Do you really think beastiality is right? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-11-18 18:47:47 by Threwkw

Go ahead, delete this so nobody can see the truth.
But I'm honestly curious here..

Do you know why an animal presents it self ?
When a Female dog does this , it's because she wants to mate.
If you'd get a male dog, she'd rather choose that dog.
Really it's funny how you delusional freaks don't realise this.
The ''but they also have sexual urges'' excuse does not work here, get her a male dog then.
You also confuse a dog when doing this and hurt it mentally.

As for male dogs, they also hump when excited and this is not sexual behavior because they learn this is a puppy .
do you think they have sexual urges as a puppy? obv not.
would a male human always be horny when he's excited? obv not.

PiranhaJAC 12 points on 2016-11-18 19:13:15

[citation needed]

Susitar Canidae 6 points on 2016-11-18 19:26:45

Humping for non-sexual reasons wouldn't lead to penetration anyway, that would only cause dry-humping. So, apparently you have nothing to worry about, unless you are really upset about some people enjoying male dogs excitedly dry-humping them for some reason. ;)

Threwkw 1 point on 2016-11-18 20:00:04

Then how do you know if a male dog is asking for sex or not? Both would leads to humping behavior and what about my other points ?

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 6 points on 2016-11-18 20:33:17

Because they have many other tells or "mating dances" or foreplay whatever you would like to call it which has been observed and studied. Such as kissing of the face, nibbling, licking whatever hole they plan to penetrate, shooting precum, etc. The language is there you just don't know how to read it.

Threwkw 1 point on 2016-11-18 21:02:52

ok so for male dogs its isnt rape and for female dogs it is because they just want to be pregnant ..

Susitar Canidae 4 points on 2016-11-18 21:35:04

Actually, animals probably don't consciously know that mating leads to pregnancy. After all, humans don't know it unless told and humans are just another animal species. They want to mate because they are horny, the reason they are horny certain times and not others are governed by hormones and psychology just as in human females.

You should REALLY look up the differences in proximate and evolutionary reasons for animal behaviour. The evolutionary reason for mating is reproduction, just like evolutionary reason for eating is survival and playing is for learning skills. But the proximate reasons, the reasons the animals actually react and DO the behaviour, are things like hormones, nerve signals, pain, pleasure, brain functions. So the proximate reason for mating is sexual arousal/pleasure, for eating - hunger, for playing - fun (probably dopamine release). This model is very useful for understand animal behaviour, please check it out.

If the female dog wants to mate with a human, it's not rape. Even if she would in a hypothetical situation prefer another partner, the same could be argued for any two dogs mating. What if one of those dogs would actually prefer another dog they haven't met yet? What if the only reason that female is willing to mate with that male, is because the dog breeder has introduced only those two to each other during her heat, maybe she would choose another partner if able to pick from all the dogs in a dog park?

OR, you could just watch her body language to see what she wants. Just like you do with anything else. Does she want food? Does she want to play? Does she want to rest? Does she want to mate? Sex isn't different from other aspects of life.

Threwkw 1 point on 2016-11-18 22:07:25

They know it leads to pregnancy because why wouldnt they know ?
when they reach puberty they will be aware of it, because otherwise they wouldnt fuck now would they?

OR, you could just watch her body language to see what she wants. Just like you do with anything else. Does she want food? Does she want to play? Does she want to rest? Does she want to mate? Sex isn't different from other aspects of life.

Does she want sex? yes.
but she asks the human because there is no dog available. if there is a male dog available she will go to him, obv.

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2016-11-18 22:16:59

Plenty of humans fuck without them knowing about it leading to pregnancy. Why would humans be unique in the animal kingdom? If you have any proof of animals consciously knowing about mating leading to pregnancy, please give it, because it sure would be a very exciting find for biologists like me!

For the latter, why would it be different she would prefer a dog over a human than if she would prefer a dog over another dog? Is the only acceptable sex if we do it with our ideal partners, the most perfect partner we would choose over anyone else in the world? Do we have to let a female dog choose out of all the male dogs in an entire city or entire country, or is whoever she seems to fancy and that doesn't lead to negative consequences good enough?

Have you done experiment on mate choice with set-ups like these? If so, I would like to see the data, is it published in any journal I know of?

Humans are just another species of mammal. Interspecies matings happen between other animals too, why not with humans as well, if everyone involved likes it and no damage is done?

Threwkw 1 point on 2016-11-18 22:21:10

Plenty of humans fuck without them knowing about it leading to pregnancy.

But we humans are smarter than animals.
For example, we can solve math, find out what's in space, etc.
can animals do that ?

Also, it's in a dog's blood to be dependent on humans
this means theyll think they need to listen to you

Susitar Canidae 3 points on 2016-11-18 22:29:27

You haven't answered my question: what makes you believe animals know that mating leads to pregnancy?

Humans are good at some things, yes.

Other species are good at other things. Can you tear down an entire tree with brute force? Can you find a bomb in a suitcase without opening it and with closed eyes? Can you find your way to the place you were born after never visiting it as an adult, and without a map?

Also, if you are saying that math and astronomy skills are relevant for sexual consent... Are you trying to say that stupid people or people without education can't consent to sex? Wow.

