Let's talk activism and public image. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-12-12 04:04:48 by AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile.

EDIT: For anyone with 30-30 blocked , you may want to unblock him for a bit. He made some pretty good points very calmly and I think they're definitely worth considering.

It's been spoken about in passing here and there, and some people in this community seem to be more incensed about it than others, but I want to get a feel for what the collective has to say on this.

These are just some general questions I thought of as some ideas for what to discuss. Expanding on anything not listed here is of course welcome, and it's not really expected that anyone answer all of them. Leaving any and all vitriol and rhetoric at the door is also welcome. You know who I'm talking to, with that last line.

What's your take on activism for zoos in general? Do you think it should be done at all? Alternatively, do you think it should be done more, or less?

What do you think works? What should be done, but isn't, do you feel? Is there anything in particular that you think shouldn't be done, or is done too much, to those ends? If applicable, what do you think is the ideal approach for zoo activism?

Regarding public image, how do you think the perception of zoophiles has evolved over time, if at all, and why? What outside factors are at play? Likewise, what factors within the zoo collective are influencing what the 'outside' sees, if any? Given the interplay between the two, do you think that the public or zoos have a disproportionate effect on the public image of zoos? What obstacles do you think zoos face are a result of bad public image?

To those who actively discuss and/or defend and/or attack zoosexual activities, what are the most common concerns that others raise about them, and how have you gone about addressing those concerns(and/or what are your own concerns if you're critical of it)? How many people have you changed the minds of through discussion(or has anyone changed your own mind about it somehow)?

It bears repeating that everyone will get the most out of this from being civil, and discussing things in a civil fashion accordingly. When you stop being civil, both participants in the discussion stop listening and start trying to dispute everything the other has to say. I know that this community is overwhelmingly passive for the most part, but I want everyone to be able to go through this without reactance muddying our perception.

30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2016-12-12 05:22:25

Let´s see whether this will actually mean or do anything without V.I.T.R.I.O.L.

First, activism generally isn´t a bad idea. Since our community´s situation gets gradually worse and worse, it should be quite obvious someone needs to do something. BUT: activism isn´t "good" per se. GOOD activism is good, bad activism isn´t. It´s not very long ago that a very in-yer-face "zoo activist" in here has shown how one can undermine every word, every effort to make "zoophilia" more tolerable, with his own, not very cunning remarks. Let this be one example for bad activism...and it´s bad activism because his words never matched his own actions. Trustworthyness and absolute honesty are the keywords.

I could write volumes, but there´s not a single detail I haven´t been referring to in my posts and I´m too lazy and bored to repeat myself over and over again, so....check my post history if you need any new impulses or ideas.

What works? Good question...I doubt there is one formula, one specific "remedy" for the obvious ineffectiveness of anything that has been done before in order to achieve more tolerance. It very much depends on situation, experience and the personality of your target persons. What I learned works the best is absolute sincerity and honesty when talking to outsiders. That way, they never had the notion of me being a member of a "secret sexual cult", defending every single excess of his cult. Whenever I raised my voice against the animal porn industry and confessed that I despise this vile form of animal exploitation even more than the average "normie", whenever I viciously attacked the fencehoppers and their egoistic mindset, whenever I defended more "conservative" views even as a zoophile, the conversation got more easygoing and calm.

They, the "normies", usually see us zoophiles as sexually limitless retards...antagonizing these common views by taking a "conservative" stance definitely disturbs their "flow". When I came out to one of my friends, he was totally baffled by the fact that I despise animal porn. I still can remember his face turning pale when he, half jokingly, admitted he has seen AP and I replied negatively, telling him of the drugs and other devices used to shoot AP. He told me he never had thought that a zoophile would take a hostile position towards AP, but after I taught him how most of this material is "produced", he replied "You REALLY put the animals´ wellbeing before anything else, even your own interests." I guess that´s what finally broke the ice and a very fruitful conversation followed, turning him into a very good friend and supporter of zoophilia according to the rules and values I represent.

Living the values you chose to represent...maybe the most important thing to do, as an individual, as a local or a worldwide community. Can you remember this LadySaberCat and how she accused the zoophiles of not giving a shit about animals, backing her accusation with some incidents of actual animal abuse? And indeed, you won´t hear a loud and clear damnation from "us zoophiles" often, when another animal is harmed by another self proclaimed "zoophile". There´s a Latin proverb about silence. It says "He who remains silent, agrees." We as a community are very quick when it comes to complain about "unjust" treatment of zoophiles, but why are we so silent when it´s animals, not zoophiles, that are treated harmful, unjust and with egoistic or evil intent. Why this "corps mentality", why this unspoken order of silence?

One core issue we have to solve even BEFORE we can think about activism is the issue of "immediate falsification by proof". Whenever a zoo tries to teach an outsider about zoophilia, each and every standpoint of the zoo can be falsified immediately by a few simple clicks. A zoo says "..but it´s not just the sex. It´s real love!"...click!..."Hey fella, that doesn´t look like deep romantic love to me!". A zoo says "...but I swear, it´s absolutely consentual! "...click!..." Waddaffffuuuu....!! The mare is cornered, her hindlegs are tied, a stallion is used to tease the mare, even though she is in heat, she still tried to evade this bloke every few seconds, but isnt able to because she´s cornered!"...hope you get the idea.

The self backstabbing has to end. If you try to defend a castle, you CLOSE holes in the wall, you don´t rip open even more of them. Before any effective activism can take place, we have to concentrate on our own defense and stuff the holes in it. Without that, there never will be EFFECTIVE activism, regardless of being "good" or "bad". Penis erectus non compos mentis...an erect penis isn´t made out of thoughts. And as long as many "zoophiles" still think with their dicks (and cunts), our position will always be incredibly weak to defend, with so much counterproof out there only one or two clicks away.

