Talking to the boyfriend about zoophilia (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-11-15 04:33:55 by MeHoiMeBoi

Is there anyway to make people understand the difference between zoophilia and a beastiality fetish? I imagine my boyfriend would be disgusted either way...and it makes me sad I feel this way and its such a taboo subject

30-30 amator equae -6 points on 2016-11-15 05:08:55

Do you think YOU have understood the difference yet? Hint: "my boyfriend" gives it away very blatantly...

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 4 points on 2016-11-15 05:37:07

Some people love men, some people love women, a smaller amount love both; it's the same for zoophilia. Also, it could just be a very close friend and nothing romantic or sexual, like a diamond instead of a heart.

Swibblestein 9 points on 2016-11-15 07:51:02

And we're back to the status quo, where 30-30 commits the no-true-zoophile fallacy in any number of ways. Here we see a classic - "no true zoophile is non-exclusive."

What may we expect for the encore?

MyBigK9 Canid lupus 4 points on 2016-11-15 11:47:05

You don't think people can be Zoophile and still feel attraction to humans at the same time?

I didnt think anyone would be with me after telling them my constant attraction to canines, and the things I have done when younger. But to my surprise, someone did accept and still love me even after crying about it for a while he told me he still loved me..

I don't think I am per-say a true Zoophile, but to deny someone who truly feels like a Zoo while also having a significant other who is human, to me is a bit lazy on your part. :(

Dogsoulmate 1 point on 2016-11-17 01:10:36

Thank you!! And I believe to what extent you identify as a zoo is personal, and doesn't need to be confirmed or validated by anyone. Yes, my zoo relationships have always been spiritually/romantically deeper and more sexually intense, but I also hope to have a human partner to help provide another aspect of what I need emotionally and intellectually.

LupineRage 7 points on 2016-11-15 12:11:02

Of course... What would the internet be without some tunnel-visioned elitist clacking away at the keys in an attempt to drop enough passive-agressive suggestions as to deter someone else from labeling themselves as having an orientation that would effectively ostracize them from 95% of society.

God forbid that any of our feelings or experiences should not align perfectly with one person's predispositioned views on our own personal romantic/sexual attractions or that anyone would be brazen enough to break rank in this lock-step line of thinking.

From my experiences, it's usually those that are so eager to shoot everyone else down that have grave insecurities about their own validity.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2016-11-16 05:25:58

i regret that i have but one upvote to give for this post.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2016-11-15 12:23:07

Come on 30, I think it's also weird to be attracted to both humans and non-human animals but it doesn't mean that they aren't a zoophile at all. (Still not 100% but okay)
I wonder, are you afraid that they are actually bestialists or what?

CyberDragonoftheVoid Dragons and Canids 3 points on 2016-11-16 06:58:11

If people are unable to be attracted to be attracted to two species at the same time (in OP's case, humans and dogs), wouldn't that mean that zoophiles who are attracted to both horses and dogs don't exist either? Or in general, zoophiles who are attracted to any two species of animals, whether or not humans are one of those species? Or do you just not like the idea of polyamory?

evan_lawson555 1 point on 2016-11-15 05:08:57

You can tell him that zoophilia isn't usually a sexual act and that its more about loving an animal, beastiality is usually not about affection towards an animal and that its just doing it for pleasure

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 4 points on 2016-11-15 07:21:09

Why do you want to tell him anyways?
If you're a zoophile, you should know.
If he'd be disgusted for sure, I would not tell him.
But hey, I don't choose people's lifes.

Tell him that zoophilia is a sexual orientation.
It's not just sex, but it's the attraction and love for a non-human animal.
It could be any gender or animal, really.
For example, I like both females and males, but I'm only attracted to the canidae family.
Sometimes zoophiles don't even have sex with their animal.
It's just like how humans love eachother very much.
I'd say it's the most beautiful sexual orientation because of how unusual it is, but other bad zoophiles and society stops me from thinking/saying that.

A bestiality fetish is well... a fetish for human+animal sex.
It's something you'd get off to or do.
Love is usually not involved and in some cases it's abusive.
Anyone with a bestiality fetish usually don't care about the animal, but like the idea of a woman being degraded by 'a lesser being.'

