Hello! (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-12-06 02:22:25 by Ahlira

I am glad, that I found this subreddit. I never was able to talk to fellow zoophiles, but now I am, thanks to this subreddit. If anyone is interested in chatting, leave me a message.

[deleted] 2 points on 2016-12-06 02:24:20


What kind of animals do you like and what do you like about them?

Ahlira 1 point on 2016-12-06 02:36:05


I do really like any mammal. But attracted I am to only a handful, like canines and equines. I like everything about them; the way they look, their anatomy, their beautiful faces. What about you?

tencendur_ Neeeigh 2 points on 2016-12-06 13:32:54

Attraction to equines and canines is very common in zoophile circles. If that helps, you are not out of the norm in a place such as this one

Do you currently have any animal companion?

Ahlira 2 points on 2016-12-06 16:53:31

Yes, I thought so, which makes me happy.

Sadly, I don't.

MareLuver Im a steed of 1 only Mare 1 point on 2016-12-06 20:57:02

Hey there!!!! Welcome to reddit :)) and....like a member of equine herd, welcoming "Neeeighs" coming on your way.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-06 21:40:09

I like many animals too, but favor those of the canine disposition.

Ahlira 1 point on 2016-12-17 19:21:06

Canines are indeed really great animals.

30-30 amator equae -9 points on 2016-12-06 04:11:58

"I never was able to talk to fellow zoophiles"...´cause typing "zoophilia forum" into any search engine totally won´t provide you with lots and lots of other, bigger and more well known "zoo" social platforms....

Finding this sub with barely more than 25 regular and frequent posters/contributors before any other "zoo" forum speaks volumes...at least to me.

But I´ll break my habit of putting some heavy pressure on newbies to put them to the test for once and lean back with a nice glass of Talisker and the obligatory metaphorical bowl of popcorn...but rest assured that I´ll jump in immediately to deliver the shin kick to your perineum from behind when it seems appropriate. ;)

IAmAZoophile 7 points on 2016-12-06 04:15:26

Friendly as always!

30-30 amator equae -4 points on 2016-12-06 04:29:38

Why should I abandon my trademark rhetoric, huh? And: Downvoting as always?

Swibblestein 13 points on 2016-12-06 09:44:07

Downvoting as always?

Why even mention it at this point. You know by now that if you act like a jerk, you get downvoted.

Don't act like this is out of your control.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-07 02:10:10


Lefthandedsock 9 points on 2016-12-06 15:26:50

Eat shit, 30-30.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2016-12-07 02:02:48

depite how many people share this sentiment, it really shouldn't be said publicly like this.

Lefthandedsock 4 points on 2016-12-07 02:15:45

I feel no remorse. Look at the way he thinks he should speak to new people. It's disgusting.

The-Forested-Garden 3 points on 2016-12-07 14:44:03

Not just new people, people in general. If 30-30's ego was any bigger, we'd all suffocate from the amount of space it takes up.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 2 points on 2016-12-07 18:12:06

This isn't going to be a very welcoming place to new posters looking for a community if he keeps talking shit to new people like this. I don't have an issue with him expressing opinions in general (even if his attitude is shit) but the fact that he thinks he has to "put heavy pressure" on new people and "put them to the test" and immediately starts accusing them of shit is what worries me. When you're new to accepting your attraction that's not pressure that's easy to handle. If I had faced that when I first came here, or to any zoo community, I would've left because I was so insecure and scared. And probably stayed miserable/suicidal because the community is the major thing that helped me accept myself.

This sub feels a lot less friendly than it used to. That's not good with an already marginalized community like zoosexuals.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 1 point on 2016-12-08 01:11:45

It's a fickle thing, though. He's an ass(and frankly he's only gotten worse), but 30-30 could just as easily say that his word is being censored if they decide to ban him, and... Well, people love having reasons to hate. So then it becomes, remove the problem on the inside and invite problems from the outside, or leave it alone and allow the harm to be internal only. That's the way I see it, anyhow. At any rate, 30-30's proclivity to bitch(heh) makes the possibility of him trying to do something to compromise the sub in some way palpable if he's legitimately provoked. Odds are nothing would come of it, but it's a risk either way.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-08 23:43:11

I mean, I don't want to defend 30-30 at all really, as I'd love to see him banned, but he doesn't strike me as dishonest. I think if he was banned, he'd be gone.

I saw some evidence that was pretty convincing that MareLuvr was him at one point though, so I could be completely off on this. Has he even posted since 30-30 came back in force?