You can only form a favorable public image when you cut out the ungly and dark parts, folks.Inconvenient, but true.

PS: In case this might read a little bit weird and inconsistent, well, wake and bake, man! If you know what I mean....;) Have to feed my three ladies now...almost 6:30 AM in Germany.....

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 2 points on 2016-12-12 07:19:36

Let´s see whether this will actually mean or do anything without V.I.T.R.I.O.L.

It was clear, well written, and while there were some... places, the mostly agreeable and conversational tone made it an absolute joy to read through. Though, it's still a bit lengthy for the points you wanted to make(it could just be my TL;DR addiction kicking in). The way it's written makes me want to agree with you alot more, either way.

You make an interesting point about speaking out against nonhuman animal abuse. It is certainly true that while abusers shouldn't represent what zoophiles are, they can still be used as examples against it when dealing with laymen, which can be damaging. On the flip-side, acknowledging it extensively like that could be turned against zoos in a sort of "they're just covering their tracks" rhetoric if zoos aren't consistent about it -- even then, though, it would dismantle any pretention of zoos being selfish and only in it for the sex. How well the rhetoric would counter it is anyone's guess, but the possiblity is there. Building rapport and forming solidarity with conventional values is definitely a good approach to improving the standing of zoos, I agree.

As for the sexual part, it's not my place to really say, but it's kind of an inextricable force for zoosexuals... and the pr0n isn't necessarily being produced for zoophiles so much as fetishists and the like, cause it sure as fuck ain't made by zoos given how the nonhuman animals are treated. It may be that the AP is out of the hands of zoophiles and that the best approach is to refine an approach to discrediting it as evidence.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-12-13 00:50:51

Try to write short and consistent sentences with the buzz you have from three massive bongs of LA Confidential...;)

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 2 points on 2016-12-13 01:25:05

Hey, long or short, it was still a great read. My recommending conciseness is just a thought for the future, of course.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-12-12 13:48:34

I appreciate that you've written this in a conversationalist, non-agressive way. Bravo.

I skimmed it. That's not fair I know, but I am off to do my morning walk (I'm getting better at those, by the way) and will return to it soon for a proper read through. I have a few points I disagree with, but some I agree with as well. I'll post my thoughts probably later this evening west coast USA timezone.

the_egoldstein 3 points on 2016-12-13 04:28:43

Living the values you chose to represent...maybe the most important thing to do, as an individual, as a local or a worldwide community. Can you remember this LadySaberCat and how she accused the zoophiles of not giving a shit about animals, backing her accusation with some incidents of actual animal abuse? And indeed, you won´t hear a loud and clear damnation from "us zoophiles" often, when another animal is harmed by another self proclaimed "zoophile". There´s a Latin proverb about silence. It says "He who remains silent, agrees." We as a community are very quick when it comes to complain about "unjust" treatment of zoophiles, but why are we so silent when it´s animals, not zoophiles, that are treated harmful, unjust and with egoistic or evil intent. Why this "corps mentality", why this unspoken order of silence?

While I do somewhat agree with this, in that if I hear about some abuse I have no problem rejecting it, but it is nearly impossible to refute all cases of abuse. Partly, because one may not have heard about it, may not wish to engage with the people discussing it, or any of a number of other reasons. To make it a little clearer, it might help to reexamine it under a slightly different circumstance...would it be condemning for a heterosexual to not remark about every case of rape or domestic abuse? Given, those who see us as abusive will not examine it in such a manner, but the situations are effectively the same.

We cannot defend against every case that hits the news, as most of these people are likely not a part of this community. We cannot control the actions of others, this is no different for us as for any other group. The only thing we can control are the actions we actively support. Just because a person has sex with an animal doesn't make them a zoophile, the same as a pedophile or rapist isn't a heterosexual simply because their victim is of the opposite sex.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 2 points on 2016-12-13 05:29:48

Just because a person has sex with an animal doesn't make them a zoophile, the same as a pedophile or rapist isn't a heterosexual simply because their victim is of the opposite sex.

Only 30-30 knows for certain what he meant by it, but I'm fairly certain that he intended for it to imply that zoos should condemn legitimate animal abusers that play the zoophile card. Though, you are certainly correct in asserting that zoos would be overexerting themselves trying to condemn every instance of it. Then again, perhaps condemning everything that hits the news isn't necessary Some such stories gain more traction than others, and if a story remains local to a climate that isn't soon to favor zoophilia, perhaps it could be overlooked.

Now this is just a thought, but, on the online front, perhaps a committee of media agents could be established who work to distinguish zoos from bestialists and fetishists on relevant articles, as they turn up. Of course, that would require some master orators to not backfire, and even then they'd be dealing with facebook connected comment sections half the time... which are more often than not the places logic and reason goes to die.

EDIT: Sorry if I misread and you meant to say that zoos just don't have the resources to keep track of all cases rather than handling a broad range of cases. I guess the point that it would require a special committee to begin effectively addressing that pretty heavily supports your sentiment either way.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 5 points on 2016-12-13 23:05:16

Had some time to think on this. Thanks.

My feelings on this is that in short, no one cares about the "ugly and dark parts." They've linked us to them before they even met us, and cutting them off does us no benefits as the "ugly and dark parts" will do what they always have done and we'll still get linked to them out of ignorance. Few, if even a statistically relevant, number of people care what we think and ask on forums such as this. Those that do, generally are open minded to the point that they'll get the separation without having to push that group away (which only leaves it with less guidance).

The way you convince someone you're alright, starts before you tell them you are a zoo.

They get to know you for a while, they know you love animals. They see you with animals. They know you won't hurt them.

