where does one post personals? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-12-08 18:29:51 by zoo_away

I know this is certainly not the place. And I am specifically not looking for an animal. I am looking for another zoo to have a partnership with. Maybe just something like a get the whole farm, split all the bills thing or so.

assuming all the above is true, and that I myself am neither fake, nor unhinged, unstable, etc ...

wtf do I post a personal for that? I know there most be someone out there who is also thinking ... jesus, I can afford half the farm, if I could only find someone... and you know, farm is big, I do my reading-to-my-pony here, you do your endless catch-the-ball games with your dog over there. In the evening we meet for a beer on the veranda and maybe a nice conversation, oh and who's turn was it to mow the grass in the front?

like - please - don't delete me or something, I really just want to have a shot at trying to find another guy/girl that is otherwise normal so life isn't so hard on ones own (plus my pony but I can hardly give her power of attorney).

Sorry for throwaway.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2016-12-08 18:53:18

I do my reading-to-my-pony here, you do your endless catch-the-ball games with your dog over there. In the evening we meet for a beer on the veranda and maybe a nice conversation, oh and who's turn was it to mow the grass in the front?

man, if only. I think you just described heaven. This is pretty much the dream for all zoos is it not? Life is hard for zoos trying to make it on their own.

I've not had much luck thinking about this problem myself. The only thing I can think of is try normal dating but emphasise how much you like animals. maybe even just throw a hail mary on the first date if youre not out with anyone near where you may have a connection. Recently I'm thinking about trying to kill two birds with one stone and find some girl to marry in america. Only problem is that she would have to be a zoo as well because as of yet I cannot think of a single way to keep a sexless relationship going.

Really though I think this is going to have to be one of those things where an opportunity will present itself (heh) and I'll have had no idea it was coming. Trying to plan this kind of thing is going to be futile IMO from my life experiences so far.

zoo_away 1 point on 2016-12-08 19:08:09

I think you just described heaven

I can buy/keep up my half of it atm. I need someone like me for the other half. - And in case one of us falls off the barn ladder or god knows what. Every aspect is better if two people are partnering up to resolve the problems of life.

Also - any idea where to post such a personal? This is the trying to find a place for the personal post, not the personal itself. B/c I am not willing to trust opportunity solely. I am done with the first 1/3 of my life, and I can tell you opportunity is a slut. In the good and the bad ways.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-12-08 20:06:55

From your input, I can tell that you have NO experience running a farm and are brutally overromanticising it because of that.

Every once in a while, people like you with such a "glorious idea" of sharing farm ownership pop up, but I never heard of a case where this scenario worked out for a longer period of time for two "zoos" ( looking for a human partner indicates otherwise, you know...).

Very quickly, shit will unfold when ownership is in more than one pair of hands. "What? You want me to mow the pastures? Ain´t got no time for that now, asswipe". What I´m trying to get across: this WON´T work out! Ever. The first little disagreement and you start to fight, because both of you feel like the owner of the entire farm although you just have paid for one half.

And before you say "How do YOU know?", I own a farm since the middle of 2016. The idea that someone feels entitled to interfere with my idea although I put almost one million Euros into everything is just completely absurd and I surely am not the only one that looks at it that way. Also: What if your "zoo partner" and you after some time figure out it won´t work out at all? What if one of you wants to leave and demands his money back? What if this guy/gal and you part ways in anger? How much would be at risk, financially as well as from a social perspective when your former "zoo partner in crime" decides to fuck you over with rumors and clandestine accusations?

If anyone ever gets together enough money so he can afford a "zoo paradise" ( little do you know....running a farm is fuckin´ HARD work, regardless if you´re alone or have another one to share the work with), the very last thing he should do is inviting anyone else to it. Too much risk is involved, too many possibilities of losing the entire thing because some snitch ass motherfucker can´t keep his mouth shut.

If you just buy a farm for your "zoo" fun, then you´ll be broke in no time. Running a farm isn´t for free, it is very costly to maintain all the agricultural machines you need to make hay and straw.

To generalize it: the less you know about the reality of being a farmer, the more you romanticise it. There must be a reason why so many farmers give up their farms and there IS: being a farmer is fucking hard work, not paid well and it´s no 9 to 5 job. When making hay, it is very likely that you are busy for 24 hours straight, with NO sleep..until all the bales are stored safe and dry in your barn.

