Getting new dog in the spring, new to zoo. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-12-18 09:52:02 by northtail

Hello, I am a 26 year old woman. I am not a first time pet owner, but I do not have a terrible amount of experience with dogs. Especially not one I am intent on becoming intimate with. I had a small chihuahua mix for who I adopted when he was an adult.

He passed away in the spring and I am looking to get a puppy in the spring of 2017. I am looking forward to the challenge of training a puppy from a few months of age. I work from home and will have all the time in the world for the little guy. Given my lack of experience though, I am left wondering what would be a manageable breed, for a newbie, on both fronts of the everyday normal dog stuff and the stuff I am coming to this specific board for. Sorry if I come off as awkward, I am really nervous.

Any other tips on how to train a puppy with future sex in mind would be very helpful. I have had fantasies about dogs since I was in highschool and I am moving so I will have the space for a bigger dog. I live in Canada so the summers are hot but the winters are very cold as well. I have become more active and I am dedicated to being in well enough shape to give a dog the activity they need.

ssbbdf 6 points on 2016-12-18 12:37:16

German Shepherds are really popular both as pets and as lovers, but if you're considering a German Shepherd just be aware that they are very high energy dogs and need a lot of attention and activity. I mean, all dogs need that, but German Shepherds need a lot. If you want a dog that's a little more relaxed, maybe consider a lab. Personally, I'm also a fan of pitbulls.

In any case, if you're getting a puppy, don't jump straight into sex stuff, I'd recommend waiting until he's about 2 years old. Focus on basic obedience training to start with. When you do start getting into sex, build some kind of a routine to let him know when sex is OK and when it's not- use a certain room, maybe have a particular blanket or something to do it on, stuff like that.

Good luck!

30-30 amator equae 12 points on 2016-12-18 12:42:28

Your entire attitude bugs me, sorry to say that.

First, you don´t "train" animals to "perform". Some will have sex with you, some won´ don´t manipulate them into it if this is more than just a kink for you.

Second: Leave immature animals alone. Let them mature naturally, don´t put YOUR sexual gratification before the animals´ wellbeing. Buying a puppy at a young age , you´ll definitely have to wait until he´s roughly about 2 years old before you should even think of doing sexual stuff with him. Groping immature animals is considered Pedo-Zoophilia and it is heavily frowned upon, at least by me. Animals also have a right to mature uninterrupted and natural.

Third: Is it just my impression or do you really treat your future companion like a live sex toy? Who assures you that your puppy will even "perform" on you? He could also reject you completely...and what then? Maybe you should step back for a moment and ask yourself whether your priorities are right. Buying an animal solely for "exploring" your sexuality/kinks/fetishes/erotic fantasies is incredily selfish and shortsighted. It also gives the impression of mistaking the animal for a live dildo. If you really want a dog, then go and buy one. Leave your dog alone until it has matured and if you´re one of the lucky guys, your animal might be interested in having sex with you...but you NEVER coerce, "train" etc. the animal. If it comes naturally,fine. If not, you have to accept that possible outcome, too...or shouldn´t keep animals at all if you can´t accept that.

Fourth: Pardon me, but for someone how plans to become active with an animal in roughly about 4 months, you display a terrible lack of general and basic knowledge about your new "exploration" area. How can it be that someone finds this obscure and small subreddit, but fails to discover the vastness of available, so called "Guides" and "How to´s" for bestialists, fetishists and kinksters that are out there?

Fifth: Before you actually engage in this kind of "lifestyle" (it´s agenuine orientation rather than a lifestyle, btw...), please switch your perspective for a minute. Imagine being that puppy you are buying: would YOU like to be bought, have to adapt to a new environment and humans, be groped for "training" purposes although you aren´t mature yet, fail to "perform" and then quickly be handed over to the next owner, new environment and humans?

YOu have to realize that zoophilia is not something to "give it a shot". Either you are determined and willing to take care of the animal, regardless of "sexual usability", know all that´s involved (like how to deal with guilt etc.) and accept the animal´s choice whether to "perform" or not or you might be better off leaving this a fantasy, not acting on it. The animal definitely will be better off if this is nothing more than a kink, a fantasy you want to try out.