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2016-11-15 13:09:49

The best way that seemed to work for me(for coming out to some close friends) was getting a dog and taking care of it around my friends, really interacting between the two groups so they could really see how much I cared about my dog. He was so much sweeter when he was younger too x3. But then after a while I slowly started telling my friends how deep our love runs. They were surprised but trusted me due to witnessing our relationship to the point where they support me. I think you definitely need to be able to display a level of confidence in your side even if its nerve wracking. Perhaps getting a dog isnt in your immediate future, but if you expressed great desire to want to care for dogs in general like volunteering he might see how you're truly driven.

Susitar Canidae 1 point on 2016-11-15 15:06:58

Have you ever breached that topic in any way with him before? Mythological human+animal pairings such as Leda and the Swan or Europa and the Bull doesn't wake suspicion (Greek mythology is safe to discuss among civilized people). Or discussing platonic love and friendship between humans and pets?

In this way, you can try to gauge the reaction before doing something you might regret. If he is dismissive towards those who treat pets like valued family members, or disgusted by mythological bestiality, here is no point in telling him.

Oh, and yes, you can be a zoophile as well as like humans. There isn't any good word for this, other than non-exclusive zoophile, but it's just like liking many categories in any other regard. Bisexuals get to hear that they aren't real, yet we exist. Non-exclusive zoophiles are considered not real by 30-30, yet we exist. It's not my problem that other people have much narrower preferences.

MeHoiMeBoi 1 point on 2016-11-15 16:44:06

We're actually both furries and love animals. But I know his view on sex with animals and feel he wouldn't understand the difference between love and a fetish

Xoltine 1 point on 2016-11-17 18:36:29

If you're both furries, you really are in luck on this one since furry is only two standard deviations from zoo, and the door's open for discussion. Some suggestions are that one in six Furs is a zoophile. Those numbers are self-reported and the furry community is mixed on what zoophilia is.

Don't start the conversation with actual zoo/beast. Talk about whether he likes feral art, that you're thinking of getting a feral commission, that this is an interest. It's similar to zoo. Once you see the results of that, you can talk about related topics.

Good luck! I was terrified about telling my mate i was a zoophile but in the furry fandom it's kind of on the table anyway.

Xoltine 1 point on 2016-11-17 18:39:16

Oh, sorry, I didn't fully read your follow-up. Not everyone understands the difference between"kink," "fetish," "paraphilia," and "orientation." And the margins are blurry at best. You may want to read Jesse Bering's article about zoophilia, it's a good way to martial some facts.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-19 03:57:09


MeHoiMeBoi 3 points on 2016-11-15 16:47:56

I love and care for dogs so much. I hate to see them abused. I have seen some bestiality fetish videos and had to stop because I was disgusted at the way the animals were being treated. I have worked at kennels and volunteered at shelters. I've never even thought about doing anything sexual to any of those dogs I was just so happy to be surrounded by them. Yes, I love my boyfriend, but I can also love a canine, no? My family dog is the closest I've ever gotten.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-15 19:23:12

I love and care for dogs so much. I hate to see them abused.

We all do.

I have seen some bestiality fetish videos and had to stop because I was disgusted at the way the animals were being treated.

Yes, they're the baddies of zoophilia.
Because most of them aren't even zoophiles.
But if you think bestiality is wrong for that reason, please change your mind because that's not how every sexual human+non-human animal interaction goes.
But if you already knew that, good on you! (It was a bit hard to tell if you did or didn't.)

I have worked at kennels and volunteered at shelters. I've never even thought about doing anything sexual to any of those dogs I was just so happy to be surrounded by them. Yes, I love my boyfriend, but I can also love a canine, no? My family dog is the closest I've ever gotten.

Yeah, ofcourse you can.
You say you love them very much, but I guess every dog lover does that, not just zoophiles.
But, I'm not trying to be against you here or anything, just curious, are you really a zoophile though? Are you romantically attracted to them?
I felt a little rude asking this.
EDIT: Your comment was downvoted...? What?

