Tracked (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-11-22 05:51:31 by findmeawoman221


Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 2 points on 2016-11-22 06:11:12
WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-22 06:12:07

Yeah sure, and I guess the world will end tomorrow.
Nonono, it was advice from a friend, so it's 100% right.
Especially without any evidence.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-11-22 06:53:36


Ok, I'll humor you. Now how are you going to explain your illegal hacking of reddit? Fruit of a poisened tree and all that?

At least in American court, even if what you said was true (and it most certainly isn't), you can't touch me, AND you just incriminated yourself. Nice try at scare tactics though.

findmeawoman221 1 point on 2016-11-22 08:42:04

Think you missed the point of the post. -"" good though

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-22 10:28:31

You're really special if you think the police can use anything gotten from reddit without a court order, which frankly, isn't happening without a federal warrant. As bestiality isn't a federal crime, not happening.

My question is now why you are trying to scare people?

findmeawoman221 1 point on 2016-11-22 10:42:46

I have been a lawyer for 27 years, I think I know how the law works haha

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-22 11:15:24

Could've fooled me.

findmeawoman221 1 point on 2016-11-22 11:45:38

Based on what exactly? That I have replied to a few comments? Is that what you've based your conclusion on? A tad strange but to each their own

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-23 00:59:42

I base it on your cardinal misunderstandings of the legal system and horrible grammar. It's not suggestive of a legal background, to say the least.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-22 11:19:14

The 'haha' at the end just finishes it.
What's next? You are the smartest person alive with an IQ of 135 and only use facts?

findmeawoman221 0 points on 2016-11-22 11:43:57

Not too sure why you're going on? If you say you're safe then you're safe, why are backfiring the whole time? Only time will tell what will happen.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-22 12:17:27

Time won't tell, your lack of evidence tells enough.

findmeawoman221 -1 points on 2016-11-22 12:23:26

And that's perfectly fine to believe, we all have our opinions

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-22 12:42:32

I just love how you are convinced that we are in danger.
But even funnier, no one believes you anyways, so you can try what you want but it won't work.

findmeawoman221 0 points on 2016-11-22 15:42:30

My friend I feel the same way about you

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-11-22 15:53:53

Good for you I guess.
But as you can see, nobody believes and you're still trying.
Please, do go on.
I bet people will believe you if you force it even more. (It's quite amusing.)

findmeawoman221 1 point on 2016-11-22 17:36:50

And that is perfectly find with me

2580741 1 point on 2016-11-22 18:26:07

your IP addresses as or not sure what else are being tracked and information is being handed to police

I have been a lawyer for 27 years

Not with those writing skills, you haven't

findmeawoman221 1 point on 2016-11-22 19:10:14

Miss spelling dear

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-22 20:32:39

You mean grammar issues?

doghumper 3 points on 2016-11-22 06:58:20

thank you for the friendly reminder to keep using and

demsweetdoggykisses 6 points on 2016-11-22 08:04:31

Oh noes! not mah IPz!

Seriously, what were you hoping to accomplish with this post? Are you so naive about the law or are you so naive that you think others are also ignorant?

"inside spy" lol. Wow, so glad we have friends on the inside in our continual fight against the global powers that would stop at nothing to see everyone who... to stop everyone that....

Wait, hold up, what exactly ARE we doing posting on this sub that anyone in the world would care about?

Police Chief: "Okay guys looks like we got another big one, from our unnamed source that has as much power as the goddamn FBI, lets get all units together and get ready to take down another internet browsing person who likes to look at sexy animals and furries!"

findmeawoman221 -1 points on 2016-11-22 08:41:17

It was nothing but a warning, good luck bud

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-22 09:15:24

Where the fuck did you get this information and why do you even believe it?
We don't fear some random 'l33tz em el gee hax0r.'

findmeawoman221 -1 points on 2016-11-22 09:17:00

Haha don't say someone didn't warn you

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2016-11-22 09:29:56

There's no need for me to say that in the first place.
You don't even have any evidence.
Really, you're fooling no one.

findmeawoman221 -4 points on 2016-11-22 09:33:29

Wait.. are you unaware how many people trade numbers and invite others to chat rooms? Because it seems to me that you're unaware of many things, don't be fooled

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-22 10:05:49

In that case nobody is really in danger here.
Who says all of us trade numbers and talk in chat rooms?
Really, we (I?) don't fall for that shit.
It seems that you are the one unaware of many things.
We aren't retards, thank you.

findmeawoman221 -1 points on 2016-11-22 10:10:48

Lol bud it was a warning not a threat, good luck though!

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-11-22 10:17:41

Never said it was.
Tell me, what is this luck for?
I'm not even in danger, so...

findmeawoman221 0 points on 2016-11-22 10:27:07

That's good for you then!

demsweetdoggykisses 2 points on 2016-11-22 13:09:26

You're a child thinking you can scare the bad, bad men that you equate with pedophilia even though most of the people here just shitpost and daydream about a totally legal lifestyle or fantasy.

Why do I need good luck? This is reddit, I could post at length about how I wish someone would blow up a building and it would be completely in admissible as anything. So why would anyone care about people who talk about sexuality and animals are thinking or talking about doing?