This, and only this, gets your foot in the door long enough they might listen to your argument. All the rest of this "push them away" hoopla will accomplish nothing from a media perspective, because no one cares what we think we are. If you walk up to Joe Schmoe on the street and say "Hey, I'm 30-30, I fuck horses," you've already lost that debate before it began. You can try to justify it with "no, I really love them and I'd never hurt them!" but actions speak louder than words and you have none. They've already made their mind up about you and you've lost, there simply is no coming back from that as your opinion is now worthless as a horsefucker. This is how the majority of the public views you, and there is no changing that.

Activism is best practiced as I have always said: With friends. And even then, I doubt it will seriously swing the pendulum either way. This is by and large, way out of our hands.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 4 points on 2016-12-14 01:14:11

The way you convince someone you're alright, starts before you tell them you are a zoo.

This exactly!!

tencendur_ Neeeigh 9 points on 2016-12-12 12:27:47

In order to cause political changes, you need political representation.

In order to have political representation, you need to buy it.

In order to buy something, you need to have something that the seller wants and he would like to take in exchange.

The way most collectives buy political representation from political parties is by lobbying and supporting the parties (open or subtle promotion of candidates among the sympathizers of the collective is a common way). The party gets support and voters and the lobby gets its agenda pushed by the party.

In order for that to happen, you need a collective big enough and resourceful enough, to the point it is attractive for a party to associate with you. If you don't have it, you have to build it. If you can't build it, you are achieving no remarkable goal in the long term.

You can use every sort of logical means to convert individuals, but be warned that logic is not what drives politics. Manpower and resources is.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 2 points on 2016-12-12 15:51:15

That's certainly somewhat true in politics, if not a bit oversimplified. Though, I fear that zoos as a collective aren't large/rich enough to perform lobbying in earnest, and are controversial enough right now that most parties would avoid associating with zoos at all costs. That is not to say that politics will never be a fruitful concern for zoos, but they're not really close enough to be able to do it effectively at this point. Looking forward, though, there are definitely some points to be considered here, as it relates to the future of zoophile activism.

CantThinkOfAName2017 3 points on 2016-12-12 17:54:49

Well said man.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2016-12-21 01:22:12

Frankly, logic IS used in politics and for sure legal matters, and to the extent it's not, coherent arguments based on fact often are.

Buying your way in is one option, but I would be surprised if it were the most common approach for social laws. From what I've seen, that seems more driven by human rights perspectives and realization that no, black people are not biologically inferior... no, gay people will not molest your children, etc.

In other words, one aspect missing here is KNOWLEDGE, which comes through research and/or exposure.

So while I do not advocate in-your-face activism, I also don't advocate sitting back and doing nothing from the comfort of one's own echo chamber, either.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 1 point on 2016-12-21 16:59:51

"Frankly, logic IS used in politics and for sure legal matters"

Logic might be used in politics, but if you don't have manpower and resources enough for pushing it, logic achieves no political change. What use are good arguments in they don't get exposure?

I think people does not understand how hard it is to get a political idea displayed on a TV screen these days.

"From what I've seen, that seems more driven by human rights perspectives and realization that no, black people are not biologically inferior... no, gay people will not molest your children, etc."

In today's world you indeed have gay and racial and gun rights and feminist lobbies that keep buying political representation in the manner I described.

The sort of realization you portray is usually achieved after the public is exposed to enough propaganda, in which case it is easy to buy political representation from a political party because you can offer a big bag of votes to them. Then such realization turns into a political change. This takes an enormous amount of resources that don't grow from potato plants.

" I also don't advocate sitting back and doing nothing from the comfort of one's own echo chamber, either."

Recognizing the nature of political campaigns does not mean you sit in your armchair and enjoy your echo chamber, it means you improve your understanding of the situation.

TokenHorseGuy 2 points on 2016-12-22 01:34:59

What use are good arguments in they don't get exposure?

It depends how you define exposure. If you mean narrowly "exposure to lawmakers" then the answer is: Insurance in case you DO get exposure. Meanwhile, exposure to individuals, to social media, to researchers, or internally within the community is very easy to come by. The risk of NOT preparing a story or argument(s) should be obvious and familiar: A vacuum of consistent information will result, and the "wrong people" will speak for you, or independent researchers will look past you into a biased population.

Even if lobbyists were to be enlisted someday in the future, I'm sure one of their first objectives would be understanding the need for change and how to make it relevant. It will be hard to answer if nobody is willing to speak up, and if there are no facts or research to justify the position or defend it from inevitable challenge.

it means you improve your understanding of the situation.

Sure, this would be research, and to those doing it, great. But many seem to advocate sticking their head in the sand and hoping bad things stop happening. I understand why people take that approach, but I don't think it's realistic to expect everyone to forget zoophiles exist.

CantThinkOfAName2017 3 points on 2016-12-12 18:01:57

I would like to see more pro-zoo activism before it becomes to late. It would also help if there were more people on the internet who would be openly supportive of zoophilia. If I ever stop procrastinating and get my own general news youtube channel going, I'd certainly make videos on zoophilia.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 8 points on 2016-12-12 20:07:26

I guess I'm old fashioned but I have no desire for activism. I don't want the general public to be more aware of zoophilia. The more awareness, the more my animals and I are put at risk. Our society isn't going to accept zoosexuality anytime soon, so I just want to live in peace under the radar with no suspicion. The more "activism" happens, the more I worry about risks to me and my animals.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 2 points on 2016-12-12 20:54:58

I see. Wanting to keep out of danger is, of course, a natural response.

Do you believe that there can be good activism? 30-30 asserted that the problem with activism is that it isn't approached in the correct way, and that zoo activists need to present the more conservative zoo views in order to gain traction. Is there any merit in that assertion, in your opinion? Outside of strict activism, what would you think if more outspoken zoos took to speaking out against animal abuse and the like? What examples of zoo activism backfiring have you observed, or is your outlook more intuitive?

