Questions about bestiality (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-11-23 11:04:32 by FunWithSun47

My first question was about clean up: With male dogs, is their cum hard to clean off carpets and or normal floors With female dogs, if they are creampied, how would the cum be removed from her vagina. 2nd Question is about safety and taste: I've read that dog penises taste metallic and like blood, is that true? And is there any way to change the taste, like diet and such? Is it safe to eat out a female dog? Is it safe to creampie a dog? 3rd question: What types of question will the vet have and what should I answer? Is there any way a vet could know if a human has been having sex with a female dog? Last question: What will female dogs do during heat? I've read that they bleed and such, but will that make a mess? And when, during heat, is the best time to have sex?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 13 points on 2016-11-23 12:08:59

I'm going to post a little pre-emptive strike against people who would tell you to "shoo" to /r/bestiality.

Please, don't.

While we don't really focus on the physical act here, these are legitimate questions, and he is unlikely to get any answers there.

I would ask you, /u/FunWithSun47, to flag this nsfw as the rules ask however. There should be an option beneath your post. Thanks.

IAmAZoophile 6 points on 2016-11-23 22:19:45

I would hope that this kind of post is welcomed here-- it's important for people to be well-informed about how to safely engage in sex acts with their animals, and there aren't many other good, reliable resources out there for learning about stuff like that.

Short of questions that suggest the animal is being objectified-- e.g. 'Which breed of dog should I get to have sex with?'-- this sort of thing seems like exactly what the sub should be for.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-11-23 23:20:42

I agree, I just feel that some here might have missed that point so I was doing a gentle reminder.

[deleted] 5 points on 2016-12-05 05:42:11


StoneCold1925 2 points on 2016-12-07 06:24:22

I would like to know as well.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 15 points on 2016-11-23 13:09:58

I agree with Rannochs sentiment, as education of safety is always important. Male dogs produce very thin cum, which is very easy to clean with a carpet washer, or just a towel on wood floor. You can clean up a female with a warm, clean, damp washcloth gently, or giving her a full-on bath. Creampies are safe as long as you're not carrying any crazy diseases heh.

Dog penises do not taste like that in my opinion. The member itself doesn't really have a ton of flavor, but it has a specific feeling. The fluids are the more flavorful part. It does have a slightly salty and metallic taste, but the flavor is overall pretty mild, and i wouldn't say there's any blood taste at all(though to be fair very rarely does anything bloody ever enter my mouth)

Questions depend on the vet. One of my boys is intact and the only question I got was was i considering getting him neutered and I said perhaps but likely no, expressed some concerns with personality changes from it, and he gave me like a pamphlet and that was it. Some vets really push and push for it, but if that happens just change vets. As long as you're not hurting or forcing your dog in any way, and you wait 24-48 hours before a vet visit before continuing sexual contact with her, the answer is very likely no but that's just observed, not based on any actual data or teachings they get.

During heat, female dogs do a couple different things depending where they are. Yeah, they bleed. It's part of the process. It can get messy especially if they don't clean themselves, but you can use diapers and pads (and underwear with the tail through the crotch) to help with that. I can't tell you when is the best time,but I can say that be aware not all bitches are into having sex, at least with people. Even if she's intact and loves you she might not be comfortable with sexual contact even in heat so be ready to accept that as a possibility if you get a female dog as well. If they do want to, they usually flag pretty aggressively and if you start rubbing them they'll try and hump your hand, or just try humping out of the blue lol. There's other stuff too but I'm not as well versed with some of the intricacies of female dogs.

FunWithSun47 5 points on 2016-11-23 16:54:43

Thank you for your answers. Better than Google.

Dogsoulmate 2 points on 2016-11-23 23:14:45

I literally laughed out loud at my desk with this!! #thanksgoogle

the_egoldstein 6 points on 2016-11-24 02:08:19

While I don't normally discuss the personal details, I'll try to get over my prudeish nature...

With female dogs, if they are creampied, how would the cum be removed from her vagina.

As for females, they tend to prefer to cleanup themselves.

Is it safe to eat out a female dog?

Brush your teeth and a good mouthwash rinse if you're dealing with a girl sensitive to UTIs, otherwise be clean and it's all good.

Is it safe to creampie a dog?


What types of question will the vet have and what should I answer?

The vet's going to ask typical questions like what shots do you want. Do you have a vaccination record (1)

More to your point, I suspect, they are going to ask if you are you going to spay/neuter. If not just say no, you don't need to provide any answers.(2) If pressed, shrug it off. They're offering you a service, if you don't like what you're getting find another vet. (3)

(1) I keep digital copies of my vet records and ask for updated copies to be emailed to me when vaccinations are updated. It's rarely needed, but have an accident while travelling and it's very handy to have.

(2) Though you should think about it and talk to others about the problems, both pro and con, so that you can make an informed decision for the health of your partner. Understanding what it means to have an intact dog is your responsibility, own it.

(3) Not all vets are equal, like any professional, skill varies wildly and often not in proportion to expense. If you're on a tight budget, I recommend visiting your local humane society, many offer clinics at very reasonable prices.

I've read that they bleed and such, but will that make a mess?

When in heat, she'll definitely bleed, the amount varies but it's easily dealt with by using "seasonal diapers". Buy a couple of the cloth doggie pants and a big bag of maxi-pads. Change them often, keep her clean, and remember to take it off before she goes outside!!! (it's easy to forget).

What will female dogs do during heat?

In my experience they get more cuddly, but typically aren't ready for sex until they're in standing heat. Some will have sex throughout, some won't. She'll be a bit more spacey and when she's ready she'll seek out sex, if her needs are not attended to she will probably seek out one who will by finding a way to get out, then you'll have a litter of puppies and create many new problems for yourself and others.

And when, during heat, is the best time to have sex?

When she's ready for it. When she flags, raises her tail, flirts with you and stands there when you attempt to penetrate. Accept that she may do all of those throughout, but walk away when things get serious until she's ready (which might not happen in her first or second heat, or ever, possibly).

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 1 point on 2016-11-24 15:56:08

I've read that dog penises taste metallic and like blood, is that true? And is there any way to change the taste, like diet and such?

it's true! and i'd say no, you cant change it too much, since due to the amount of blood vessels on the surface, your likely tasting a bit of blood. (but it would depend on the breed and size) also, people also say it tastes a bit salty.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-08 15:55:15
