Aren't you afraid of diseases and such? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-11-18 13:52:28 by SoapySoaphile

Hello. Random person here.
I have a few question about diseases and infections.

  1. How do you make sure your animal does not get an infection or disease?
  2. Is it more risky to have sex with humans or more risky to have sex with animals? (Not with laws and such, but diseases and infections.)
  3. Are infections really that common? I keep reading and hearing that animals recieve infections very easily. People keep telling me so.
    I'm not a zoophile myself, so I wouldn't know.
    Do you not worry about your animal's health?
30-30 amator equae 7 points on 2016-11-18 14:38:47
  1. Like any other animal owner. Regular visits of the vet, vaccination and such included.

  2. What do you exactly mean with "risky"? There are more STD´s that are transmissable between two humans than there are diseases you can get from an animal that has been kept properly. On the other hand, a human won´t accidentally stomp on your foot with 500 kilos of weight...unless you´re into REALLY fat dudes/girls/apache helicopters ;) There are some risks involved in being an active zoophile, but I´ve never had a major injury, the worst I have experienced in more than 20 years of being a horse exclusive zoo is my circumcision after my mare started to chew... Before you ask: yes, my mare gave me blowjobs. Roughly about once a week, for more than 20 years...that little incident was the only one. Risk is involved in everything. Neither "human" nor "animal" is better, both categories involve a certain risk.

  3. Can´t speak for others, but I never had an infection. The one thing coming closest to that would be a short affair with a mare that had very alkaline urine. I slept with her and the next day, the top layer of my dick´s skin peeled off. Literally. I only slept with her three times and it was the same every day after, even when I immediately ran to the bathroom after intercourse. Other than that, nothing extraordinary. The usual little bruises every now and then, getting stepped on my foot, one bite I received from helping to separate two fighting geldings, but nothing else on my medical record. Keeping your own animal clean and vaccinated should exclude any excess risks.

Yes, I do worry about my animal´s health. Maybe even more than a non zoophile person. You have to understand this isn´t solely about sex; yes, admitted, sex is also a part, but some of us really and sincerely feel love for their animals. Not a single zoophile deserving this name will do anything that endangers his animal´s health. Like you naturally wouldn´t hurt or abuse your human partner. As a horseowner, I can only say that my current equine partner shows no sign of any health issues. She actually seems to enjoy me as much as I enjoy her. She isn´t allergic to my body fluids, nor am I to hers. Her vaccinations are up to date, she does not show any sign of unnatural behavior, her vet says she´s in excellent shape. And as her partner, it is my duty to keep it that way. My first mare who died this year also was in excellent shape and reached a very old age, 30. Most full sized horses won´t even reach the age of 25.

SoapySoaphile 1 point on 2016-11-18 18:56:09

Sorry, but isn't it dangerous to go to the vet?
What if she gets an infection, though? You'll be caught, right?
I mean, at some point wouldn't an animal get an infection? Wikipedia says there's very high chances of it happening.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 2 points on 2016-11-18 19:36:22

The idea is that you keep your animal healthy the same way any other responsible pet owner does.

30-30 amator equae 7 points on 2016-11-18 19:40:58

Well, if you´re so horny you can´t keep yourself from having sex with your mare shorty before the vet is doing an intra-uterine examination, then it is dangerous. But you know that mares usually pee after intercourse, you normally won´t have to wait for long. Any "evidence" gets flushed out and a quick wipe with your sleeve will get rid of any "outward evidence". What leads us to your second point: because mares pee shorty after getting stimulated vaginally, the risk of an infection is very small. If you´re not Mr Ultralongpenis Superdong (what I´m definitely not...sadly...;) ), then you won´t be able to "place your proteins" deep enough to cause trouble. It´s also very unlikely the vet will "find out" even if my mare should ever get a genital infection. The only way to determine it´s human semen "in there" would be a DNA test and that surely isn´t a standard procedure at the vet. Vaginal irritation/infections aren´t as rare as you might think, at least not in mares. Most vets will prescribe a creme or apply an antibiotics shot to the horse and no one asks any questions.