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 7 points on 2016-12-12 23:15:13

I agree pretty much exactly with what huskyencroacher said, he worded it better than I did. There's no point in activism when we'll never have a good image, even if all of our activism was "conservative" the vast majority is never going to view having sex with animals in any way as acceptable.

We're already seeing lots of cases where people are being accused of having sex with their animals and it's taken to court, when they're actually not at all. There was one case recently where a man went to court and was accused of renting his dogs out for sex, it spread all over the internet, and turns out it was all just a rumor. But there are plenty of people who don't believe the court's verdict and the evidence (including exams from a vet) at all, and are very convinced this guy did it just because he was accused. Public awareness of bestiality puts even more pressure and suspicion on us and, like in that case, non-zoos as well. That guy's life is ruined, he lost his job and his reputation and his dogs, and he didn't even do anything. The consequences for actual zoos are much worse.

I don't want any awareness of bestiality, zoosexuality, nothin', so I can live my life without constantly having to worry about people being suspicious of me, and just disclose my sexuality on a private and personal basis. That's why I don't want activism. There's never going to be a positive image of us, and trying to do so just hurts us honestly. People in general are always going to think we're rapists who are ridiculous for trying to "justify what we do." And the more awareness there is, the more laws will be passed against bestiality, fwiw.

I hope that made sense, I'm really tired today. And I want to clarify I'm in no way saying don't speak out against animal abuse, sexual or not. But you don't have to be an "outspoken zoo" to do so.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 2 points on 2016-12-12 23:37:05

And I want to clarify I'm in no way saying don't speak out against animal abuse, sexual or not. But you don't have to be an "outspoken zoo" to do so.

I was trying to work off of what 30-30 posited with that question, more of a "how might this work as an alternative to activism' kind of thing. FWIW I'm not a zoo and this community has left a pretty darn good impression, all in all. But who knows, I might just be one of the exceptions that takes the no-harm, no-foul philosophy further than a normal person is supposed to. Thank you for your input, though. It's always amazing how diverse peoples' outlooks can be.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-12-13 23:08:31

I agree pretty much exactly with what huskyencroacher said, he worded it better than I did. There's no point in activism when we'll never have a good image, even if all of our activism was "conservative" the vast majority is never going to view having sex with animals in any way as acceptable.

I used to think otherwise, but nowadays, unfortunately, I agree with this.

The only people I MIGHT practice "activism" with are my immediate friends (and maybe even some online contacts who know me very well), and even that, it's not to change the world so much to make my own life easier. Though, I will admit, it is a drop in the bucket too... Kinda helps me sleep at night even if it really amounts to nothing.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 2 points on 2016-12-14 01:19:17

Yeah. The only time I ever talk about zoosexuality outside of the community is with my friends who know about it. It's just like what you said, my friends know how much I love animals and how animals are such a huge part of my life and how much I care about their wellbeing, and THEN if I want to I disclose. And yeah, the only reason I would have discussions about it would be for my sake, like clearing up misconceptions they might have about me or my relationship with my partner. I don't want anyone having any false ideas about this very personal thing I've trusted them enough to tell them. I like to clarify.

I'm not as active anymore but I do still have my tumblr blog. I don't really think of it as "activism" though, more as a resource for other zoos or people who are questioning. I have had people find it who were against zoosexuality beforehand and messaged me about it and came away from the blog with a more positive opinion, but that's more of a bonus than the primary goal I had/have for it. I don't go out of my way to talk to non-zoos about zoosexuality or bestiality.

Edog91 2 points on 2016-12-16 11:39:05

To be honest I don't see the use of activism, we already have everything we need to live a happy life with our animal partner. I think its time we question is there really any benefit to this activism.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 1 point on 2016-12-16 22:30:37

I think it's got a dual purpose. In order to recognize zoophiles as being in the right, the public and powers that be have to recognize that nonhuman animals possess sexual agency. It advances two paths, and further opens up research on the topic.

TokenHorseGuy 2 points on 2016-12-21 01:10:00

On the other hand, clearly the current level of "activism" (which is to say, almost none) has resulted in a huge uptick in the number of fallacious laws being created to prohibit certain physical activities. Should new, specific legal prohibition somehow not cause one to "worry about risks to oneself and their animals"?

Not to drag up this tiresome comparison, but homosexuality was "not going to be accepted anytime soon" in the 1950s. That doesn't mean such a position is logically or philosophically correct, nor does it mean one shouldn't try, because... gee, it's hard.

But of course "activism" has almost as many meanings as "zoophile."

[deleted] 9 points on 2016-12-12 21:12:00


Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 4 points on 2016-12-12 23:03:45


30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2016-12-13 00:31:29

Generally, I agree on a lot of what you have to say, but one pov I really have to contradict. Activism can work, but it very much depends on the zeitgeist. I´ve told this quite a lot in the past, but there were times without the public hysteria about us "animal rapists". In the mid of the nineties, without vast archives of animal porn easily accessible for everyone, there was a small window of neutrality, at least that´s what my impression was. In German tv, stuff like "Liebe Sünde" (Dear Sin) and "Wa(h)re Liebe" ( True love) aired, featuring all kinds of uncommon sexual things. When Josef Maassen published his book on zoophilia, he was invited to "Wa(h)re Liebe ", interviewed by the host of the show, and NOBODY ever complained about "making propaganda for animal rapists". In "Liebe Sünde", Midas Dekkers, the Dutch biologist who also has written a book about zoophilia, titled "Dearest Pet", was able to voice his opinions on having sex with animals and nobody batted an eye.

We Germans even did what Jerry Springer was afraid of when Arabella Kiesbauer, a German talkshow host, interviewed a self proclaimed zoophile sitting behind a shadow wall. This actually aired, folks. Quite unimaginable under the influence of the current zeitgeist, isn´t it?