What I´d recommend: If you really want a dog, then do that. If you buy a puppy, just raise him normally, without any sexual "training". Wait until your dog reaches maturity and use that time to do some other exploring....explore the internet for more info on how to form a interspecies relationship properly, what zoophilia is and how to engage with an animal in an ethically correct way. Some morons even made charts with the average dick sizes of common dog breeds, so THAT shouldn´t be a thing to discuss here. Use the waiting time to think about the entire issues involved in bestiality and zoophilia: Can you really live with it? How will you handle the guilty feelings that arise from time to time? Are you aware of the fact that your life will be ruined when you´re exposed accidentally? Do you know you can say bye-bye to your current social status as well as probably your job, many friends and maybe even your house/apartment because everyone in your neigborhood knows the "local dog whore"?

Before you do anything, please give this a thorough and diligent thought. Is this something you really, REALLY WANT to do...or is it just am idea you want to act out because you´re bored, feel numb etc...

First ands foremost: don´t forget that the animals and their wellbeing always comes first. Even if that means you have to live with a non-"performing" dog for the next 10 - 15 years. Respect the animals...they´re NOT sex toys and they have a right to decide for themselves, too.

northtail 8 points on 2016-12-18 19:38:18

I really gave you the wrong impression and I am really sorry. I wrote this at 6AM because I was alone entirely. I have never breathed a word of this to anyone in my life. Not even the most run around type of way. I have every intention of being a dog owner first and respecting my future puppy, not matter what he chooses. What I am most hoping to get out of the relationship is a friend and anything more isn't a requirement. I already have money put away for pet insurance, and a relationship with a vet I trust. I won't throw this animal away if he doesn't have a sexual interest in me. I just had questions and should have gone over this more thoroughly when I was more awake. I honestly apologize. I'm in tears writing this because it really upsets me to have come off as someone this awful. There is a lot too this I didn't understand. I very much appreciate you taking the time to write all this, even after I irked you so bad.

I used words like 'lifestyle' because I don't even know what language is appropriate/accepted here. I'm so sorry!

Zeta_Wolf Wolf trapped in a human body 3 points on 2016-12-19 03:26:46

I was glad to read this reply. You are taking the right steps into chapter? your life. I would still advise some hard thinking (which perhaps you have done), and weighing the pros and cons that this "new chapter" will bring to your life. Living with a dog as a close companion and partner is a wonderful thing, but it is not all roses and so should never be entered into lightly.

GOOD LUCK.....and I really wish you the best and things work out the way you hope.

LadySaberCat 2 points on 2016-12-20 11:56:41

I'm giving you Gold next week for this comment. No exceptions.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 21 points on 2016-12-18 13:22:39

I do not have a terrible amount of experience with dogs.

Then please focus less on sex and focus more on your future dog's health and happiness.

I am left wondering what would be a manageable breed

You must find this out yourself.
You know who you are and what fits you.
Go find out information about what dogs you like.
I personally am a fan of fox/wolf-looking breeds like shepherds and such.
I'd say anything bigger than small-medium is a nice breed, but that is just my opinion.
Every dog is different, so don't get too excited and accept your dog's wishes.
There is a chance he will not be into it, just like my bitch.
It's sometimes hard to accept, but if you look at it closely, it doesn't really matter at all.
Especially if you want a relationship with your dog.

Any other tips on how to train a puppy with future sex in mind would be very helpful.

Please don't 'train' your dog to have sex.
You should first give him the chance to grow up and explore.
What you really should do is get him used to being touched everywhere.
Don't do anything sexual with him before the age of 2.
This way you can both safely get into it without confusing him.

In short, please take your time with everything.
Don't expect a sex machine, don't expect it to be exactly how you want it to be, don't expect it to be just a walk in the park.
Animals take responsibility.
I was at least under 17 when I got my girl, and it takes a lot of time, energy and effort.
I did it all on my own, but boy was it hard.
If you want any non-sexual feedback for dogs, I recommend r/dogs, just use another account for, y'know, safety.

vdt_69 1 point on 2016-12-19 01:27:31

Have you been intimate with a dog before or is this something you're looking to explore?

northtail 1 point on 2016-12-19 02:06:12

Never done it before.

Zeta_Wolf Wolf trapped in a human body 2 points on 2016-12-19 03:08:38

I agree with what most of what was said by 30-30 and WarCanine (well, maybe not some of the more cynical parts ). Anyway, I understand the "reaching out for information" aspect of your post. But just being sexually attracted to canines is a VERY BAD reason to go and get one.......even if you have the very best intentions (read as: companion first and sex secondary if it happens at all).