Personally, it doesn't matter who is preaching the idiocy. The best way to counter it, is to show them their own idiocy and make them eat it through cold hard logic.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 1 point on 2016-12-09 00:06:34

He doesn't have to be dishonest, he just needs a reason to think that /r/zoophilia is 'beyond saving' or some shit like that. I'd like to say I'm an honest person, myself. If I thought I was unjustly banned, though, I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to make them pay. I'm not normally wrathful, but there's a sense of justice about it, corrupted as that justice may be.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-09 00:26:53

meh, I mean he doesn't strike me as the type to bother ban evading. But maybe I am granting him too much credit.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 1 point on 2016-12-09 00:37:28

Well not even ban evading, but starting shit outside of this sub and attracting salt.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-09 00:38:32

Possible I suppose.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 1 point on 2016-12-09 00:46:44

And you know, it kinda sucks because I /want/ to like him. He gives a shit, even if he's an ass.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-09 00:53:43

He gives a shit yes. He just seems to give a disproportionate shit about "perverts around every corner" that probably don't even exist (or at least, are not above the general populations quota). It's quite sad to watch, really.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 1 point on 2016-12-09 01:08:16

Yeah, that much is definitely true. Then again, it probably doesn't help his perception that everyone that wants to get frisky with Fido comes here for advice. That said... every time he bitches, he's making zoos look bad, too... Pointing out potential flaws in the approach of zoos, sure, but exposing onlookers to potentially more galvanizing ideas.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-12-09 03:12:54

Meh, I was young and stupid once. I probably once might have even made a "frisky with fido" style post. What we need to do with these individuals is give them healthy direction, not shoo them away. They won't got in a neat little orderly bin of "bestiality" if we do so. They will end up in the news... and guess what? Zoophiliia will suffer for it.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 1 point on 2016-12-09 04:04:15

Yeah, absolutely. The best course of action is always firm, safe, and ethical guidance. I was even trying to create a resource for people interested, to those ends... though I lack the expertise for that. It's just that "frisky with fido" posts have the effect of making 30-30 more jaded and narcissistic than he already is.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 2 points on 2016-12-09 07:59:35

His behavior (specifically, personally attacking and name-calling other users) would get him banned for sure on any other forum or online community I know. It just baffles me that he's still here.

MareLuver Im a steed of 1 only Mare 1 point on 2016-12-09 13:59:04

I saw some evidence that was pretty convincing that MareLuvr was him at one point though, so I could be completely off on this. Has he even posted since 30-30 came back in force?

Apparently, I feel like I'm being stoned to have something in common with the 30-30. I also totally lost interest in posting anything here, I was wrong to think that here was a place where the Zoophiles were friendly and made you feel at home. I have a complicated life, but I manage to reconcile things and have good relationships with people close to me, I'm not antisocial and I can protect my zoo identity from strange people.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 2 points on 2016-12-09 17:03:28

You can't very well have a nice community if the good ones are scared off by the bad ones at every turn. 30-30 is the exception rather than the rule, and every person that isn't scared off by the less savory folk is a person that makes those exceptions even less significant.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-12-10 02:39:08

Say, what do you think this is all about? Do you really think this is about creating safe spaces? Is it really more important for you all to have a "nice community" instead of one that´s effectively fighting for tolerance?

Once again, you can say what you want, you can like me, you can hate me...but the fact that I have lived for 22 years what most of you are dreaming about vividly , being an open zoophile, tolerated/accepted by a large number of outsiders should really make you think.

Maybe it all comes down to the differences in expectations from such communities as this: YOU seem to be focused on making friends within the "community", I am focused on making friends OUTSIDE this community,´cause it´s THEM we as a subgroup with a controversial sexual orientation exponentially need more than what you seem to be coming here for.

Your self created safe spaces may seem like something worth defending, sure...but exactly that safe space mentality, the peer pressure you´re inflicting onto some random user by saying "User X agrees with the pariah" speaks volumes. You really haven´t learned anything from the US election, have you? You really cannot figure out why our entire community is so heavily frowned upon...and you can rest assured that it´s definitely not MY fault or the fault of zoos thinking alike me.

Rannoch accusing ME of painting an unfavorable picture for any outsider is just plain fucking ridiculous, given the fact that it was HIM trying to "teach" an outsider about "zoophilia" by forwarding links to animal porn ("See how harmless it is?"), given the fact that it is HIM who is nurturing the common picture of us zoophiles as a bunch of mentally challenged individuals suffering from all types of mental defects, well, just let it sink in for a while, folks.

You´ve learned nothing from the last 20 years slithering down the downward spiral, right? You still think it´s only THEM to blame...you still live in a virtual, self created world that hasn´t helped anyone, neither the zoos nor the outsiders to get along with each other better....and you really demand that the course we´re steering should never be changed? Right, and you´re calling ME delusional...