There was a time when activism could have improved things for us, the pre-Enumclaw, pre- internet animal porn craze. People didn´t react hysterically, no, there was more of an interest in a very off turf sexual orientation instead of immediate accusations zinging around our heads. Some might say I totally exaggerate on the negative effects cases like Enumclaw and easy availability of animal porn had, but in retrospective, that was what broke the neck of zoo activism. Remember the time when every Afroamerican was a "thief"? Remember how hard the Black community fought to overcome this prejudice? Now imagine the Black peoples` fight for equality combined with the internet culture presenting you with a legion of flics showing a black guy stealing and robbing, often uploaded by the thief/robber himself. Do you think the AfAm-Movement would be in the same place as it is today?

Just think about it for a while...

Another view of yours that I like to challenge: there actually IS a "public image" zoophiles have. Just ask any random person about people having sex with animals and you quickly will be able to condense the common normal guy´s perception of us zoophiles: sexually insatiable, strictly focused on his/her own sexual gratification, using animal welfare sermon and moral rules as a shield to hide behind when attacked, but throw this shield away immediately when pants are unzipped, supportive to exploitative conduct (animal porn, animal sharing, sex parties with "fellow zoophiles", animal prostitution, etc...), slaves to their sex drive, unable to control themselves (fencehoppers) and a general danger for any animal kept outside. I do believe that zoophilia itself isn´t the major problem, I really believe it´s what many so called "zoophiles" are making out of it, mistaking zoophilia as a sexual playground, an easy detour for their sexual fantasies they cannot live out with human partners uncontradicted. When we want to install the idea that zoophilia is more than just the fucking, we need to emphasize on love. I still think that exactly this was what spared me from any problems I easily could have run into when I was forced to lead my relationship with my mare in several different public stables. People knew that I was "weird", people always suspected that I loved horses just a little bit "too much"...but what kept them from turning me in to the police or giving me massive problems otherwise was the fact that I really lived the ten zeta rules. Although I was a sexual deviant, people never felt that their animals are in danger, people even told me that my mare and me are made for each other...and I assume they meant it, also including intimate contact. For all those outsiders, I definitely was a freak, but not an unpredictable one. Predictability, that´s the point. People need some form of trust to tolerate you.

But I digress, back to the public image topic. There IS a "zoo public image" and it can be influenced, although all the damage done in the last fifteen to twenty years is hard to undo. It´s not society who is to blame for the recent situation we´re in, it´s the fact that, after the 2000 internet animal porn craze, thing got out of hand, the sex lib agenda became dominant (" Everything sex should be legal!") and our own community was taken hostage by folks who just don´t give a fuck about animals and are only interested in being allowed to fuck ´em everywhere, everytime and in every way they want.

Another little detail: until today, I never ran across another sexual orientation that makes it necessary to add a word like "exclusive" to clarify things. Have you ever heard about an "exclusive gay"? The tendency to mix things ad libenter has gotten out of hand, also...inventing new words and stuff like that, you know. Many also suffer from the illusion we just have to do what the gays have done to become acceptable...but what they always forget is how much of the gay lib success is owed to the mid-eighties HIV epidemy. If you LGBT folks like it or not, but it wasn´t the "teaching of the public" that made you more tolerable, it was the extreme suffering of HIV victims that opened up the average normie´s heart. We should quit this bullshit comparisons to the LGBT once and for all, folks....we´re talking about having sex with animals that are unable to say "Yes, I want you to fuck me hard up my ass!".

Attention to our cause isn´t bad per se. But it has to be well timed to raise attention, we have to strenghten our defense before we ever can think about making that step. Once again, Mr A....y perfectly serves as an example how this shouldn´t be approached.We also finally have to draw a thick and steady line between bestiality and zoophilia, otherwise we´ll always be thrown into the same box as fencehoppers, animal pimps and all the others completely antagonizing the core ideas of true zoophilia, love and respect for the animals. What we really need to stop is drawing NEGATIVE attention towards us. Any fencehopping case throws us back another few months, for example. The more evidence of "zoophile" wrongdoings are out there, the harder it will become to convince Average Joe that we´re not all like this. We really need some discipline, the "everything goes!", the "whatever floats your boat" attitude has to be dismissed once and for all. As long as the vast majority of damage our community suffers from is done by our own community members and as long as almost anybody feels entitled to claim the z-word for himself, regardless of his actual conduct, his actual "agape" (Greek for nonsexual, romantic love or the lack thereof. We have to refill our words with actual meaning to form a consistent picture of zoophiles as real animal lovers. If you want change, then you have to be ready to change yourselves, folks. That´s how things can and will change for the better. Change starts with every single one of us...it´s not society that has to make the first move...it´s OUR turn!

P.S.: I still wait for a "zoophiles against animal pornography" initiative or an "anti fencehopper" squad consisting of true zoophiles. Just imagine how dazzled all the antis are when we ourselves take things into our own hands instead of handing out the usual , semi-honest "No, I don´t support fencehopping, but don´t be too hard with that fencehopping asshole..." kind of corps mentality bullshit. Everytime you defend or play down incidents that involve the outside and outsiders, it will fall back onto our feet.

" Protest is when I say that I don´t like this and that. Resistance is when I prevent stuff I don´t like from happening. Protest is when I say that I quit participating. Resistance is when I also prevent anybody else from participating."

Join the Zoo resistance.

[deleted] 4 points on 2016-12-13 21:14:47


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 6 points on 2016-12-13 23:13:21

lol, it's funny man. I used to believe strongly in web-activism too. As in, actively seeking out and engaging targets online. Not so much anymore. If there's any kind of "activism" left in me it's the "I want my friends to like me" type. The rest can fuck off.

Note, I've actually had some non-zoo allies convinced to our side over the years. But I firmly believe my activism caused just as much damage in the process and that it didn't help much, if at all.

I'm not sure I can say our little "incident" was the sole factor in me deciding this, but it definitely had it's impact. Don't you ever claim the human mind can't learn, even my little pea-brain.

