis" doing the same, and another one two weeks later, and another one a month a certain point, it´ll click and this country will forever be the "Nation of Rotorwiener".

Remember that everything our group does is watched. Every word, every aection, even when we´re joking all contributes to our public image. Confessing "it´s okay to fuck an animal without the owner knowing" will just prove all the "selfish animal fucker" prejudices right, because the owner´s perspective will be left out for simple "convenience". "If you wanna fuck, you don´t think about that crap".Quote from a BF member whose name is better kept untold...

Philosophy is useless when it becomes too abstract and disconnected to reality. It quickly is nothing more than mental aikido...a choreographed, ritualised form of battle; useful in the dojo, but almost entirely useless in real life. What really will save your ass out there is "applied aikido"...aikijutsu. Harder, more direct, full contact. So, please quit discussing things that have lost any connection to reality during your´s a waste of energy. This kind of academic talk has a flaw in itself, it narrows down complex situations to one or two simple "either - or" questions. If you´re discussing, don´t forget the owner has a relationship to his animal, too. I know, "animals are not things you can own", sure, but let´s get back our feet to planet earth, right? Animals can be "owned". And "his" animal is NOT "yours"...I really pray to all deities known to man I don´t have to explain the difference between "yours" and "mine"...just one hint: without private possessions, there is no private life.

But anyway, seeing some of you sincerely discussing key issues with each other has to be the most beneficial and least timewasting thread for the last year.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 5 points on 2016-11-12 07:24:20

I'm starting to wish I never joined Reddit now. The sheer insanity! I don't always see eye to eye with you(on many things) but at least you're trying to remind everyone here that we're in no position to say "Zoosexuals aren't evil." But then ignore or flat out condone people who have sex with, pimp out and possibly rape animals behind the backs of their families. Could you possibly try to talk some sense into some of the people here? Remind them that we don't have the privilege to advocate animal polyamory right now? Let alone fucking animals that aren't ours?

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-11-12 09:38:30

I´m trying since I arrived here....I´m trying...

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2016-11-12 22:28:34

Hopefully it's not in vain

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 2 points on 2016-11-12 19:33:53

I don't really understand why this comment is directed at me. I agree with pretty much all your points on the subject. I guess rationally, it doesn't make a lot of sense from a zoophile "as long as the animal is willing, anything goes" perspective. But I, along with most of the human population, feel that these things are unacceptable and should be called out, regardless of the alleged animal's wishes.

A "zoo´s" desire stands high above any possible harm that could be inflicted onto the animal, that´s what it says, affirming the usual, common prejudices about how selfish our "love" for animals is.

Which is exactly my point. The only thing that matters in that context is a zoo's immediate sexual gratification. If we ever have a chance of defending or "orientation" in the public eye, it's by arguing we feel sincere and deep attachement to animals. Fencehopping or "sharing" just isn't a token of attachement. It's just using the animal to satiate biological urges.

If you´re discussing, don´t forget the owner has a relationship to his animal, too. I know, "animals are not things you can own", sure, but let´s get back our feet to planet earth, right? Animals can be "owned". And "his" animal is NOT "yours"...I really pray to all deities known to man I don´t have to explain the difference between "yours" and "mine"...just one hint: without private possessions, there is no private life.

Did you read my first response (or any of my posts at all, really)? I said:

Animals are property. And I know this sucks, as they aren't objects. But they are still property. And there is a reason why they are seen as property. It's exactly to stop people from doing whatever the fuck they want with other people's pets as long as it isn't abusive. And now we are talking about sexual activity, which most people do see as abusive to boot.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-11-13 19:07:53

Oh, I just realized I answered using the button under the wrong comment....sorry, pal, but this thread has become slightly...hmm, chaotic? ;)

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-11-13 20:43:10

I have no idea what you mean


peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 3 points on 2016-11-12 00:20:54

Well unfortunately this isn't the same as fucking your best friend's daughter on son. At most Thanksgiving might be awkward. Going after a dog will likely lead to prison or at worst getting beaten within an inch of your life.

I don't necessarily have a moral problem with a person sleeping with another person's animal without their knowledge or agreement.

In other words you can't be trusted.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-11-12 00:51:19

Going after a dog will likely lead to prison or at worst getting beaten within an inch of your life.

Those are practical reasons not to have sex with someone else's animals - which is why I specified "moral problem" in the line you quoted directly after.

However, I find it odd that you would focus on the danger that the human might be in as a result of their contact. Far more significant to me would be any negative repercussions for the dog.

I don't have a problem with humans choosing to do things that endanger themselves (in general - there are complicating factors to what I just said, but they are not particularly relevant to this discussion). Far more significant to me is when they endanger others.

In other words you can't be trusted.

I genuinely don't care in the slightest if you find me trustworthy or not. We have no relation for which "trust" would be a meaningful qualifier.

However, that said, I'm interested in actual longterm relationships. The fact that I don't have a moral problem with the actions of other people in specific circumstances doesn't mean they are things I would do myself.

I don't have a moral problem with someone sleeping with humans, but you can sure as heck trust me not to do that either.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 3 points on 2016-11-12 01:14:34

However, I find it odd that you would focus on the danger that the human might be in as a result of their contact. Far more significant to me would be any negative repercussions for the dog.

Because someone beating a Zoophile up or killing them would get the same applause as someone killing or attacking a Pedophile. Not to mention /u/Aluzky admitted to a dog biting him recently but he claims it was due to "petting" the dog through a fence. If we all walked around saying fucking all the dogs or horses ect we came across or were left alone with do you honestly think we'd ever finally gain the rights we seek? If we act like we understand boundaries and have self control perhaps one day we won't automatically be branded dog rapists or be bombarded with pictures of dogs with all manner of genital injuries or stories of animals dying after being rapes followed by taunts of "I bet this gets you off doesn't it?" and "I bet you raped and killed that dog, I hope someone rapes you one day see how you like it" and constantly being called every vile name in the book and told you deserve to die.

We have no relation for which "trust" would be a meaningful qualifier.

Thanks for stating the obvious.

The fact that I don't have a moral problem with the actions of other people in specific circumstances doesn't mean they are things I would do myself.

As if someone who hates Zoophiles is going to care.

Swibblestein 3 points on 2016-11-12 01:17:29

I don't... Get what you're even trying to argue.

I'm discussing morality, and you respond with practical concerns. I clarify that I'm talking about morality, not practicality, and you double-down on your focus on practicality.

Do you not understand the difference or do you not care?

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-12 01:34:24

So if I knew you in person, which I hope to any and all deities that I don't, you'd say nothing if you invited one of your friends here to my apartment and they raped my dog?

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-11-12 01:40:16

Uh? No? If they tried to rape your dog, I would try my best to stop them, and would call the police as well.

AlphaOmegaSith 2 points on 2016-11-12 06:43:19

I don't believe you at all. At least some of the other people here sound like they have restraint. I'm assuming that you'd interper my dog's dubious "consent" by him wagging his tail or simply not growling or just lying there. Hate break it too you but that's his default behavior. He's not a very active pup, prefers to rest and doesn't seem to actually like people that much save for me and a friend of mine and my neighbor. He had a hellish life before I found him and I'm not going to betray him by trusting him to people who will not only violate my trust but his. You personally said you have no problem with people going after dogs that aren't theirs. So when you say you'd gallantly protect my dog from harm I think you're lying.


Not helping. You wonder why the majority of us hate people like you? Just re-read your your comment and you'll find the answer unless you think re-reading something you posted is too difficult.

Swibblestein 3 points on 2016-11-12 07:23:16

I'm assuming that you'd interper my dog's dubious "consent" by him wagging his tail or simply not growling or just lying there.

Then you're not too educated on the subject.

Animals have sexually specific body language. In the case of male dogs, that would tend to be mounting and humping behavior.

Edit: I realized that I was rather vague here. Mounting and humping behavior, in addition to other pieces of body language which indicate quite a few things about how the animal feels. Mounting can be a sign of stress, or a form of play, as well as a sexual behavior, so it isn't sufficient on its own. That said, the issue is certainly more complex than "oh look he's lying there better unzip".

Furthermore, if you had read my other posts, you might have happened across this:

I think that a prerequisite to a moral sexual encounter with an animal should ideally be that one understands that animal on something of a deeper level - that they have a relationship with that animal that is not based entirely on sex.

I would have thought that this would be obvious, but let me make it a bit more clear all the same. One of the reasons for this is so that a person knows and understands the animal's body language in general, their temperament, and the way they generally express themselves.

If someone were to have sex with your dog, by my standards, they better know him well enough that they understand everything you just listed about his temperament and his general demeanor, and a hell of a lot more.

I don't get why you quoted my "No?" unless you were misreading the tone.

"No?" in this case does not mean "golly gee I'm really not sure", it means "No, and also what the hell is wrong with you, why are you even asking such an idiotic question?".

Sometimes tone does not come across very well over text, so I apologize for not being more clear, but allow me to remedy that. I have zero tolerance for rapists, regardless of what species they choose to rape. On that note, it is not "gallant" to protect someone from being raped. It's the bare minimum to not be despicable. I've argued elsewhere that I think punishments for actual animal abuse (including rape) should be tightened to be in-line with abuse against humans.

You wouldn't know that, of course, because you've read very little about what I've said on this subject - understandable, of course, I don't expect you to go digging through my post history. However, it also appears you haven't even read what I've said in this topic alone, considering how you've so failed to understand my position. And that I will criticize you for.

That said, considering you've decided I'm a liar, I doubt anything I say is going to be taken seriously. Doubting someone's sincerity in a conversation is a surefire way to end any chance at productivity that conversation had. So I don't know why I even bothered with this, except that for as much as I dislike you right now for a number of reasons, I don't think you're coming at this from a bad position - I don't think you're insincere, at least.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-12 21:50:28


AlphaOmegaSith 3 points on 2016-11-12 21:54:19

Then you're not too educated on the subject.

Sorry I'm not in the habit of fucking animals and the closest I got to that was fucking a brunette woman in a leopard costume at a Halloween party in 2012. The woman in question was a human being in case you're wondering.

Animals have sexually specific body language. In the case of male dogs, that would tend to be mounting and humping behavior.

Edit: I realized that I was rather vague here. Mounting and humping behavior, in addition to other pieces of body language which indicate quite a few things about how the animal feels. Mounting can be a sign of stress, or a form of play, as well as a sexual behavior, so it isn't sufficient on its own.