Say, how has your "ivory tower of sexual avantgarde", your "tolerance" benefitted our community in the last years? Has anything changed for the better? Do you feel that we´re making any progress? And why is it wrong to put newbies to the test when so much damage is done by the hordes of new users posting dubous requests and questions clearly indicating that they are not what they say they are, playing a role for self entertainment purposes? Say, are we really in a position where we can afford this any longer? You accuse me of blowing our public image, but the way you like this place to be run is a constant source of cringe for any outsider. Just ridiculous...

You´re applying the same kind of treatment to me that you accuse the outsiders of applying to the community, but I doubt that you´ll ever notice the bigotry that is involved here. Fact is, you´re notdifferent from them. Once you´re confronted with unpopular things, the usual monkey politics of poo flinging come into play.

Rannoch, you clown, do you really want to teach me? On what experience do you base your decision to become an anti 30-30 crusader? On the four fucking weeks you grabbed a deer by the pussy? Really? How about not trying to teach experienced skydivers when you haven´t dropped out of a plane even once?You, Rannoch, aren´t part of the solution, you´re a part of the problem, my friend.

Sure, feel comfy by sitting in your trenches. Dig deeper to avoid enemy fire, you brave warriors.Continue building your underground safe space, cowardly sitting and shaking...that´s how you survive, for sure, but that´s not how you win a fight, let alone a war.

BTW: it´s almost satirical that I can instrumentalize the same reasoning you use to justify your little crusade against me. You said that you feel entitled to "debunk" my "bullshit" because you want to offer a possibility for newbs to "see through my shit"...I can say the same, justifying to continue my way of posting because I want to leave a landmark for all those who are similarly disappointed by the way you "tolerant" folks are dealing with everything. The only thing I can see in you (..."I´d like to see him banned") is panic; the panic of facing the possibility that all you believe in, all your "tolerant" attitude may turn out to be totally wrong to begin with. You also fear for the loss of your virtual substitute for your hateful family (if anything you have told us about you is real), your virtual family in here. What if "almighty Rannoch" turns out having belived in the wrong things in the end? Would anyone listen to you anymore?

Again: Why do you non-experienced feel so goddamn entitled to have the last say about a topic you have no practical first hand experience? What is it that makes you think your opinions hold any truth? Why do you still deny reality as it is out there? What is it you seek in here? Family? Friends? Well, this is virtual, Rannoch...nothing is real.You´re still sitting home alone, in front of your computer, chasing phantoms of ghosts of things you know nothing about and mistake this for reality.

The essence of it all: what is it this forum is about? Finding "friends"? Or do we want to grow up as a community, do we want to face reality as it is, dealing with undeniable problems rather than putting on our little rosey tinted goggles? Do we want "tolerance dogma"? Or do we need to check ourselves before we foolishly accuse the entire outside world of hate and ignorance? Will we still deny the fact that the "tolerance dogma" has incarcerated us in the last two decades? Will we still insist on things that are absolutely unreachable for us or will we come back to our senses and shake off that spell of "tolerance" that really is nothing more than advanced indifference?

How long until we wake up? How long until we start a revolution within our community? How long until we realize that our "anything goes!" hasn´t done us good, neither our community nor our public image?How long until we cut back those among us who consider themselves as a spokesperson of our community, but haven´t lived in a real, non virtual interspecies relationship? How long will we accept amateurs and wannabes as representatives until we snap? Hasn´t the Aluzky case taught you anything, guys? Hasn´t it made clear how fragile our public image is?

So, I ask all of you: what is worse? Confronting newbs right from the start on, to exclude any dubious individuals BEFORE they can inflict damage or continuing the autohypnosis, the "anyone is invited" attitude, leaving us sore after the newb showed off his real colors?

If you all still see ME as the problem, then you cannot be helped. You never will change anything for the better. Something has gone terribly wrong in the last two decades and nobody seems to notice, but still wonders where the increasing hostility towards us zoophiles is coming from. When a train is heading straight towards a cliff, don´t blame the few that try to hit the emergency brakes, blame the assholes who have led us to the brink of the cliff...and guess who that has been and still is? Me? Surely not...

So,what will it be? Hug box? Or source of a revolution? Self indulged vitrual filter bubble or the origin as somehting that is bigger than you, me and everyone. Guess what, guys, changes have to be earned. They won´t come raining down from the sky, nobody will do the dirty job for us. You cannot take a shower without getting wet and you cannot expect fundamental changes from society without getting your own hands dirty every now and then. Get rid of your complacency and all that hinders our movement...or get used to the current situation of being a marginalized wee minority that will never be heard.

