Interesting Revelation I Just Had About Aluzky (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-11-20 13:41:45 by [deleted]


30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2016-11-20 14:33:50

I appreciate copying in the various signals of psychopathy for everyone to compare it to test subject "A". Maybe this opens some more pairs of eyes...

But you have to understand one basic thing about the whole bestiality/zoophilia complex: it´s a weirdo magnet. The "zoo community" mostly is a cesspool of people with various deviancies, mental defects, sociopathic individuals, fantasizers, really shouldn´t be so extraordinary when someone like test subject "A" emerges. Taboo sexuality inevitably attracts weirdos like light attracts moths.

I hope that this entire Aluzky episode is over soon, it poisons the atmosphere in here (..and that is MY duty, goddamn ;) ). But this whole shabangabang wonderfully illustrates why we as a community haven´t progressed the least little bit in the last two decades. We´re basically dealing with the same old bullshit from the outside as well as the "inside" and it seems we as a community can´t find enough commonplaces to shape our public image towards a more "ideal" and idealistic zoophilia. Aluzky is a fine example for that. Sure, lots of this reddit´s members have turned against him , but the occasional relativations keep popping up, definitions are bended until they fit into the own agenda (Have I mentioned that this exact same mistake has stolen "our" z-word from us, turning it into a stupid synonym for bestiality/ animal fucking?) and every single effort to install zoophilia as what it is is destroyed.

Don´t put the blame entirely on Mr A though. Mr A is not an exception, not a "singularity". There are many of his kind out there, equally entitled to "teach zoophilia" to the public, usually with very humble and dim results. It´s not Mr A´s fault, he´s just a product of what the "zoo community" has become; as a member of the first IRC chats, he would have been destroyed by all of us every fucking single time he would´ve showed up. That´s what this poisonous habit of definition bending and finding excuses for inexcusable things inevitably leads to. That´s what happens when a community corrupts its own values , for the sole purpose of "being tolerant". As much as Aluzky is a symptom of what is wrong with him, he´s also a symptom of what is wrong with us, the entire community, worldwide. Too much "laissez faire", too much "tolerance" for no other reason than feeling personally "avantgarde". With guys like Aluzky, this basic mistake our community has made some decades ago is falling back onto our feet and we shouldn´t do the common human scapegoat routine. Instead, we should start to ask ourselves what we´ve done wrong, so wrong that a guy like Aluzky boldly claims the z-word for himself. Some may like me in here, some may not. But regardless of anyone´s personal feelings towards me, you all need to open your eyes and realize my criticism isn´t trolling, isn´t stirring up shit for entertainment purposes. Things are NOT well in the zoo universe. And it´s not the evil, intolerant and hateful outside world that is to blame.

I´m not a psychologist and won´t try to diagnose Aluzky, although I have certain suspicions based on the overall impressions I gathered by reading through various replies from him, here, under youtube vids, in other "zoo" forums...we zoophiles have been apathetic for too long; and that´s not Aluzky´s fault. WE failed to clarify things and set things straight right from the beginning. Someone like Aluzky is only possible because we let him do whatever he wants, uncontradicted, overly "tolerant" and complacent.

My final words on Aluzky: Yes, Aluzky is the mother of an example for a genuine dick fucking our community. To end it, we only need to stop being such complacent, "tolerant" cunts...that´s all, folks.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-11-21 02:00:25

My final words on Aluzky: Yes, Aluzky is the mother of an example for a genuine dick fucking our community. To end it, we only need to stop being such complacent, "tolerant" cunts...that´s all, folks.

I have no love for Alusky, I find many his arguments to be poorly reasoned and not compelling. I don't think his methods of argumenting are effective.

But....this is the internet, how does one exclude those one disagrees with? How does a community exclude others when membership in that community is anonymous?

If having poor arguments and being a dick were enough to exclude someone, why are you still here? Why am I? Each one of us likely has someone who we think doesn't belong; were it possible we'd all ban eachother if it were possible.

Here's my counter, rather than attempting to exclude every person we disagree with, how about we dismantle what we perceive as the poor ideas or actions and call them out? By calling out bad ideas we improve in several ways; the bad idea gets dismantled and those supporting it can see where they have made an error and those reading it gain the same benefit.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2016-11-20 14:44:13

TIL I'm also a psychopath lol. you know what people say about self diagnosis. well here you are not only doing that, but doing it to someone after you have only seen a tiny snapshot into their personality from their online posts. I'm sorry but you have to realise how silly this post is.

I personally thought we got him to go away for good

stop speaking for everyone in /r/zoo thanks. that shit really grinds my gears.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-20 15:41:37

SilverPluto only does what you folks tend to do when confronted with the outside world...pulling out some obscure "scientific" work that only serves to back you up on already existent prejudices. Hani Miletski, anybody? ;) Why is it totally appropriate to "diagnose" any random person coming in here as bona fide zoophile, "because Miletski" et al, but completely inappropriate when you don´t like the outcome of such?