Dogs can put up with things in order to be "good boys", sure. But it's always visible in their body language if their are uncomfortable. Ever tried to clip a dog's nails? Ever seen a child pull a dog's tail? Here: They won't put up with just anything. They might avoid to bite you because of loyalty, but they will signal their discomfort in many other ways. Such as walking away or licking their lips (see chart). Dogs won't lie.

And also, here is how you see if a dog wants to be touched or not:

[deleted] -2 points on 2016-11-18 22:35:21


Susitar Canidae 1 point on 2016-11-18 22:44:33

Now you are being childish. Other species are better at certain things than we are, that's just plain fact. Some species are stronger, some have better sense of smell, some are better at navigating in open water... You are not as good at these things as elephants, dogs or salmon. Please embarrass yourself any further.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-19 02:02:54

Humans smarter? Like in "brings nature to the brink of extinction" smarter? Like in "is fairly intelligent, but not intelligent enough to abstain from building weapons that could easily destroy ANY life on this planet"? I´ve met horses that were smarter than their owners.So called "human intelligence" is overrated, if you ask me...just read through your own posts and behold one of these furless monkeys constantly mistaking his own prejudices for facts.

Threwkw 1 point on 2016-11-19 02:07:45

You don't understand how intelligence works.
First, we need to get my 100% approved list of intelligence.
It starts at the most intelligent one and ends with the dumbest one.
Bees - Humans - Animals - Me - My plant - Other plants

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-11-19 05:16:45

"You don´t understand how intelligence works"....i definitely have an idea of how it doesn´t work since you arrived in here, mate...;)

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-11-18 23:41:24

when they reach puberty they will be aware of it, because otherwise they wouldnt fuck now would they?

Someone needs to go back to biology and study hormones...

fuzzyfurry 3 points on 2016-11-18 23:56:38

when they reach puberty they will be aware of it, because otherwise they wouldnt fuck now would they?

That is a good question. Maybe you can explain why this wikipedia article even exists when animals only have sex for reproduction:

but she asks the human because there is no dog available. if there is a male dog available she will go to him, obv.

Anecdotically that's wrong, but let's assume it's universally right. How exactly do you quantify how "bad" this is? Plenty of dogs are kept as an only pet and are never allowed to have sex. Who is your ideal sex partner? Maybe a celebrity? How wrong does it feel for you to settle for a partner who is willing, who is not the most attractive, but reasonably attractive to you, and who is actually available to you?

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-20 08:19:28

They know it leads to pregnancy

They don't know.

why wouldnt they know ?

Because they don't have an education on animal reproduction, they don't know how sperm and eggs works and so on. And even if you wanted to explain it to them they can't learn it.

when they reach puberty they will be aware of it,

No they won't. Puberty doesn't make knowledge to magically appear in their brain. knowledge is learned, knowing that sex may lead to reproduction required knowledge, something that a dog can't learn.

because otherwise they wouldnt fuck now would they?

This is how evolution has been a "genius" because evolution (I'm going to talk as if evolution is person even it is not) has made sex fun and pleasurable so animals do it, which end up in the side effect of them getting pregnant. They fuck because is fun and because they have an urge that doesn't go way unless they fuck. All thise makes animals fuck and make babies even that they don't know that they are making babies.

but she asks the human because there is no dog available. if there is a male dog available she will go to him, obv.

Obviously not. That is not always the case. My male dog would come to me to fuck me even in the presence of female dogs in heat. Probably because of learned behavior but also because that is what he liked. Same way gay rams will ignore females in heat and fuck male rams. Animals can have or develop sexual preferences, you assume that animal are all into fucking the oposite sex of the same species. Real life is a bit different from the "fantasy world" that you are imaginating.

Aluzky 2 points on 2016-11-20 08:11:16

bestiality will affect their mental health because they get confused

It is not rape in any case where the dog consents to have sex. Is this too hard for you to understand?

Let me put it on a less difficult example, it is physical assault if a dog consents to be petted in the head or the belly by you? If your answer is No? Then it is also not rape if the bitch consents to be penetrated.

know that a bitch can say No to be penetrated in several ways, by bitting, whining, moving away, etc. If she stand there and take it without complaining at all or showing any signs of dislike, then that is consent, that is how bitches consent to be fucked by male dogs or male humans.

30-30 amator equae 5 points on 2016-11-18 20:03:22

"If you´d get a male dog, she´d rather choose the dog"

First question: Why so fixated on dogs? I´m a horse zoophile and never touched a dog sexually in my entire life.

Second question: How do you know "she"´d prefer her own species? My mare preferred me over the two stallions on the pasture we usually walked by . She literally hid behind me, keeping me between her and the two "boys" getting excited smelling her. She also treated me like one of her own species. All the usual behavior, the teasing, peeing in front of me, looking back at me with her trademark "get up there" looks with wide spread hind legs.

Although anything I wrote is true, I´ll not deny the fact that quite a few self proclaimed "zoophiles" out there actually harm the animal, either from sheer lack of knowledge or malintent. These people sadly are equally real and existing as true zoophiles who never would touch an animal that isn´t mature or is not responding to sexual advances in a positive, consentual and enthusiastic way. Apathy is NOT consent for a true zoophile.

