Are you monogamous, or do you prefer to (possibly literally) play the field? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-12-09 00:12:34 by ZimZimZeroin

I'm honestly just curious. Also a little stoned.

[deleted] 4 points on 2016-12-09 00:35:58


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-12-09 00:41:39

I'm zoo-abstinent. Kinda a weird option I know. Hopefully someday it will change, but not anytime soon if I am honest.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-12-10 05:27:42

To clarify, I have health issues that prevent me at the moment from perusing a partner.

If I was to pursue a partner though, I'd probably be monogamous.

30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2016-12-09 00:51:42

I can only speak for myself and a few other zoophiles I´m in steady contact with, but them and me always preferred monogamy. I´ve never cheated on my first mare I was with for 22 years although I had more than enough possibilities to do so.I literally could have had a "new" mare every week, but I was very satisfied with my beloved one and never felt the urge for having sex with any other mare.
Even now, with the three mares I own, I only sleep with my Tinker mare and do not even waste a single thought on approaching my other two ladies to get laid.

For me as a zoophile, the relationship counts more than the sex part itself. The mutual trust, the special bond that in my opinion can only develop enough through monogamy. Before I bought my mare, I had several shortlived affairs with other mares, but I never ever experienced the same type of mindblowing, shattering orgasms I experienced with my own mare after some years of being together. Once we both were tuned in for each other, the climax with her was exhausting and satisfying, I slipped off her back unable to stand properly, knees still shaking. I never experienced that with one of my affairs.

For me, it´s like in martial arts. It all depends on your focus. When focused, impossible things can become possible.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2016-12-09 01:31:00

I am mostly monogamous. I have several dogs and some other non-humans, but typically my focus is on my love. I have no problem helping the others when they're overly amorous and are looking for an outlet though.

duskwuff 8 points on 2016-12-09 07:32:41

My dogs aren't monogamous, and I don't expect them to be.

I'm not monogamous, and my dogs don't expect me to be.

TheShotmeister 2 points on 2016-12-09 07:45:33

I'm single right now, but I want a monogamous relationship. :) It's kinda the same as what huskyecroacher said, but i don't really fantasise about being with a lot :P

Swibblestein 1 point on 2016-12-09 07:52:03

Well unfortunately I'm more in the "won't have a chance at a relationship for quite a long time" situation, so I don't even have an option between monogamy and polygamy. So this is entirely hypothetical, I suppose.

Anyway... I think I'd tend towards monogamy, though not incredibly strongly. I've described myself in the past as a "hopeless romantic" - I wouldn't want to have a continuing sexual relationship without a strong emotional connection behind it. And I'd feel weird about having two or more such relationships at the same time. So in that sense I would say that I'm not polygamous... But at the same time I've never been in such a circumstance, so I can't say how I'd feel.

MareLuver Im a steed of 1 only Mare 3 points on 2016-12-09 14:49:22

I spent a lot of time looking for my love. Someone who really made me happy, and gave me the retribution of my romantic affections. I have a strong tendency to monogamy, 3 years ago I finally found my Soulmate. I met her when she was still very young, and from the first encounter she showed me how kind and friendly she was. We dated for more than 2 years, and much later, in her second Estrus cycle, she was interested in mating with me, I was surprised and happy at the same time, but I was reluctant until I was absolutely certain that she really wanted to give me her virginity. I was her first and only steed until today. A true love relationship is one that really cares about your beloved one, all your needs, knowing all your motivations, everything that makes her happy, and everything she does not like. A loving relationship is one that you give up of yourself for the sake of the person you love, it is wanting to be with her all the time, to feel her breathing, to feel the warmth of her body, to know what she wants at that moment and to see her happy. I love you safira

Susitar Canidae 1 point on 2016-12-09 15:57:48

I've never had a proper relationship with an animal, so I'll have to answer this pertaining to human partners.

