I lost my first love today. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-11-15 21:24:43 by zoophilethrowaway1 Fencehopped a Dog, but boy it was worth it.

I just wanted somewhere I could put this in writing in which wouldn't be shot down as disgusting or such.. But as of today, my first love was put to rest after losing the battle with Cancer. He was an 11 1/2 year old Black Labrador, we connected over 2 years ago at which point I was in a bad place. On the moment of our meeting, he knew I was different and I knew he was.. We met on and off for a few months until I was asked to look after him when they go on Holiday. That first week together, we went walking 4 times a day doing about 6 miles, he was happy going out so much and I was happy just someone being there. It took us a few days, but he showed me his lipstick. I then took the opportunity to repay him for everything. We only played around with Masturbation and Oral... I just wanted to give him the release he deserved.. That was a fun week for him and we bonded. We never really got any time alone again till a couple of years later.. Whenever he saw me thou, I always got a happy greeting and a kiss. I last spent time with him just 5 weeks ago and I drained him and had another fantastic week together. We didn't go as far as he was getting older and had Arthritis. But he had fun and I gave him whatever he wanted.. In reason..

I miss his face.. I look at all the old pictures of him and think that I will never see him again.. Never hug him or kiss him.

Yes, I realise he wasn't mine.. I understand that I didn't have the owners consent.. But, I did nothing quickly, it was a relationship that grew over time and I loved him.. I will miss him.

I created this throwaway just to.. Not show my real self.

[deleted] 4 points on 2016-11-15 21:43:33

That's tough. Its a pity dogs have such a short lifespan compared to humans.

zoophilethrowaway1 Fencehopped a Dog, but boy it was worth it. 3 points on 2016-11-15 21:52:28

I was looking forward more and more to see him at Christmas.. But.. That won't happen now :(

tencendur_ Neeeigh 3 points on 2016-11-15 21:46:17

I know it does not mean much, but I am really sorry for your loss.

zoophilethrowaway1 Fencehopped a Dog, but boy it was worth it. 3 points on 2016-11-15 21:51:34

Thanks.. I'm not the only one feeling it... I'm sure they know something was special between us, but probably not as special as this.

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 3 points on 2016-11-15 22:48:39

I'm sorry for your loss, I know what it's like not being able to be with them.

zoophilethrowaway1 Fencehopped a Dog, but boy it was worth it. 2 points on 2016-11-15 23:19:57

Thanks.. Lucky enough I have a pup whose not left my side at moment, but clearly doesn't know why I'm crying, just staying close.

Dogsoulmate 3 points on 2016-11-16 00:44:14

I am so happy for the relationship you two have, and it will always be strong. He is yours, and you his. Love knows not of barriers, only of care, tenderness, and a deep bond ❤️ I'm proud of you

zoophilethrowaway1 Fencehopped a Dog, but boy it was worth it. 2 points on 2016-11-16 08:19:06

Thanks. I will always remember our first meeting and the fact we knew that we were different.. I wish him all the best in his next life.

jeeprat 3 points on 2016-11-16 03:28:00

I'm sorry for your lost. It will be hard to get over but hopefully you will find another. Not to replace him but to remind you of the happiness you once had.

zoophilethrowaway1 Fencehopped a Dog, but boy it was worth it. 2 points on 2016-11-16 08:17:58

I got a puppy, not to replace my first love, but to have someone that loves me for me and I've had him for nearly 2 years now.

He's my second love but gets all my love.. I can never now replace what I had for him, but I have someone who will hug me and not fault me for telling the truth.

30-30 amator equae -6 points on 2016-11-16 04:31:34

Despite of your claims to "love" this dog, this is just another fencehopping story. You had sex with your "love" behind the owner´s back. So, no empathy from my side here....but lots of empathy for the poor owner that paid for this animal´s food, took it to the vet when needed (he also paid that, right?) etc. while you were picking the raisins. "I´m horny, so let´s walk this guy´s dog..."

Bullshit like this is what makes gaining trust in public so impossible. Even when called "love", this is just another fucked up fencehopping case. Imagine an outsider reading this....the only thing he will "learn" from this: don´t trust those zoophiles. They don´t have respect for anything. You could have tried to buy your "love". But I think it is easier and more comfortable to leave all the responsibilities to the owner and pick out the raisins. Also I wonder why you think a male dog needs YOU to get off. Have you really ever been around real dogs? They masturbate, they hump pillows, legs, almost everything when "in the mood". I heavily doubt that it takes YOU to grant sexual relief to "poor doggie". Rhetoric like that only reinforces the public´s notion of "zoophiles" being trapped in their very own, special fantasy world, thinking they are godsent to jerk off/get off animals.