Oh so it is also a sign of stress? I already know that why the fuck do you think I'm worried about him? I found an abused stray dog in very bad shape, a dog who might not even be a dog, either I take him to the vet or a friend does, my neighbor checks in on him when she can, he's brushed, I feed him a raw meat diet that he's physically thriving on, I dote on the odd little guy. Ok maybe not so little, once he's back to his optimal health he should be 180 pounds. I don't want to imagine what being raped and traded back and forth behind my back will do to him. He's still getting used to being around me and as I said I'm not going to ruin that by trusting him to someone like you.

That said, the issue is certainly more complex than "oh look he's lying there better unzip".

I find it impossible to believe that. For all I know you'd think "Oh look his owner's gone and he's walking around. If you don't tell I won't tell so have fun!"

Furthermore, if you had read my other posts, you might have happened across this: I would have thought that this would be obvious, but let me make it a bit more clear all the same. One of the reasons for this is so that a person knows and understands the animal's body language in general, their temperament, and the way they generally express themselves.

You don't give a shit about the rights and feelings of the owner so I doubt you'd care about your future(or previous) victim's feelings and rights.

If someone were to have sex with your dog, by my standards, they better know him well enough that they understand everything you just listed about his temperament and his general demeanor, and a hell of a lot more.

People like you don't care about that. All you see is an easy hole to stick it in.

I don't get why you quoted my "No?" unless you were misreading the tone.

Oh I'm not misreading your tone.

"No?" in this case does not mean "golly gee I'm really not sure", it means "No, and also what the hell is wrong with you, why are you even asking such an idiotic question?".

Oh well excuse me for asking an admitted liar who turns a blind eye to his buddies raping the pets of unsuspecting owners what's wrong with him, you fucking sociopath. Guess you're not too much different than your friend /u/Aluzky are you now?

Sometimes tone does not come across very well over text, so I apologize for not being more clear, but allow me to remedy that. I have zero tolerance for rapists, regardless of what species they choose to rape.

Coming from a guy who says he won't snitch on a friend who rapes a dog that doesn't belong to them I going to have to call bullshit on your zero tolerance for rape stance.

On that note, it is not "gallant" to protect someone from being raped.

Well not you anyway.

It's the bare minimum to not be despicable.

Assuming you actually find such things despicable.

I've argued elsewhere that I think punishments for actual animal abuse (including rape) should be tightened to be in-line with abuse against humans.

But snitches get stitches if someone blabs about raping the dog of their best friend behind their back amirite?

You wouldn't know that, of course, because you've read very little about what I've said on this subject - understandable, of course, I don't expect you to go digging through my post history.

Well from what I know about you right now and your stance on abuse and personal views you apparently can't be trusted around other people's dogs especially if you bring one of you zoo buddies along.

However, it also appears you haven't even read what I've said in this topic alone, considering how you've so failed to understand my position.

You mean failed to understand why you'd freely allow someone to rape a dog that doesn't belong to them and then lie about to the owners face.

And that I will criticize you for.

Ask me if I care and I have every right to criticize you because of what you said.

That said, considering you've decided I'm a liar, I doubt anything I say is going to be taken seriously. It didn't have to decide you were a liar you said that yourself. So why don't you act like an adult and take responsibility for what you said instead of playing the persecution card because that game is getting old.

Doubting someone's sincerity in a conversation is a surefire way to end any chance at productivity that conversation had.

It's hard to believe someone who says that they will lie to cover up the actions of others while also admitting that they would lie to people that more that likely trust that person.

So I don't know why I even bothered with this, except that for as much as I dislike you right now for a number of reasons,

I don't give a fuck if you dislike me or not. People dislike me for doing my job anyway so a random guy on the Internet saying he dislikes me for thinking he's a lying zoophiliac sociopath who would lie to someone's face about what he lets his friends do to their pets behind their trusting backs doesn't particularly faze me.

I don't think you're coming at this from a bad position -

First smart thing you've said the entire duration of this corespondence.

I don't think you're insincere, at least.

I don't have the time for insincerity and I sure as hell don't violate the trust others have in me. I've seen enough people who had their lives ruined after trusting people who stabbed them in the back over it.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-11-12 22:29:21

You really are determined to believe I'm a liar, and to twist my words to fit that narrative, so we're done here.

Feel free to vent as much as you want. I won't be bothering with it though.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-12 23:23:17

I don't necessarily have a moral problem with a person sleeping with another person's animal without their knowledge or agreement.

Yet am the one twisting your words. Typical. You get called out so you play the victim.

If someone's reasoning for not wanting someone to sleep with their animal is "sex with animals is abusive", I think their reasoning is wrong, and so it doesn't bother me too much when I see someone fail to respect their wrong reasoning. On the other hand, your reasoning is not wrong, so violating your wishes would be much more significant.

Let's zoom in shall we?

I think their reasoning is wrong, and so it doesn't bother me too much when I see someone fail to respect their wrong reasoning.

So if I disagree with you does that mean if someone rapes you I can just say "Well I disagree that this was rape because you think going after other people's pets because you have no self control is fine and damn what the owner says. So I'm not going to call Bob the Rapist a bad person because I disagree with your reasoning." Now doesn't that sound stupid? That's exactly what you sound like and the fact that you're mad because I called a spade a spade is telling.

Feel free to vent as much as you want. I won't be bothering with it though.

If you don't like what I highlighted then by all means go and edit your comment or sue me for slander.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-11-13 00:48:49

Rape has a pretty defined definition. It is forced intercourse. That doesn't necessarily have to happen with an animal. It really is that simple.

If you were arguing a lack of informed consent, that would be different. But lack of informed consent is not rape... if anything, it's statutory rape, which by it's very name implies it's not rape except in law. (which is an important distinction, as children can consent but cannot perform informed consent).

I know your next thought. "neither can animals." My next response is "So?" And I'm not being sarcastic. There are no conseqeuences to sex with an animal as there are with sex with a child... so what are we requiring them to be informed of? Risks? Don't make me laugh. Human sex is far more risky.

AlphaOmegaSith 2 points on 2016-11-13 20:07:36

Human sex is far more risky.

So then just damn the safety and security of the animal then? That's very rational and helpful.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-11-13 20:56:10

So then just damn the safety and security of the animal then? That's very rational and helpful.

Animal breeding in-species is likewise more risky for the animal than bestiality. In short, bestiality does not have a large share of risks, those that do exist can be managed human-side by a responsible partner, and it has a good few benefits if consent is attained.. so no. I'm curious what you find dangerous to the safety and security of the animal?

For the record, I am against "fencehopping."

AlphaOmegaSith 0 points on 2016-11-13 21:12:59

I'm curious what you find dangerous to the safety and security of the animal?

Besides the numerous cases of animals being injured and in some cases killed because someone just HAD to go rape an animal not caring one bit that what they were attempting was impossible and would hurt the animal? Not caring that the animal was NOT happy with what was being done to it? Ignoring the fact that the animal was in excruciating pain and actively trying to get away? That's what I'm worried about, plus you need to face the reality that people aren't as kind and compassionate as you may think.

fuzzyfurry 3 points on 2016-11-14 00:10:44

People beat, starve, mutilate and torture animals to death every day. Just put "animal mutilated" into a google news search.

When talking about

not caring one bit that what they were attempting was impossible and would hurt the animal

I would put those people in the same category as these abusers. I'd wager that the sexually motivated abuse is actually in the minority here, but I don't really know.

In any way, caring whether what you are doing with a sentient being is harming them is really basic human decency and the unspoken assumption is that we are talking about those people that have it.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-14 07:15:41

What I'm saying is you'd be surprised how many people in the world aren't decent even if they convince others that they are. So someone saying they're a Zoophile and would never hurt an animal doesn't automatically mean they won't.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-11-15 04:56:56

We have a lot of bad eggs in our mix using the title "zoophile." What to do about such individuals has actaully been a hot-button issue on this reddit as of late.

So no, we are not unaware of this.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-16 12:22:32

What to do about such individuals has actaully been a hot-button issue on this reddit as of late.

I feel that I wouldn't be too much of an issue.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-11-17 03:40:12

It's tougher than you think.

We all agree they need to go. Identifying them is the trick, and the issue.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-17 06:26:30


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-11-17 10:02:12

Everyone claims to get consent. Most everyone anyways. This doesn't mean everyone does.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-18 00:54:50

The problem would be finding out who the liar is.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-11-18 04:41:20

Pretty much, yes.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-11-14 06:49:22

Rape is harmful. There is no debate there. Forcing a being to do something can be harmful... but you don't see us asking to outlaw all heterosexual sex over rape. It's silly. So is this.

Animals are also not completely defenseless fuzzballs, remember. Most of them can say "no" via more than just words if necessary, and make it literally painfully obvious to the person pushing too far. If that person chooses to continue, I doubt there's a thing in the world that would stop them. That makes them a rapist first, not a zoophile.

plus you need to face the reality that people aren't as kind and compassionate as you may think.

As someone who has faced some of the worst of human cruelty all under the guise of "compassion," believe me I know.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-20 00:15:31

I don't have any friends in this forum, stop tagging my name and accusing people of being friends with me.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-21 05:06:14

I don't have any friends in this forum,

No shit.

and accusing people of being friends with me.

It's called a phrase.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-21 21:52:58

No shit.

That reply makes no sense, I could perfectly have friend in this forum.

It's called a phrase.

A non-factual phrase.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-22 06:40:00

That reply makes no sense, I could perfectly have friend in this forum.

You just said you have no friends here so be honest: do you have friends here or not? Or are you just sprouting more lies?

A non-factual phrase.

Yet you said you could have friends here.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-23 02:49:01

You just said you have no friends here so be honest: do you have friends here or not? Or are you just sprouting more lies?

I already answers that question in a clear way. Your reading comprehension is horrible. The phrase: "I could perfectly have friend in this forum" is not an affirmation that I have friends, it is me saying that it is not impossible for me to have friend in here. I said that in response to your "no shit" reply.

Yet you said you could have friends

Try using good reading comprehension, what i said was not an affirmation. Learn the meaning of the word COULD.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-11-12 07:40:38

...and I´ll gladly subscribe to your entire POV. If someone hasn´t enough respect for the owner, it´s very unlikely he has respect for the animal. That´s what I´m trying to get into all their heads for so long now.

It´s your pet. End of line. Even if it were the last animal on earth, I´d rather cut my dick off than giving in to my selfish desire, than disappointing another animal owner. That´s not negotiable. If I want you to tolerate me although I´m a "filthy animal fucker", I´ll have to tolerate your "No!", no matter what. I even have to tolerate your "No!" if you don´t say it out loud because you don´t know I might be after your animal. Compromises, trustworthyness and mutual respect. I don´t call anyone a "zoophobe" just because he isn´t offering a helping hand, patting my back while I´m doing it.