I really believe you should get informed properly before starting to fantasize about your "zoo fuck ranch"...working in and with nature is completely different from any other job you know. Even if you have enough money to buy a farm, this is just a tiny part of the costs involved in running a farm that is able to sustain itself and nourish your animals and you.

BTW: "reading to your pony" is phoney "My little pony" bullshit and a very strong hint that you´re mistaking your romantic ideas as reality and also mistaking an animal as a human. Cut it out immediately, ´cause shit like that is retarded. You don´t ever keep one single horse/pony alone also...

Greetings from one living inside "zoo heaven" that has turned out to be one of the harder jobs you can do to earn a living.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 6 points on 2016-12-08 23:35:06

From your input, I can tell that you have NO experience running a farm and are brutally overromanticising it because of that.

And from your input here, I can tell you have no experience interacting with other people. Let me break it down for you:

Every once in a while, people like you with such a "glorious idea" of sharing farm ownership pop up, but I never heard of a case where this scenario worked out for a longer period of time for two "zoos" ( looking for a human partner indicates otherwise, you know...).

You obviously haven't looked hard enough then! I know of several such farms, one is within a 50 mile radius of myself! I was invited to be part of said farm, and unfortunately due to my real life conditions, was unable to take part. That was almost 10 years ago. Said farm is still functioning in a good commune style today. I still even have an open invite to visit the place for it's bi-yearly BBQ (which is zoo friendly).

One of the men who ran this farm passed this year, and his assets and animals became one with the remaining owners. His animals will be cared for in exchange. It's not impossible: It does work. You just need social skills and less pessimism for your fellow man than you exhibit.

The other two I'm aware of, one is actually rather old and somewhat well known under the title of "Zeta Ranch." I don't know much else about it though other than it nearly "ended before it began" and that it has been a "hard battle" for them. But guess what? They're still around, like it or not.

As for why you have not heard of them? You haven't offered to help, most likely! They won't advertise. Why? Maybe something to do with your one good point:

If anyone ever gets together enough money so he can afford a "zoo paradise" ( little do you know....running a farm is fuckin´ HARD work, regardless if you´re alone or have another one to share the work with), the very last thing he should do is inviting anyone else to it. Too much risk is involved, too many possibilities of losing the entire thing because some snitch ass motherfucker can´t keep his mouth shut.

Yeah, you basically answered your own question and were too dense to notice.

Honestly, your attitude that zoos have to be alone, mopey people and anyone seeking human companionship must be part of the "zoo fuck ranch" brigade is insulting. It brushes all of us the wrong way who think with our head on straight. Why you are still posting here unrestrained is frankly beyond me, but I've made a conscious decision that I can't take it anymore. I won't take your crap anymore and you are completely full of it!

Yes, it may have something to do with the fact that my browser no longer saves logins for security reasons, and thus I am exposed to your shit everytime before I login, making my ignore useless, but whatevs. I was never comfortable with ignoring you because frankly I believe ignorance ignored will spread like wildfire, and you are up to your eyeballs in ignorance (and don't try to pull the age card, that doesn't work here, you are garnered no special status towards your bigotry for being old).


To generalize it: the less you know about the reality of being a farmer, the more you romanticise it. There must be a reason why so many farmers give up their farms and there IS: being a farmer is fucking hard work, not paid well and it´s no 9 to 5 job. When making hay, it is very likely that you are busy for 24 hours straight, with NO sleep..until all the bales are stored safe and dry in your barn.

"Farm" is an ambigous term. 4 goats to some is a farm. To others, it's a complete dairy farm with a commercial bottom line. Bottom line, not everything takes blood sweat and tears and has to be pulled out of your body like pulling teeth and leave you gutless at the end of the day to be "worth it." That's a myth. True, life and love in general doesn't come easy but it shouldn't kill you, either. Sometimes, a body or two helps spread the workload. I'm guessing the reason you don't know this, is because you're a generally antisocial cuss who doesn't have a clue about how to interact with people and likes acting like a bigshot because he has more sexy time with his horse than the next barnyard showoff.