So, welcome, fencehopper....enjoy your stay....

Valiant1204 Now with added gay! 2 points on 2016-11-16 07:40:14

sighs I give up...

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-19 11:15:12

I'm seeing a lot of that around here lately

Dogsoulmate 1 point on 2016-11-19 21:51:18

Woh. Just walked back into this. Is this common?

zoophilethrowaway1 Fencehopped a Dog, but boy it was worth it. 3 points on 2016-11-16 08:13:39

Despite of your claims to "love" this dog, this is just another fencehopping story.

Even thou I clearly stated...

Yes, I realise he wasn't mine.. I understand that I didn't have the owners consent.. But, I did nothing quickly, it was a relationship that grew over time and I loved him.. I will miss him.

You still had to say it..

So, no empathy from my side here

It seems nobody cares either way.. So why would I need it?

but lots of empathy for the poor owner that paid for this animal´s food, took it to the vet when needed (he also paid that, right?) etc. while you were picking the raisins. "I´m horny, so let´s walk this guy´s dog..."

Well, Unfortuantly, the poor owner passed away not long before him. Considering the amount I saw him.. We didn't live close. I never went to see him becuase I was Horny, just wanted to be with him and walk him.. I took him out on Halloween and walked..

Bullshit like this is what makes gaining trust in public so impossible. Even when called "love", this is just another fucked up fencehopping case. Imagine an outsider reading this....the only thing he will "learn" from this: don´t trust those zoophiles. They don´t have respect for anything.

I'm sorry, since when did I EVER do anything bad for that puppy? How did I not have respect? You expected me to come out, get hurt and lose my own dog? I did NOTHING quickly, he initiated.. I'm sure if they read this.. They would have understood why I was always greeted with a waggy bum. I had nothing but love and respect for him.

You could have tried to buy your "love". But I think it is easier and more comfortable to leave all the responsibilities to the owner and pick out the raisins.

He was loved by many people and whilst I offered my time to care for him.. He is not a fucking object to be bought and sold..

Also I wonder why you think a male dog needs YOU to get off. Have you really ever been around real dogs? They masturbate, they hump pillows, legs, almost everything when "in the mood".

Also, Because he's not a real dog, he's been taught that humping things like beds and pillows is naughty.. He was an amazing dog and knew when he was allowed and when he wasn't.. Not every dog humps everything in a close space.. Yes, I HAVE A DOG.. He's male and Intact.. No, he doesn't hump everything.. Do you know why.. It's not socially acceptable.. He knows there is a time and place for everything.. They understand.. If you give them the time and effort.

Rhetoric like that only reinforces the public´s notion of "zoophiles" being trapped in their very own, special fantasy world, thinking they are godsent to jerk off/get off animals.

Yeah, because that's what we did.. We only got off.. Because that was what I lost.. No... You asshole. I think you've just picked out the bits you wanted and decided to just be a dick...

So, welcome, fencehopper....enjoy your stay....

Thanks.. It seems that most people understand.. Shame there has to be one in every circle. I love the fact I fencehopped a dog.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-16 11:30:44

Don't wanna be that guy, but why are you so proud you fencehopped a dog?
I'm genuinely curious here.
You even put it in your flair...
Man, I can't imagine how embarrassed I would feel.
I'd probably never try to touch an animal again, afraid I would make us zoophiles look bad and that I wouldn't be able to control myself.

zoophilethrowaway1 Fencehopped a Dog, but boy it was worth it. 3 points on 2016-11-16 12:02:58

You know... I don't see it as Fencehopping..

I cultivated a relationship.. We made a Connection and I loved him.

I put it in the flair, because I look at it and I smile... Out of the Crying and the Unhappiness from all of it... I needed something I could look at and think that... We had fun together and I will always remember him.

I'm not embarrassed, I helped him and he helped me.. If I could explain it without saying anything that clearly would make people see me in a bad light, but the fact that we had a bond, then I would shout it from the rooftops.

I have met many dogs, I will rub and play with any that want, but being sexual to a someone without first knowing them, knowing they are happy with it. Just because I am a zoophile, doesn't mean I molest everything that has 4 legs and a heartbeat...