Sometimes I wonder why it is so goddamn hard for the majority of "zoophiles" to accept that other peoples´ animals are off limit. No discussions, no bullshit excuses. You normals deserve not to be drawn into "our world" by accidentally realizing some random asshole fucked your animal. You have the right not to be confronted with zoophilia if you don´t want to. End of line. Hopefully, some of our more "permissive" members can reactivate the obviously rusted brain circuits responsible for empathic self reflection...or we´re doomed forever and you hate us for a pretty damn good reason.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-12 20:03:11

You know, what you said actually sounds rational and level headed. Granted yeah I guess I count as a "zoophobe" here but I'm not gonna discount what you said just because I disagree with your particular activities.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 3 points on 2016-11-12 21:20:47

Why is this even downvoted.

AlphaOmegaSith 2 points on 2016-11-12 21:55:47

Who me or /u/30-30?

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 3 points on 2016-11-12 21:56:34

You. But it's fixed now.

AlphaOmegaSith 2 points on 2016-11-12 21:57:09

Oh ok.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-12 07:11:58

Because I totally have no reason to be concerned at all. My bad.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-11-12 07:28:47

Okay then.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-12 22:29:27

I was being sarcastic

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-11-12 22:34:19

I'm aware. However, if you're going to ignore my meaning, it's only fair that I do the same to you.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2016-11-12 22:47:11

Ah so you're immature as well?

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-11-12 23:00:52

If you address the points I've made I'll gladly respond, or if you make a point of your own, but how do you think that sarcasm adds to this conversation at all?

It doesn't. And if you're putting zero effort in, why should I?

Though, by explaining this, I've already put in far more effort than you have in your last few posts.

Here's the thing: I'm open to my mind being changed on this. I'm open to discussing it. But if you're not, all you are doing is wasting my time, and your own.

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-11-20 01:37:58

he claims it was due to "petting" the dog through a fence.

Normal non-sexual petting.

If we all walked around saying fucking all the dogs or horses ect we came across or were left alone with do you honestly think we'd ever finally gain the rights we seek?

You are using a hypothesis contrary to fact fallacy.

If we act like we understand boundaries and have self control perhaps one day we won't automatically be branded

Acts of zoosadists will always be pinned onto us even if it has nothing to do with us, so getting rid of haters is impossible, best we can do is minimize the number of haters through education.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-21 12:29:18

Normal non-sexual petting.

How can I believe you after everything you've done lately? How can I as a Zoophile stand by you after all you've done?

You are using a hypothesis contrary to fact fallacy.

I can cite the revelations about you that's for damn sure

Acts of zoosadists will always be pinned onto us even if it has nothing to do with us, so getting rid of haters is impossible, best we can do is minimize the number of haters through education.

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-11-21 21:16:29

How can I believe you after everything you've done lately?

And what exactly have I done recently? And if you don't want to believe me, then don't do it, it doesn't affect me at all if you don't believe me that a dog bite me recently for non-sexual reasons.

But I find it interesting that you only find it hard to believe good stuff about me but not bad stuff, you have no problems in believe my claim that i got bitten recently, this shows that you are BIAS. If you where not bias you would not my claim that I got bitten recently to begging with.

Everything I say could be a lie, everything you say could be a lie, everything everybody say could be a lie. If you want to live in such world, go ahead.

I can cite the revelations about you that's for damn sure

I dare you to do it. The only one that is true is that I have sex with other people dogs. That has never been a secret, I have never lied about it, I have always been open about it. The rest of the accusation hae no evidence to support them and I can tell you that they are bullshit and is not up to me to prove that they are bullshit, innocent till proven guilty. Is up to them to prove that I'm the stuff that they claim.

I could as easily accuse you of raping dogs, of having no self control, of lying all the time, should you have to defend against such baseless accusations? Do you have to prove that you are not guilty?

Acts of zoosadists will always be pinned onto us even if it has nothing to do with us, so getting rid of haters is impossible, best we can do is minimize the number of haters through education.

Why are you quoting that? Your point?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-25 07:11:23

Acts of zoosadists will always be pinned onto us

You're not helping to lessen this

best we can do is minimize the number of haters through education.

Not that you helping

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-25 21:22:14

You're not helping to lessen this

How so?

Not that you helping

I have turned zoophobes into supporters. How is that not helping?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-29 03:32:27

And all that so called progress is for nought then. The fact that you call yourself a Zoophile is disgusting. I'm nothing like you and I'm glad that I'm not. You want to call me a bigot for not licking the ground you walk on fine! But I'd rather be called a bigot for distancing myself from you then be lumped into the same category as people like you.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-12-18 04:10:49

And all that so called progress is for nought then.

Subjective opinion unless you can prove it.

The fact that you call yourself a Zoophile is disgusting.

Irrelevant subjective opinion. Is your problem if you find it to be disgusting.

I'm nothing like you and I'm glad that I'm not.

More irrelevant subjective stuff.

You want to call me a bigot for not licking the ground you walk on fine!

That is not the definition of bigot... And why would I make you lick the floor that I walk? Your comments makes no sense.

But I'd rather be called a bigot for distancing myself from you then be lumped into the same category as people like you.

Again, doing that would not make you a bigot. Unless you are distancing yourself from me for bigoted reasons. If your reason to distance yourself from me are bigoted, then yes, that would make you a bigot.

Question: Why do you want to distance yourself from me?

And what you mean by people like me? Aren't you a zoophile like me?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-18 22:59:08

That is not the definition of bigot... And why would I make you lick the floor that I walk? Your comments makes no sense

It's called a phrase. Do you know what as phase is stupid little boy?

Question: Why do you want to distance yourself from me?

Because I want people to trust and respect Zoophiles. I've come out to one of my co-workers now, she was scared I'd done something with her dog but I explained to her that I didn't and never would. I've babysat her Newfoundland before and I had zero sexual contact with him. You on the other hand would have tried to do something to him and never would've said anything about it to my co-worker. I want to show antis and others that I am not like you. I can be trusted.

And what you mean by people like me? Aren't you a zoophile like me?

You mean an out of control loser that fucks any animal I see or happen to be alone with? Absolutely not! I am not like you.

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-12-18 23:16:55

It's called a phrase. Do you know what as phase is stupid little boy?

English is not my main language, I don't know the meaning of every phrase that exist nor I have an easy time telling a phrase from a non-phrase.

I will advice you to keep phrases to a minimum when talking with me.

I want to show antis and others that I am not like you.

Nobody is the same as some one else, even identical twins are not the same. It is obvious that you are not like me, I'm unique, everyone is unique. You don't need to distance yourself from me to prove that. All you have to do is explain how all people is unique.

I can be trusted.

I can be trusted too, I won't abuse some ones dogs and I like to keep my word. If I get told to not fuck a dog, I won't do it. And again, you distancing yourself from me doesn't prove that you can be trusted or that you can't be trusted.

You mean an out of control loser that fucks any animal I see or happen to be alone with? Absolutely not! I am not like you.

That is not the definition of a zoophile. Also, who says that I'm out of control? You thinking of me as a loser is your subjective opinion and not a fact. I will only have sex with a dog if that dog is also into sex with humans and most zoosexuals will act in this way too. That doesn't rule them out as not being zoophiles. I guess you think that the majority of zoophiles are out fo control losers.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-19 10:20:05

English is not my main language, I don't know the meaning of every phrase that exist nor I have an easy time telling a phrase from a non-phrase.

Neither is mine but at least I have a better grasp of it! And I thought you were from the U.S.?!

I will advice you to keep phrases to a minimum when talking with me.

How about no?

Nobody is the same as some one else,

Yeah you don't say😡

even identical twins are not the same.

I'm aware of this, you're missing the point.

It is obvious that you are not like me,

Something I'm immensely grateful for.

You don't need to distance yourself from me to prove that.

Well I want to be seen as a trustworthy and good Zoophile so yes I must distance myself from you as much as possible. I want people to know that I want have sex with their animals behind their backs. Or allow others to do so.

All you have to do is explain how all people is unique.

You're missing the point as usual.

I can be trusted too,

No you can't.

I won't abuse some ones dogs and I like to keep my word.

Yeah you will if you're alone with them.

If I get told to not fuck a dog, I won't do it.

You have to be told in explicit detail not to do it because you're a stupid person. If someone doesn't practically send you a 60 page letter telling you not to have sex with their dog you'll do it anyway. Or if you see a dog that doesn't wan sex you will try to make it want sex instead of respecting the dog. I now have a dog, I am happy with him and I am truly in love with him yet I will only have sex with him if he initiates contact. I have not had sex with him and I will not unless he shows interest in such. If he is not interested in sex with me I will just continue to masturbate, I won't train him for sex because I respect him.

And again, you distancing yourself from me doesn't prove that you can be trusted or that you can't be trusted.

Maybe. Maybe not. But I don't want people to see Zoophiles and think we're all like Aluzky. Unbridled monsters who will try to train dogs for sex or abuse then behind the backs of their owners and family and lie about it unless the person puts up signs saying that their dog is not for bestiality or Zoophiles.

That is not the definition of a zoophile.

No it's your definition of Zoophilia!

Also, who says that I'm out of control?

Your words and actions do! People in your country must put tags and noted on their dogs saying "No sex for the dog" or you'll do something to them. Plus you threaten to rape antis' dogs or do things to them!

You thinking of me as a loser is your subjective opinion and not a fact.

It is a fact since you're so stupid that dogs must not be tagged with labels so you'll leave them alone plus you said training no sexual dogs for sex is alright when it is not!

I will only have sex with a dog if that dog is also into sex with humans and most zoosexuals will act in this way too.

And I will distance myself from them too and I don't regret it.

That doesn't rule them out as not being zoophiles.

No it just means you shouldn't leave your dogs alone with them unless you put a label on the dog. You sound more like a bestialist every time you post a comment.

I guess you think that the majority of zoophiles are out fo control losers.

If they behave like you then yes I do.

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 4 points on 2016-11-12 12:11:26

If I found out someone was in my house taking care of my family's pets then found out later that whoever had sex with my daughter with out my knowledge, even if it was consensual, then nothing, save for Armageddon, could stop me.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-12 02:57:10

Well, he knows who his enemies' friends are...

AlphaOmegaSith 2 points on 2016-11-12 07:03:42

Of course YOU would show up to defend the guy. Long time no see guess you're out of jail for after asking someone if you could date their 3-year old in the wrong neighborhood huh? Or are you back to harassing people who were raped as children?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 3 points on 2016-11-12 07:16:10

Ah yes because this is all part of some big conspiracy against poor little /u/Aluzky. You must be one of his customers.

urdaughtersacutie ally 0 points on 2016-11-12 20:42:29

You must be one of his customers.

You can provide evidence of your fantastic imaginings, yes?