Me? I couldn't care less. You don't like people that's fine. But quit telling everyone else to be such a fucking social mess as yourself, it's not endearing.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2016-12-08 23:58:48

"Farm" is an ambigous term. 4 goats to some is a farm. To others, it's a complete dairy farm with a commercial bottom line. Bottom line, not everything takes blood sweat and tears and has to be pulled out of your body like pulling teeth and leave you gutless at the end of the day to be "worth it." That's a myth.

While I agree he's making it seem near impossible, but I do agree with him that it is a lot of hard work, more than I think most would expect. There's never any shortage of work to be done and when you least expect it, more things fall apart and need priority attention. A small "hobby farm" is certainly doable in one's free time, but it takes daily work and you can't just pop off for a weekend out of town without significant planning. It takes planning to ensure feed and bedding are acquired, that buildings exist to shelter the non-human animals and those structures get maintained.

I'm not new to farm life, but when I moved onto our shared farm, it took me about 6 months of dedicated work to get things into order so that we could provide support for non-human residents....fences to fix, buildings to repair, land to work (more than just crops), and so much more. I don't mean to imply it's impossible, or not worth trying, but it does take a significant amount of hard work to get started and at least dedicated effort to maintain.

Now, all that said, for some it will be much, much easier. If you don't need "livestock" a shared house in town or a city can be an asset as well. The daily tasks are reduced, but much of the rest remains. It's not something to enter lightly, think long and hard because it can be very expensive.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-12-09 00:24:45

I'll admit readily, I've never worked on a farm by any means, and I'm sure it's hard work.

My only point was that the work would apparently be quite variable. It should be planned well and tailored to the individual(s) in question, to say the least.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2016-12-09 01:19:00

I don't mean to make it sound impossible, just to impress that there's a lot of work that anyone who hasn't lived on a farm wouldn't even think of. I am not superman; if I can do it so can anyone else with a willingness to research/learn and exert the effort to make it happen.

It isn't the physical labor that gets to you, it's the endless stream of things that must get done...soon. Animals can't wait to be fed because it's cold and raining ice, or because you're sick, or because you haven't had a day off in...what year is it? :) It takes a certain kind of madness to do it.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-12-09 01:34:10

You don´t have any idea of what farm life is about, you have no idea...but still you think your opinion weighs more than that of folks who have....

Exactly this kind of "experts" is what has blown our reputation in the last twenty years...no knowledge, but an opinion...opinions are like arseholes, everyone got one....

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-12-09 02:52:36

Are you honestly arguing that I need to have worked on a farm to ascertain whether one exists or not? Or whether or not you are being an ass?

Pretty sure I don't. Nice try though.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-12-09 03:23:55

It's 30-30, why are you expecting a rational response?

He's shown he doesn't use/require logical thought, just keeps at it with the faux rage and his facade of ideals that he doesn't seem to even apply to himself.

The sad part is that when he's not being a complete tool he occasionally has useful input, though it's a crap-shoot which of his posts will be worth reading. As a result, I think many folks who might otherwise benefit from his (albeit rare) good posts tend to ignore them out of habit.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-09 03:26:15

I'm in it to make sure anyone reading his posts doesn't fall for his rhetoric. It's not for him, that's for certain (though he's certainly welcome to blow my mind and listen for a change). I just want others to see his arguments broken down to what they really are: hot air.

I agree he even has some... good parts. I mean I cringe to say it now because they have become so rare. But I genuinely did enjoy hearing about his time with his mare and such. Occasionally, he even makes a decent point but it gets lost in his rage against perverts or some other tangent.

I wish we could expect better from him. Maybe by debating with him, he'll get sharper. But that would require thinking about what he reads and treating it as an equal to his own thought processes. I don't have high hopes. I do it for the outsiders first, and him second... if at all.

30-30 amator equae -3 points on 2016-12-09 01:30:33

Social mess...whaddaya mean? Like, uh, swallowing psycho pills, maybe? Like agoraphobic and such? Antisocial? Me? A riding instructor who spent years and years interacting with LOTS of people on a daily basis?

Well, guess what, I´ve had enough of you, too. You whiney bitch ass bullshit "Oooh, I´ve been in love with a deer, but failed to return to it", your "I told my parents and they handed me over to a doctor who dropped shitloads of psycho pills in me"....guess what, mate. Not everyone is in such desperate need of acceptance that he will deny any reason and logic for the feelgood factor. When I read BS like "zoo-abstinent", I cannot help but cringe....you must be living in a bubble of your own, very far out in loony universe.