You didn't really think your cunning plan through. Waiting for the inevitable account or post deletion so you can pretend you didn't make a bunch of strangers laugh at your cringe-worthy attempt at being sneaky and scary.

findmeawoman221 1 point on 2016-11-22 15:43:50

The irony is you calling me cringe worthy, but it's okay we shall see

demsweetdoggykisses 1 point on 2016-11-22 15:59:42

Ahaha so it comes out, wow it didn't even take more than finding your trigger word. Well played "secret spy friend on the inside" got any more helpful warnings?

findmeawoman221 1 point on 2016-11-22 17:11:01

Quite defensive bunch, like I said and I'll say 100 more times, only time will tell

Ps that wasn't a "trigger word" i literally replied to a message

demsweetdoggykisses 1 point on 2016-11-22 21:44:01

I don't think you get it, we're not defensive, we are all laughing at you. This shit is funny. Please continue.

findmeawoman221 1 point on 2016-11-23 02:45:21

Then we can laugh together!

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 2 points on 2016-11-24 14:30:08

Gillette called, they want their prototype edge back

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-22 08:27:33


fuzzyfurry 6 points on 2016-11-22 10:23:03
Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-11-22 10:36:31

I don't know why you are getting downvoted, that basically summarizes this thread...

2580741 1 point on 2016-11-22 18:24:23

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 1 point on 2016-11-24 14:28:41

ooh god help i need air

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2016-11-22 10:32:49

Muhahaha! It was me all along! It was I who snatched all of your precious IPs! Soon you will all face the court for your crime of shitposting on the internet! Tremble in fear, for this Chyiff has no pity for the likes of you!

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 1 point on 2016-11-22 16:16:58

Doesn't Reddit also hide info like this?

findmeawoman221 1 point on 2016-11-22 17:18:47

Actually Reddit has been contacted multiple times over this sub, people seem to be very unintelligent here, you do sign up to be on Reddit, you do it from an area, from a device, using an email, the email was created on a device.

I don't think people understand just how many people have reported this site, I was actually helping, i wasnt trying to scare anyone or be rude, I was warning those who were going to either take my warning or weren't

Reddit does not condone this kind of behavior, they turned a blind eye but it got out of hand, a publisher making it front page that Reddit, a huge massive site that influence people allow that animals be reaped, now don't get me wrong I AM NOT CALLING IT RAPE, others will though, I know all these things for a fact, I know what's happening, I know who and what they're after I know what information they're going to get.

I feel bad for the majority of you that aren't dicks and it was a pure warning that this is becoming a real thing now

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2016-11-22 17:46:33

you do it from an area

Wherever the tor exit node happens to be

from a device

tor-browser is designed to not leak any information like that

using an email

no, you can sign up without an email address. I do have one connected to get into quarantined subreddits.

the email was created on a device

the webinterface from, over tor.

allow that animals be reaped

\> reaped

I have no doubt that the NSA etc. have facilities to identify tor users. But unless we have a complete world wide police state I do not believe that they will use this for "small fish" like the people here.

demsweetdoggykisses 2 points on 2016-11-22 21:45:26


demsweetdoggykisses 2 points on 2016-11-22 21:50:52

just curious, are they going after all the really huge bestiality sites as well? The ones that are more than just people talking to and supporting each other? The ones who deal with real people making videos and meeting up?

And if so, which ones and on what grounds? No, really, please tell me how some complaints against reddit are supposed to scare anyone when there are literally thousands upon thousands of people signing up to huge websites that feature people doing really, really dubious things to animals, and millions upon millions of people subscribing and downloading content from those sites.

I'd like to know. Because a lot of those places have been around a lot longer, so what time frame are we looking at for The Internet IP Police to track down our "devices" and charge us with... talking?

findmeawoman221 0 points on 2016-11-23 02:44:46

Do some research bud, you're very uneducated

demsweetdoggykisses 1 point on 2016-11-23 03:03:24
fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2016-11-23 01:35:49

I find this quite ironic. There are subreddits where people celebrate killing animals and showing off the corpses of their victims. For example /r/Hunting. I just looked through that subreddit for about an hour. I'm usually pretty numb to seeing dead animals after seeing stuff like Earthlings, but one or the other thread over there still manages to evoke a feeling of physical sickness.

I caught these two girls together walking. A pulled up my rifle and hit one in the lung while the other one just watched. I put another round In the chamber and and the other one in the heart and it took off but didn't get too far :)


:) :)

;) :) :)

:) :) :) :)

This is the cow elk my dad shot earlier this month. He hit her behind the ribs and the arrow went up through the cage and out her neck, a solid hit. She ran after he hit her, and he figured an hour would be more than enough time for her to bleed out. An hour later he gets out of the tree stand and starts tracking blood, and in about 100 yards he finds her down but she gets up. He stuck her again through the cage and she runs off, so he figured he just made two bad shots on her and the chance of recovery was pretty low. He waits two hours after the second shot to go find her, gets up to her again and she runs again. By this time it was dark, and he just decided to try again in the morning. I got up with him the next day and we started where he saw her last the night before, we found her like this about 75 yards from where he got her up. Coyotes ate about 2/3 of the rear quarters on her, all in all we got between 75-100 lbs of meat in the freezer. Moral of this story- kill the damn coyotes when you see them.


This video got quite an unusual reaction out of me, it made me want to become uncontrollably violent against this guy. It's very unusual for me to feel that way, but that video managed to do it.

"Reddit does not condone this kind of behavior", please!

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-11-22 18:23:40


actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-11-22 19:07:15