I´ll gladly invite you to stay for a while in here, don´t just be a "one post, then they´re gone" guy. Discuss with us, voice your criticism and concerns, but please try to keep it fair for both sides. I admit there are some issues with zoophilia and in exchange, I only demand from you that you don´t categorically exclude the possibility of zoophilia not necessarily being rape. I love my mare and I would never rape her. She sets the pace; if she shows any sign of discomfort, I immediately quit.

Threwkw 1 point on 2016-11-18 20:13:18

How do you know she just doesn't want to mate?
Its pretty hard for a untilegent animal to know if you can get it pregnant or not. They asume you can make her pregnant because she doesnt know better

30-30 amator equae 5 points on 2016-11-18 20:43:54

What are the hard facts you base your conclusions on? How do you know an animal is "unintelligent"? Like humans, they survived evolution and I´d lean out of the window by saying that my mare would totally outsmart you and survive longer than you when abandoned alone with no supplies or other help in the wild. "Intelligence" is a term that´s man made and it´s made to describe "human intelligence".

I knew she refused to mate with the stallions because I accompanied her more than 22 years. I also know the usual behavior of horses because that´s my friggin´ job as a professional riding instructor. Like any experienced horse breeder, I can distinguish a willing mare from an unwilling one by simply walking her close to a stallion. Admitted, for me as a riding instructor, leading mares to be bred isn´t an everyday experience, but it occurs every now and then.When you live half of your life with horses around you, you learn some things...

How do you know an animal "wants to get pregnant"? I doubt animals have that kind of human perspective towards sexuality. They do it out of instinct and love...yes, love. Animals can love ,too. I remember this one mare who has fallen in love with the horse from the box next to her, a gelding. When led in front of the breeding stallion, she kicked the living shit out of him and refused to mate, regardless of her heat cycle. She just wasn´t into him, I guess. But the gelding she accepted and let him mount her whenever there was a chance. We even had to respect her love for this gelding as she was kicking down the box every time her friend was absent. I believe you massively underestimate animals and their capability to feel, even emotions that are seen as "exclusively human". Animals aren´t organic automata, they are far more than that. Ask any animal owner and he´ll tell you practically the same...

Threwkw -2 points on 2016-11-18 21:00:49

Maybe because animals want to get pregnant?
Its in their blood, and its common sense.
Everything wants to fuck and reproduce

Susitar Canidae 3 points on 2016-11-18 21:37:12

You do know what a gelding is, right?

Threwkw 0 points on 2016-11-18 21:55:05

yes but how does that make anny diff in this part

Susitar Canidae 7 points on 2016-11-18 22:02:27

If the mare's only reason for mating would be a wish to get pregnant, she wouldn't choose a gelding before a stallion. There's something else at play - individual preference/feelings/whatever you want to call it.

PiranhaJAC 3 points on 2016-11-19 00:10:12

[citation needed]

Threwkw -1 points on 2016-11-19 00:15:20

Lmao stop, I wasn't even serious in the first place.

huskyencroacher In Soviet Russia, the husky encroaches YOU! 6 points on 2016-11-18 20:09:53

Holy fuck, you're absolutely right about everything! I guess everything I ever believed was a lie!

Thank you random 12-year-old person for showing me the light.

Threwkw 0 points on 2016-11-18 20:14:15

Funny how you're sarcastic yet cant think of anything to prove me wrong

Swibblestein 5 points on 2016-11-18 22:41:32

If you had better arguments maybe it would be more worth proving them wrong.

As it stands though, I've literally heard better arguments for a flat earth than you're presenting here.

You think animals want to have sex because they want to be pregnant? Seriously?

First of all, what makes you think they even understand the connection between sex and pregnancy?

How then, do you explain the fact that animals engage in various behaviors that do not result in pregnancy, including, but not limited to, masturbation, homosexual interactions, interspecies interaction, and oral sex?

How do you explain the fact that we understand the neurochemicals responsible for sexual motivation and pleasure, and that manipulating those chemicals changes levels of sexual motivation?

Your argument is neither coherent nor have you supported it with the barest of facts.

"That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 4 points on 2016-11-18 23:33:54

First of all, what makes you think they even understand the connection between sex and pregnancy?

This. I highly doubt animals even make that connection. They do it because it feels good. Same reasons people do it, really.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-23 01:42:05


Edog91 2 points on 2016-11-19 08:28:18

It was once said that" which can be asserted without evidence can be disregarded without evidence" bring some evidence backed up by some research thin you can talk about no one proving you wrong.

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 4 points on 2016-11-18 21:09:11

Do you know why an animal presents it self ?

when it's in heat

When a Female dog does this , it's because she wants to mate.

Yes, and mating relives stress caused by being in heat.

If you'd get a male dog, she'd rather choose that dog.

Well In my house my mom has a fat male cat and whenever my girlfriend was in heat she went to me, not him. Despite the fact that he has tried to mount her and my daughter even though he's fixed.

You also confuse a dog when doing this and hurt it mentally.

Sources? My vet said that she was one of the healthiest animal he's ever seen, and she was feral.

Threwkw 1 point on 2016-11-18 21:18:51

Yes because it wants to mate.
Really man, everything wants to fuck and reproduce
And im talking about dogs, not cats
And you see, bestiality will affect their mental health because they get confused

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 3 points on 2016-11-18 21:39:15

Well I'm only into cats. Out of curiosity, when did you decide to be attracted to humans?