It´s a fact that something definitely doesn´t seem right with Mr A. And the fact that you can find yourself in this list of symptoms would keep me from taking this lightly...what if you truly are a psychopath, actuallynotazoophile? As I said, our community is a cesspool of individuals with certain issues and thus, it wouldn´t be much of a surprise to find yet another one besides from Aluzky.

Unlike Miletski´s work, this list is backed up by actual research.

And about the "stop speaking for everyone" thing....well, aren´t you one of those who do exactly that? Why do you try to stop SilverPluto from speaking out his mind, but are totally okay when someone like Aluzky does that in public, totally blowing any chance of gaining tolerance for our orientation? Did you take a look outside? Haven´t you realized what damage is done on a daily basis?

See, it´s exactly that mindset I´m accusing, this self coomplacent idiocy that this tolerance bs has become. Tolerance yes, free speech yes, but only if it is supporting your own agenda, your own beliefs, your own little filter bubble. Sad.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-11-29 06:20:38

SilverPluto only does what you folks tend to do when confronted with the outside world...pulling out some obscure "scientific" work that only serves to back you up on already existent prejudices. Hani Miletski, anybody? ;)

And yet actual peer-reviewed literature cites Miletski.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-11-20 17:23:36

2 downvotes? gosh, i wonder where those came from. ;) just here to say i agree that you can't diagnose from afar with only a little bit of text to go by.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 0 points on 2016-11-20 17:43:54

''little bit of text''
He has tons of reddit and youtube comments where almost all the the behavior mentioned above is shown.
Why do you feel the need to stand up for him anyways?
What good does he do to us?
Edit: I meant that he is more harmless than helpful.
I really don't understand why you guys can't see he is giving us a bad name.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-20 18:05:16

That´s not the problem here, mate. It´s the attack on long held beliefs of the sex lib agenda that makes people supportive of Aluzky. Even though this agenda has proven to be completely uneffective and delusional, it´s hard to dismiss these long held beliefs because it would let the "believer" realize he was wrong all the time. Thus the defending. It´s also not relevant if Captain A does us any good or not, it´s more of a principles thing. The "well, my team is shit this season, but it´s still MY team" mentality.

Anyway, that bit of "with only a little bit of text" was fucking hilarious though...

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-11-21 01:08:19

Why do you feel the need to stand up for him anyways?

i'm not defending aluszky. i'm defending reason.

i want to say that again, because you are not the only one who is making the assumption that i'm defending aluzky, and i want to make absolutely sure everyone's paying attention here, because i'm also not the only person who has a problem with this thread.


drawing conclusions based on so little info without having the training needed to properly interpret said data is pointless. that and what has been said by several so far ..

why are we still even discussing this? giving attention to someone we (almost?) all agree is bad news? are we really that bored?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-11-20 18:07:31

In case this is aimed at me, I have to disappoint you. I´m not using the voting system at all...I very rarely press any of the arrows next to a post because this voting BS is entirely stupid whatsoever.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-11-21 01:09:41

touchee. i take that back. i'm guessing now that the two downvotes were the OP and warcanine, then. :P

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-21 06:50:19

Why do you assume I do stuff like that?
This feature won't help me prove my point in any way.
I'm the one who's getting downvoted, you know.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-11-22 05:20:31

shrug i guess i owe two apologies then. just know that you aren't the only one getting downvoted, and that you don't always get downvoted.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-22 06:20:02

You don't owe anyone anything.
Wait, why the fuck are we talking in a deleted post?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-21 00:03:24

stop speaking for everyone in /r/zoo thanks. that shit really grinds my gears.


WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-20 15:42:22

Really, it is no secret that this guy is not good in his head.
We shouldn't make threads about him because it'll only attract the bird brain and bring more negativity.
We should probably let it die out, as you can see he also gets sick of argueing.
For example, he chooses not to reply to some of my comments anymore and uses ''trolling'' as an excuse.
While nobody cares, I'm still going to say it: This is the most annoying person I have ever met in my life, next to my mother.
I never knew I would met such an annoying person, especially when I should be on his side because he supports zoophilia and is against spaying/neutering, but he takes it way too far.
inb4 ''citation needed'' / ''do you have ANY SCIENTIFIC proof of that?'' / ''I'm smarter than you, I have reasons and facts, you don't.''

Pluto, you really fucked yourself right now, though.
Expect a never-ending, 'educational', torturous argument with him.
Oh, and don't be surprised if he denies anything you say and when you provide proof, he says it's wrong.
And even worse, when you ask him to provide proof and it turns out he suddenly doesn't care anymore.

Swibblestein 4 points on 2016-11-20 19:21:15

As a general rule, trying to diagnose someone with a psychiatric disorder over the internet shows how little understanding you have of the subject.

You realize that psychiatrists actually... you know, have to obtain a degree? And that process doesn't simply include them being handed a few checklists and being told "okay just read this off and you're done".