I guess you could say I'm flexible in regards to type of relationship... I've been happy in monogamous relationships. Now I'm in an open relationship, so we are both allowed to sleep with others, but we are only in love with each other. In certain contexts, I guess I could be happy with a poly relationship too.

I find it easy to have sex without romantic interest.

With a dog, I don't think I would be monogamous or expect him to be. My only problem is that if an intact dog mates with other intact dogs, that leads to puppies, so I would have to stop him from doing that...

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-12-09 17:18:35

I don't really have a 100% relationship with my dog, but I'm strictly monogamous.
The thought of an open relationship never really appealed to me.
I know my dog wouldn't care much, but she has been jealous of others and tried to catch my attention by barking and biting.
One partner can satisfy me enough, and I'm not an over-sexual ape like most people are.
But then again, I don't fuck dogs and probably never will.
I'd never do anything zoophilia related to any dog that isn't mine either.

The-Forested-Garden 2 points on 2016-12-10 08:50:04

Well, I don't know of many animals that are monogamous, so it would be sort of farfetched to expect that from an animal partner. Not that it's much of an issue for me anyways, I don't think I can do monogamy with humans or animals TBH. There's too much variety, I don't think "true love" actually exists and I get bored if I have to stick to 1 single partner for too long. Although, I would be far more likely to do monogamy with an animal than I would with a human, I have a deeper bond with animals than I do with humans.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 2 points on 2016-12-10 10:45:43

Monogamy is severely overrated. Even in normal human terms.

The only practical reason for monogamy is that a established nuclear family is a good environment for raising kids. You have two people that can bring resources for feeding and educating the kid and take care of him. However, it could be argued that polygamy is vastly superior from the evolutionarily point of view, for the same reason that having a bull and 20 cows in a breeding farm is superior than having 9 bulls and 12 cows. A female is likely to produce just one or two kids per pregnancy, a male can generate multiple pregnancies, so polygamy maximizes offspring while offering it a stable environment just as a monogamy. In addition, there is more people for taking care of the kids if one of the people involved in the relationship fails, and members taking care of kids don't depend on just one member of the family to go out and gather resources while they stay at home changing diapers.

It is also worth considering that human males (and males from many other species) are biologically programmed for polygamy when it comes to sex. I bet you can easily find literature on the subject, but males get more bored of sex with a given partner the more they keep having sex with her instead of taking some other partner for a change. That is why you get so many males complaining because they are no longer excited about sex with their wives in the same way they used to be, and that they have to close their eyes and imagine they are mating somebody else in order for them to have any fun. This effect has also been observed in bulls, when it was noticed that a bull would mate a cow just so many times in a row and then get bored of her, yet when offered a new cow the same day he would just go and have the new fiancée as if he was still fresh.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-12-10 10:55:29

It really is a silly tradition. I mainly feel it's important for me because it feels "right" to me, which isn't a logical reason. Just whatever makes the heart feel good, I guess... is that ever logical? Lol.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 3 points on 2016-12-10 15:36:52

Love affairs are not supposed to follow the rules of logic.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-12-12 00:56:16

There are so many flaws and errors in your argumentation, I cannot decide where to start the debunking. You´re completely missing out on some essential facts regarding herd social structures. In a herd of horses or bovines, there is least from the females´perspective. They mate with only one male, the "alpha", the leading stallion or bull, for many years until a younger one will get strong enough to replace him. Just another fine example of bias, that´s what your argumentation is. You WANT to find things supporting your personal viewpoints and , what a surprise, you find them....but you simultaneously leave out any details that could undermine your views. Let me cite Robert Anton Wilson once again: "The human brain is divided into two hemispheres. One hemisphere I´d like to refer to as "The Thinker", the other one as "The Prover". Whatever your "Thinker" is thinking, the "Prover" will "prove". You lean towards poly and thus, you only find "evidence" that poly is the only natural way to go. But nature also provides us with enough examples of monogamy.