Ah yes because this is all part of some big conspiracy

Those are your friends. Those are the friends you chose...

AlphaOmegaSith 5 points on 2016-11-12 22:16:44

Nice try but peaches is a Zoophile and while I'm trying to be civil here I'll be blunt. I wouldn't be friends with a Zoophile knowingly. So why don't you put on some more tinfoil and go back to being a creepy scumbag and future Amber Alert suspect.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 5 points on 2016-11-12 22:21:13

/u/AlphaOmegaSith is an anti and public health watch banned me. You're pathetic.

urdaughtersacutie ally -2 points on 2016-11-13 04:41:48

/u/AlphaOmegaSith is an anti and public health watch banned me.

...and they're still the friends you chose. Wierd, huh?

AlphaOmegaSith 3 points on 2016-11-13 19:59:48

Point out exactly where it says I'm friends with this female Zoophile. Oh right you can't. No wonder /u/urgeless banned your sorry ass. Oh no wait it was because of your constant trolling, hence your pathetic username, coupled with your attempts to discuss how to manipulate and rape children. Just about everyone at /r/PedoFriends got tired of you coming around and being a completely disgusting waste of life. Now why don't you go run along and continue kissing up to your hero and best friend /u/Aluzky and let the adults talk.

urgeless pedophile 2 points on 2016-11-13 20:14:27

Could you please not explicitly tag me in drama? It's disappointing to have this as the reason my inbox is orange. Thanks.

AlphaOmegaSith 3 points on 2016-11-13 20:36:52

My sincere apologies I won't do it again. No sarcasm here, this is a sincere apology.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-14 08:54:16

Yes please don't bring more pedos here.
I'd rather have OPBeast here.

AlphaOmegaSith 2 points on 2016-11-14 22:38:22


Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-20 00:11:55

He is not my best friend, not even a friend, more like an acquaintance. So, don't tag me here either.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-21 05:03:51

We were talking about you hence the tag.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-21 21:53:20

You could use my name without tagging me.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-22 06:42:15

Ask me if I care

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-23 02:37:39

Ask me if I care

Do you care?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 3 points on 2016-11-13 20:56:35

...and they're still the friends you chose. Wierd, huh?

What a sad little life you must have if you think me and an anti-Zoophile and a dead hate group are friends.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 3 points on 2016-11-13 20:59:35

Oh and you're taunting of /u/SilverPluto24 for not wanting you near his daughter? How very classless of you.

30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2016-11-13 05:13:47

Yeah, talking with someone totally makes you friends. And if you even dare to agree with another one, that absolutely turns you both into doubletriplesupderduperfriends... * head @ wall *

urdaughtersacutie ally -1 points on 2016-11-13 05:17:54

Yeah, talkingallying with someone totally makes you friends.'s the meaning I'm using, in fact.

If you have to back up a hate group which targets you to play crabs-in-a-bucket, you should reconsider your life.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 5 points on 2016-11-13 16:36:38's the meaning I'm using, in fact.

Holy shit, Aluzky is that you?
You're his retarded twin brother or an alt. acc. 100% 👌

If you have to back up a hate group which targets you to play crabs-in-a-bucket, you should reconsider your life.

We aren't 'allying with' or 'befriending' our enemies.
There are points where we can both agree and disagree on.
I don't see how we backup other groups by doing that.
We need to show that we aren't like Aclumsky and do stupid crap.

urdaughtersacutie ally 0 points on 2016-11-13 20:11:21

I don't see how we backup other groups by doing that.

Click the link at the top of the thread. Where does it go to? Where does it come from?

There are points where we can both agree and disagree on.

...who wrote the title text?

We aren't 'allying with' or 'befriending' our enemies.

It's a simple gang operation, and Al-however-you-spell-it is not the target.

There are people here who want to lend material support to that gang and its operations.

It's really that simple. Denials sound as thin as someone prattling on about how they hate ISIS, but didn't like Charlie Hebdo so they picked up a gun and joined ISIS.

You chose your friends. 'n like I said, Al's not the target.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 4 points on 2016-11-13 20:54:28

Click the link at the top of the thread. Where does it go to? Where does it come from?

Just because it links to there it doesn't mean we are on their side?

...who wrote the title text?

He. Is. Not. Our. Friend.

It's a simple gang operation, and Al-however-you-spell-it is not the target. There are people here who want to lend material support to that gang and its operations. It's really that simple. Denials sound as thin as someone prattling on about how they hate ISIS, but didn't like Charlie Hebdo so they picked up a gun and joined ISIS.

What the fuck am I even reading?
You really don't understand what is going on do you?

You chose your friends.

No I didn't?
Do I, no, we have to repeat the same thing again?
He even mentioned himself that he isn't our 'friend'

Al's not the target.

Yet it is his fault, so we target him.
/u/SilverPluto24 reposted this here for a reason to show what he causes and what effect it has.
I really don't see how we are allies or friends with these people?
Like, do you even know what it means?
You call yourself a zoophile ally yet you're sittin on yer lazy ass here.

urdaughtersacutie ally 2 points on 2016-11-14 03:12:08

Y'know, we probably don't agree, but out of all the people in the swarm, you seem the most likely to be speaking on your own grounds...

What the fuck am I even reading? You really don't understand what is going on do you?

We're having similar reactions.

As far as I can tell... you don't like him because you got in a debate with him once. Small, petty, but perfectly fine - these are the bumps in the human experience.

Then, you found this thread, sooo...

...I would not suggest that everyone else in this thread is merely innocent and petty. To throw your own words back at you - you really don't understand what is going on, do you?

/u/SilverPluto24 reposted this here

...title intact?

See, if I found the most homophobic, slur-filled posts and started spamming /r/lgbt with them, I would get banned. This would be rightful, and its status as degrading and hijacking the sub, while spamming it with slurs, would be obvious.

Here, it flies - likely in part because a few socks were in before it was started, tbh.

The title doesn't say "hate sub bitches about fencehopping." Congratulations on accidentally joining #OpBeast.

to show what he causes and what effect it has.


Everyone is responsible for their own actions. You could do anything - murder my family, rape my loved ones, spraypaint "udac is a doodiehead" on the side of a building, whatever.

That would be on you. No one else.

Anything I would do would be my actions - no one else's. That's the way the world actually works.

Meanwhile, while I'm not going to, I could make a random post in another sub calling you all sorts of terrible things and making all sorts of accusations.

Would you be responsible for my post? Or would I?

Even if the victim has done something wrong (and Al's at "petty tresspass" as the worst allegation, from what I've read, which ain't much) - victim-blaming is completely delusional.

Hate groups are responsible for the actions of hate groups. No matter what.

Yet it is his fault

...just because he was targeted, eh? And they'll be so nice to you, you say?

His real crime was being willing to debate. Nothing else.

Meanwhile... do you know how canines hunt? The basic concept is splitting the target from the herd. If you can do this a few times, you can destroy the entire herd.

Maybe this is a good time to point out again that people are responsible for their posts, not other peoples' posts?

You say...

He even mentioned himself that he isn't our 'friend'

...but you also say...

so we target him.

I tell you that if you join an attacking force, you are part of that force, and if you attack on someone else's orders, you are their asset.

You call yourself a zoophile ally yet you're sittin on yer lazy ass here.


This is basically true. But... I will tell you when your enemy is in the base.

Sith has successfully got a top-level post upvoted, in your forum, calling all zoophiles rapists. He has parked an army on your board. That army is running around, cutting the pack - put aside your personal hurt from whatever debates and look how a few people treat those who didn't automatically join in. It's mean, it's spiteful, it's very antidemocratic, and generally involves lying about them.

It's just cutting the herd and running an army in your base to destroy the pack. Nothing more.

I'm probably not doing as much as I should, I've got a lot to rotate - but I'll tell you honestly what's going on.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-11-14 04:47:34

Please see a proctologist. Maybe he can do what you can´t ...getting the stick out of your arse.

I´m sick and tired of this trench fight mentality. I don´t care if someone´s "OpBeast" , self proclaimed "zoophile" or anything in between. Additionally I heavily doubt the only reason for u/warcanine to attack Aluzky is a debate. It´s what Aluzky does, what picture he sends to the public. FYI: "Zoophile" does not mean to be okay with anything that involves animals. Stop this "groupthink" immediately...and while you´re at it, stop that stupid sex lib bullshit also. We as zoophiles are muthafukkin´ DEPENDENT on the goodwill of outsiders, we need to build bridges instead of burning them down "because sex lib BS".

In case you haven´t realized what happened in this very thread, here´s your briefing. Aluzky has been called out on his shit. Although there are some defenders left, many of us "vile animal fuckers" know that there has to be a limit somewhere...and Aluzky managed to turn out as a constanly lying pathological linestepper. Then, a member from another community appeared in here, a member from a community that cannot exactly be called "zoo friendly" at all.

This member spoke his mind and some of us (including me) agree on some points AOS brought up. When I backed up his valid and justified criticism, the impossible happened. We actually extablished some kind of communication instead of the usual namecalling. He even called me level headed and grounded. We showed mutual respect, we listened to each other. When you backcheck how a common meetup between members of CringeAnarchy and this subreddit usually turns out, I´d say that this can definitely be called a tiny progress. Exactly this is the way to MORE tolerance. AOS even made a statement he´ll not link stuff from this subreddit to his sub anymore when it´s not an issue of Aluzkyésque proportions. For me, this is a hand offered to this subreddit. Like some sort of peace offer.

By the way, this is the second time someone from CringeAnarchy told me that he/she thinks I´m level headed and kinda trustworthy. There must be something I do right that others don´t....I really wonder what this might be..;)

This isn´t a trench fight. Digging deeper won´t get us anywhere, blowing up the SWJ bubble also won´t . We have to deal with the world as it is, not as we like it to be. It´s a fact that zoophilia is frowned upon by the public. It also is a fact that it´s "us", the bestiality/zoophilia collective that´s to blame, ´cause it seems we are so self centered we lost contact to the real world entirely. If we want the outside to acknowledge zoophilia as a strange and uncommon, yet tolerable form of sexual orientation, we shouldn´t sabotage that with constant attacks towards the "normal" folks. I´ve said it so many times before and I´ll repeat it yet another time here: WE want something from them, NOT vice versa! WE have to make sure that not even a single outsider is forced to deal with our "animal fucker community" if he doesn´t want to. If we show no respect for someone else´s privacy, how dare we demand the very same for us? Aluzky laid bare how incapable he is when it comes to see his own conduct from another perspective. He can´t even figure out why we are so pissed when he said he fucks dogs without the owner knowing/consenting. Do you really think that ALUZKY is winning over new alliies with this? By unveiling that particularly problematic mindset, Aluzky is THE ONLY ONE to blame here, it´s not somebody else´s fault. Opposing Aluzky´s bullshit is the fucking least a true zoophile should do to prevent others mixing us responsible and respectful zoos with the hordes of beasties out there lacking ANY form of awareness or responsibility.