Threwkw 1 point on 2016-11-18 22:07:45

When i reached puberty when i was 12

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 1 point on 2016-11-18 22:59:45

Well at that age when I started to go through puberty I looked at girls and they did nothing for me, but female cats and felines have always made my pants tight.

Aluzky 2 points on 2016-11-20 08:04:14

So, at 12 you had in your mind a list of the 1000 sexual orientation that exist for humans and went one by one crossing them and chose to be attracted to humans of the opposite sex?

Don't lie to yourself, people never chose their sexual orientation, same way we don't chose to grow pubic hair, it just happens. This is why children raised as homoph9obes end up being gay in countries where being gay = death penalty, they didn't chose, it is something that happens beyond their control.

The only way you can chose to be straight is if you are Bisexual, then you have 2 sexual orientation that you have and you can chose to act on one and "ignore" the other.

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 1 point on 2016-11-19 01:43:23

Why do fixed animals go into heat? If all they want to do is reproduce they are fixed and can't, but if while they are in heat all the want is to relive stress. What's wrong with giving them some help?

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-20 08:06:34

Maybe you don't know this, but humans is the only animal that knows what reproduction means and how it is achieved.

When a dog or any other animal has sex, they don't have reproduction as a goal. They are just doing what feels good and or what instincts tells them to do. They don't do it for reproductive reasons. (though reproduction is some times a side effect of sex)

bestiality will affect their mental health because they get confused

Citation needed.

The-Forested-Garden 9 points on 2016-11-18 22:06:24

When a Female dog does this , it's because she wants to mate. If you'd get a male dog, she'd rather choose that dog.


No. Not always, this is a myth. I have lived with other zoos before with male and female dogs, unaltered mind you. The male dog would constantly try and have sex with the female dog but the female dog would try to bite him or growl at him every time, she happily opened up for her caretaker though.

Threwkw 3 points on 2016-11-18 22:09:07

Maybe because the owner had sex with that dog first and got used to being a sex slave.
funny, i never find any of these stories without zoophiles owning these pets

The-Forested-Garden 2 points on 2016-11-18 22:20:17

Umm...maybe because it's mostly zoophiles who want to have sex with animals?

Sex slave? How do you figure? it's not like he forced her to do anything she didn't want to do. She didn't get coerced, it's not he fed her treats or anything afterward.

Threwkw 1 point on 2016-11-18 22:22:21

you just said it there
dogs only have sex with humans when humans try to, so you're basically exploiting its intelligence

Susitar Canidae 8 points on 2016-11-18 22:38:43
Threwkw 0 points on 2016-11-18 22:39:50

im talking about dogs, not dolphinss, they are diferent

Susitar Canidae 9 points on 2016-11-18 22:42:45

Why do you focus on specifically dogs?

But you are okay with bestiality involving dolphins or orangutangs then? Good to know.

Threwkw 2 points on 2016-11-18 22:46:15

Because dogs are one of the most common zoophile victims
and yes ofcourse

Susitar Canidae 7 points on 2016-11-18 22:48:59

They aren't victims if they consent to it and aren't harmed.

[deleted] -1 points on 2016-11-18 22:51:30


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-11-18 23:37:32

Pedophilia has a reason to be opposed. Put simply, there are consequnces to sex with a child that do not exist with sex with an animal. It's why "sex-ed" and stuff exists for children and not animals. It's also why we breed animals and not children.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-11-20 07:11:17

wait ... "and yes ofcourse" .. are you agreeing that bestiality involving dolphins and orangutans is okay?

Aluzky 2 points on 2016-11-20 07:58:00

Victims? Seems you are misusing that word.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-11-18 23:36:04

dogs only have sex with humans when humans try to, so you're basically exploiting its intelligence

Humans wearing clothes that need opposable thumbs to remove has more to do with it than matters of intelligence.

Dogs solicit sex from their caretakers far more than most imagine, I promise you. The taboo against interspecies sex does not extend beyond humans.

Aluzky 2 points on 2016-11-20 08:00:06

dogs only have sex with humans when humans try to

Not a fact. Dogs are know to also make the first move on humans.

And there is nothing wrong with humans doing the first move on a dog either. Who cares who did the first move, what maters is that the sex is done with consent and without harming anyone.

so you're basically exploiting its (sic:their) intelligence

Even if that where true. Nothing wrong with it, again, they consent and are not being harmed.

fuzzyfurry 6 points on 2016-11-18 23:48:22

funny, i never find any of these stories without zoophiles owning these pets

Maybe that's because people like you are sure to discourage any sexual behavior of their pets from the very beginning? The average pet owners rather see their animals "de-sexed" by surgical "neutering" procedures than consider vasectomies or tubal ligations in order to allow them to have a natural and healthy sexuality. What does that tell you?

Threwkw 1 point on 2016-11-19 00:05:57

Nope, my dog has humped me and I just let it happen.
Also, neutering and spaying is fucking retarded and is cruelty on it's own.

fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2016-11-19 00:49:03

Glad we have something to agree on.

edit: Sorry for the assumption, but it's so pervasive even throughout the animal rights movement that it's almost always true.

urdaughtersacutie ally 5 points on 2016-11-20 01:08:55

my dog has humped me and I just let it happen.