"Males are biologically programmed for polygamy"...yes, if you mistake your bias as the truth. Men are equally "programmed" for polygamy as females. "Males get more bored of sex with a given partner the more they keep having sex with her..."....well, chances are that "boredom" comes into play because a) the male hasn´t found the right one and is playing the common "I don´t love her , but getting laid is pretty cool!" game or b) the "the grass is always greener on the other side" human delusion that one could "miss out" on something.

To give you some counterproof, I´d like to mention that I never cheated on my mare the entire 22 years we were a couple. I never felt "bored", no, quite the opposite...them more experience we both had with each other, the better, more intimate and effortless our "tete a tetes" became. In my opinion, no "fucking around the barn" can ever live up to the effortless communication, the advanced familiarity with each other, the knowledge of how your longtime partner clicks a monogamous relationship involves. I´m absolutely not trying to brag when I say that no one else could have given my mare the same climax as me, after sleeping with her for more than two decades you´ll learn quite a lot of things about your partner.

I do have to throw in another thought. In psychology, being promiscuous is one red flag for being a psychopath/sociopath. It is said that people with the tendency to promiscuity have this tendency because of their inability to form "real" deep relationships and I have to agree to this pov for several reasons. IMHO, promiscuity is a direct consequence of being unable to rip through the cellophane each human has wrapped around his innermost self. Promiscuous folks seem to be unable to reach real sexual gratification and thus, they have to keep running around in search of someone else who is able to rip through the cellophane...but they will never find such a person because the real flaw is internal.

One sound advice: don´t try to compare human and animal sexual behavior directly. Humans are quite a different cup of tea with a whole set of "features" involved an animal never has to get along with. Don´t do the same as those folks that have some bible quotes handy for every bullshit they try to pull off. Reality is a Rorschach test and one should always be aware of the fact that the "order" he seems to perceive within the vast amount of signals swirling around, is entirely dependent on the one perceiving the chaos.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-12-12 01:02:52

PS: Your example of the bull losing his sexual stamina when mating with only one cow is flawed. An inseminated cow will immediately refuse to mate with ANY bovine. So, when the bull has shagged the cow several times without her starting to refuse his advances, chances are high this cow is infertile and mating is a waste of energy and semen. Quite logical that his stamina will suddenly return when another cow arrives as the chance to produce offspring is higher with this new cow. I don´t say that the bull "knows" that, but the genes "know" and will make decisions from that biological perspective.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 4 points on 2016-12-12 12:15:52

In a herd of horses or bovines, there is least from the females´perspective. They mate with only one male, the "alpha", the leading stallion or bull, for many years until a younger one will get strong enough to replace him.

I would not classify horses and cows as monogamous species and nor does any respectable resource I know about.

But nature also provides us with enough examples of monogamy.

Nature also provided us with cancer and hepatitis.

Men are equally "programmed" for polygamy as females."

Females being wired a certain way does not deny my statement regarding males that are wired certain way.

There is some accessible reading regarding the subject in the book "Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps". And keep in mind that I talk about couples with long lived relationships which excludes your a) and b) premises.

In psychology, being promiscuous is one red flag for being a psychopath/sociopath.

Promiscuity and polygamy are two different things. I'd say that affirmation is unrelated to the subject at hand.

Frankly, if you have a quick look around you will notice that a very big source of frustration in today's world is due to the social push that is placed towards monogamous relationships. People marries people that change over the years until they are not the same people they fell in love with, and switching off the relationship at that point is impractical. Laws in many places are designed to make it so. People concerned because their partner no longer loves them or does not want to have sex after 10 years of marriage runs amok on the Internet and therapy rooms. That is why you have a /r/deadbedroom full of people and why many countries have scary statistics regarding divorce rates.

CantThinkOfAName2017 1 point on 2016-12-12 16:22:36

At this point, monogamy is one of those old age ideas they are soon to die at this point. I've never understood why a person should have to only dedicate themselves to one partner at a time.

rabbitkiller24 1 point on 2016-12-21 08:52:38

I don't think this is limited to males, ha ha