[deleted] 3 points on 2016-12-14 00:51:02


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-12-14 05:19:20

Yeah. If someone is grossed out by something, probably best not to rub their nose in it, right?

It worked on a "normie" if I may use that term once. Same video too. Note I didn't entirely lie to you: I know nothing about Canine body language and that video was recommended to me by a friend long long ago.

Anyhow, said "normie" later confessed he had once "experimented" with a dog though, so... probably a tainted sample, to be frank...

Anyways, I did learn something that day. It was a mistake to be certain.

30-30 amator equae 7 points on 2016-12-14 00:51:29

I still advise anyone not to engage in "activism" when this would lead to increased risk for the animal partner, but activism isn´t a bad idea itself. I advised against the Aluzkyesque, ZETAesque forms of activism which have inexplicably dominated our entire worldwide community in the last decades. The "loud and out!" type of thing, you know.

What I propose is a different form of activism. Smarter activism, not coming along with risking your animal´s life. That´s my point, that always was my point.

Oh, and don´t you try to blame society for "not being ready" for us. We did ours to shift society to the current hostile position. All the negative prejudices towards zoophiles, where do they come from? I´ll tell you: animal porn and headlines. We could have set things straight right from the start, distancing ourselves from fencehopping and animal porn, but we failed due to the "tolerance" plague. That´s how "zoophilia" became a synonym for "bestiality", that´s how any distinction between z and b has been made impossible...as a bitter, yet true resumee, it´s more like WE aren´t ready for society and all the hostility towards us is well earned and deserved. Every action causes a reaction. We were too permissive and now, this is falling back onto our own feet. If there weren´t folks out there actually objectively raping animals, still claiming the z-word for themselves, who knows...maybe our situation wouldn´t be so hopeless right now.

IAmAZoophile 3 points on 2016-12-13 03:37:42

This most matches how I feel, as well.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2016-12-13 23:11:45

I agree with this in general, except this:

zoophiles see their situation in life going from bad to worst.

I don't agree with that. I think if anything, it's gotten better, though almost so little as to be insignificant, if only due to my experiences going through the psychiatric system at various points in time.

The laws don't really change our day to day existence much, and as such, can't be argued to make our day to day life "worse" unless you get caught somehow. Even before the laws, they'd throw some other statute at you. Not much has changed there.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2016-12-16 20:00:38

There are cultures which are accepting of human-animal sexual contacts in some contexts, both in the present day and in the past. You are factually wrong when you say "this is how it always has been", and so when you say "this is how it will always remain", I can't say I agree, precisely because it has not always been this way.

My experience is that people are bad at understanding the social and moral norms of other societies - present or past - and this makes them likewise particularly bad at predicting how future societies will view issues.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 5 points on 2016-12-13 14:41:32

I'm fine with having a voice, but it shouldn't be too loud.
Trust me, EVERYONE hates others that can't shut up about certain things.
But, we need to stand up for ourselves, or we have less than zero chance to do anything at all.
Of course, we should talk about zoophilia and tell people what it really means.
But it's kind of hard to do since we're already seen as rapists and freaks.
People don't really take us very seriously and we're just a minority.
We're so small and weak that our voice means nothing.

Our 'public image' isn't getting better any time soon.
In fact, it's getting worse every day.
The laws, the news, every sheep believes it.
Every animal rapist,
Every fence hopper,
Every selfish pervert, ...is a zoophile according to everyone.
People lack real intelligence about zoophilia and won't believe us because apparently we're trying to cover our tracks.

How many people have you changed the minds of through discussion?

Sadly, 0.
I've tried arguing, I've tried having a normal talk, I've tried so much.
Fucking nothing.
It always turns into a debate where we get sick of each other no matter what.
Sorry, but it's hard to have a normal conversation if I'm being called an animal abuser every 10 seconds.
Either I suck at convincing people or people really are bigoted and sheep.
I have figured out that it doesn't really help to convince people.
All the people I've tried talking with still try to prove me wrong, ignore me or just forget about it.

This message was kind of useless since I don't have a single idea on how to convince a big group of people who are 100% sure that we're extremely bad and disgusting people, but I still wanted to say something.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 2 points on 2016-12-13 16:21:09

People lack real intelligence about zoophilia and won't believe us because apparently we're trying to cover our tracks.

Hm. This is true. Falsification by association. De se loquitur, propter commodum. My latin is rusty, but it should read something like "he speaks of himself, for benefit/advantage". It's a fair assumption most of the time, everyone is inclined to avoid revealing their less flattering traits when speaking about themselves, but it definitely makes things difficult for zoos since it can be used against them. Perhaps the solution is obtaining more outsiders for the cause; it can't be misconstrued as speaking in self interest, because non-zoos wouldn't benefit from it at all outside of doing a good deed.

I've tried arguing, I've tried having a normal talk, I've tried so much. Fucking nothing. It always turns into a debate where we get sick of each other no matter what. Sorry, but it's hard to have a normal conversation if I'm being called an animal abuser every 10 seconds. Either I suck at convincing people or people really are bigoted and sheep. I have figured out that it doesn't really help to convince people. All the people I've tried talking with still try to prove me wrong, ignore me or just forget about it.

Hm. If you haven't already, I'd take a look at 30-30's post on this thread. He made some excellent points about convincing people, I feel. He's been quite amicable on this thread too, in honor of my request. You do bring to mind an issue that's always hurt zoos, though... there's a lack of evidence. There's evidence for your cause, anecdotal evidence, but nothing that carries the authority that is needed to convince people that having an intimate relationship with a nonhuman animal isn't harmful. There are no scientific studies on the health effects or psychology of a non-abusive relationship like that, so people can stick to their assumptions in good conscience until there's proof... but a study like that is a landmine for a fair number of researchers, I suspect.