If we really want to live in peace with the outside world someday, we really shouldn´t fool ourselves into thinking and acting like we´re the only guys on this planet. We´re a teeny tiny minority and should put the emphasis on building bridges ´cause we won´t get anywhere WITHOUT the support of outsiders.

How often do I have to prove my attitude right until you all wake up from your pinkie puffy total sexual freedom dream/nightmare?

How often will you SWJ´s defend your defunct and outdated sex lib agenda until you finally notice your "freedom" is nothing but yet another cage you trapped yourself in? With the least little amount of empathy for the non-zoo, non-beastie outsiders, gaining trust and respect in our opponents becomes possible. With the least little bit of self reflection, it IS possible to overcome that incredibly imbecile "teamthink" attitude so common in here...folks, this is NOT the Superbowl or the NBA finals, this is NOT about "sticking to your team". This all should be about actual issues, about the undeniable repercussions our orientation has for the "normals". Again: We´re NOT alone on this planet!

If a "zoo´s" neigbor cannot keep an animal outside without having to fear that his animal is abused as soon as he has fallen asleep, then this entire thread,this entire subreddit has NO point anymore other that being an echo chamber and a hug box for all those "zoophiles" just searching for a community that pampers them.

Stop the "teamthink". Zoophilia will only see a better future if we zoos manage to make compromises. And the first small step towards that is goddamn openly talking to each other, no fucking matter what "team" you´re in, what your goddamn reality tunnel, your imaginary bubble is, zoo or anti.

The pope isn´t called the "pontifex maximus" , the "biggest builder of bridges" for no reason. It´s building bridges that leads to a greater coherence. And I´d rather "team" up with an "evil" opponent to build a bridge than apathetically sit in my well dug trench of sex lib fantasies.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-14 05:59:34

Maybe he can do what you can´t ...getting the stick out of your arse.

Magic 8-ball says... unlikely. :)

FYI: "Zoophile" does not mean to be okay with anything that involves animals.

Not exactly a news flash.

...folks, this is NOT the Superbowl or the NBA finals, this is NOT about "sticking to your team".

It is more than you think, and not in the way you're suggesting.

Consider two different scenarios -

  • someone is uncomfortable with something Al did, and approaches him respectfully about it.

  • News flash : hate group attacking Alzusky THEY NEED OUR HELP!!

...see a difference? There is one.

reason .. to attack... is... what picture he sends to the public.

...and I would definitely drop that line of thinking.

Do you know what's a worse public image than a shocking public image? Being percieved as more than willing to lie, and foist any bullshit you think they want to hear.

An honest, straightforward 'evil?' You can at least believe what they have to say... but someone who feeds you back what you spoon-fed them might be just as evil, but their word is no good.


Do you really think that ALUZKY is winning over new alliies with this?


I think he established legitimacy with those who think sentient beings cannot be owned.

That's not everyone, or else animal liberation actions and anti-zoo folk (the enclosure) would be a bit more common.

If that's also the position he holds, he establishes with everyone else that he is credibly honest. Wrong in their eyes, perhaps, but honest and consistent. Switching it up with every change in the wind won't do that.

The other major truth is...

It´s a fact that zoophilia is frowned upon by the public.

The majority of the public does not spend one second of the average day thinking about zoophilia at all.

That's a fact. That's a reality. "Everyone" does not "hate" you; the worst that can be said is that they do not think or bother about you.

So you see...

this is the second time someone from CringeAnarchy told me

I hate to say it, but you've wasted all your time and effort on a tiny minority which doesn't matter at all...

Where you focus, you donate power. Internal, peer to peer criticism is fine. Selling your integrity to kowtow to the least signifigant and most hateful minority... is selling your soul. As well as your public honesty.

Better wrong than a toadie. People who are wrong - deeply and fundamentally wrong - at least sometimes have integrity.

I'd love to end this here, but...

stop that stupid sex lib bullshit also.

That's... also not going to happen.

Wanna know how far back it goes? The Bible starts with a description of people being exiled from paradise for creating a morality more about being ashamed of one's genitals than about kindnss towards fellow living things. It's... old, and it's not going to stop.

I've also never seen Al advance it. It has very specific roots, while he is at best a moderate insurrectionary... respectable in itself, but a different background. And that's okay.

...but this other thing, it's not gonna stop. If you want to know more, Winnicot or Rogers are fairly good reads - or Harlow, if you want to up the drama. He and Prescott readily demonstrate what's at stake.

Ignore the hate groups. Most people... don't bother to hold an opinion at all.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-20 00:38:39

Aluzky managed to turn out as a constanly lying pathological linestepper.

Citation needed. Where I have told a lie?

By the way, this is the second time someone from CringeAnarchy told me that he/she thinks I´m level headed and kinda trustworthy.

Probably because you are a hater just like them.

He can´t even figure out why we are so pissed when he said he fucks dogs without the owner knowing/consenting.

I have never made such claim. I understand why some of you don't like that I do such behavior.

Opposing Aluzky´s bullshit is the fucking least a true zoophile should do to prevent others mixing us responsible and respectful zoos with the hordes of beasties out there lacking ANY form of awareness or responsibility.

Citation needed. What bullshit?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-20 08:54:20

Look, moron...your stupid habit of taking everything literally is a huge red flag for every psychologist. The typical unfamiliarity with "meta-speech" (e.g. metaphors, slang words and such) is a dead giveaway that something in your head ain´t working correctly. Please go and see a professional who´s able to help you with that.

Also, quit this trench fight bullshit. Yes, I am a zoophile, but that does not include to back up any other "zoophile" when they´re so despicable as you. We´re NOT in the same team, mate, because there are NO teams! This kind of "teamthink" is what was predominant for the last 15 years within the "zoo" community and fucking look where it has brought us! More and more laws, more and more repression, more and more opposition. What are the reasons, you might ask? Just take a look in the mirror, Aluzky. The animal porn craze, in which you played a part ,too...the aggressive confrontation of the public with "zoophile rights" bullshit like you usually do, the infantile impulse to "be someone", to be known as a "zoophilia advocate"...just take a look in the mirror,Aluzky.

I doubt you´ll actually sit down and do some thinking before you respond with yet another retarded comment, you´re just stuck into your self created bubble and thus you can´t even understand why people are so hostile. Your BS "us vs. them" setup won´t work anymore and this subreddit is NO shelter for people like you´s time that we zoophiles clean our front porch before we point out other peoples´crap on their front porch. And you, Aluzky, you sadly aren´t more than a piece of trash we have to take off our front porch before we can ever try to gain more tolerance from the public. Like it or not, but that´s the way it is. I really wonder why you´re not switching over to Beastforum, that´s definitely a more friendly place for people like you.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-08 19:05:12

Look, moron...

I have an above average IQ, I'm the opposite of a moron, so your claim that I'm a moron is not factual.

your stupid habit of taking everything literally is a huge red flag for every psychologist. The typical unfamiliarity with "meta-speech" (e.g. metaphors, slang words and such) is a dead giveaway that something in your head ain´t working correctly. Please go and see a professional who´s able to help you with that.

Sorry (not really) but I debate with evolutionist deniers, climate change deniers, spherical earth deniers, homosexuality deniers and so on who makes comments that anyone else would thing they are sarcasm when they are not. I will cite Poe's laws: Without blatant sings of parody or sarcasm, it is impossible to distinguish those whoa re not serious from those who are serious. (you can read more about poe's laws in wikipedia)

I just take everything seriously/literally, instead of taking everything as parody/sarcasm. If the person intentions to convey parody/sarcasm, then they should do a better job in making it very clear that they are not being serious.

Also, quit this trench fight bullshit. Yes, I am a zoophile, but that does not include to back up any other "zoophile" when they´re so despicable as you.

Subjective irelevant opinion.

We´re NOT in the same team, mate, because there are NO teams! This kind of "teamthink" is what was predominant for the last 15 years within the "zoo" community and fucking look where it has brought us! More and more laws, more and more repression, more and more opposition. What are the reasons, you might ask? Just take a look in the mirror, Aluzky. The animal porn craze, in which you played a part ,too...the aggressive confrontation of the public with "zoophile rights" bullshit like you usually do, the infantile impulse to "be someone", to be known as a "zoophilia advocate"...just take a look in the mirror,Aluzky.

You may thing that, but I support all zoosexuals, even assholes like you. Don't worry, I don't expect a "thanks" from you, I don't fight for YOUR RIGHTS to get recognition.

I doubt you´ll actually sit down and do some thinking before you respond with yet another retarded comment, you´re just stuck into your self created bubble and thus you can´t even understand why people are so hostile.

What bubble? And people are hostile because they are bigoted or uneducated or stupid or a combination of those 3. So, I do understand why they are hostile.

Your BS "us vs. them" setup won´t work anymore and this subreddit is NO shelter for people like you´s time that we zoophiles clean our front porch before we point out other peoples´crap on their front porch.

What bullshit? What you mean by clean up? What you mean by people like me?

And you, Aluzky, you sadly aren´t more than a piece of trash we have to take off our front porch before we can ever try to gain more tolerance from the public.

Subjective irrelevant opinion. In my humble and irrelevant opinion: You are more trash than me or anyone I have seen in this forum.

Like it or not, but that´s the way it is.

That is your subjective opinion and not a fact.

I really wonder why you´re not switching over to Beastforum, that´s definitely a more friendly place for people like you.

That site served his purpose on educating me when I need it. I no longer need that place. I'm in here (reddit, not r/zoophilia) because you can find people who is forced to be more open minded in the way they debate. So, there is a better chance to educate them when they make claims about zoosexuals or animals that are not true.

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 3 points on 2016-11-14 04:58:33

...title intact?

To highlight the wording they used to show how they see us, so people wouldn't get confused when they click on it, and to show that almost everyone hates Aluzky.

See, if I found the most homophobic, slur-filled posts and started spamming /r/lgbt with them, I would get banned. This would be rightful, and its status as degrading and hijacking the sub, while spamming it with slurs, would be obvious.

Well, this is not "zoophobic, slur-filled post" and I'm not spamming it, I only posted it once.

Here, it flies - likely in part because a few socks were in before it was started, tbh.

I hope we don't censor for quoting, only for something truly bigoted.

The title doesn't say "hate sub bitches about fencehopping." Congratulations on accidentally joining #OpBeast.

That title would easily bring more anti then just /u/AlphaOmegaSith and would be more likely to bring #OpBeast.