We matched each other.. It wasn't anything that was a wham bam thank you... It was months and months of us meeting and just hugging and walking.. We did nothing sexual until we were alone together and even then, We didn't do anything for days... We got comfortable with each other.. We got to know each other and I fell in love.

I will gladly open my heart for another dog after my puppy leaves this world to run with his old friend and my old love..

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-18 02:20:09

It's not fencehopping, yet you keep calling it fencehopping...
Choose one.
Why do I have to deal with things like this?
Should I explain that in a few simple words?
That does not make any sense.
The fact that you're not embarrassed means you haven't learned anything.
But hey, I'm pretty sure you are confused because this just happened to you.

We did nothing sexual until we were alone together and even then, We didn't do anything for days...

Not an excuse?
Still, what you did was wrong.

I will gladly open my heart for another dog.

Let's just hope it's YOUR own dog this time.
Tell me, do you treasure your genitals?
Cross mine and we'll meet eachother in the same cell, even though you might have less choice because you'd probably in a coffin by then.

F i n e, Downvote me. Downvote me all you want.
Make my comment disappear for everyone to see, hide it from everyone.
But you know what?
It will not change anything.
The truth will not change.

It's funny, one of the reasons I'm a misanthrope is because of the discrimination against zoophiles, yet zoophiles themselves also make my misanthropy grow.
It's a never ending cycle.
It. will. never. fucking. end...

zoophilethrowaway1 Fencehopped a Dog, but boy it was worth it. 1 point on 2016-11-18 09:09:07

It's not fencehopping, yet you keep calling it fencehopping... Choose one.

I didn't call it Fencehopping... Read Up to the first person that mentioned it.

Why do I have to deal with things like this?

You don't, you know where the door is.

The fact that you're not embarrassed means you haven't learned anything.

What did I need to learn?? The fact is my first love was a dog who actually cared for me, didn't judge me and helped me?

Not an excuse? Still, what you did was wrong.

Have I ever said it wasn't wrong? Have I ever claimed that??

Let's just hope it's YOUR own dog this time.

Y E S.. Because you seem confused and unable to read previous comments. Because it being your own dog seems to make everything better?? :/

Tell me, do you treasure your genitals? Cross mine and we'll meet eachother in the same cell, even though you might have less choice because you'd probably in a coffin by then.

This is so funny, because we will ever meet.. Because I'm going to jail?? Because you're going to jail?? Go Fuck Yourself. Because I would ever dream of doing anything sexual with you... Because if you are threatening to Murder someone, you don't deserve to be around anyone.

Fine. F i n e, Downvote me. Downvote me all you want. Make my comment disappear for everyone to see, hide it from everyone. But you know what? It will not change anything. The truth will not change.

I think you're confused how reddit works.. Downvoating doesn't delete the comments.. You can still read this thread.. Because I've lied? Right..

It's funny, one of the reasons I'm a misanthrope is because of the discrimination against zoophiles, yet zoophiles themselves also make my misanthropy grow.

Well, get rich, build your own island, disconnect from the world and everyone, go and live alone then... We aren't here for your pleasure, amusment and couldn't care if you hate humankind or not.

It's a never ending cycle. It. will. never. fucking. end...

I know one end... Death.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-18 09:53:16

I didn't call it Fencehopping... Read Up to the first person that mentioned it.

Your flair.
And it is actually fencehopping since you did it behind the owner's back.

You don't, you know where the door is.

What I meant is that I have to explain things like this to someone who is probably 18+

What did I need to learn?? The fact is my first love was a dog who actually cared for me, didn't judge me and helped me?

That it wasn't yours and that shouldn't do stuff with that's not yours.
I remember learning this as a child.

Have I ever said it wasn't wrong? Have I ever claimed that??

Then what was your point?

Y E S.. Because you seem confused and unable to read previous comments. Because it being your own dog seems to make everything better?? :/

Holy shit, Aluzky had a baby and it's just as delusional as him.
Ofcourse, you did it behind the owner's back!
I'd be in shock if someone had secretly done shit with my bitch.
You can't just 'borrow' a dog like that.
And yes, it's better when it's your own dog.
You care for your dog, you pay for your dog, you have grown a relationship since the beginning.

This is so funny, because we will ever meet.. Because I'm going to jail?? Because you're going to jail?? Go Fuck Yourself. Because I would ever dream of doing anything sexual with you... Because if you are threatening to Murder someone, you don't deserve to be around anyone

I never said that I wanted anything sexual with you. But if you can't be trusted alone with one dog you can't be trusted with other dogs.
I'm just warning you, if people catch you, say goodbye.
If I'd catch anyone doing it with mine, I can't gaurantee how many hours he'd have left to live. Preferably none.