Look, I could just withdraw from here, leaving you boiling in your misery. My world is just fine: I live at my own farm, I have found another mare I feel deep love for, I earn enough money to be safe for the rest of my life, I grow my own weed, I enjoy sitting outside on the pastures, with a nice glass of single malt or gin in one hand and a fat doobie in the other, I can make love with my mare whenever we both feel like doing it, I grow my own hay and straw, I ´ll probably never have to deal with exposure until I die....I could go and wouldn´t miss a fuckin´ thing. Do you really think I am doing all of this because I get something out of it? Do you really think I do this for entertainment or trolling purposes? Do you really think I enjoy being the asshole in here? I can assure you that this is NOT the case. But this entire scene has been way too complacent, too afraid of asking the real questions that people like me stirring up shit are desperately needed. Yes, our community NEEDS agents provocateurs...you can deny it as long as you want, but since you´re all so goddamn entrenched in the "zoo dogma", it takes harsh words from an asshole like me. Extreme conditions demand extreme consequences, folks. What is it you want this to be, folks? A cesspool of Aluzkys, manic-depressive Rannochs, "fucks anything that walks" individuals who are glorified for their BS? Are you really wondering why we cannot manage to achieve anything when almost every individual in here could easily serve as a proof for all the prejudices towards "us" self indulged, mentally ill, retarded, porn fiend animal rapists? Your decision, folks...

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 2 points on 2016-12-10 03:13:58

YOU seem to be focused on making friends within the "community", I am focused on making friends OUTSIDE this community,´cause it´s THEM we as a subgroup with a controversial sexual orientation exponentially need more than what you seem to be coming here for.

I'm overwhelmingly busy right now, but I'd like to make one thing clear here... I said what I said because you guys making friends on the outside isn't going to work if everyone looking in sees violent dissent and salt. I'm part of that outside, frankly. This account is an alt made for the sole purpose of interacting with these communities because I, myself, am an advocate even if I'm not a zoo myself. Recall that I only ever said I was 'at least' bi, and the 'at least' part is because I might lean more homosexual than anything. I've got much more sophisticated reasons for being here than I let on. If you were my first impression of the zoo community as you are now, I'd think the lot of you were violently opinionated, and I'm sure my mind would wander quite a bit about how you treat your nonhuman partners, if that's how you treat other humans. I know the measure of this community much better than that, of course.

At any rate, there's another problem. What happens when a new person drops by? They instantly get told "oh, ignore 30-30". When you make a heated post, with no cushion, you bring about reactance. Granted, you'll see none of that bias from me, but others see you as trying to subjugate them and they push their own opinions even further away from your own. Perhaps put more relevant to your interests, you wouldn't beat a mare if you wanted her to behave, so why would it work on humans? Or, if you're politically minded, it's like being the angry republican in the room. People stop wanting to listen, either way.

... And, beyond that, people will listen to you more if they feel like you're a good friend and not just another antagonist, well meaning as you may be. But if all you care about is looking nice to 'outsiders', then start by trying to look nice to the one that's actually been looking. You certainly haven't flattered me, but I know it's in your ability to change that.

And if it sounded like it, I didn't mean to be condescending. There is, perhaps, the slightest bit of pity for your approach in this exchange, I won't lie, but I don't bear you any malice. Though, when I said that you were less savory now, that was an unfortunate truth. A bitter veggie will leave you averse to it, no matter how healthy it is. Now, before going on a tangent, try to focus more on including important information and less about your emotions. Your fervor makes posts too large for the typical reader to be able to digest what you want to say, and the emotionally infused nature of your dialogues makes it that much harder to see the more valuable points of your posts. They'll be more dry, certainly, but filtering that out will get your ideas recognized instead of retaliated against. Organizing your posts this way also makes your posits seem more lucidly conceived, giving them more credibility without changing the core message. Part of being a successful speaker is knowing when you're not successful. You're getting more backlash than support, and it's absolutely not because people disagree with all your ideas. That kind of reaction signifies that there's room for improvement. Showing that you can change your own approach to things may just inspire others to follow your example, to boot.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-12-10 04:29:04

I must be hitting a nerve, that is a world record wall of text. I will attempt to break it down into it's core components. If I miss anything, please do let me know and I will address it.

Say, what do you think this is all about? Do you really think this is about creating safe spaces? Is it really more important for you all to have a "nice community" instead of one that´s effectively fighting for tolerance?

Frankly, yes. I feel if we sacrficice the acceptance principles our community is based on, we have already lost more than it's worth to get acceptance.

That said, I don't agree with accepting all of the bestiality community. You know I even agree with you on a large number of the zeta principles. I just think you've taken it to a ridicules extreme beyond which they were ever intended, and you're method of promoting them if frankly, offensive.