If it´s so easy for you, you "zoo-abstinent" person, to get invited to your nearest fuck farm, why , for god´s sake, aren´t you there? Why do you keep whining? Is it because that is, in a very twisted way, your role you like yourself playing in here?

"...because he has more sexytime with his horse..." Is it just me or is the envy literally dripping out of that line of yours? Again: why aren´t you on your local fuck farm yet?

What is your problem? I mean, other than being confronted with a pov you do not like? Haven´t you learned a goddamn thing from the 2016 US shitfest? But I see, you´re too entrenched in your mental defects to realize there is a genuine possibility that YOU, my friend, is wrong...just take a look around you to find proof.

I seem to have evolved into your personal enemy in here...have you secretly fallen in love with me or what´s wrong with you?

"Zeta ranch"...my ass!

For someone with almost NO own experience, you definitely are quite a loudmouth...how about investing your energy to get some actual experience instead of trying to pull off your little pathetic crusade against me? Maybe with some actual experience, I would take you more serious than now, being the almost-virgin, "zoo-abstinent" mind wreck you are. "...who think with our heads straight..."...and you little example of total wreckage think that you´re one of those you´re talking about here? Funny...

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 3 points on 2016-12-09 02:15:10

Wow, there was absolutely no reason to make it personally insulting to Rannoch like that and call him those things.

the_egoldstein 3 points on 2016-12-09 02:55:50

30-30 doesn't need a reason, he's our resident anti-zoo and self-appointed defender of the faith.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-12-09 03:04:55

His words mean literally nothing to me, so it's cool.

He's also insulted me like this with cool names like "chief lack of pussy." I'm almost wanted to make it my flavor text but I decided I shouldn't "feed the beast."

Apparently, we're only zoo if we've fucked something.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 2 points on 2016-12-09 07:56:42

That's almost hypocritical, you're not zoo if you haven't had sex with an animal, but if you come here mentioning animal sex you're just in it for the kink and you're not really zoo?! What? There's just no pleasing this guy lmao

Guess my four year ongoing non-sexual relationship is just a farce. I'm not zoo after all. Who knew!

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-12-09 02:53:23

I actually find it brutally ironic that I'm the one who has to call him on it. I'm hardly a mecca of social skills but I can see an asshole and blowhard a mile away. I've dealt with plenty.

Anyhow, I will humor you. Because that's what I do:

Well, guess what, I´ve had enough of you, too. You whiney bitch ass bullshit "Oooh, I´ve been in love with a deer, but failed to return to it", your "I told my parents and they handed me over to a doctor who dropped shitloads of psycho pills in me"....guess what, mate. Not everyone is in such desperate need of acceptance that he will deny any reason and logic for the feelgood factor. When I read BS like "zoo-abstinent", I cannot help but cringe....you must be living in a bubble of your own, very far out in loony universe.

I'm zoo-abstinent because I can't masturbate without heart-worries at the current point in my life (you are aware I'm suffering from multiple organ failure, right?). I'm sorry this upsets you, you should look into that. And no, I don't deny reason and logic: I embrace it. Something you have markedly failed to do from day 1. It's part of why I find you so offensive.

If it´s so easy for you, you "zoo-abstinent" person, to get invited to your nearest fuck farm, why , for god´s sake, aren´t you there?

Because it's not a "fuck farm" fuckwit. It's a place I'd have to hold my own. I'm in no condition to do so. I can't even make it to the bbq ffs.

"...because he has more sexytime with his horse..." Is it just me or is the envy literally dripping out of that line of yours? Again: why aren´t you on your local fuck farm yet?

Keep dreaming. Frankly I don't have a thing for horses at all. though it is amusing to see you thinking someone wants to oogle your mare or something... no idea how to respond to this illusion, really.

nWhat is your problem? I mean, other than being confronted with a pov you do not like? Haven´t you learned a goddamn thing from the 2016 US shitfest?

Yes, and that it's misinformation that elected trump. Don't believe me? Look up "pizzagate." People seriously believe ignorance when it goes unchecked. Hence, I'm back toe-to-toe with you, buddy. You aren't going to spout one false statement without me on your back. It's hard work, but someone has to do it.

