Am I really attracted to animals? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-11-24 14:56:07 by throwaway194375 just curious

I every so often watch zoo porn (male human on female dog, and some times male human on female horse), and I do have fantasies about having sex with animals. At the same time though, I only have cats and I don't look at them and get an erection. I'm also a guy who doesn't really go out much, and I usually don't get a hard-on when see a dog when I am outside.

I don't know what to think really. If I am attracted to animals, would there be something wrong with me? I don't trust psychology at all, but I don't want to have to live in guilt either.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2016-11-24 16:41:28

It's not uncommon for people to watch bestiality porn and not be into bestiality themselves. If you had your choice of partners, what would it be? If you just like to watch the occasional bit of bestiality porn, I'd say you're probably not a zoophile. If, on the other hand, you tend to prefer being around non-human animals, you might be. If you can, try to make human relationships work; being a zoophile is often problematic.

If I am attracted to animals, would there be something wrong with me?

There could be, but probably not. It's not an easy question to answer and it pretty much requires examining what you are doing and why.

poltova 4 points on 2016-11-24 17:51:44

There's only something wrong with you if you drive yourself crazy with these questions

tencendur_ Neeeigh 12 points on 2016-11-24 21:17:17

Regular people does not get an erection just because they go out and see people of the opposite sex. Having a sexual orientation or even a paraphilia does not mean you are an obsessive individual who has no bigger priorities.

Also, many zoophiles are not attracted to every animal that moves, just to certain species. I have many animals but I only feel that special thing for some.

throwaway194375 just curious 1 point on 2016-11-25 02:57:53

That's true.

WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2016-11-26 16:59:38


It's the context that matters. Is the dog currently showing any sexual behavior (being aroused, mating, masturbating, etc.)?

If not, then it's just like any other cute dog to any other person.

Shooty_Shooty_Bang Is it all a lie? 1 point on 2016-11-25 02:29:41

This is a very big question. What made you start watching these types of videos? Was it by accident? Were you simply curious? Did someone suggest it to you?

You also sound incredibly similar to myself. I also have cats but possess no attraction to them, and I also tend to spend most of my time indoors.

But its very important you sort it out, the day i figured out that I had real attractions I had the equivalent of a mental breakdown. If you're not really attracted and just enjoy the porn, then thats okay.

throwaway194375 just curious 1 point on 2016-11-25 02:59:59

I myself started watching it out of curiosity. And I really don't know how to figure out whether or not I have real attractions.

mama_tom 1 point on 2016-11-28 06:21:18

Does it turn you on when you see those videos?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-11-25 06:43:12

a lot of good responses already. i hope you're able to take the time to do some self-examining to sort this out for yourself. feel free to ask questions here as well though. getting help from others who have been through some of these questions themselves can be .. er.. helpful.

i guess i would say try to spend time with dogs .. volunteer at a shelter or something. but please, please, please.. do not give in to temptation to try anything. the goal here would be to see how you feel about dogs and taking care of them. if it's something that you find makes you happy, you might consider getting a dog of your own, but of course you need to keep in mind the added expense and responsibility and time that will be required to keep the dog happy.

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 1 point on 2016-11-26 02:10:52

I felt very similar to you when I was first exploring that side of me, my house cat helped me and I felt extremely embarrassed. I knew it wasn't normal so I thought to look at porn thinking it would work: I checked out normal porn, it did nothing for me. Checked out gay porn, did nothing for me. Checked out dog on human, nothing for me. Checked out horse/human, did nothing. Checked wild animals, nothing. Until I got to the lions, tigers, and felines, Oh my.

This took me 2 years to figure out, once I did I went through 2 years of silent depression as I indulged in this, I hated myself for it, my grades and relationships suffered. Once I finally came to terms with it and accepted it I started getting better.

Don't grief for too long, I'm sure you can figure it out and whenever you do don't hate yourself for anything you find in your psyche.