Maybe it all comes down to the differences in expectations from such communities as this: YOU seem to be focused on making friends within the "community", I am focused on making friends OUTSIDE this community,´cause it´s THEM we as a subgroup with a controversial sexual orientation exponentially need more than what you seem to be coming here for.

I'm focused on both. I have non-zoo friends as well as zoo friends.

Rannoch accusing ME of painting an unfavorable picture for any outsider is just plain fucking ridiculous, given the fact that it was HIM trying to "teach" an outsider about "zoophilia" by forwarding links to animal porn ("See how harmless it is?"),

Come on, you know as well as I do that wasn't an "outsider." It was an "insider" in the form of HuskyEncroacher/ZetaCola on one of his strange negative-nancy self-esteem issues. Nothing would've convinced him, as several of the debaters in that debate noticed.

I used the same porn video ironically to convince two outsiders, but based on his feedback, have abandoned the approach. I admit I make mistakes... have you ever done so, ever? That alone says a lot.

given the fact that it is HIM who is nurturing the common picture of us zoophiles as a bunch of mentally challenged individuals suffering from all types of mental defects, well, just let it sink in for a while, folks.

I wasn't "born" this way as the stereotype goes. Society did this to me after I made some poor choices regarding sharing of my information at 15. I believe that is important to note. It really changes how you paint this picture, as nearly everyone here and outside of here has agreed.

Your self created safe spaces may seem like something worth defending, sure...but exactly that safe space mentality, the peer pressure you´re inflicting onto some random user by saying "User X agrees with the pariah" speaks volumes.

You really haven´t learned anything from the US election, have you?

The way you keep figuring it up, I think frankly, you haven't figured it out. Ignorance unchecked won the election. Seriously, google some of the things I told you to, or go visist /r/the_donald. It's pretty obvious.

You really cannot figure out why our entire community is so heavily frowned upon...

Probably I don't know, something to do with it being uh... culturally unacceptable for like, 2000 years? Hard to shake that. Like I said, it's out of our hands really.

and you can rest assured that it´s definitely not MY fault or the fault of zoos thinking alike me.

I never said it was. I just think you'll make things much worse for those on the inside. You haven't a chance in hell of changing things on the outside, because frankly, no one else I have ever seen acts like you inside our community.

I think we all value a logical argument here. It's not about agreeing with the norm, it's about substantiating your points with something other than raw blazing hate. Something you have failed to do.

You´ve learned nothing from the last 20 years slithering down the downward spiral, right?

Pretty sure the only thing I have done is learned. When you are largely silent for 20 years, you notice a lot.

You still think it´s only THEM to blame...

No, I still love my folks and see them as a product of the times. I don't blame them. Please don't put words in my mouth, especially when I have actually said exactly the opposite on this very reddit in the past.

you still live in a virtual, self created world that hasn´t helped anyone, neither the zoos nor the outsiders to get along with each other better....and you really demand that the course we´re steering should never be changed? Right, and you´re calling ME delusional...

This is basically blah blah blah based on a false pretense, but regardless, no... I think you're delusional if you think you're course change will make a lick of difference. Frankly, it's out of our hands.

Say, how has your "ivory tower of sexual avantgarde", your "tolerance" benefitted our community in the last years?

By making zoophiles not feel "alone" as they did in the age before the internet? I don't know about you, but I believe we've improved a lot in that regard and it helped me a lot to find my place in this world.

Do you feel that we´re making any progress?

I don't care about outside acceptance. I don't think it's anything we can meaningfully influence either way at this point in time, other than maybe on an individual to individual basis.

And why is it wrong to put newbies to the test when so much damage is done by the hordes of new users posting dubous requests and questions clearly indicating that they are not what they say they are, playing a role for self entertainment purposes?

I don't see the damage, and the reason it's harmful is when you scare away a legitimate soul asking for help, you end up with a news article about bestiality often times. You think THAT helps?

Say, are we really in a position where we can afford this any longer?

Sure, it's not like they are going to start doing spot vaginal exams or whatever on animals. It's not going to get any worse for us other than maybe making it more hostile internally, which is what you are advocating.

You accuse me of blowing our public image, but the way you like this place to be run is a constant source of cringe for any outsider. Just ridiculous...

Any outsider just being yourself, or? I've got evidence to the contrary but shrugs I really couldn't care less if you accept that or not.

You´re applying the same kind of treatment to me that you accuse the outsiders of applying to the community, but I doubt that you´ll ever notice the bigotry that is involved here. Fact is, you´re notdifferent from them. Once you´re confronted with unpopular things, the usual monkey politics of poo flinging come into play.

Do you honestly believe that being mean to a bigot is bigotry? Because it's not. Common defense of bigots.

Rannoch, you clown, do you really want to teach me? On what experience do you base your decision to become an anti 30-30 crusader?