Meanwhile, while I'm not going to, I could make a random post in another sub calling you all sorts of terrible things and making all sorts of accusations.

What terrible things have I called anyone, and what have I accused anyone of?

Even if the victim has done something wrong (and Al's at "petty tresspass" as the worst allegation, from what I've read, which ain't much) - victim-blaming is completely delusional.

I'm wondering if you've even read the quote

Hate groups are responsible for the actions of hate groups. No matter what.

So trolls coming over here through a post that says "Anti-Zoo Bigots are stupid, HaHa" are they the trolls fault or my fault?

...just because he was targeted, eh? And they'll be so nice to you, you say?

Not targeted just simply quoted

His real crime was being willing to debate. Nothing else.

Trespassing, bestiality, and animal exploitation and that's what he's admitted to.

Meanwhile... do you know how canines hunt? The basic concept is splitting the target from the herd. If you can do this a few times, you can destroy the entire herd.

How about a rabid one that could kill the other dogs, should they stay or be kicked out?

Maybe this is a good time to point out again that people are responsible for their posts, not other peoples' posts?

So trolls coming over here through a post that says "Anti-Zoo Bigots are stupid, HaHa" are they the trolls fault or my fault?

I tell you that if you join an attacking force, you are part of that force, and if you attack on someone else's orders, you are their asset.

Who's giving orders?

This is basically true. But... I will tell you when your enemy is in the base.

You're doing a terrible job at it, didn't warn us about #OpBeast, your only recent posts in this sub were in two comment sections

Sith has successfully got a top-level post upvoted, in your forum, calling all zoophiles rapists. He has parked an army on your board. That army is running around, cutting the pack - put aside your personal hurt from whatever debates and look how a few people treat those who didn't automatically join in. It's mean, it's spiteful, it's very antidemocratic, and generally involves lying about them.

No, I do, because "people are responsible for their posts, not other peoples' posts" so I'm responsible for my repost not Sith.

It's just cutting the herd and running an army in your base to destroy the pack. Nothing more.

No, it's removing a tumor and showing not all zoo's break into people's houses to fuck random dogs.


Yes, my daughter is a cat, now, keep away from her you pedo, also I would be perfectly understanding if someone who knew I was a zoo told me to keep away from their cat. I would respect their request, for I would never even touch a cat without the owner's and the cat's consent.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-14 06:17:08

Well, we'll start with the "gotcha"...

bestiality... and that's what he's admitted to.

...umm... thumbsup.jpg?

I'm wondering if you've even read the quote

Oh. You're right - far less than that.

break into people's houses to fuck random dogs.

I'm wondering if you even read the quote?

How about a rabid one that could kill the other dogs, should they stay or be kicked out?

You could post on cringeanarchy and ask.

Point is, you're in their hunt. Not doing one of your own and not working within your own pack. Guess which pack is targeted for cutting?

so I'm responsible for my repost not Sith.


You're responsible for the link being in this forum. You didn't repost anything.

rolls coming over here through a post that says "Anti-Zoo Bigots are stupid, HaHa"

That's... not the title you picked.

What terrible things have I called anyone, and what have I accused anyone of?

Well, you've alternatingly called me a pedo and a cat-rapist, at random and with no grounds...

Not targeted just simply quoted

Yeah... bullshit.

First, there's no evidence that he was quoted, and secondly, bullying of a group does tend to happen one at a time...

I hope we don't censor for quoting, only for something truly bigoted.

Eh. If it were up to me, it'd be a case-by-case.

A damn lot of forums ban anyone who works with drama and hate subs, though, and for very good reason.

You've... kind of lied your way through your reply, but in spite of that, I appreciate your reply. I don't think this is a smart move, or a brilliant way to conduct your beefs... but you sat down and wrote a real message; that's commendable.

AlphaOmegaSith 2 points on 2016-11-14 06:58:37

You didn't repost anything.

Actually he did. I posted the original link in CringeAnarchy and SilverPluto reposted here.

Well, you've alternatingly called me a pedo and a cat-rapist, at random and with no grounds...

Your username and creepy history is enough to warrant such a reaction from SilverPluto. Plus you seem to think it's funny to mock him about his daughter by saying meow when he told you to stay away from her. He mentioned he's protective of her and someone like you sees that as a challenge because you're sick in the head.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-14 07:38:41

Actually he did.


Link, not repost.

enough to warrant such a reaction

Yeah.... bullcrap.

When people play make-believe, it talks about them.

someone like you sees that as a challenge

Lol, no.

Think about it - I know you have trouble grasping things that aren't fantasies that occlude reality, but... seriously. There are seven billion people on the blanet.

Seven billion. The chances of my meeting him (or his cat) are damn near an order of magnitde less likely than a billion to one against. The chances of seeing a random stranger in a crowd and suddenly divining that they're some guy from reddit are way, way worse.

He didn't say that shit because of reality; he said that shit as a (transparent) cover for trying to play the bully. For no reason.

Part of playing a bully is the implicit request for people to take you seriously, give you credit, and attribute to them importance. I've found it's not to useful to do that to random strangers, actually.

So I declined. You can cry about it if it makes you feel better. Or, you can get over it, if that's what makes you feel better. If you're expecting me to attribute massive importance to random strangers who walk up to me to try to be rude, though, you'll... basically be disappointed.

I don't know my friends like that, and they're my friends because they don't try to demand unreasonable amounts of importance.

AlphaOmegaSith 2 points on 2016-11-14 07:49:46

He posted in CringeAnarchy yet he faced no harassment. I made an error about him reposting though.

You can cry about it if it makes you feel better.

I'm not you remember?

they don't try to demand unreasonable amounts of importance.

Unlike you ironically. Says the person trying to start a sub-reddit war over some fence jumper.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-14 08:02:17

I'm not you remember?

That sentence is grammatically senseless without a comma.

AlphaOmegaSith 3 points on 2016-11-14 22:36:39

I'm still not you. So do you have anything else to whine about or are you going to go back to harassing little girls? Unless that violates your parole.

AlphaOmegaSith 2 points on 2016-11-14 07:03:03

Oh and I mentioned I would no longer post links from this group to CringeAnarchy unless it pertains to serious issues. When I posted the link about Aluzky I mentioned that many of the Zoophiles were in fact horrified by the things he said. Now I might not be a Zoo ally but saying I'm still a bigot would be dead wrong at this point. So I'm sorry(actually I'm not sorry) but I'm not the brilliant Reddit General that you believe me to be.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-20 00:30:59

Trespassing, bestiality, and animal exploitation and that's what he's admitted to.

Never done trespassing. Bestiality and animal exploitation are synonyms. Even owning a dog is animal exploitation. I'm "guilty" of the same "crimes" that every active zoosexual has done.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-14 08:28:04

We're having similar reactions. As far as I can tell... you don't like him because you got in a debate with him once. Small, petty, but perfectly fine - these are the bumps in the human experience. Then, you found this thread, sooo... ...I would not suggest that everyone else in this thread is merely innocent and petty. To throw your own words back at you - you really don't understand what is going on, do you?

I don't like him because he's an 'example' of a zoophile. (Hint: He isn't). Damn, you really don't know what is going on huh?

...title intact?

...So what?
It's a repost, mate.

See, if I found the most homophobic, slur-filled posts and started spamming /r/lgbt with them, I would get banned. This would be rightful, and its status as degrading and hijacking the sub, while spamming it with slurs, would be obvious. Here, it flies - likely in part because a few socks were in before it was started, tbh.

Irrelevant, that sub works differently and their whole group isn't blamed on one person.
Here it flies because it's important to see how Aluzky damages us.
Zoophile info = zoophile info. Hard concept to understand, huh?

Everyone is responsible for their own actions..

Yet we are ALL blamed when a 'zoophile' rapes animals, blows up the world, does anything wrong.
Really? You haven't noticed by now?
Are you just like them, then?

Hate groups are responsible for the actions of hate groups. No matter what.

Hate groups play a big role, yes.
But what about Aluzky?
What if that whiner never opened his mouth?
Yeah right, this would not have happened.

...just because he was targeted, eh? And they'll be so nice to you, you say? His real crime was being willing to debate. Nothing else.

His real crime is being a bad zoophile, his real 'online' crime was straight up admitting it for everyone to see.
But that's not everything, he has been embarrassing us for years by still being able to talk with all that dog cum in his mouth.

Maybe this is a good time to point out again that people are responsible for their posts, not other peoples' posts?

I wish this was what people thought.
You realize that this is one of the reasons zoophilia is seen as nothing but animal rapery and not as a beautiful, yet unusual sexual orientation?
You realize that if one or a few people do something bad, the whole group gets blamed?
This is also common in real life.
In school I complain to teachers why the fuck I can't go home because I have a dog to care for, yet always the same gets out of their mouth: "This is everyone's responsibility, you are a group."
Yeah no, that's not how this is all supposed to work. I didn't do shit, end of story.

I tell you that if you join an attacking force, you are part of that force, and if you attack on someone else's orders, you are their asset.

With 'we' I meant zoophiles, not that AlphaOmegaButTotallyNotZeta person.

But... I will tell you when your enemy is in the base.

Oh fuck dude, you're the MVP! person in an online shooting game who camps without ammo and claims to be useful.
"Y-Yeah, I-I-I'm useful, I warned you g-guys right?"
But hey, if you are the person who alerts us when we have an 'enemy' in the base, where were you when Aluzky started posting, mmmm?

Sith has successfully got a top-level post upvoted, in your forum, calling all zoophiles rapists. He has parked an army on your board. That army is running around, cutting the pack.

Random nonsensery again.
It's not the point of this thread, really.

put aside your personal hurt from whatever debates and look how a few people treat those who didn't automatically join in. It's mean, it's spiteful, it's very antidemocratic, and generally involves lying about them. It's just cutting the herd and running an army in your base to destroy the pack. Nothing more.

Again, this has nothing to do with 'personal hurt' and to me this just seems like random nonsensery again.

I'm probably not doing as much as I should, I've got a lot to rotate - but I'll tell you honestly what's going on.

Oh boy, it's realizing!
Are you promising to be useful again?
Please stay in your corner mate.
We don't want people who look for "sick" subs, because that's what this isn't.

Congratulations on accidentally joining #OpBeast.

You are even more of a clown than Aluzky is.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-14 08:45:51

We don't want people who look for "sick" subs

Not exactly.... but if that's how you feel about yourself, maybe you should quit being so hard on yourself?

You realize that if one or a few people do something bad, the whole group gets blamed?

Here's a little tip : those people hate you anyway. What they think is really not important, and if the world celebrated you tomorrow, you'd still have them.