Well, welcome to the sub...

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-20 01:41:26

I really don't get what you're trying to say.

urdaughtersacutie ally 1 point on 2016-11-20 02:02:15

Well, the 'anti-zoo' is going on about sexual adventures with their canine companion, so...

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-20 02:04:56

You can't really take him seriously.
Like, I'm not even kidding here, look at his last comment...

urdaughtersacutie ally 2 points on 2016-11-20 02:13:19

I don't, no... but it was probably still the right response.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-20 07:55:11

You can't really take him seriously. Like, I'm not even kidding here, look at his last comment...

You mean the comment about neutering and spaying being retarded and cruelty to dogs? Because that claim is actually factual. (the cruelty part, not the retarded part)

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-20 12:20:30

I meant the L A S T comment.
Surely you are so smart when you're not even sure what last means.
And ofcourse spaying and neutering is fucking cruel.
Thanks captain obvious! "Hur, some grass is green!"

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-08 19:06:49

Surely you are so smart when you're not even sure what last means.

I make 1000s of last comments. And each comment has several points into it. I can't read your mind to know which comment you are talking about. Next time, give proper context to your comment.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-08 19:09:20


WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-08 19:12:14

I was talking about HIS last comment, not YOURS. /u/Threwkw's comment.
Next time, know what the fuck you're talking about.
It was very clear that I was talking about his comment.
You thought I was talking about you huh?
Well surprise surprise, not everything revolves around you.
Awwwwh, do you feel attaaacked?

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-12 02:04:10

Huh? But that comment was directed at me. If you want to reply to Thewkw, then do so on his comment, not on my comment. Sigh...

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-12 14:34:43

His last comment = Threwkw's last comment.
Why the fuck did you think I was talking about you?
Not everything revolves around you or is directed at you.

Also, why would I call you a 'his' or a 'him' if I'm directly speaking with you? Wtf?
You should stop assuming things.

Huh? But that comment was directed at me. If you want to reply to Thewkw, then do so on his comment, not on my comment. Sigh...

Because you were the one who replied to me.
I answered, and then you can't even realize a simple dumb mistake.
Look at the fucking thread and see for yourself, or am I going to have to use pictures and do an ELI5 on how to read properly?

''Sigh...'' indeed, I'm getting a bit sick of you.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-14 01:43:38

His last comment = Threwkw's last comment.

Like I said, you gave poor context in your reply. You didn't said "Threwkw's last comment."

Look, you said: "You can't really take him seriously. Like, I'm not even kidding here, look at his last comment..."

That person last comment was this: "Nope, my dog has humped me and I just let it happen. Also, neutering and spaying is fucking retarded and is cruelty on it's own.

I asked you: "You mean the comment about neutering and spaying being retarded and cruelty to dogs? Because that claim is actually factual. (the cruelty part, not the retarded part)"

And you said: "And ofcourse spaying and neutering is fucking cruel."

So, why should his last comment about spaying and neutering being fucking cruel not to be taken seriously? Because that was his last comment.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-14 15:29:04

Like I said, you gave poor context in your reply. You didn't said "Threwkw's last comment." Look, you said: "You can't really take him seriously. Like, I'm not even kidding here, look at his last comment..."

Yes I did.
I was replying to THIS comment: ''Well, the 'anti-zoo' is going on about sexual adventures with their canine companion, so...''

The 'anti-zoo' is clearly Threwkw if you actually paid attention to the thread, but obviously you didn't.

That person last comment was this: "Nope, my dog has humped me and I just let it happen. Also, neutering and spaying is fucking retarded and is cruelty on it's own.

No it isn't his last comment.
Look at his post history and see for yourself.

I asked you: "You mean the comment about neutering and spaying being retarded and cruelty to dogs? Because that claim is actually factual. (the cruelty part, not the retarded part)" And you said: "And ofcourse spaying and neutering is fucking cruel."

And what did I say BEFORE that, in the same comment?
''I meant the L A S T comment.''
Implying I didn't mean the comment you were talking about but the last one in his post history.

Because that was his last comment.

No it isn't his last comment.
Look at his post history and see for yourself.

The stress is real, it's like talking to a dumb child.

Aluzky 0 points on 2017-01-16 20:16:39

Implying I didn't mean the comment you were talking about but the last one in his post history.

If you had given better context, this misunderstand could have been avoided.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2017-01-16 20:29:20

It was very fucking clear what I was talking about.
It couldn't get more obvious.

this misunderstand could have been avoided.

It could have been avoided if you weren't so afraid of losing.
Stop making an argument out of everything.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-21 20:03:13

It was very fucking clear what I was talking about.

only clear to you, other people can't read your mind. Your comments lacked context to make them clear.

It could have been avoided if you weren't so afraid of losing.

I'm not afraid of losing, I actually get pleasure from losing as I learn that I was wrong about something. That is a good thing, not a bad thing. loosing an argument is not bad. lol.

Stop making an argument out of everything.

Can't do.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-21 21:16:20

only clear to you, other people can't read your mind. Your comments lacked context to make them clear.

Where's the evidence that it's only clear to me?
My comments don't lack context, you just don't like losing or are very dumb.
Go on.
Ask the other people here.
Show them these comments, unless you don't want to be proven wrong.