Your general assholery.

On the four fucking weeks you grabbed a deer by the pussy?

Yeah, that's what one needs to sniff out assholes, really. Can you quit trying to cut me down by making sexual inexperience jabs? Frankly, it makes you look silly.

How about not trying to teach experienced skydivers when you haven´t dropped out of a plane even once?You, Rannoch, aren´t part of the solution, you´re a part of the problem, my friend.

TIL you can't be part of the solution until you've fucked an animal... wow.

Sure, feel comfy by sitting in your trenches. Dig deeper to avoid enemy fire, you brave warriors.Continue building your underground safe space, cowardly sitting and shaking...that´s how you survive, for sure, but that´s not how you win a fight, let alone a war.

How about we just skip the war? Kthanks.

BTW: it´s almost satirical that I can instrumentalize the same reasoning you use to justify your little crusade against me. You said that you feel entitled to "debunk" my "bullshit" because you want to offer a possibility for newbs to "see through my shit"...

"Debunk" implies using logic and reason to take something apart. You use neither and rely on raw emotion, so no, it's not the same at all.

You also fear for the loss of your virtual substitute for your hateful family (if anything you have told us about you is real), your virtual family in here.

My family I live with isn't "hateful." They are loving, but woefully misguided.

What if "almighty Rannoch" turns out having belived in the wrong things in the end? Would anyone listen to you anymore?

I'd move on. Frankly, I don't see myself as a leader. I also donn't care if people listen to me, I just want to the message to be there for those who find it meaningful. As far as how our community is being run, I mean, we don't have a lot to lose and if people really wanted to hold me accountable, so be it. No skin off my nose. I've been "held accountable" and banned from a community before. I still don't care, by and large. So there is your proof.

Now it's your turn: If you are wrong, how would YOU respond?

Again: Why do you non-experienced feel so goddamn entitled to have the last say about a topic you have no practical first hand experience?

Because I have PLENTY of first hand experience with PEOPLE. Not vagina, no, but people. And you aren't one of the finest examples I've come across to see as a force for change. You remind me of Donald Trump's personality, frankly.

What is it that makes you think your opinions hold any truth?

Use of logic to back them. What drives yours?

Why do you still deny reality as it is out there?

Because I don't? I acknowledge it, you fail to acknowledge it's out of our hands. And if you want to say it is, the burden of proof is on you. You've failed to fullfill that to date.

[deleted] 0 points on 2016-12-10 06:03:39


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-12-10 06:43:17

I mean, I see where you are going with this, but... Is it really being a negative nancy if it actaully happened to you? It did to me.

Furthermore, I tend to think of myself as surprisingly positive considering what the world has done to me, I don't even blame it for starters and still have a healthy level of faith in my fellow man.

You may find it ironic, but frankly, of course you would. I doubt many others do, but am open to being proven wrong.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-12-10 04:29:57

Part 2:

What is it you seek in here? Family? Friends? Well, this is virtual, Rannoch...nothing is real.You´re still sitting home alone, in front of your computer, chasing phantoms of ghosts of things you know nothing about and mistake this for reality.

I know this is going to shatter your world view 30-30... but...

People. On. The. Internet. Are. In. Fact. Real.

The essence of it all: what is it this forum is about? Finding "friends"? Or do we want to grow up as a community, do we want to face reality as it is, dealing with undeniable problems rather than putting on our little rosey tinted goggles? Do we want "tolerance dogma"? Or do we need to check ourselves before we foolishly accuse the entire outside world of hate and ignorance? Will we still deny the fact that the "tolerance dogma" has incarcerated us in the last two decades? Will we still insist on things that are absolutely unreachable for us or will we come back to our senses and shake off that spell of "tolerance" that really is nothing more than advanced indifference?

There really isn't anything to respond to here that hasn't already been debunked.

How long until we wake up? How long until we start a revolution within our community? How long until we realize that our "anything goes!" hasn´t done us good, neither our community nor our public image?How long until we cut back those among us who consider themselves as a spokesperson of our community, but haven´t lived in a real, non virtual interspecies relationship? How long will we accept amateurs and wannabes as representatives until we snap?

You still haven't shown the harm that these people cause. I can think of a million ways not guiding these individuals will cause harm however.

Hasn´t the Aluzky case taught you anything, guys? Hasn´t it made clear how fragile our public image is?

Ironic, Aluzky's at least been in a "real, non virtual interspecies relationship." Shows what a great measuring stick you have.

And frankly, I doubt Aluzky did jack shit to our image on the street. Go ask anyone on the street about Aluzky and be greeted by blank stares, I dare you.