But I see, you´re too entrenched in your mental defects to realize there is a genuine possibility that YOU, my friend, is wrong...just take a look around you to find proof.

You could read that back to yourself pretty easily. I admit I'm wrong at times. Have you like, ever done that? I mean seriously, ever?

I seem to have evolved into your personal enemy in here...have you secretly fallen in love with me or what´s wrong with you?

I'm not in love with you. I can't stand you. Frankly, your a biggot and if there's one thing I can't stand it's biggotry.

"Zeta ranch"...my ass!

It exists. I can affirm that and if you want to call me a liar, go ahead. But I do know for a certain fact at least 3 such farms exist in the USA alone. Deal with it.

For someone with almost NO own experience, you definitely are quite a loudmouth...how about investing your energy to get some actual experience instead of trying to pull off your little pathetic crusade against me? Maybe with some actual experience, I would take you more serious than now, being the almost-virgin, "zoo-abstinent" mind wreck you are. "...who think with our heads straight..."...and you little example of total wreckage think that you´re one of those you´re talking about here? Funny...

I don't judge individuals ability to interact with their peers based on the amount of sex with animals they have.
May I ask, why do you? How exactly has that gone for you?

And finally:

Social mess...whaddaya mean? Like, uh, swallowing psycho pills, maybe? Like agoraphobic and such? Antisocial? Me? A riding instructor who spent years and years interacting with LOTS of people on a daily basis?

I'll humor you and assume you are slightly more social in person than you've presented here.

Congratulations, you're actually a nice guy! However, the web does you no favors. You should work on that. And that's coming from someone who yes, is a known recluse. For that reason, you should take this very seriously. There is no way I would jump out and say this if it weren't very very obvious.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 3 points on 2016-12-09 07:54:28

For someone who complains so much every time someone so much as mentions animal sex without specifying about the romantic aspect, he sure seems obsessed with it.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 2 points on 2016-12-09 05:12:28

Chill, chill... please. You talk about 'ruining the image of zoos' all the time, but being a loose cannon isn't helping anything. The reason why you're getting salt is because you throw it at every chance you get. And you know, your reasons for throwing that salt might not be entirely wrong, but they don't justify the act either, nor do they make the act any less inefficient. You do make good points sometimes, and you know, there's a good chance that you are one of the most knowledgeable people here... but what happens when you swing a sword at someone? Either they'll evade it, or they'll parry it, but they're not going to accept it. People accept things when they're offered under even a thin veneer of consideration and tact, and I think everyone, yourself included, would like this community better without the verbal beatdowns. That, and most of the time the posts that you stretch into 10 paragraph rants can be condensed to 2 or 3 highly informative paragraphs, free of the galvanizing rhetoric and accessible for rational interpretation.

I'd love to see you have a civil discussion with someone because I think you have some pretty great ideas, but I can't open up to them, nor can anyone else, if you're using those ideas like weapons and striking out at everyone that doesn't think like you or have the same kind experience as you. If it's within your power, then I implore you to change your approach. I think you'd command a great deal of respect around here if you did.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-12-08 23:43:37

What if your "zoo partner" and you after some time figure out it won´t work out at all? What if one of you wants to leave and demands his money back? What if this guy/gal and you part ways in anger?

These are very good questions to ask yourself, and any potential partners.

....running a farm is fuckin´ HARD work, regardless if you´re alone or have another one to share the work with

This is very true, take heed any who consider a farm.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 2 points on 2016-12-10 10:54:44

What if your "zoo partner" and you after some time figure out it won´t work out at all? What if one of you wants to leave and demands his money back?

Then it is just as any marriage or business partnership that does not work. No better, no worse. Same case.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-12-08 21:04:29

Also - any idea where to post such a personal?

no, unfortunately, although I dont see why not. If youre not meeting up to bang the other persons animal then I cant see there being too much risk, at least of being caught by the police, because thankfully sexuality itself is not a crime. You leave yourself open to renegades though. Maybe there just aren't enough zoo's out there who want to meet others?

IAmAZoophile 2 points on 2016-12-08 18:58:32

I think this kind of struggle is really common for zoos. Even if you know what you're looking for and are in a position to achieve it, there's no way you can actually get out there and advertise yourself without essentially martyring yourself at the same time.

