Ohio Senate approves anti-bestiality bill (the-news-leader.com)
submitted 2016-12-03 00:33:03 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2016-12-03 00:33:23
fuzzyfurry 3 points on 2016-12-03 00:36:45


"There are a number of chat room-type groups that are kept well under wraps," she said. The acts can be hard to uncover, but when they are, Harvey said the APL and other animal rights groups "absolutely want to be able to prosecute."

While the Cleveland APL is a private, non-profit organization, they are given full police powers under Ohio law. The organization has its own cruelty investigators and can seize suffering animals.

The prosecution must be able to prove that an animal has suffered for an animal sexual abuse case to go forward under current Ohio rules, Harvey said. It can be difficult to prove suffering in some cases, she said.

"I applaud the bill's sponsors for bringing up this difficult subject," Harvey said. "This act in and of itself needs to be against the law."

The-Forested-Garden 4 points on 2016-12-03 13:23:34

So basically They are the netherlands before they started passing laws? I mean how are they going to prove an animal suffered when we all know damn well that animals don't suffer during consensual mutually enjoyed sex with humans? I'd love to see how this plays out, something tells me they will make shit up and plant fake evidence just to get people prosecuted who actually never did cause suffering to an animal by having sex with it. They won't be arresting many people otherwise.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2016-12-03 16:55:18

I like to think that surely this thought must've crossed someones mind and in actual fact they're passing it to make it easier to put away people who obviously abuse their animals rather than those of us who treat them respectfully because like you say, there really is no evidence at all if you're not an animal abuser.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-12-04 07:18:58

That's what it's like NOW. This bill aims to end that.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-11 23:08:05

Here's a recent Ohio arrest:


These new laws appear to be about "morality", and they use "animal cruelty" as cover to hide the fact that they're about "morality".

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-08 15:52:23


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-12-08 17:47:57

about 15% of furries are admitted zoophiles, so yeah, there is crossover. Your point?

fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2016-12-09 00:35:18

Why am I not surprised that you can neither spell bestiality nor consent correctly?

Edit: I thought you were a funny troll, turns out you're actually disturbed: https://np.reddit.com/r/animalromance/comments/5h7plr/kill_yourselves/

You know, if you feel violent urges, seek help before you harm animals.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-11 23:04:33

That new law in Ohio is totally unjust, and is one of many new anti-zoo laws in the USA (part of an "onslaught" of new laws, with AL, NJ, NH and OH all making new anti-zoo laws recently; and TX, VT, KY and WV all have anti-zoo bills currently in their respective state legislatures). It is likely that HSUS is behind all of them, because the onerous and merciless language is nearly the same in all of them. It is a very bad situation and it is getting worse (in the USA).

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-12-03 01:38:58

"It (the law) prohibits individuals from knowingly engaging in, promoting or aiding in sex acts with an animal".

Wow. That law will be one step ahead from the usual "Don´t fuck animals!" legislation. As far as I understand it, giving advice online to someone experiencing ...let´s call it "problems"... with his/her animal will also be punishable. I really believe that those who are whining in the current situation will face very hard times in the near future...at least the US residents. BF´s hook up section will keep agents busy for decades.

Ohio seems to become the 40th state that bans having sex with animals, only ten states remaining relatively secure for people like us. The fine art of keeping a secret will exponentially increase in survival value for all zoophiles around the world and especially for US zoos.

The impacts are getting closer and closer, the projectiles fired at zoophiles become bigger and bigger...yet, there´s still no awareness, no clear view on what is going on...folks, society has declared war on us. Do you finally realize it now?

You may reply " Who would´ve thought that freely accessible animal porn and Enumclaw will lead us to this?"....Well, WE DID! We, the veterans obviously wasting our time with the invention of the zeta rules. We desperately tried to keep our own community from falling into the animal porn crazy trap, we tried to disencourage exactly that blatantly stupid attitude to "show off" our orientation to eyes unfit to see. What have you so called "tolerant" folks done....we tried to warn you, but you refused to listen. Every action causes a reaction. Physics 101. Are you satisfied now? Was your lousy wank support flics worth it? Are you proud of yourselves now? You wanna be "zoophiles", you special little snowflakes, you feeble minded retards? If we EVER can recover from the current stream of negative events and developments, I propose the mob´s "omerta". If you cannot shut up, you deserve a bullet in your skull. If you glorify animal porn and its producers, protagonists and those who benefit from it, eat lead.