MeHoiMeBoi 1 point on 2016-11-18 11:19:03

I'm honestly confused myself. I don't feel romantic attraction, but I do feel sexual attraction. But I only feel that attraction to a dog I have developed a relationship with such as my family dog. I don't even think about random dogs on the street in such a way. I mentioned something about this to someone and they told me "just dog-sit for someone" and I was disgusted. I could never do that with someone else's dog, especially without permission and I would never be into it if the dog didn't seem like they wanted it at all. I love dogs and have studied dog behaviour as a personal interest for 3 years now. But I feel no romantic attraction only sexual attraction for few dogs I develop a relationship with...but it still feels like this is my dog My loving family member and I love them to pieces but they're still my dog not my romantic partner.

I am confused. I don't want to be lumped together with abusive beastialists. I made a co session over whisper about possibly being a Zoophile and 7 random anonymous local guys offered me their dog if they could watch. I deleted the app right after that. I'm not about that.

Am I a partial zoophile or not at all? Am I some unidetified label in between zoophilia and beastiality that just floats around not being romantically attracted to animals but still needing a bond and relatio ship with a dog that is also 100% willing before I even think about doing anything sexual?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-18 12:25:11

I don't feel romantic attraction, but I do feel sexual attraction. But I only feel that attraction to a dog I have developed a relationship with such as my family dog.

That's new.
I honestly think you are romantically attracted to them in some way, even though you said you aren't, maybe it is really confusion.

I mentioned something about this to someone and they told me "just dog-sit for someone" and I was disgusted. I could never do that with someone else's dog, especially without permission and I would never be into it if the dog didn't seem like they wanted it at all.

Thank you SO fucking much for existing!
You said that you're only sexually attracted to them, yet you have a very responsible behavior.
Many people can't even control themselves.
Most 'bestialists' or 'ferishists' whatever you wanna call them don't even give a single shit about these animals.

I am confused.

You can be only sexually attracted to specific things and have no romantic feelings. It's possible.
I wonder, when did you start feeling sexually attracted to them?
If it's since recently, it could be because you never realized or some thing in your mind that triggers this.

I don't want to be lumped together with abusive beastialists.

Me neither, yet I still am according to every 'normal' person.
I look down on bestialists because they don't give a shit about animals, I have a huge hatred for them and so do most people here.
Except you...
You care about their lives, you wouldn't have sex with any dog you see. They are not sex toys to you.
In fact, I respect you more than some other zoophiles here.
Atleast I won't put you in the same ring as these other disgusting people.

I made a co session over whisper about possibly being a Zoophile and 7 random anonymous local guys offered me their dog if they could watch. I deleted the app right after that. I'm not about that.

There's always crazies.
I know how you feel...

Am I a partial zoophile or not at all? Am I some unidetified label in between zoophilia and beastiality that just floats around not being romantically attracted to animals but still needing a bond and relatio ship with a dog that is also 100% willing before I even think about doing anything sexual?

As much I hate to say it, but I think you identify as a bestalist.
I simply can't believe it, because you need some sort of bond with these dogs.
It's really what you just mean by 'romantic.'

Dogsoulmate 2 points on 2016-11-16 00:58:49

I have a human partner and a canine boyfriend. My partner is the man I enjoy life with, trips, parties, bills, and help processing daily life together. I love him dearly. He does not understand me being a zoophile, but understands it is part of me and who I am. He respects that, and I feel very blessed to have that. He supports me in fostering my non-human loves. I do not believe I can MAKE anyone understand. All I can do is speak my truth, and hope those who love me respect that. My partner, and several close friends, know I'm a zoophile.

My canine boyfriend is my romantic partner. I am in love with him. Our bond is unconditional and I feel his soul is tied to mine (pun intended of course).

I had a prior canine relationship that involved my soulmate. He passed many years ago. I do believe that I will have many loves, and hopefully will meet another soulmate. My current non-human relationship isn't one of my soulmates, and that is ok. I may never have that connection again. But I'm always open to love and a caring spirit whatever the shape, form, size, or leg count❤️