From what I've seen from other zoos, it seems like more or less the only feasible solution is to wade deep into the furry dating pool. It seems like its possible to sort of signal what you're looking for there without drawing too much attention to yourself. Of course, this requires you to get into the whole furry scene, which is a pretty tough pill to swallow if you're not already involved.

It seems like there just aren't any easy answers to this problem-- or hard ones, either.

zoo_away 2 points on 2016-12-08 19:10:01

ok thanks, that is actually an idea ... haven't thought about those places...

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-12-08 20:16:16

There is an easy answer: do it all by yourself, alone.

the_egoldstein 5 points on 2016-12-09 00:02:10

That is certainly not an "easy" option. Plus, you lose the advantage of having someone else who can care for the non-humans should something happen to you.

[deleted] 3 points on 2016-12-09 00:42:05


actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-12-10 22:03:52

I guess its kind of funny, but as much as I like furry stuff, I have zero desire to meet furries IRL. Shame really, but I dont see myself as an animal so I feel like I wouldn't fit in. Also I could never pretend that the person in a fursuit is anything more than a guy in a fur suit. The fact that the furry stuff I look at mostly contains straight up animals probably plays a part in that as well.

No offence meant to those who do that, just throwing my thoughts out there.

CanadaWolf 1 point on 2016-12-13 05:19:05

I've met the vast majority of zoos I know through furry. Furry provides a nice cover where you can talk about your love of dog dick and no one bats an eye. :P In any case it's a nice community and every furcon has a decent number of zoos who attend.

30-30 amator equae -3 points on 2016-12-08 20:14:39

Posting personals? Goto Beastforum!

Actually, I´m very glad this forum doesn´t include that kind of "fuck begging" space. We´d be flooded with "Who can lend me an animal ´cause I´m horny!" requests in an instant, this sub would immediately turn into a Beastforum 2.0 and all the negative prejudices that exist about "us zoos" being impulsive egocentric perverts only interested in quick and uncomplicated possibilities to get laid with whatever comes to our mind (" Anyone with a giraffe I can fuck?") would be proven right...again.

So, maybe try elsewhere. And keep in mind how many fuckin´ impostors are out there, how many antis trying to lure in "zoos" with such ads. Do we, do you really need this shit?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 4 points on 2016-12-08 23:49:58

Did you even read his post?

Of course you did, I know. But it was too irresistable to rant about "fuck begging spaces" that we aren't even talking about, wasn't it? You even had to throw a giraffe in there. Impressive.

You do know your imagination isn't real, right? And that this sub, is not in fact, beastforum?

the_egoldstein 3 points on 2016-12-08 23:35:50

If you advertise that's what you're looking for, you will most likely hear from the lazy folks looking for a free ride. The careful folks will likely remain silent as they're not going to take a risk on someone they don't know.

If that is what you are looking for, I suggest you engage with the communty, pay attention to who posts things that you agree with and make friends. Get to know them, let them get to know you, and take things slow. I know these things can work, I'm in such a situation myself, but it took some careful consideration to find someone who was reliable and compatible.

It's much like picking a spouse, you're going to be spending a lot of time with this person, your finances will get entangled and there will be problems from time to time. Make sure whomever you pick is not only responsible with their own life, but will act responsibly in yours, too.

The-Forested-Garden 3 points on 2016-12-10 09:15:31

Well, I dunno if it will help, but OKCupid is a semi decent place to find other zoos....I mean, they don't kick you off the site for being a zoo and I have openly advertised that I am zoo on there and have found other zoos as a result.

zoo_away 2 points on 2016-12-10 15:40:47

Really? Thank you very much. If that is true, that is by all means very helpful. Thanks again, I am onto checking that webpage out in that regard.

pung-is 1 point on 2016-12-11 04:46:23

I do my reading-to-my-pony here, you do your endless catch-the-ball games with your dog over there. In the evening we meet for a beer on the veranda and maybe a nice conversation, oh and who's turn was it to mow the grass in the front?

The most important thing for you to remember is that, it is the Internet whom you are currently asking to interpret these two precious sentences in a literal way and in literally the most innocent and non-suggestive way there is. Think about that.

That's got to be art.

Sorry for throwaway.

Apologizing for doing the right thing is a strange form of courtesy.