I think you're confused how reddit works.. Downvoating doesn't delete the comments.. You can still read this thread..

Thanks captain obvious.
But any downvoted comments are hidden and at the bottom of the page.

Well, get rich, build your own island, disconnect from the world and everyone, go and live alone then... We aren't here for your pleasure, amusment and couldn't care if you hate humankind or not.

So you don't care that you're ridiculing zoophilia?
Zoophiles should stay together to stay strong, yet it's people like you who make people believe that we can't be trusted alone with animals.

I know one end.. Death.

Gee, aren't you a depressing shadow?
If death is a solution to you I can't do anything but feel bad for y- wait, I don't do that for humans.

Outside world, do you think we can be trusted after you've seen people like this?
I wouldn't even trust my own 'kind' with my own girl.
That's how far it has become...

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-19 11:23:30

Says he's not a fence hopper, puts fence hopper as his flair and says he's proud to be a fence hopper but claims he's not a fence hopper.

I love the fact I fencehopped a dog.

Oh for fuck's sake!head-desk

LadySaberCat 3 points on 2016-11-18 01:31:19

And this killed any chance of me being open minded to the zoo community. Aluzky's crazy ass, 30-30 seemingly flip flopping, Swibblestein kinda giving off the rapey vibe and way too many fence hoppers. So if you see /u/zoozoo anywhere tell him that I tried to rationalize and support this but too much sketchy shit happens around this thread and the excuses don't really help either. I can't in good conscience say I support Zoophilia as an orientation. Just can't do it.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-18 01:58:36

Because of three people and others who are just horny fucks? sigh
You know what? You do you.
There is no point in trying...
Thanks /r/zoophilia for making us even look more ridiculous.
And who the fuck is that guy? He doesn't even have a post history.

I hope I can rely on my imagination to be happy again... heh...

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-11-19 04:58:10

This wasn't the sole breaking point, a lot of really really messed up stuff led up to this. But as I said I'm sorry but I tried, but at least you and zoozoo sound like you have good sense and self control. Don't lose that.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-11-19 12:48:22

Oh and not to beat you while you're down but I just noticed this comment on AlphaOmegaSith's comment.

I love the fact I fencehopped a dog.


WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-19 13:58:23

Yeah, I've seen it.
It's sad that people have sympathy for this guy.
I mean, I do too, it's pretty sad if you're doing something wrong and don't realize it.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-11-19 22:03:28

Well at least you have good sense and seem to be able to exercise a healthy level of self-control. And you actually sound rational instead of just basically screaming "Me me me me me me me me me me!"

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-11-19 04:35:21

Swibblestein kinda giving off the rapey vibe

Woah okay I at least understand why people are saying that I'm dishonest. I disagree, strongly, and I think it's a misinterpretation of what I've said and my position, but I at least understand where people are getting it from.

But rapey-vibe? I don't even know where you're coming from on that.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-11-19 06:47:36

Woah okay I at least understand why people are saying that I'm dishonest.

Well at least you finally see why now.

But rapey-vibe? I don't even know where you're coming from on that.

Do I really need to go over this again? Do I?

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-11-19 07:02:58

Oh wait. You're the person who private-messaged me.

I was thrown for a loop because your entire argument in PM seemed to hinge on the idea of sex with animals being necessarily rape (considering you brought up the subject ad-nauseam despite how many times I made the distinction), and yet here you're acting like you've tried to be some kind of ally.

I apologize for not recognizing your name, but trust me, if I had, I would not have bothered with my previous message.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-11-19 11:08:57

and yet here you're acting like you've tried to be some kind of ally.

I wouldn't exactly call this trying but I did ask /u/zoozoo what he thought about the cases of Venus and Beatrice(the latter of whom is deceased) and if he thought the dogs in question were "having fun." I also asked why Zoophiles don't advocate for animals who are sexually abused and speak out against fence jumping. This was ages ago and it seems /u/zoozoo has left but I actually thought he had good sense. I've briefly conversed with /u/30-30 before and he seemed somewhat rational if not controversial but that was before the whole thing about him being a possible fence jumper. So far those were the two Zoophiles I had communicated with that didn't sound like a pair of desperate guys who wanted an easier lay. Granted this was months ago maybe a year. I don't know much about /u/WarCanine to form a complete opinion but he sounds fairly levelheaded and rather frank at times but without being annoying and whiny.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-11-19 19:25:14

So far those were the two Zoophiles I had communicated with that didn't sound like a pair of desperate guys who wanted an easier lay.