Another revelation for you: Wikipedia does not necessarily equal the truth. Anyone can change articles. The majority decides whether an article is "correct"....swarm intelligence sadly is a myth. I´ll not gonna lie because there actually is a slight risk of getting a zoonosis, but you rarely come across someone with a disease transmitted by sexual intercourse with an animal, let alone an animal with an infection that can be traced back to a human having intercourse with it. Oh, additionally there´s a risk of catching an STD when the animal is "used" by another person with an STD shortly before you "use" it. The animal itself won´t get sick, but serves as a temporary host. This kind of "animal sharing" is mostly done by bestialists and usually is frowned upon by zoophiles.

I can view back onto a "zoo career" of nearly 30 years and boldly can say that neither myself nor my equine partners ever had problems with infections. The only precautions I took was the obligatory washing down her private parts before intercourse.

SoapySoaphile 2 points on 2016-11-18 19:57:08

I see... What about dogs, then?

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-11-18 20:19:10

Not a dog zoo, so IDK...but I guess the risks won´t rise at all. The only thing I could imagine raising the level of risk significantly would be the meat eating habits of dogs. I gladly inserted my penis into my mare´s mouth without any fear of infections. I absolutely wouldn´t do that with a dog for sanitary reasons. Neither would I recommend playing around with feces of a predator. But I believe the old washing down routine also cuts off a big chunk of that increased risk. As long as the animal is vaccinated, dewormed and taken care of responsibly and good, you should be okay. For further info, you´ll have to listen to the dog people in here.

Baaxten Canines, equines, cetaceans 1 point on 2016-11-30 04:04:59

Nicely worded reply, but I just want to ask one tiny question.

How exactly does a horse blowjob work?


30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-12-10 00:58:00

"How exactly does a horse blowjob work?" :

Horses have a toothless gap between their front teeth(incisors) and molars; it´s where the bit usually is located. This gap provides enough safe space for a penis without having to worry about the teeth too much. Of course you need an incredible amount of mutual trust to pull this off: the horse has to calmly accept the fact that you´re inserting your dick into its mouth without making any hasty movements of the head and the trust you have to invest to put your dick into a mouth full of big and sharp teeth should be quite obvious.

So you enter the horse´s mouth from the side, avoiding the teeth. My mare had this habit of moving her tongue while I was inserted, a very exquisite and pleasurable experience I highly appreciated whenever we had this kind of fun together. Standing at the right side of her head, inserted, with my left arm wrapped around her neck, that´s how this worked for my mare and me. She even swallowed my load. Semen is salty and many horses like the math yourselves...;)

Hope that I gave you a sufficient impression without turning it into a wank story too much.

Baaxten Canines, equines, cetaceans 1 point on 2016-12-16 06:43:42

A sufficient impression, yes. But one last question, I swear: how did it start? I mean, fellatio isn't a normal horse behaviour as far as I'm aware. Did you teach her or did she somehow learn it herself?

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-12-24 05:31:02

Sorry for answering so inbox is killing me...;)

Well, I guess it started with training her to calmly accept applying the deworming. In order to make the horse swallow its medicine properly, you have to apply the creme right to the center of the tongue. Before I bought her, she was known for refusing and spitting out her medicine. You know, spitting out deworming isn´t that problematic, but increasingly annoying the more expensive the medicine gets. There´s dewormings for just 7-9 Euros, but you can also buy combined deworming against more than one worm species for about 50 - 60 Euros. I´m not the poorest guy on earth TBH, but having to scratch 50 Euros from the floor is something that hurts me inside. ;) So I decided to give her a little training to avoid further wasting my money on dewormings. To improve acceptance, you usually are told to use your finger inserted into the horse´s mouth from the side, just as you´d use one of these deworming applicators...and that´s what I did. She gradually allowed me more and more to massage the middle of her tongue with my finger, without trying to retract or rapid tongue movements and after some 2 months, I could apply the deworming without any "losses". After that, I started to kiss her mouth. First, she misunderstood it as a biting attack towards her, but got used to my lips onto hers quickly. She started to enjoy it, I took the "game" to the next base and inserted my tongue into her mouth. She took that surprisingly well and immediately started probing my tongue with hers...and, voilá, "my mare enjoys french kissing!" . I could suck her tongue into my mouth , insert my tongue fully into her mouth, could lick the rippled "roof" of her upper jaw and she enjoyed that. BTW, that´s how I learned the taste of straw and simply cannot avoid to drink some horse saliva ,with little particles of hay and straw included, when French kissing a horse...;)