I'm not afraid of losing, I actually get pleasure from losing as I learn that I was wrong about something. That is a good thing, not a bad thing. loosing an argument is not bad. lol.

Oh oh ohhh yesss I I I I'm n-n-not af-f-f-fraid O O O OOoof losing, r-r-really!

Can't do.


Aluzky 2 points on 2016-11-20 07:56:24

my dog has humped me and I just let it happen.

Please, consider giving him a hand so he reaches his goal, or, if you have cash, you can actually buy sex toys for dogs. Is a rubber dog that they can hump and knot.

masterofthecontinuum 1 point on 2016-12-03 14:44:00

Do vets actually perform those as alternatives?

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2016-12-03 18:12:00

From what I have read, few do, but there are some.

Aluzky 1 point on 2016-11-20 07:53:23

Maybe because the owner had sex with that dog first and got used to being a sex slave.

That may be the case. Like a female big dog living with a small dog, she never lets other dogs mate her but she has no problems with that little dog doing her (even that he can't reach) my guess is that a female dog picks a mate that she likes, be a chihuahua (her being a great dane) or a human and rejects everything else.

Similar happens with stray dogs, where the female rejects every male but only lets some of them that she likes to fuck her.

PS: Dogs are not slaves, if anything is the oposite, humans are slaved to serve dogs, we feed them, pick up their shit, give them shelter, free health care love and so on without asking hem to do anything for us other than being there and be a dog.

PPS: I see nothing wrong with the female preferring a human or a chihuahua over other dogs of their size.

i never find any of these stories without zoophiles owning these pets

I have talk with people who have told me such stories and I don't think the owner was a zoophile. You can find such stories if you look around, no way jose that all of those case was because of zoophiles.

hotnwetnow 1 point on 2016-12-13 23:18:58

That's because no one other than a true zoophile will admit to having sex with animals!

Threwkw 1 point on 2016-12-16 17:07:28

Not really, but okay.
This discussion is over
It's obvious that everyone only believes this because of bias

Kynophile Dog lover 5 points on 2016-11-18 22:12:00

Do you know why an animal presents it self ?

Typically as a signal of affirmation to a potential mate. In short, "take me, stud."

When a Female dog does this , it's because she wants to mate.
If you'd get a male dog, she'd rather choose that dog.

Would she? That depends on the individual animal. Sexual imprinting, through prolonged positive experiences (nonsexual, of course) has been found in numerous social animals, especially birds and domesticated creatures. How can you be sure that this doesn't happen to other species too.

The ''but they also have sexual urges'' excuse does not work here, get her a male dog then.

A lot of pet owners are concerned with pregnancy and dealing with puppies. Of course, the use of sex toys to help them relieve tension, without sexual contact by a human body part, may be a compromise. But there's a whole spectrum between abstinence and raw fucking.

You also confuse a dog when doing this and hurt it mentally.

Confuse them how? What false or misleading ideas or emotions are produced by this? Unless you start by supposing that love and lust should always be within the same species, I'm not sure what about the species divide would change the psycholohical impact do greatly.

As for male dogs, they also hump when excited and this is not sexual behavior because they learn this is a puppy.

It starts as excitement and anxiety, then gets channeled sometimes as an expression of sexual attraction. The psychological theory "exotic becomes erotic" describes this process for humans, and I'd be surprised if the same mechanisms didn't apply to other mammals.

do you think they have sexual urges as a puppy? obv not.

Your logic sucks. Just because a behavior is sometimes nonsexual does not mean it's always nonsexual.

would a male human always be horny when he's excited? obv not.

Same fallacy. As an example, people sometimes eat without being hungry (for taste or social reasons). By your logic, eating is never done because of hunger. Do competitive eaters eat for hunger at contests? Obviously not.

Susitar Canidae 5 points on 2016-11-18 22:53:09

This was one of the worst written blog texts I've ever read. It spreads the "Alpha dog" myth (debunked here: and here:

It also claims that dogs don't masturbate. Which they do.

It also seems to be more about Dominance and submission than bestiality, so I don't get why this is relevant to the thread.

fuzzyfurry 6 points on 2016-11-19 00:46:02

Yea right, ""

The taboos about this subject are so strong that it’s difficult to find good data, but information does exist, and hopefully more will come to light from peer-reviewed sources to document what anyone ever involved in animal rescue already knows about what a terrible problem bestiality can be, both for people and the animals, in addition to other forms of animal abuse.

You see, this author comes from a place where they "already know" the truth and good data is "difficult to find". So you know this is going to be biased.

Well, what is there to say about this blog entry. It's littered with unrelated anecdotes to "prove" that all of the dogs' behavior is due to a hardwired dominance/submission framework, even though the whole dominance theory is quite controversial in itself. Stuff like this is presented in a matter-of-fact tone:

For a submissive dog- they DON’T WANT to be in charge. So if you do something that tells the dog that you consider them over you in the hiearchy- have sex with them or feed them before you eat, etc then the dog is stressed. It is very unfair to keep a dog in a constant state of stress

But I would bet quite some money that after all, this is an opinion based on the author's mindset. Personally, I have never seen an animal psychology study dealing with the stress level of dogs who have sex with humans. How does she know that dogs are actually hardwired to see sex that way? Even if everything about dominance theory she said is true: Where is it established that dogs do not learn from context that sex can just be a fun pastime that does not change their "status"? I can summarize the entire thing for you: "Trust me, I've read books".