Sorry to be so blunt and perhaps denigrating to your idea {dream?}, but you should learn about what living with a large dog entails FAR in advance of having one whether your ultimate motive includes a sexual relationship or not. This includes everything from emotional and monetary cost to keep, all the way to how little time you will actually have to yourself once a dog depends on you. long work days and then long play nights or cruises (without planning and once again monetary costs). Dogs are inconvenient! They are messy and sometimes can be destructive when they are young (I understand that YOU understand and plan on training, but building a relationship {training} looks a lot easier "on paper" than in reality). Your limited experience with your small dog helps, but a big dog who will ideally be a sexual partner will demand more of your time and training and generally "take over" more of your life.

All I am saying is that as someone who has been called in to "pick up the pieces" when a well intentioned neophyte jumps in head first to dog ownership and expectations are not met, I always advise those seeking a dog that they have to examine how they live and EXPECT to live and to take a hard look at if they can endure the changes to that lifestyle that owning a dog will bring. Add in the sexual part and how big a part that plays in YOUR particular motivation.......and all of the reservations I and others have expressed gain even greater weight.

It is easy for me because I have ALWAYS lived with dogs and my lifestyle revolves around them and I would NEVER choose to live without them. And with me the LIFESTYLE and relationship was in place L-O-N-G before there was any sexual component.

northtail 1 point on 2016-12-19 07:18:11

I really appreciate the supportive attitude here. Even when I put people off initially. I don't think I have ever gotten that out of any other group of people. It's very refreshing. I grew up very poor, in a tiny apartment but I have always loved dogs, despite never being allowed to own a big one like I had dreamed of. I would read books and watch them on the animal stations on TV for hours since I didn't get a computer until later than most. I was that annoying friend who would across the street to approach friendly looking ones or just stand outside the dog park and watch. Even without the sexual relationship, I am just stoked for being a dog owner. Thank you, and the others here for your supportive attitude. I am going to put a lot of thought into what you, 30-30 and others have said and go to other reddits for more help on general tips for newbies on keeping and raising the healthiest and happiest pooch!

Zeta_Wolf Wolf trapped in a human body 1 point on 2016-12-19 14:28:02

Well, my experience has been that zoophiles (especially us "oldies") are very easy to "put off" :) But that jaded attitude comes from having been "around that block" a few times and seeing people with kinks and fetishes and who just want to "try it out" because they have had sex with everything else up to now........including DOORKNOBS--LOL. You called it a lifestyle, and 30-30 corrected you and said that it is an orientation. It is BOTH. Owning a dog is a lifestyle as I said above, that you cannot enter into lightly. And a zoophile, of course, sees it as a bit more. As an {sexual} orientation. But I really think that you seem to have your "head on straight" about kudos!

I am what I call (no haters please......this is HOW I SEE IT) a real zoophile. I ALWAYS lived with dogs from the time I was born {whelped??}, but I was almost your age (21) before I was with my first love......a German Shepherd bitch. And I DID love her, though she wasn't the first one who I was IN LOVE with. She came later when I was older and more ready to feel that deep and abiding connection. Yes. Believe or not, although opportunities presented and as a young adolescent the hormones were driving me (we had breeding dogs and an entire hobby farm when I was a pup), I waited THAT LONG. And for a whole host of reasons.......too complicated to get into here. That was almost 35 years ago. The point being that I somehow knew (even at that age and BEFORE the internet) that the lifestyle I was about to choose for the rest of my life needed consideration and CRITICAL thought. Don't get me wrong, I have lots of human friends and am no social recluse (at least not yet :) But I am, always was, and always will be closer to dogs than humans......and have ZERO sexual attraction to anyone (or thing) other then them. I don't castigate others for having a different outlook on what being a zoo means......we are all different and as long as no animal is ever forced or harmed I will not criticize. It seems that there are a lot of helpful people here who have experience, so I am glad that you came here for advice rather than "beastforum" or other sad places like that. I lurked here for probably over a year before I finally (recently) decided to "jump in" and create an account and post comments.

thehawke70 1 point on 2016-12-19 07:18:56

If i had gold.... I'd be poor by now! Some excellent points laid out by the gang here.