Most people, conversely, don't think about you at all, and I really can't think of ever hearing about "some zoophile doing something bad." Fencehopping? Whatshisname that died in Washington is a joke (and an example of common sense surrounding size and force), not a moral atrocity, to pretty much everyone. Everyone else, good or ill? Unheard of.

You've been living in a world populated by whatever internalized self-loathing leads you to try to distance yourself from everything under the sun, and apparently a few hate groups. That's not the real world.

No one hates you. No one thinks about you. If they do, their response is "lol,"and they go back to what they're doing.

That's it.

I suggest you give up your attachment to what an insignifigant minority of people who pretend to hate you (they really hate their own problems) think. They're not common, they're not important, and it's not about you.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-14 09:10:02

Oh look, you're ignoring the rest of my message.
"He's right! Change plans, change plans!!"
Seriously, you didn't even try to bullshit your way trough again?
Atleast Aluzky tried. Looks like the cuck was even smarter than you.

but if that's how you feel about yourself, maybe you should quit being so hard on yourself?

I already told you that this sub isn't sick.
So your joke isn't very funny, depressingly funny maybe.

Here's a little tip : those people hate you anyway. What they think is really not important, and if the world celebrated you tomorrow, you'd still have them. Most people, conversely, don't think about you at all, and I really can't think of ever hearing about "some zoophile doing something bad." Fencehopping? Whatshisname that died in Washington is a joke (and an example of common sense surrounding size and force), not a moral atrocity, to pretty much everyone. Everyone else, good or ill? Unheard of. You've been living in a world populated by whatever internalized self-loathing leads you to try to distance yourself from everything under the sun, and apparently a few hate groups. That's not the real world. No one hates you. No one thinks about you. If they do, their response is "lol,"and they go back to what they're doing. That's it. I suggest you give up your attachment to what an insignifigant minority of people who pretend to hate you (they really hate their own problems) think. They're not common, they're not important, and it's not about you.

Here's a tip: Yes they do care about us, but not in a good way.
If they don't care about us, why are we... sick animal rapists, mentally ill retards, horny lonely men?
Don't be a dumbass, people are taking action against us.

It's funny, you say nobody cares about this and that I shouldn't give a shit, yet you told me there's dangerous people to be aware of and that you're willing to help by 'seeing who your enemies are'.
Why didn't you just tell me in the beginning: "loal u dumbfux, ppl dun care abt u anyways xDDD."
Atleast you wouldn't look like a clown trying to explain the outside world to an ant.

urdaughtersacutie ally 0 points on 2016-11-14 20:35:53

If they don't care about us, why are we... sick animal rapists, mentally ill retards, horny lonely men?

Sounds like a personal problem.

The rest of this sub, otoh, are mostly just ordinary folks.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2016-11-14 20:46:29

"Personal problem."
Yeah right, more than half of the world hating us is a personal problem.

urdaughtersacutie ally 0 points on 2016-11-14 20:53:24

...and yet I gained net upvotes, not downvotes, for calling out the sponsor of Michigan's recent anti-bestiality legislation in a public sub.

more than half of the world hating us

You're delusional.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2016-11-14 21:01:14

Downvotes and upvotes don't mean shit.
Seriously, it's not an agree/disagree button.
Even if it was, it's on the intermet. Get outside more and realize that it's not an easy world for zoophiles.
And I am the delusional one?
I'd call this one of the most ironic things I've ever seen, but I'm going to give you a chance.
Oh please, enlighten me.
Why is zoophilia looked down upon everywhere?
How much people truly hate us?
I'd need a reality smack on the head if you know how to answer this, and maybe ten more if you actually get it right.

urdaughtersacutie ally 0 points on 2016-11-14 23:38:17

Get outside more and realize that it's not an easy world for zoophiles.

I have stood up and spoken up in this place you call outside.

Of course, it was for all the people you call degenerates, not just zoos... but they were in there. I'll stand up for anybody.

It's a fucking cakewalk. Even the tiny minority of people who hate zoos/gays/nonwhites/whatever generally don't want to fight. I'm more than prepared if they do.

Why is zoophilia looked down upon everywhere?

It's not.

How much people truly hate us?

Most people don't care.

I'd need a reality smack on the head if you know how to answer this


and maybe ten more if you actually get it right.


WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-15 06:49:00

Of course, it was for all the people you call degenerates, not just zoos... but they were in there. I'll stand up for anybody.

You'll stand up for anybody?
Oh fuck, you already said you stood up for rapists... nvm.

It's a fucking cakewalk.

Tell me about it.
Tell me, where the fuck did you go and what did you say?
If you went into the middle of the city and started spouting nonsense, then I'm not surprised they didn't give a shit.
Still, it sounds like alot of bs.

Even the tiny minority of people who hate zoos/gays/nonwhites/whatever generally don't want to fight.

'Tiny minority'
They ARE the ones that fight.
Ofcourse they don't want to discuss with you if you're screaming in people's ears like Aluzky. (How else did you do it?)

It's not.

Most people don't care.

Look both on the internet and real life.
Even if people didn't care, the biggest group of people who care hate us.
Talk to these people IN PERSON.
Also, explain anti-zoophilia laws.
Why do they exist? Tell me.


I don't think words do much damage.



urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-15 09:00:12

Oh fuck, you already said you stood up for rapists... nvm.

No, actually, I've skipped that one so far.

I am familiar with the scene, however, and it's an accepted part of the BDSM community.

Tell me about it.


Tell me, where the fuck did you go

Denver, San Diego & LA, places like that...

and what did you say?

A lot of times, nothing - you just wear a t-shirt with a zeta and "love is love regardless of species" and see if anyone starts a fight.

Zero takers. Across a good chunk of north america's population, in fact.

Of course, I also speak up when one of the minority idiots says something. They've all backed down so far.

'Tiny minority' sigh... They ARE the ones that fight.

In theory, you're correct... but no, so far, they've all backed down.

Comes from the (rare) psychology that gets them to do this - they'd rather attack you from behind than face-to-face...

Even if people didn't care, the biggest group of people who care hate us.

That's a problem. Dr. King said something about it, iirc.

Also, explain anti-zoophilia laws. Why do they exist? Tell me.

Mostly gang rivalries and drug trafficking, actually, but never mind.

Why couldn't the one idiot legislator in Canada get his anti-zoo law passed? Even after he gutted everything else? Tell me...

This shit is a god-damn cakewalk.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-15 09:43:39

I really wish this was true, but we don't live in an utopia where people don't get discriminated and where the ground is soft as wool.
You calling this a cake walk makes no sense.
WHAT is a cakewalk? We want rights, respect and freedom!
We don't want to force ourselves into public, we'll only get more hate.
Just because people didn't respond to your 'speeches' doesn't mean that they think you're right.

That's a problem. Dr. King said something about it, iirc.

Dr. Who?
And it's indeed a big fucking problem.
We are animal rapists, white scum, horny perverts, according to everyone.
My own mother is fucking against me.
We have no say, no power, no nothing.

Mostly gang rivalries and drug trafficking.

Gang rivalries? You fucking kidding me?
Explain this.
Zoophiles aren't in some 'gang' so it doesn't make much sense.
It's a bit hard to have a rivalry when we want peace in the first place.
And come on, drug trafficking?
That's irrelevant.

Why couldn't the one idiot legislator in Canada get his anti-zoo law passed? Even after he gutted everything else? Tell me...

In Canada you can't have penetrative sex with animals, so there was no reason for whatever that 'anti-zoo' laws he tried to scoop in.

This shit is a god-damn cakewalk.

What is?
Dude, even the people who watch bestiality videos disagree with me and say they're sick.
Look at this shit:

Also, if it's so easy atleast get rid of the anti-zoophile laws in Europe then. You're a super human who can do it so easily right?

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-15 21:16:41

And come on, drug trafficking? That's irrelevant.

No, actually. It's.... most of politics.

Look at this shit:

I can't, it's quarantined. Have you heard of a screenshot?

Zoophiles aren't in some 'gang'

Well that's your problem right there...

Gang rivalries? You fucking kidding me? Explain this.

Well, it's simple : most politics is gang-related and tied to often-illegal sources of big pools of finance.

We don't want to force ourselves into public, we'll only get more hate.

Lemme get this straight : you're seriously proposing that if you lock yourself in the basement and never go outside, this will somehow magically make everything okay?

Just because people didn't respond to your 'speeches' doesn't mean that they think you're right.

'Speeches?' You do like make-believe. Usually when speaking up when someone says something, it's mostly one-liners....

More to the point, it doesn't matter if they think you're right. Someone stood up to the shit they're talking. They had a chance to swing, and they didn't.

Also, if it's so easy atleast get rid of the anti-zoophile laws in Europe then. You're a super human who can do it so easily right?

Superhuman? No, all it takes is average. Oh, that and not having "never go outside, that'll fix it" as a game plan. Nor catastrophizing everything.

Anyone can do this.

As for europe... I'm mostly working on N. America and SE asia right now, with a little bit of the Gambia. Like I said, gang-related drug trafficking.

If you're in Europe, it's fairly easy. Pacify your space, then start slipping money to legislators. Of course, that usually means having that kind of money... so, you're back to the drug trade, and similar rackets, for that part.

...but you can pacify your space for free.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-16 12:09:13

most of politics.

Gee thanks prof!

I can't, it's quarantined.

You are an adu... fuck it, no.
I told them it's wrong to have sex with dogs that aren't sexually mature yet.
Apparently having sex with any dog is wrong according to them. Note: this is a fucking bestiality sub...
So they say it's both just as bad as having sex with an adult or a puppy. But you can confuse a puppy if you have sex with it and fuck up it's mind.
And now I'm a troll because I think so. I AM the delusional here, ofcoooourse.

Lemme get this straight : you're seriously proposing that if you lock yourself in the basement and never go outside, this will somehow magically make everything okay?

No, we need a voice that needs to be heard.
But this voice must not be too loud.
We can bother people like this.
We cannot scream: LOVE US! LOVE US!

Usually when speaking up when someone says something, it's mostly one-liners....

So what?
A sentence is a sentence.
People believe these so called one liners.

More to the point, it doesn't matter if they think you're right. Someone stood up to the shit they're talking. They had a chance to swing, and they didn't.

It DOES matter.
If no one thinks you're right, do you expect anything to change?

Superhuman? No, all it takes is average. Oh, that and not having "never go outside, that'll fix it" as a game plan. Nor catastrophizing everything. Anyone can do this.

Yet out of the thousands of people, not anyone has done it?
Hard to believe.

If you're in Europe, it's fairly easy. Pacify your space, then start slipping money to legislators. Of course, that usually means having that kind of money... so, you're back to the drug trade, and similar rackets, for that part.