Whenever I raise a puppy- I do t-posturing with the puppy- I do this with adult dogs too – but ONLY with more dominant dogs. More submissive dogs don’t want to move up so they don’t need the reminder. T-posturing is sort of like mounting- if you ever see dogs together you will usually see t-posturing and/or mounting so it is a very good way to establish dominance in the dog’s language. with dogs- one dog (the more subordinate) will be standing and the more dominant dog will come up and put their paws on the back of the other dog. There is no humping motion they just stay like that for a few seconds.

I am certainly not an expert in the science of dog psychology, so I would really like an actual expert to chime in and rate this paragraph...

Dogs don’t really masturbate

Why would anyone claim something that is so easily disproved by going to youtube and searching for masturbating dogs? There are countless videos of masturbating dogs, some having it figured out better than others and some definitely intently rubbing their sheath with their paws.

I have known of vets that have ‘jacked off dogs’ – to get a sample (sperm counts for instance in dogs that will be used for breeding) and there doesn’t seem to be any connection to dominance there. There have not been any real studies on this so all I have to go on is my personal experience. There could be a chance that engaging in oral with a dog might give the dog (if he is more dominant) the idea that he can move up in the pack order.

So suddenly we acknowledge that masturbating a dog is not changing their status, according to this kind of dominance theory, but there aren't even reliable studies about that?

HIGHLY recommend Cesar Millan’s show The Dog Whisperer for understanding how to act so your dog behaves.

Yea, nothing uncontroversial about this guy and his training methods. Nothing at all.

There are several things presented as fact in this article that are questionable at best. Just saying.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 6 points on 2016-11-18 22:50:49

this is an adult topic. underage B&.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-18 22:52:14


todaywefox 7 points on 2016-11-19 03:18:13

There are so many better things in life you could be doing than harassing people you don't agree with. Maybe the question you ask yourself is, why am I so bothered by this? Zoophiles have animals that are well cared for, are more happy, and are healthier than most animals.

If you want to complain, walk down the street to the poor dog chained in the back yard who never has the opportunity to see their master. They are fed the cheapest of food and maybe yelled at when they get too loud. Knock on the door and say, "Hey, why do you just keep your dog chained up in the back yard? Why even have them in the first place? You know zoophiles treat their animals with much more caring respect than you do?"

People are quick to bigotry when sex may or may not be involved but turn a blind eye to the real problems.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-11-19 03:50:38

As a kid, my family used to own this old female dog that was deaf, and as such, barked at everything. She was always chained up in the front yard.

She'd even bark at us when we got home. My dad's response to this, to "shut her up" was to kick her. Hard.

It took me years to realize how messed up this was.

Guess who were most critical of me when I came out as a zoo?

My parents.

The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2016-11-21 02:58:23


That was the saddest thing I've read in a while....

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-21 20:21:24

It's another of my great regrets that I used to laugh when he did this...

Like I said, I was a kid and didn't know any better, but it still tears me up. It was so fucked...

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-19 05:09:14

I absolutely understand the urge to defend zoophilia against allegations, but you should totally refrain from generalisations. Don´t make the same mistake as your opponents.

"Zoophiles have animals that are well cared for, are more happy, and are healthier than most animals." Wow, an audacious statement. But where do you get YOUR data from to come to such a conclusion? You know, "positive" prejudice also is prejudice. I cannot support your statements the least little bit. True, some zoophiles´ animals are in excellent shape and happy. But it´s also true that there are more than enough examples of the opposite. I´m also interested how you found out about the happiness level of an animal....could it be you´re just assuming things, trying to portray them as facts? I repeat: don´t generalize! This wil only lead to trench fight mentality ("us" vs. "them").

You should also stop trying to fend off accusations by pointing at other stuff that you deem worse than your own conduct. The fact that YOU drove over a red light won´t make it more justified for ME to park in a non parking zone. Those two things are completely not related to each other and should be dealt exactly that way. Yeah, I know, animals treated bad, the meat industry, etc, bla bla bla...this won´t work, guys! It never worked, it never will work.

You also should watch your mouth, accusing the outsider world of bigotry because they don´t applaud you while fucking an animal won´t help our cause. We all have seen what happens when an "avantgarde" is so locked in its own reality tunnels it won´t realize it has entirely lost contact to the "normal" people. The SWJs just recently had their "judgement day" in the US...leading to a enormous shift of political culture to the right wing side. Trump may not be a "homophobe" (still a shitty word, nobody becomes catatonic from seeing a gay person, phobiae usually are mental illnesses), but the team he puts into important positions surely is. We should all learn from this, we all should recognize the mechanics behind this. The more you feel as a "sexually progressive avantgarde", the more likely you´ll lose contact to the real world entirely and the sooner you´re doomed to face the backlash. Trying to force people into sexual permissiveness might result in a society becoming gradually less and less permissive.

todaywefox 2 points on 2016-11-21 04:35:09

Just remember, this isn't a formal debate where performance is measured by an outside unbiased judge. No one is tallying up the scores between either side. There are no winners here. If we relied on just solid facts then the argument is already over. I have never found studies comparing the health of animals that are pets of zoophiles vs other types of people. So all I have are personal experiences and the stories I can find by others. This may not be proper debating but nothing is without some documented facts. That doesn't mean we should sit around responding to others with long winded statements on the fallacy of their questions and statements.