So, I ask all of you: what is worse? Confronting newbs right from the start on, to exclude any dubious individuals BEFORE they can inflict damage or continuing the autohypnosis, the "anyone is invited" attitude, leaving us sore after the newb showed off his real colors?

I think it's more dangerous to shoo them away. I mean, what does it possibly earn us? People who want to have sex, are going to have sex. It will be a front page news article in the local paper forthcoming. Good one.

If you all still see ME as the problem, then you cannot be helped. You never will change anything for the better. Something has gone terribly wrong in the last two decades and nobody seems to notice, but still wonders where the increasing hostility towards us zoophiles is coming from. When a train is heading straight towards a cliff, don´t blame the few that try to hit the emergency brakes, blame the assholes who have led us to the brink of the cliff...and guess who that has been and still is? Me? Surely not...

More "me as the mesiah and sole solution" crap.

My only response to this is that I don't fear your presentation to outsiders. You are way too insignificant to ever amount to anything there. I do fear your impact on members here, though. That's why I'm doing this.

So,what will it be? Hug box? Or source of a revolution? Self indulged vitrual filter bubble or the origin as somehting that is bigger than you, me and everyone. Guess what, guys, changes have to be earned. They won´t come raining down from the sky, nobody will do the dirty job for us.

They also have to be timed.

Do you honestly think we stand a snowballs chance in hell in a world where homosexuals have yet to get the rights they deserve in full? I mean really?

You are jumping the gun, big time. And even if it was at a social climate where we can act, I'd want to put forth an attitude of tolerance, not intolerance. You are the exact opposite of that.

You cannot take a shower without getting wet and you cannot expect fundamental changes from society without getting your own hands dirty every now and then. Get rid of your complacency and all that hinders our movement...or get used to the current situation of being a marginalized wee minority that will never be heard.

Frankly, as long as we have our own support network and can help each other, I fine with the status quo. You seek to tear all that down for some bright future that frankly, I don't see. I'm content. What are you?

Look, I could just withdraw from here, leaving you boiling in your misery.

Misery, lol. I don't think you understand what's going on here.

My world is just fine: I live at my own farm, I have found another mare I feel deep love for, I earn enough money to be safe for the rest of my life, I grow my own weed, I enjoy sitting outside on the pastures, with a nice glass of single malt or gin in one hand and a fat doobie in the other, I can make love with my mare whenever we both feel like doing it, I grow my own hay and straw, I ´ll probably never have to deal with exposure until I die....I could go and wouldn´t miss a fuckin´ thing. Do you really think I am doing all of this because I get something out of it? Do you really think I do this for entertainment or trolling purposes? Do you really think I enjoy being the asshole in here? I can assure you that this is NOT the case. But this entire scene has been way too complacent, too afraid of asking the real questions that people like me stirring up shit are desperately needed. Yes, our community NEEDS agents provocateurs...you can deny it as long as you want, but since you´re all so goddamn entrenched in the "zoo dogma", it takes harsh words from an asshole like me.

No, it doesn't take "harsh words from an asshole like" you. You're frankly, the worst thing for your cause I could imagine. You are so bad, there are times I've wondered if you are an antizoo just trying to hurt us by taking an otherwise good philosophy, and clusterfucking it's argumentation so bad no one will consider it.

But honestly, I've come to the more mild conclusion: That you just don't have a social clue.

A cesspool of Aluzkys, manic-depressive Rannochs, "fucks anything that walks" individuals who are glorified for their BS? Are you really wondering why we cannot manage to achieve anything when almost every individual in here could easily serve as a proof for all the prejudices towards "us" self indulged, mentally ill, retarded, porn fiend animal rapists? Your decision, folks...

I don't think any of the above are glorified, except perhaps me who does have a fair number of "upvotes" if you call that "glory." I don't know why you throw me in the list with Aluzky, kind of shows your true colors, to be honest. Good luck there.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 1 point on 2016-12-11 19:03:19

Seriously though, at least try taking the things I said to heart. I'm not the enemy, least of all am I your enemy, and I'm not a fool that doesn't understand the social landscape that zoos are faced with. I'd even go so far to say that you have no enemies here at all, ludicrous as it may sound. It bears repeating that lots of people think you have valuable input, myself included, but right now nobody is willing to accept that input at the risk of empowering your more heated rhetoric.

Oh, and one of the things that you learn in business writing is tactfulness. You never let your emotions get into your writing because that's when you'll include something damaging in your memos or what have you. Even when an employee commits a grave offense, you have to approach it with a level head if you want the best outcome. Citing rannoch's own offenses doesn't make your own any better, either. I'm still devoid of free time, so you'll have to excuse my slowness in addressing your post in earnest.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-09 19:48:03

Note I said the evidence was convincing, not that I am entirely convinced.