I always find this bit amusing. I'm a 25 year old virgin who lives in an apartment which doesn't allow animals, with a neighbor who's already admitted to finding me sexy, and wants to sleep with me.

"An easier lay"? Hah! If I wanted an easier lay I could get one, probably tonight, if I wanted to.

Being a zoophile has done nothing but made things harder for me in this regard.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-20 07:44:30

Just a quick reminder: I never actually fencehopped. Every mare I was intimate with I was responsible for as the club´s riding instructor. Although you could say that these mares still weren´t mine, I never betrayed the trust of an owner, ´cause there was no owner of these horses, they belonged to the riding club I was working for, PLUS everybody in this riding club knew I was a zoophile. So you may accuse me of having sex with mares that didn´t belong to me, but fencehopping is just another cup of tea.

There´s a slight difference here. I surely won´t try to suck out of that, but may I remind you that 1) There was no owner and even if you agrue that the riding club was the owner, I was a staff member of that club, a.k.a. a partial owner. 2) I WASNT DOING IT BEHIND ANYONES BACK! The chairman of the riding club, my instructor and almost everyone else attending the riding club knew I am a zoophile. Sure, I haven´t approached them to ask if it was okay for them if I have sex with the riding school´s horses, but they could have interfered with me any time. Nothing was hidden or done behind their backs.

It´s yours to decide now whether you consider me a fencehopper or not. I know what I did over 20 years ago and won´t back out on my responsibilty for that. I´m surely not proud of this time of my life, but I also don´t see my conduct back then as fencehopping. Nobody from the club cared for the "working material" earning the money for the club, no one felt responsible. You can call me a bigot for it, but I see a difference between stealing a car and using your company´s car you´re allowed to drive for doing business for your private purposes. Not nice, but also far from stealing a car.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-11-21 01:28:15

Well at least you took responsibility for your actions

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 7 points on 2016-11-17 04:24:47

Well, my first time ever was at the age of 16, in the year 1988. I became aware of my unusual orientation at the age of 14 and never was interested in girls or humans in general, but felt a strong attraction to female horses. When the emotional pain became unbearable, I decided to join a riding club so, at least, I could be close to horses. After a year or so, I had to take care of a beautiful Arab-Haflinger mix mare, a gentle, but strong willed lady. I had to feed, groom and ride her because the original owner had lost interest in her and left her at the riding club so she could be sold. On a Saturday, I ws doing my job, grooming her after an hour of riding. I then noticed that I literally was alone with her, all the other riders were out to partake in a tournament. I already felt love for this mare before and continued grooming her until she started cuddling with me. When I started scratching her flanks and butt, she gave me a clear sign by letting some of her scents drip out and positioning herself in the typical " mount me!" position. After a short walk to ensure noone is around to surprise us, I just gave in and mounted her, with the help of two worn out tractor tires. There never was any trigger, it just was natural for me to do it. The only thing I needed to act was the right circumstances.

So it's okay when you do it, I guess?

Heck, when I was 17, I already had many shortlived affairs with mares, no experience and interest in humans [...]

So she wasn't the only one?...

You bought your mare in 1994, so I guess that means that all the horses you fucked before her were \*gasp\* not yours!

You are so full of shit man. The least you could do is not be some hypocritical dickwad. Or at least show a little compassion. I hate fencehoppers as much of the next guy, but love is love. I loved a dog than was not mine. Yeah, I never did anything sexual with her, but I loved her nonetheless. And even if we had sex, even if I had abused the trust of her owner or whatever, it would not change anything to the fact that I fucking loved her.

30-30 amator equae -6 points on 2016-11-17 05:18:36

Well, I´d agree to this if there wasn´t a small, but important detail you´re completely missing out on here. All the horses I had sex with before I bought my mare practically were NO ONE´S horses, they belonged to the riding club I was an apprentice of and worked for later. There was no owner I could "betray" here and technically, as a member of the club´s staff, they "belonged" to me just like they belonged to my riding instructor or anybody else from the staff. The first mare I had an affair with was "abandoned" by her owner and, as I wrote, was only still in our stables to find someone willing to buy her...not exactly fencehopping, don´t you think? And unlike another member, I actually tried to buy her, but couldn´t gather enough money until she got sold 6 weeks later. My other affairs strictly focused on mares used to teach beginners, they also "belonged" to me , technically. After my first year of apprenticeship, I was given authority over the "schooling horses", I was responsible for their diet, I was responsible for medical care ( treating minor injuries, correction riding, calling the vet when necessary etc.), you see, also not exactly what you would call fencehopping. Not a single owner was betrayed, no trust violated and since most of the other club members, including my instructor and the chairman of the riding club, already knew I had a "very unusual and deep bond to horses" a.k.a. they knew I am a zoophile, it also wasn´t "doing it behind their backs".