That's not how it works, mate.
Drug trade, underage kiddo. Mmm, something is out of place here... Also, I'd never do that, not gonna waste time junking and risking my life, and it won't help zoophilia ever in any way.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-18 07:18:40

That's not how it works, mate.

That is how it works, actually. No one cares how you donate a hundred mil to the Clinton Foundation or Putin's favorite front - just that you do.

Also, I'd never do that, not gonna waste time junking and risking my life

Well, then, you made your choice. That's perfectly fine - but don't pretend it's anything other than a choice.

We cannot scream: LOVE US! LOVE US!

You can, actually. It's just that this kind of needy codepedence is bloody stupid.

...but you can yell whatever you want.

People believe these so called one liners.

Oh. Then they believed me, because you said so.

It DOES matter. If no one thinks you're right, do you expect anything to change?

Whiny codependence again? They had a chance to swing, and they didn't.

The power of being left alone is a wonderful thing.

I told them it's wrong to have sex with dogs that aren't sexually mature yet. Apparently having sex with any dog is wrong according to them.

So, you had it coming, and got what you deserved?

No, we need a voice that needs to be heard.

...and just like making payoffs, you could study VLMC/Cinalerra/Blender/whatever and start editing documentaries.

Like so many things in your reply, you made a choice, and you just chose not to. That's it. Pretending your refusal somehow dictates the boundaries of physics, however, is fucking insane.

It don't. You made your choice, now live with it. Don't like it? Make other choices.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-16 12:33:43

I am familiar with the scene, however, and it's an accepted part of the BDSM community.

In no way shape or form is rape acceptable in the BDSM community. Consensual Nonconsent Role Play is but actual rape is not acceptable.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-16 21:16:06

Or, you know, screening in bars or restaraunts, writing out a contract, and waiting the next X months for a 'surprise'.....

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-17 06:23:00

It's official: you're both insane and an idiot.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-20 00:21:16

That guy is not me. Also, if he is retarded then he can't be an alt as I'm the opposite of a retard person.

PS: Is spelt Aluzky, not acxlumsky.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-20 00:58:36

Look, he dares to talk again.
Well, can't wait for my inbox to blow up again.
And it's spelled aclumsky, not acxlumsky.
I love the fact that you took that part seriously yet you call yourself the opposite of a retarded person.
sigh... everyone dreams big pal, everyone dreams...

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-20 01:21:30

And it's spelled aclumsky, not acxlumsky.

Such word does not exist. A word that doesn't exist can't be misspelled.

I love the fact that you took that part seriously yet you call yourself the opposite of a retarded person.

Unless stated, I take everything seriously, I'm not here to have immature debates like you do.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-20 01:37:22

But such a nickname exists, and it's yours because you're clumsy.
You take everything seriously?
Yeah, not surprised you downvoted that one bestiality joke at /r/jokes, huh?
You must have been offended. Oh, the poor thing.

AlphaOmegaSith 4 points on 2016-11-13 20:18:02

If you have to back up a hate group which targets you to play crabs-in-a-bucket, you should reconsider your life.

Despite my personal feelings on Zoophiles and Zoophilia I'm not going to ignore logic and reason simply because I don't particularly like the source or strongly disagree with the source. Nor am I going to ignore what Aluzky himself has said and done, he's not the innocent little lamb here.

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-11-20 01:23:24

My customers? What is that supposed to mean?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-21 12:24:48

You know what that means.

Aluzky 0 points on 2016-11-21 21:17:26

You know what that means.

I don't know what that means.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 4 points on 2016-11-12 14:21:38

Oh and please don't call yourself an ally.
You're a pedo seeking for sympathy from us like Aluzky begged for sympathy from pedos.

urdaughtersacutie ally 0 points on 2016-11-12 20:40:50

You're a pedo

Links? Evidence for your claims?

Surely you can come up with something, right?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 6 points on 2016-11-12 21:36:57

Not gonna waste my time going trough your filthy post history.
But you post in that pedofriends sub and your username kind of implies it.
I guess I take it back, but you're still a 'pedofriend' and for that reason you're only poisoning zoophilia more by 'supporting' it.
You sounded a bit like Aluzky himself right there.
Funny how these things work, right?

AlphaOmegaSith 6 points on 2016-11-12 22:06:27

Wanna here the kicker? That pedo was actually BANNED from the pedo-subreddit. Even they found him creepy.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-13 04:43:44

I guess I take it back

Well, at least you're that smart. BTW, I'm pretty sure I've posted in /r/necrophilia, too.

Funny how these things work, right?


It's fun to watch people hallucinate into blank space, and to side with those who want to eliminate them. One can even play the game of "idiot or shill."

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2016-11-13 11:52:15

It's fun to watch people hallucinate into blank space, and to side with those who want to eliminate them.

Sounds edgy.
And okay I guess?

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 3 points on 2016-11-13 07:27:46

Keep away from my daughter.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-13 20:21:34


AlphaOmegaSith 3 points on 2016-11-13 20:32:09

Ok that's just sick but that's to be expected from someone like you. You're really gonna mock the feelings of this guy not wanting you near his daughter? You really have no sense of decency or empathy do you? Oh what am I saying of course you don't.

urdaughtersacutie ally 2 points on 2016-11-14 02:36:19

You're really gonna mock the feelings of this guy


AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-14 07:06:05

It must be very miserable being you.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-14 07:25:27

...but I'd be much more miserable if I attributed unwarranted gravity to absolute strangers just because they say something to me on the internet.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-14 07:39:58

You? Being more miserable? Than you already are now? That's actually possible?

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-14 07:49:27

I'm actually pretty darn happy....

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-14 07:51:44

I'm actually pretty darn happy....

is too busy lying on the floor laughing like a maniac be back in five minutes

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-14 07:58:11

Ok back. And no you're not actually happy. Hence why you're trying to start a war.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 3 points on 2016-11-13 20:54:51

Get a life and stop harassing people who have daughters who's safety they value. You're disgusting.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-14 03:25:00


That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-14 08:52:17

That's exactly what Aluzky said.
You expect people to take you seriously if you sound like Mr PenetrateEverything himself?

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-14 09:00:07

You expect people to take you seriously

I don't care. My concern for living things is compassionate, not codependent.

Meanwhile, if he was pointing out that the people who were talking about him "harassing" them actually approached him out of the blue unsolicited... he might have had a god-damn point.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-14 09:18:06

You know very well what you meant by making that cat sound.
Oh wait, you don't care if people take you seriously or not?
You heard it people, we've got a clown blowing balloons AND underage boys!

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-18 00:58:38

He's sort of like the Reddit village idiot. Albeit dangerous.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-18 01:14:45

Gee thanks.
I've been argueing with him for days now.
He seriously thinks it's easy to make zoophilia acceptable and remove the anti-zoophile laws.
Even worse, he thinks you can do it with drug money.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-19 11:30:54

Even worse, he thinks you can do it with drug money.

I'm surprised he didn't say money from child porn.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-18 01:03:13

I know what the word means you fucking creep! You must really hate your existence if you think I'm involved with the PublicHealthWatch nutcases! You come here defending a man who passes himself off as the very definition of Zoophile when in fact he's the exact opposite of what a Zoophile is.

urdaughtersacutie ally 0 points on 2016-11-20 09:14:01

I know what the word means

...and apparently think that when other people approach a first person to yell at them, the person approached is being harassed.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-21 12:31:46

Well this idiot who calls himself an ally claimed that I was the friend of Sith and PublicHealthWatch.

MyBigK9 Canid lupus 2 points on 2016-11-13 19:50:00

I find it ever more interesting and intrigued by who this person "really" is. Is he a troller? Is he an actual advocate of such things he has posted before? It seems like we might be wasting our time seeking into this bit, but it also intrigues me in a psychological kind of way, that maybe we can learn to stay away from such kind of folks in the future who takes things into a "red-zone"

Just a comment to seed out new conversations on the subject. Curious: I'm wondering if we should stay away from this person as much as possible or try and learn and learn how to stop such a person from ever spawning their time and energy to spend here. It seems like a battle-lost to me, when we try (feeding the troll/trolls) here.

But, I'd like a new perspective on why we are trying so hard on this particular subject: to take it down?

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 4 points on 2016-11-13 20:46:04

I think he's just very autistic and unable to control his dick.

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 2 points on 2016-11-14 01:49:58

He has something much worse than simply autism, I have autism myself, I should know.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 2 points on 2016-11-14 02:09:33

I said "very autistic" not just a little. Other than that, he fucks dogs, which is by some standards considered a pretty serious mental illness.

He really reminds me of that other retard Ebon Lupus. There will always be jackasses unfortunately.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-14 11:17:18

Fucking dogs makes you mentally ill now?
Even if that would be true, it would be least thing that would make him a mentally unstable dumbass.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2016-11-14 13:14:48

It does if you suffer from any other mental illness that directly relates to you being zoo, otherwise no.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-11-14 15:51:14

by some standards considered a pretty serious mental illness

some standards

AlphaOmegaSith 3 points on 2016-11-13 21:25:19

Also allow me to announce that I will no longer be posting links from this sub-reddit to CringeAnarchy. Unless it pertains to a situation like this and not as a criticism of Zoophiles as a whole.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 3 points on 2016-11-14 01:48:39

Can I ask what made you come to that decision?

AlphaOmegaSith 4 points on 2016-11-14 07:12:37

Mostly pity actually because your unofficial community mascot was doing things against your motto of fence jumping and crying victim for being called out. It would be too fucked up to just sit back and laugh at everyone over this. You guys sounded legitimately horrified by this and hell I just didn't feel me joking about this was right. Oh plus 30-30 said some very reasonable things earlier that I agreed with. Look I'm not exactly an ally here but I'm not the anti that just pops in to point and say "Look it's the freaks!" anymore. Funny how things work out sometimes.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 5 points on 2016-11-14 15:52:57

Believe it or not, most of us here actually have standards.

AlphaOmegaSith 4 points on 2016-11-14 22:37:22

Ok....ummm good to know.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-11-23 07:12:58

I know you're not an ally. I know you don't believe we're people who have an orientation. Put you've been able to set your feelings aside. If you don't mind I'd like to thank you for this. I also accept your apology.

AlphaOmegaSith 2 points on 2016-11-23 08:21:55

Well umm you're welcome. This whole situation has gone from weird to nightmare fuel. But after seeing the way Aluzky behaves it really made me pity your community. So I'm glad you accept my apology and vow to never tell fucked up jokes about your community again.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2016-11-25 06:42:48

Ok then. So what do we say now?

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-12-02 02:23:03

Umm I guess continue with our chat?

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-05 23:27:41


TheLordMyDog 1 point on 2016-11-16 14:19:16

You should've put this title in quotes.