If you are indeed a unique person, please do pull up a chair and make yourself at home. We're actaully a friendly lot, just in the midst of some drama at the moment.

Or alternatively don't if it makes you more comfortable. It really is your call. Good luck out there.

MareLuver Im a steed of 1 only Mare 1 point on 2016-12-09 19:58:09

I understand, but even so, I lack motivation, unlike a group therapy where everyone pulls a chair and talks a little about their lives, where some support and others just stare, but none leaves the chair and offers a hug, is The same as entering a party as a guest, everyone notices you, but even then you feel completely alone.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-09 20:01:19

I'm sorry you feel that way... I have been there myself in the past. Feeling alone sucks. I hope it gets better for you.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-08 23:38:15

Debate his points man, that's how you really insult someone. He's so easy to pick apart too, it's not even funny.

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2016-12-09 01:39:53

He's too delusional to be worth my time. Or anybody's. No one's going to change his distorted views.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 1 point on 2016-12-09 02:25:08

Yeah honestly, it's just a waste of my time so I don't bother anymore. It never has any effect and it's a lot of mental effort for me that I don't always have these days. Not saying others can't do that, I just don't bother personally.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-09 03:21:10

I can respect that. It's a lot of a mental effort for me too, which is why I had him ignored for so long. My conscious just has me giving it another go.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-09 03:20:23

It's not about changing his views. It's about showing onlookers how invalid they are. It's about disarming him, and disabling his ability to corrupt others with completely false information and logic.

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2016-12-09 17:00:55

Sure. But this one was blantantly despicable. It didn't need a complex explanation. I think "eat shit" was about all it required or deserved.

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2016-12-10 01:00:44

...munching away at Lefthandedsock, Battlecrops, Rannoch2002 Mission accomplished!

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2016-12-10 02:34:14


Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 4 points on 2016-12-06 22:47:14

What the fuck

Valiant1204 Now with added gay! 1 point on 2016-12-06 07:37:13


Which country are you from?

Ahlira 1 point on 2016-12-06 08:55:26

Hey, I was born in Britain, but live in Germany for 10 years now.

Valiant1204 Now with added gay! 1 point on 2016-12-06 19:01:13

I thought you might be foreign from the way you phrase your English, but I definitely didn't think you were British!

Ahlira 1 point on 2016-12-17 19:20:37

I guess my time here in Germany influenced me, and how I write and speak.

Lefthandedsock 4 points on 2016-12-06 15:27:54

Welcome, OP. Don't mind 30-30. He's the resident loon.

Ahlira 8 points on 2016-12-06 16:50:08

Thanks. I've already blocked him, so that's fine.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 3 points on 2016-12-07 14:43:11

Wow, you are learning fast. That, or you already have a lot of experience dealing with the Internet fauna...

Ahlira 1 point on 2016-12-17 19:22:48

It's more like that I don't enjoy to deal with that kind of bullshit.

Dogsoulmate 1 point on 2016-12-07 22:25:34

You earned a gold star for being you. You earned a second for introducing yourself and joining us. You earned a third for being your true self (1st star but version 2). And I have this dump truck of gold for you regarding the account block!!

Welcome, salutations, glad you're here, and message if you need anything 😊🐾

Ahlira 2 points on 2016-12-17 19:27:32

Yaay, gold starts \*^*/ No but honestly, thanks for your kind words, I appreciate it!

I will message if I need anything, thanks :)

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-08 23:39:00

I just unblocked him, mostly to help put him in his place and point out his frequent illogical reasoning he uses, also because my browser not saving logins to reddit means I often read his BS anyways. Ignoring is pointless for me.

Ahlira 1 point on 2016-12-17 19:34:59

I guess he really needs someone who puts him in place.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-18 01:42:17

Meh, I've tried to work with him, too. He's right on some points, but he's just such an ass about it he really needs some guidance on when/when not to chase people away.

Ironically, every time I try to converse with him in PMs and actually make some kind of headway as a group, he seems to ignore me.

Ahlira 1 point on 2016-12-18 12:11:05

But still, even if he's right on some points, there is no need to act like a total asshole.

Ah well, that's indeed quite ironic.

[deleted] -1 points on 2016-12-08 15:53:13


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-12-08 17:46:41

Go back to /r/Publichealthwatch...

Oh wait, the world hates you more than us, and banned that place. Sowwrry.

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 1 point on 2016-12-14 00:21:35

another one of these. i really really want to welcome everyone with ope arms, but i just cant shake the feeling that this isnt going to end well

Dirtylove420 0 points on 2016-12-14 22:48:33

Hi there I'm new to I share the same interests would lovery to chat email me samkuehn85@gmail.com if u want hope to hear from u soon