I NEVER had sex with a mare who belonged to another person. If there are actual owners, I totally respect that, no matter how deep I have fallen in love with that mare. I had to endure some tempting situations in my life, but when there´s an owner, nothing will happen beyond petting or offering a treat from time to time.

You see, things are a bit different here. As a member of the staff, I legally was some kind of owner of the riding school´s horses, I had all the duties of an owner, so no raisinpicking here. And my first mare practically had no owner anymore, she was standing in a dark box for the entire day. Only after her owner told us to sell her, thus abandoning her, I was asked to take care of her by the chairman of the club. Sure, she still had an owner and we can argue about whether this also can be filed under fencehopping, but you have to admit that this is a bit different from the usual fencehopping.

So, technically, you may be right...but from my perspective, there was no trust I violated with my affairs. And exactly this trust issue is what turns fencehopping into such a huge "no no" ethically. I couldn´t care less about some moron wanting to shag neigbor´s doggie if it is consentual and nonviolent, but with an actual owner involved, it´s a totally different cup of tea. Also, I wasn´t picking raisins like the usual fencehopper does. I was responsible for these horses like an owner, I paid lots of money (my OWN money!) to buy them blankets for the winter, protectors for their legs and hooves, I cleaned up their saddles and all the other leather stuff, I called and paid the vet myself whenever I felt that treatment is needed and only got back the money when my club considered the treatment to be "necessary"...practically, I was kinda the owner of these horses. I was responsible for them 24 hours, every day, not just for a 30 minute walk. It was MY money I gave to buy them appropriate equipment. Not exactly what a "normal" fencehopper does, huh?

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 4 points on 2016-11-17 05:50:37

Yes. Twisting words and definition to justify one's action is pretty much always what fencehoopers do. Like I said, it's okay when you do it.

Look, I think most of us have been there. Many zoos have had that kind of experience (myself included, I admit). Is it commendable? No. But it's part of life.

Someone just lost a loved one. I can agree it was absolutely not necessary to go in the graphic details of the sex life, but there's more to it than that.

What good are we if we are incapable of showing a little compassion to those like us?

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2016-11-18 04:59:09

I´m not twisting definitions here. There are some major differences to "normal" fencehopping. Again, all the mares I had affairs with practically were mine. No owner...and also, I was known to be a zoophile by everyone in the riding club. Might be some unimportant detail for you, but it´s absolutely no unimportant one, don´t you think? You surely can accuse me of having sex with animals not legally mine, but you cannot accuse me of doing it behind the owner´s back. This isn´t twisting definitions, you know. I´m surely not proud of that phase in my life , but still it´s not fencehopping when the owner consents ,there is no owner or you practically are the owner yourself. As I said: I had the full responsibility for these horses, 24/7...when one of these horses coliced, it was ME calling the vet in the middle of the night, it was ME walking the horse until the vet arrived.

I totally agree that it´s not exactly a role model curriculum vitae, but still it´s very far from what is defined as fencehopping.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2016-11-19 11:13:50


doghumper 5 points on 2016-11-16 05:44:04

Sorry for your loss.

Sorry for 30-30 being an ass.

zoophilethrowaway1 Fencehopped a Dog, but boy it was worth it. 2 points on 2016-11-16 08:15:33


Don't be.. There has to be one..

LupineRage 2 points on 2016-11-16 12:46:30

I'm sorry you lost such a good friend. I know the feeling all too well.

Also sorry that some people on here seem to do nothing but make people who feel bad, feel worse. Cough30-30cough

zoophilethrowaway1 Fencehopped a Dog, but boy it was worth it. 2 points on 2016-11-16 12:56:39

Thanks.. It's going to be a recurring theme it seems.. But it's so worth it.

Don't worry.. I expected one, but didn't think of everyone else being so nice.. I kinda wish I used my actual account, but oh well..

I just wish everytime I see him I don't cry.. But he's in my desktop background rotation with my pup :(

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-18 01:08:32