The first time of "equine fellatio": Imagine a hot summer evening, I just finished sleeping with her in the little round, roofed reigning hall I used to have privacy. We stood and cuddled as usual after we slept with each other. She soon dozed off, her head pressed against my chest, evey closed, me scratching and nibbling on the base of her ears. I had my riding trousers on, zippers still open. After some ten minutes standing there, hugging, she started to chew a little..very slowly and softly. With her mouth pressed against my junk. An immediate "boi-oi-oi-oi-nk!" coming from my trousers was the result...and the idea suddenly appeared..."What if I ....", "I really, REALLY could try it! cough"...Long story short: I did. I scratched her nose, kissed her on her eye and began to insert my penis into her mouth. I knew she wouldn´t be panicking away or something like that, but I still had some concerns about her teeth...I had already assisted my horse dentist and had enough first hand knowledge about horse teeth. But with all of the Frenching going on and my tongue still in one piece and intact, with all the love I felt for her, with all the trust I had in her, I gave it a shot.

When her tongue softly rolled around my dick the first time, I almost passed out. It took not even one minute for me to finish, hugging, kissing and caressing her. She still stood with her head pressed against my chest, eyes closed, swallowing what I gave her. And that was the initial moment for us. We became used to this and did it once a week on average. Sometimes, a horse´s head pressed against your chest is less risky than being caught with a plastic pedestal in her box..., you know ;)

There was no plan to "train" her for fellatio from my side, it just happened. The right moment, the right mood, the right level of love and trust. Still dangerous; I paid with my praeputium for it...;)...but would absolutely do it again.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2016-11-18 15:42:22
  1. As 30-30 said, this is ensured in the same way a pet caretaker actively looks out for their Pet's health. After all, we are largely pet caretakers. Sexual contact just falls under that umbrella for some of us.

  2. I don't know how easy that would be to measure, but only very rarely have I ever heard of a person getting diseases from their pet. They can however give diseases more easily if they are with a female and do not prepare properly.

  3. Pyro in dogs can be an issue if you are not sanitary which can be very dangerous for the female, though as long as they are clean and moderate with their sexual contact female dogs can live absolutely healthy lives. I'm not sure of diseases spread by other species, but they seem to be pretty rare across the board.

Zoos care about their pets health because it falls under taking care of their animal. At least the way I look at it, the sexual contact is just a way to enrich that ownership experience for both my pets and for me as well.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 1 point on 2016-11-18 19:57:25

Pyometra, not pyro.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2016-11-18 20:28:50

Yeah that

Edog91 2 points on 2016-11-18 16:42:59

1# regular visit's to the vet fixes that 2# less risky then a human because of pathogens. 3# can only speak for myself,no

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 2 points on 2016-11-18 21:27:10
  1. Vet and understanding their signals when they are not acting normal.

  2. Humans, true animals could create new incurable diseases but cross species infections are very rare Wikipedia only has 12 listed (, but in comparison to the amount of human-to-human SDT... (

  3. No.

Threwkw -1 points on 2016-11-18 22:12:30

infections are very common with animals and may happen anytime and you can't get a vet to prevent it because theyd know you would rape them

also: (Note: not all diseases listed) dumbass

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 1 point on 2016-11-18 22:55:52

Citation or sources?

Threwkw 1 point on 2016-11-18 23:12:27

It's in the first link.
It starts with: List of zoonoses Animal diseases that can be transmitted sexually to humans (Note: not all diseases listed)

tencendur_ Neeeigh 2 points on 2016-11-19 14:17:59

The main source is called Trollpedia, I think. It is the source people who makes an user account just for trolling use.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-18 23:29:49

infections are very common with animals and may happen anytime and you can't get a vet to prevent it because theyd know you would rape them

Lots of active dog zoos here and elsewhere that take their dogs to the vet regularly would beg to differ. And no, I haven't seen an uptick in infections, so I'm going to go to those "in the know" and call uncited-BS here.