This message was kind of useless since I don't have a single idea on how to convince a big group of people who are 100% sure that we're extremely bad and disgusting people, but I still wanted to say something.

This isn't true at all. You're getting your views across, and the way you wrote your post makes it seem like you were getting something big off your chest, too. That's the farthest from useless that I can imagine. There are lots of people in agreement with you, and part of facing a problem is acknowledging just how severe it is, and not just the first time around, either. Even if you don't have any insight into how to approach it, it's important for everyone to remember just how sensitive the situation is. And, sometimes simply reiterating the struggles of a circumstance can inspire solutions as I'd like to think they did this time.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-12-15 00:54:43

You do bring to mind an issue that's always hurt zoos, though... there's a lack of evidence. There's evidence for your cause, anecdotal evidence, but nothing that carries the authority that is needed to convince people that having an intimate relationship with a nonhuman animal isn't harmful. There are no scientific studies on the health effects or psychology of a non-abusive relationship like that, so people can stick to their assumptions in good conscience until there's proof... but a study like that is a landmine for a fair number of researchers, I suspect.

A point I'd like to make here is that there are a whole lot of things that we don't have evidence for, and it's not a reason against anything.

It's a backwards premise. It is effectively impossible to find evidence for the lack of something. What would you be measuring? Everyting that is measured is a positive result and is evidence for something. Absence of evidence is never evidence of absence. Where is the evidence that such a relationship has a high correlation with harm? If I conducted a study and merely failed to find evidence for harm, would that be evidence that it doesn't happen?

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 1 point on 2016-12-15 01:08:47

A study that fails to find evidence of something...

... is evidence that there may be a false correlation. The issue is that there are no studies on it.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-12-15 01:24:29

And there are many subjects for which we have no studies; for which the lack of studies is not considered a reason to prohibit.

I agree that studies would be nice, but to presume harm where there is no evidence for it is absurd.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 1 point on 2016-12-15 05:12:55

They're still making emotional assumptions, things beyond the voice of simple reasoning in the case of zoos. Even one study that undermines the commonly held belief that responsible bestiality is harmful would make a world of difference for zoos, esp with media coverage.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-12-16 02:36:41

I do not think an emotional response is normally influenced by science or reason. They would as easily ignore or dismiss that study as they would anything else that doesn't fit their perception.

What makes you think the media would bother covering it? What would they stand to gain? It would not be well received by the typical target deomographic and publicizing it would largely only bring in complaints. The media does such a fantastic job of making people aware of important facts now (sarcasm).

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 1 point on 2016-12-16 03:38:38

Science media would be able to cover it on the assumption that their viewers are more concerned with receiving information on empirical studies than they are about fortifying the bubbles of their readers. As for people believing it, sure there will be people that will try to disregard it, but alot of people are simply basing their assertions off of assumptions, and even then there are more impartial people that aren't mad about it so much as they are using what is at their disposal, which is more often than not rhetoric in itself. due to the familiarity heuristic. However, while the familiarity heuristic would leave them inclined to believe the masses, more scientifically minded people will still place great value on peer-reviewed studies, regardless of their own predilections on the matter. Most people aren't going to try disputing a proper scientific study around Reddit anyway, from what I've seen.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-12-16 07:16:13

Science media would be able to cover it on the assumption that their viewers are more concerned with receiving information on empirical studies than they are about fortifying the bubbles of their readers.

And you're back to square one in regard to media coverage as anything covered in scientific journals isn't going to be read by 99.99% of the people who you will be talking to, which includes many zoos. How much of the existing literature dealing with the subject of zoophilia have you read? Why is the existing literature not convincing to these people?

Most people aren't going to try disputing a proper scientific study around Reddit anyway, from what I've seen.

If you honestly think most people won't dispute a scientific study that challenges their views, I can only presume you have not talked to very many people, here on reddit or anywhere else. It has happened in this very sub on several occasions.

Many people will readily dismiss science when it's convenient to them, it happens all the time. Why is evolution considered unsettled by so many people? Why is climate change hotly debated among the general populace? Care to explain the absolutely astounding number of people who follow various absurd conspiracy theories?

People can be amazingly resilient to changing their views.

AmoreBestia Et scientiam! 1 point on 2016-12-16 09:03:44

And you're back to square one in regard to media coverage as anything covered in scientific journals isn't going to be read by 99.99% of the people who you will be talking to, which includes many zoos. How much of the existing literature dealing with the subject of zoophilia have you read?

Science media, as in the kind of media that scientific reporters publish on, rather than researchers. I do have a DOI list of studies/essays I've reviewed on the subject, though. Some are better than others, some are more relevant than others, and some are more favorable than others, but they're all relevant to zoophilia(from a sexual standpoint). 10.1007/s10508-016-0891-3 10.1007/s10508-015-0636-8 10.1007/s00415-011-6270-z 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2011.02512.x 10.1016/j.jflm.2011.01.004 10.1007/s10508-007-9285-x 10.1007/s00115-004-1693-8

I should probably make it clear that scientific journals are one of my areas of expertise. As a biologist, I find myself needing to reference them quite frequently for my own purposes. Purposes that I suspect zoos will also have a vested interest in... but that's something for another time.

Many people will readily dismiss science when it's convenient to them, it happens all the time. Why is evolution considered unsettled by so many people? Why is climate change hotly debated among the general populace? Care to explain the absolutely astounding number of people who follow various absurd conspiracy theories?

Economic interest and flipping their understanding of the world on its head come to mind as to why they resist those. This is something that people hear every few months, gawk a little, maybe scowl at, then forget about until they hear about another state banning it in the news. There are lots of things to be resistant to, but most people know that this revelation doesn't affect them or their world-view enough for it to matter. Is there a demographic that will be resistant to it? Yeah, but there's a demographic like that for everything. There aren't any conspiracy theories about "them dern scheming goat fuckers", so I'm certain you're fairly secure on that front too.