"What does the wankboard say? Come an´play, come an´play! Forget about the movement!"

Anger is a gift....

ZooIam 3 points on 2016-12-03 03:57:19

I don't always agree with your methods, but you are 100% correct.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 11 points on 2016-12-03 10:47:46

I cant tell if these posts are satire or not. This is just batshit levels of crazy. did 'the veterans' actually bother to even do anything apart from jerk off in some chatroom decades ago? didnt think so, lol.

your posts are just hot air. What you have actually done for the zoo cause is sweet fuck all. This rests on your head as much as anyone elses.

edit: in reality there is absolutely nothing zoos can do to stop this. Unfortunately the pendulum is swinging away from us but rest assured it will swing our way at some point in the future.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 7 points on 2016-12-03 13:11:00

I took 30-30 off my ignore list for about two minutes, and boy, I already regret it.

Is it even remotely normal that he's been replying to me the whole time I've been ignoring him on several posts? anyways...

I was part of that community. It was full of porn like nobodies business. I remember being frustrated, as a young zoo, coming online and finding nothing BUT porn. This was his "golden age."

Part of the reason groups like his ZETA existed is because his generation fucked it over so badly. I applaud him for being an original member, but that time has past, it's time to move on dude.

Back on ignore... now I will no longer wonder why the comment count is out of sync, at any rate...

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 4 points on 2016-12-03 18:35:58

I remember being frustrated, as a young zoo, coming online and finding nothing BUT porn.

I am completely unsurprised.

The sad part is, instead of thinking about his current attitude and outlook all he'll do is think 'I must be on the right track if I'm upsetting all the wannabe "zoophiles" on here'. As he's said before, he genuinely thinks he's telling us the honest truth and we're just not true zoo enough to accept it which is why we throw this garbage back at him.

Andrew-R 2 points on 2016-12-03 13:36:32

I think I have more fundamental question...can any human community/collective/society/group become self-critical, and stay this way for long time? Apparently in any given group only few humans can put effort into accurate self-understanding, and survive pains of some discoveries. I don't think problem can be dismissed by just saying majority of humans are lazy - mental/psychological pain is real, and so is desire to have good social relations (often inside some circle). For me it fairly clear /u/30-30 trying to show by personal example what he meant by critical thinking aimed at ourselves and our choosen community. It usually much harder to spot erroneous thinking in ourselves and/or in our circle of good friends. And being way too critical can also degrade into unsensitivity.. so it not as simple as just criticize restlessly....

Bigger society around us also suffer from same problem - very those humans who rise (or climb) to highest positions tend to be less sensitive to preceived less-important humans below them, less thinking, and less self-critical even if compared to average, because 'too much' thinking prevent them from climbing up!? But realization those common and fundamental problems doesn't magically stop at the border we tend to draw between community and outside society is also hard one ...

How things can be improved? I don't know..

CantThinkOfAName2017 7 points on 2016-12-03 15:41:46

It doesn't help your case when you bitch at other people like a total moron.

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 2 points on 2016-12-03 22:03:01

it (the law) prohibits individuals from knowingly engaging in, promoting or aiding in sex acts with an animal

rip animal agriculture?

the_egoldstein 3 points on 2016-12-04 06:48:51

That was my first thought.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-12-08 23:52:43

These bills are probably based on Washingtons law, which has a provision allowing for "commonly accepted animal husbandry practices."

Basically, it's ok if a lot of people do it and it somehow is involved in reproductive health. So encourage a lot of people to fuck animals and say it's for their reproductive health... failproof plan I think. We just need to convince say, 20% of the population... lol

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-11 23:03:03