Also, she has got 2 years before maturity, so she needs to make the most of it in building a foundation of trust and friendship.

Responsibility, oh yes. I've seen an elderly couple come into a vet's office with a border collie pup that's higher than a kite. No way that relationship could last! I'd say a breed their speed, maybe a greyhound. You'd say WHAT? But pay attention; they are couch potatoes, first and foremost. Sure, take them to a field with some toys and incentive and they'll take off like shots. But they are surprisingly indoor pooches and adapt to apartment life readily.

That's just an example. There are lots of breeds out there to match up with. Have patience and check the local shelters and craigslist for current listings.

vdt_69 1 point on 2016-12-19 14:14:10

How did you decide you wanted to try that? Do you have any friends who have a dog and are intimate with them.

rizque 0 points on 2016-12-20 04:16:59

Have helped a few get what they wanted. Also in Canada. If you want would be happy to give you some tips.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-12-20 05:18:33

I am left wondering what would be a manageable breed, for a newbie, on both fronts of the everyday normal dog stuff and the stuff I am coming to this specific board for.

I would suggest you look at the various breeds which you find appealing and compare their needs and enegery levels with how you live to find a good match. It's a very personal thing, so it's very hard to give a breed recommendation. Some breeds are eager to please, some stubborn, some so full of energy it seems have to study the breeds that interest you and find which ones match your lifestyle (or be truly willing to change your lifestyle for the sake of your companion).

Accept that there's a chance he won't be interested in sex; get him as a dog, accept him as a dog, love him as a dog, and if he becomes more embrace it and be happy.

I am looking forward to the challenge of training a puppy from a few months of age.

I suggest reading on training if you aren't very familiar; while not new, Karen Pryor's books are typically good, science-based methods.

Any other tips on how to train a puppy with future sex in mind would be very helpful.

I would suggest not considering sex at all; use positive reinforcelent where ever you can, teach him to try new things, encourage him to excell and use his mind, challenge him to be all he can be. When he's old enough, if he's interested he will let you know.

I live in Canada so the summers are hot but the winters are very cold as well.

I wouldn't concern myself over climate too much, coats and boots can make the shortest hairded breeds comfortable in the coldest weather.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-08 23:45:05

Here is some interesting numbers:

8.26 inches Malamute or big husky. 30 kilograms and above.

5.5 to 6.2 inches. Medium dogs. 15 to 20 kilograms.

10 kilograms dogs size is usually around 4 inches. (they can reach if you are thin and they are a bree with normal legs (not small legged breed)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but having a hard pensile hitting against your cervix is not pleasurable, right? Dogs have a bone inside their penis, so, if you don't have much room, consider getting a medium sized dog. If you have plenty room them you can try a bigger breed.

Training, you should do desensitization training, that is getting your puppy used to getting touched everywhere of their body also, getting him used to having your boy anywhere in his body. like, let him lick your face, or smell you down there. Let him sleep over your belly. Sit in your lap. Dogs who learn to not be near their owner face or on top of them could learn to not mount them. Desensitization training is useful not only for sex but also for veterinary visits so the vet can check your dog everywhere for problems and not expect the dog to maul him or run away because nobody has ever checked him in his privates. Also, good if a child grabs and pull his tail, if that is the first time he may react by mauling the child, if he is used to you grabbing his tail from a puppy then his reaction will be different as adult. Expose your puppy to people, and different situation. Read every dog training guide that you can find. Also read about how to solve behavioral problems (don't try to solve hem ourself unless you are certain you can follow instructions by the letter or you may make problems worse, is better to seek experts) hmmm... and don't worry about him sexually until he is like 10 months old? Hmm depends on the dog size, smaller dogs mature faster than big breeds. Point is, once he is horny, he will let you now. If year and a half has passed and he doesn't make a move, then you could try asking him for sex. Again, read the sex guided, there you can find how to ask him for sex.

About what breeds could work for cold clime, I don't know. You should get info about that, also info on dog activity, like husky are good for cold but they are energetic and you need to walk them a lot. They also require a lot of time per day in hair grooming. So, shorter hair dog is easy to care in hair grooming but not as good for a cold place.

rgnbull58 1 point on 2017-01-11 08:09:42

Part of a group that has many people experienced in this. Happy to help you out