At any rate, one study with a sound procedure and method and definitive results will be more than enough to get your foot in the door to the reasonable skeptics, of which there are a great many on Reddit and in the world at large(and their numbers are growing).

TheShotmeister 4 points on 2016-12-13 22:59:48

I tried to do some activism, when they wanted to make a anti animalsex law here in Denmark. I was interviewed a couple of times by some journalists who made articles online, and I was flown out to be in a live tv show two times (but sadly it got cancelled, twice...)

It's hard to talk about a subject, when the reader already from the start think you are sick. It's not easy changing peoples mind and way of thinking. Most debates about the articles I'm in, the majority think I'm sick and wanna kill me...

But it have happened a few times, that people have looked different on the topic after reading what i said, or talked with me. (And if i only changed just 3 peoples way of think, I still see that as a good thing)

I understand that some just wanna be quiet and avoid the negative attention, especially if they could risk losing a partner. But I still believe that some have to do something to fight against the laws that are being made.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-15 22:46:03


thisisblueprivilege 3 points on 2016-12-15 22:47:28

Furry fandom seems to be more welcoming of zoo than it was just few years ago, there seems to be much more human on feral porn these days and when someone casually mentions engaging in interspecies sex in real life there isn't so much backslash most of the time.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2016-12-20 23:00:53

1.Trust and Boundaries

We should prove to the more open minded antis that we can be trusted around their animals and other animals that are not ours. One reason we're so hated is because people think we'll fuck any animal we're left alone with at any time or any place, unfortunately people that actually do this haven't helped out image at all especially when the animals are harmed. I want people to know we can be left alone with their animals without having to be told "Don't have sex with my dog/cat/horse/pig/goat/sheep/cow/snake/ect the if I leave you alone with them and don't allow anyone else to do such." Unfortunately it seems that some Zoophiles will ignore such requests and use dumbass excuses in an attempt to silence their just critics cough coughAluzkycough cough when they do this. I have babysat a couple dogs for co-workers including one who I'm out to, she was scared at first and asked if I ever tried anything with her dog. He's a sweet Newfoundland but because he is not mine I never did anything sexual with him. He is simply a fluffy beautiful dog who loves people. I would never do anything with an animal that is not mine and I especially wouldn't fence hop or lie to an owner. Even though I have a dog now, a sweet German Shepherd/St Bernard/Unknown mix named Moose(I have not do anything with him yet as I'm just bonding with him) I'd still never touch another dog. Even if given permission to do so I'd be very uncomfortable with such a thing.

  1. Confronting The Terrible Reality Of Animals Who Are Sexually Abused

We can't keep running from this. We have to make our voices known when animals are raped. It's a very ugly topic but one that must be discussed. When Diamond the Pit Bull was raped and hung in Washington state many people wiped her blood on our backs. Despite her killer being a violent man who apparently wanted to kill his neighbors' dog but decided to rape her first. Or the man who was raping mini horses and killed the dog that guarded them. Or the NYC rescue group that featured several dogs who were confirmed to have been raped with a notable one being male pit bull mix who was sodomized, human semen was recovered from inside of him. Venus, the pit bull puppy who was also confirmed to have been raped suffered from a severe prolapse and swelling. Her entire uterus was hangout out of her. An unnamed pregnant female pit bull(referred to as a brindle female) showed sighs of being raped vaginally and may have been raped anally with a foreign object. Beatrice, a deaf white Boxer who died of an infection and complications from being repeatedly raped. Supposedly there was a video online of a man who might've been her owner and three other men gangraping her over the course of a couple hours, including three of them raping her at the same time. She can clearly be heard yelping, she's bleeding from both openings, one of the men can be heard laughing while anally raping her while another man(the one who might be the owner)says "Make this bitch scream louder, you're not fucking her hard enough." Then there's the recent case of the guy who fence hopped and raped a pit bull(why is it that people seem to rape so many pit bulls?) while saying he had Ebola. Then there's the guy who killed a deer a raped the corpse, he also shot and killed a horse so he could have sex with it though he was caught before he could violate the poor thing. Then a case of a man trying to rape his dog in a public park, the dog had very bad injuries and could've died. Last but not least there's the infamous picture of the German Shepherd who's limbs are tied in an unnatural manner and being tortured and raped. What do all of these cases have in common? The reaction of non-zoos, people were horrified, angry, disgusted and heartbroken to hear such things. Many decided to look up what kind of people would do things like this, who would do such a thing to animals? Who would turn a blind eye or refuse to speak up about this? Unfortunately the first two results that come up are "bestiality" and Zoophile, there is no Wikipedia page for Zoosadists so no one will see that result. So now they have a name for the awful animal rapists; Zoophiles. When they hear that word they think about ugly evil people who rape animals or try to train them for sex and they lash out at us. Why do they do this? Because you don't see Zoophiles rushing to condemn actions like this. Hearing one or two Zoos say "I'd never do that" isn't going to solve anything. To the outside looking in this is our approval of these actions. This is our approval of dogs and other animals being raped and in some cases murdered after the fact or visa versa. Our silence is telling the antis that we don't care about animals or at least don't care about our favorite kinds of animals. That rape is accepted. That we can't be trusted.

3.No More Excuses For Fence Hoppers

This speaks for itself.

  1. Condemn Training Animals For Sex

If they animal doesn't want sex leave them be. Love and cherish them for who they are.

  1. Don't Make Everything About Sex

Explain the deep reasons why you love your partner. Not just for sex but their personality, looks and how they make you feel.

  1. Accept Disapproval

Sadly some people won't approve of us but won't try to kill us either. People aren't always going to agree with each other.

  1. A Good Spokesperson

Someone that is palatable to the general populace but someone who really supports us.