Back to happiness. I have grown up with pets all my life and there are obvious signs in both cats and dogs that can relay their emotional state. These signs are both physical and behavioral. This is something backed up by research and other pet owners. Just some really simple examples: Confident dogs with a clean coat of fur that approach strangers with interest but not complete fear. Cats that purr, that don't walk around the house marking everything, a sign that may show stress or anxiety. Animals with energy and vigor when in play. These are all indications of healthy animals. I could also argue that I can see it in the eyes as well.

I can tell you spent a long time considering what I said but in the end it comes down to an outsider completely disgusted by one simple idea, "a human have sex with an animal." Or at least, that is who the questions is posed. They already know what they know, I don't need to tell them that side of the story. Yes, some people are rapist and I would not consider them a zoophile. You could maybe call them an animal fetishist. Maybe some are psychopaths. Maybe there are some zoophiles that are psychopaths. But, from personal experience, I have never met a self proclaimed zoophile who also mistreated their animals unless they had some sort of mental problem. At that point you should be blaming their mental state, not all zoophiles, for their actions. The reasonable mannered people I have meet have always been great caregivers. I know this is falling back to personal experience but we have no real studies to back this up. Even if a researched wanted to study this there would be too few people volunteering information.

And yes, calling outsiders bigots is fairly harsh, but in the end that's what it is. Complete intolerance to other opinions which is typically what you see. A mention of sex with an animal and people immediately start in with the insults without considering exactly what most of us define the label "zoophile," which tends to be much more focused on a deeper love and respect of animals than the general population. I didn't call the original poster a bigot. I only mention it because generally that's the sort of reaction I see towards zoophilia.

Aluzky 3 points on 2016-11-20 07:39:33

Go ahead, delete this so nobody can see the truth. But I'm honestly curious here..

Do you know why an animal presents it self ? When a Female dog does this , it's because she wants to mate.

If you'd get a male dog, she'd rather choose that dog.

Not necessarily true. I know of female bitches who deny sex when in heat to every male (yet the bitch seemed to ask their owner for sex) duno if that guy was a zoo. But this type of cases are not unheard off, which is why some people pay money to have their dogs forcibly impregnated with artificial insemination, because the bitch keeps rejecting every male.

Also, a human uses lubrication and has no knot, where dogs don't use lubrication and have a knot that can get painful for her, not to mention that a dog dick has a bone in the center, so being fucked by them is like being fucked by a broomstick (it can get quite painful) She may rather a dog till she feel pain from the knot or the bone and is too late to get him out once they tie. On youtube you can find thousands of dog mating videos some of them shows the bitch in severe pain from the knot, probably a well endowed male or a tiny vagina or a birth defect in the vagina causing pain. One video I saw, the bitch poured a lot of blood from her vagina after the tie. In the end, a human can make sure that the bitch is in no pain and not harmed, where a male dog can't ensure that to a bitch.

Also, so what if she rather a dog over a human human? In the end she has the same amount of fun if not more fun. Also, dogs rater a deer stake over kibble, but they are equally as happy eating anything that smells or taste good.

Really it's funny how you delusional freaks don't realise this. The ''but they also have sexual urges'' excuse does not work here, get her a male dog then.

Sadly, things don't world like that in real life, you can breed a dog every time they are in heat. First, it is not recommended for them to have sex on the first or second heat, then it is recommended for them to have one heat of rest after having a litter. Shew will still desire sex during those times, why not pleasure her with a finger her or tongue or dick? And what if some one can't keep a litter, is he/she superposed to let her bitch being sexually frustrated? Sorry, but they should not let that happen, just because you don't like the idea of a human giving pleasure to a dog.

You also confuse a dog when doing this and hurt it (sic:them) mentally.

Citation needed. Where is the evidence that the dog gets confused or harmed mentally?

As for male dogs, they also hump when excited and this is not sexual behavior because they learn this is a puppy.

Most of us can tell the difference between a hump from a dog that is just happy and a dog that is horny. The dog shooting precum while humping is a big hint that he is not just happy. Even if some one gets naked for a "happy dog" if he is just existed and not horny, he won't fuck the person. And that is that.

do you think they have sexual urges as a puppy? obv not.

Irrelevant, we aren't having sex with puppies.

would a male human always be horny when he's excited? obv not.

Irrelevant, this is about adult dogs, not humans.

West_dogger niks soos die liefde van 'n hond 3 points on 2016-11-20 10:09:36

Awe :(

It's retarded

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-08 16:28:48


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-08 17:56:32

You do realize this OP later confessed he let himself get humped by a dog and just "let it happen?"

He's a troll, not a reasonable person. Much like you. Hur hur.

Having zoophilic tendencies is a mental illness

Actually, it's not by the DSM and APA definition of one. But don't let that stop you.

hotnwetnow 1 point on 2016-12-13 23:15:43

Beastiality is as right as any other type of fornication. If you're talking " morally right " no sin is worse than another!