SilverPluto24 I love my cat daughter 1 point on 2016-11-26 05:48:39

Also, I would recommend labeling this NSFW. A frendly reminder that, a lot of zoo porn is animal abuse. Finally, there is more to being a zoo then just fucking animals; it's also about the relationships.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-12-01 13:29:13

Oh, gosh... Listen up, mate...consuming a certain type of pornography does NOT, I repeat, does NOT turn you into a "X" or a "Y" or a "Z". There are many reasons why people watch animal porn. Amongst them, there is curiosity for "unnormal" porn because the "normal" flix won´t do the job anymore. Also, people are "hooked" on AP because the taboo breaking thoughts are somehow "thrilling" for them and objectively the main reason to watch "sicko" porn.

There´s also a huge percentage of AP consumers who "sublimate" their sexuality through pornography. A way to determine your motives would be breaking down your "ideas" while watching AP. Do you fantasize yourself into the animal? The human? Does the general idea of doing something highly taboo and illegal (in most of the coutries) do the "trick" for you?

To analyse your motives, more input from your side is needed. Tell us what you feel while watching AP, tell us where your attention is at, what "part" of the entire thing you need to reach your "point blank".

Also,I have to mention that watching AP is quite common (relatively) with so called "normals", usually the type that´s sexually adventurous. Some even get their kick out of the "Bonnie and Clyde" constellation when participating in bestiality with their human partners. The "we share a daaaark secret" can glue together individuals that objectively have nothing in common...except that "daaaark secret".

You see, there literally are hundereds of "reasons" to watch AP and only very few of them hint at actual zoophilia.

BTW: The life as a zoophile is pretty overdramatised lately, it´s not exactly as hard as many people (usually with slim to no own experiences) like to make you think....if you have mastered the "art" of keeping your f*in´ mouth shut at inappropriate moments. And this: I´ve seen so many "normal" couples that qualify as "something wrong with them". I´ve also seen a few true zoophiles who aren´t "wrong" at all. IMHO, the "wrong" category applies when your conduct, your attitude, your mindset etc. is "wrong", e.g. selfabsorbed, unempathic, subconsciously hateful, harmful, delusional....I hope you´ll get my point.

I cannot tell you what you are or what to do, but I have to remind you that the guilt issue is quite a chunk to chew on...for everyone. You should keep that in mind before you act on your urges...please note that when you step over the line once, you may be able to go back to "normal land"....but you´ll always remember what you did on your little trip to "pervo nation". ;) One thing you have to internalise for sure: there´s no "trying out"! This is a choice that cannot be undone because your regret it a tattoo...once you´ve gone there, the marks will stay there, even Laser therapy will leave behind some little scars. Thus I usually recommend staying away from actual interspecies intercourse until you are 100% sure you really and absolutely want and need this in your life. Again: There´s no going back.... You wouldn´t be the first one to plunge into the unknown unprepared and unfocused, coming out of it disturbed, shattered and/or torn inside.

One final thing to mention: animal porn usually isn´t very animal friendly. Most of the "professional" porn easily qualifies as rape, as all kinds of drugs and devices are used to shoot this shit. It also has spread to the amateur category, too...essentially you´re looking at rape porn, no matter what you watch. The few more "zooish" flics are rare and usually don´t follow the "porn formula" at all, what makes them "boring" for porn afficionados/fiends.

Even ZETA, the German pro zoophilia advocacy group, states on their homepage that AP is mainly targeted at "normals" interested in taboo breaking, s/m scenarios involving animals, thrillseekers, bored folks, etc...and although those ZETA blokes are fuckin´ phoney as hell and do not follow their self given rules, practically debunking their own statement with their own conduct, there´s some truth in that statement. My own opinion , based on more than two decades scanning several "zoo" forums, backs up that statement and I would even go so far to say that most animal porn consumers aren´t zoophiles at all.

tl;dr: animal porn consumption has several motives, only a few hint at actual bestiality/zoophilia. Come up with more details if you want an identification of your motives.