SoapySoaphile 1 point on 2016-11-18 22:37:22

Can I ask you, how does the vet not notice?
At some point you'd get an infection, right?
I don't know what is up with the threw guy, but he's right with the '(Note: not all diseases listed)' thing.
There's more...?

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 1 point on 2016-11-18 22:49:08

Well all I did was lightly finger her, pinch the scruff of her neck, and let her lick me. So, I didn't do anything too invasive to get noticed.

Keeping us both clean before and after was helpful to avoid infections

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-18 23:31:36

There are always unknown diseases. What is certain is that zoonoses are factually less common in general, let alone just in sex.

SexySpinster75 1 point on 2016-12-13 06:41:02
  1. Vet and understanding their signals when they are not acting normal.

Wikipedia only has 12 listed (

I'm no medical professional but mrsa can be transmitted from animal to human. Wiki forgot that one. I wonder how many others they forgot

The-Forested-Garden 2 points on 2016-11-18 21:59:41

You can catch more STIs from humans than you can an animal. It's actually SAFER to have sex with animals, than it is to have sex with a human. Look up how many diseases you can catch EXCLUSIVELY through sexual contact with humans and animals. Only about 3-4 for animals and at least 13 from humans.

Threwkw -2 points on 2016-11-18 22:33:55

yea right say there is evidence yet there is none
send an actual link next time and the guy might realise you''re all lying rapists...

The-Forested-Garden 4 points on 2016-11-18 22:43:23

Oh look, I did the work for you even though you are perfectly capable yourself.

Threwkw 0 points on 2016-11-18 22:48:55

What about infections ?
Okay, there's not much stds, but still alot of chance for infections

The-Forested-Garden 3 points on 2016-11-18 22:53:10

STIs are infections lol.

Sexually. Transmitted. Infections.

Infection = disease.

Threwkw -2 points on 2016-11-18 23:02:21

They're still extremely common

The-Forested-Garden 3 points on 2016-11-19 00:17:11

[citation needed]

Threwkw 1 point on 2016-11-19 00:18:56

Don't misuse your citation needing powers, brother.

The-Forested-Garden 3 points on 2016-11-19 00:27:26

a. LOL! misuse? by whose standards?

b. I'm not a dude.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-19 00:31:37


The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2016-11-19 00:32:43

Which god?

Make me a dude? WTF are you even on about?

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-19 00:43:48


SexySpinster75 1 point on 2016-12-13 06:36:13

STIs are infections

But Op is talking about stds not sti s lol

Infection = disease.


The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2016-12-14 04:16:47

What does it matter if it is an infection or disease anyways?, both are unhealthy and differentiating between the 2 still doesn't change the fact that people are more likely to catch one from other humans than other animals.

SexySpinster75 1 point on 2016-12-14 20:31:33

What does it matter if it is an infection or disease anyways?,

Well I think it matters to the person who has one or the other but wasn't my point. My point was Op was speaking of diseases. Your reply was about infections.

The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2016-12-15 14:21:42

Did you even read the article I linked?

SexySpinster75 1 point on 2016-12-15 14:32:29

The blog? No. My comment doesn't pertain to it. I prefer to not read blogs.

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 2 points on 2016-11-20 13:40:36

The species barrier is a tough barrier to cross, and if you take good care of your animals (regular vet visits, grooming, etc) their will be nothing to try to cross that barrier.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-08 15:57:38


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-08 17:54:46

Aids was created by a nigger that fucked a monkey. Zoophiles were responsible for the creation of aids. You all deserve a painful death.

I suggest you go back to biology and study the blood to blood bush meat contact that is actually believed to be the origin of aids.

Not that you actually WANT to learn, but I digress...

hotnwetnow 1 point on 2016-12-13 23:10:49

There is only one disease that dogs can transmit to humans through sex. That is canine brucellosis and it's a rare disease even in dogs.