The Humane Society, abolitionist veganism and " it’s wrong to eat animals but it’s okay to have sex with them" (
submitted 2016-11-24 14:02:49 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 4 points on 2016-11-24 14:05:25

With /r/vegan regularly complaining that the Humane Society doesn't promote veganism and often serves meat at their events etc, Peter Singer (I assume that's who they're talking about) saying he doesn't necessarily think that "it's okay to have sex with animals", and the anti bestiality propaganda that the humans society creates and releases... Somehow this article seemed funny to me.

the_egoldstein 4 points on 2016-11-25 00:24:32

Keep in mind this is about the HSUS (Humane Society of the United States) which is not related to the Humane Society. They're two totally different organizations with different goals. I often wish the Humane Society would sue the shit out of the HSUS for collecting money with the implication that it goes to the "Humane Society".

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-12-01 22:51:25

"Yet they brought in a very radical keynote speaker who promotes bestiality. He says it´s wrong to eat animals, but it´s okay to have sex with them, as long as you don´t harm them."

Aluzky, is that you? ;)

Fact is, this "keynote speaker" perfectly fits into the beasties´ agenda. The same attitude and argumentation is the predominant one among our community´s loudmouths. I do not consider this article ridiculous in any shape or form, it´s just another brilliant example of the usual and common SNAFU state of mind of so called "zoo advocates".

This old attempt to play one "wrong" against another, bigger "wrong" has failed miserably as long as I can think back. What it really implies is that you "zoophiles" subconsciously identify your own orientation as wrong, but not "that wrong", using scapegoat mechanics, pointing fingers. What you really say when you apply this baloney argument is nothing but " Yeah, I know I do nasty stuff, but THEY do even nastier stuff." You really have to be an infant in mind to believe this bullshit will convince anyone, ever.

Using the "nasty, but not THAT nasty" argument has to come to an end. And if you watch closely, you literally can see big letters appearing on the forehead of those "zoo advocates" reads "GUILTY!" and everyone from OUTSIDE the "zoo" filter bubble/echo chamber can see it, too....

Fight fiercely, but don´t forget to RESPECT your enemy. If you really want change, you cannot avoid to change yourself first. Trying to change the world without changing yourself is just plain stupid...that´s not how any of this works, folks!