Becoming a Father, fighting for a dream. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-12-24 22:24:23 by [deleted]


SunTzuSaidThat 1 point on 2016-12-25 05:57:21

I don't think you're really "tricking" her. I really think you can swing this a lot of ways; maybe it's best to approach this from a horse-like understanding of how the world works. If anything, I feel like mating with her without the chance of pregnancy is more of a deception (as relates to a sort of "natural order of things") than mating her and getting her pregnant, no matter the means. Maybe it's unclear and up for debate, but I personally do not think that you should make this your "inner frustration," such a thing will only detract from what could really make you (and seemingly her) happy.

If it helps, maybe think of this as simply breeding your mare to a stud. It's really no different in principle. Except, in practice, it's far better than just breeding your mare to a stud. You pamper the crap out of her, you love her, you do everything with a focus on her feeling happy and healthy, and you can feel happy yourself because YOU are your foal's sire in every way that really counts.

Best of luck to you and Safira, I'm sure she will be a wonderful dam for your foal. Have you ever met your surrogate?

tencendur_ Neeeigh 2 points on 2016-12-25 19:50:45

The first thing I thought was that the messy way the text was arranged was not going to bring anything good.

The second thing I thought was that getting a surrogate father to do the job directly was so much simple and cheap, at least in any region in which horses are common. I know that there is people that is overprotective regarding the monogamy of their mare, but I have explained my opinion about the subject elsewhere (in short: mares don't regard sex the same way Western humans do, and expecting them to do is delusional at best and damaging at worse).

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-26 00:11:03


[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-26 00:21:48

I Apologize for the bad state of the text. I wrote late in the evening on the smartphone, where there are not many tools for formatting when you copy the text in the App "Reddit" another question and that my English is very bad, and some words are without meaning, or distort the original meaning. I wrote this text in a moment of weakness, whose words were full of emotion, and loneliness... But the goal was just to express my intentions of being a father. And as this is very close to happening, it will be a great time in my life. I am already a Technologist in artificial insemination in Bovines, and I have already done more than 200 inseminations with more than 80% of success. In 2 months I will have my diploma in Equine, in the course of 1 year I have already performed 28 assisted inseminations highly praised by my Instructors who are great Veterinarians in the field of equine reproduction. I bought the most advanced in veterinary equipment for AI in equines, and I will spend 6 thousand US dollars in 4 samples of semem of a Prized Stallion. That is, I have time, I have money, and I have the best professionals giving me advice, do I need anything else? Just one more thing, if we do our best with all possible responsibility with other people's animals .... how would I treat the most special and important people in my life? And finally, about my mare's behavior, I tried to describe a fact that occurred almost a year ago, where I presume a lot, but the portrait is largely probable, and I'm glad if you think I'm an idiot, because I LOVE my Mare, and true love leaves foolish people.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-26 00:33:02


[deleted] 2 points on 2016-12-26 02:05:02

Thank you. You do not burn me in fire like 30-30 done. I just tried to give a little picture of my wishies to be the Sire of my mare's future foal. If i do everyrhing well, soon i'll have a baby horse. Im sure i can inseminate her with 99% safe process, assisting her estrus cycle very closely. The big deal is... if you need to do something, and to protect something very very especial for you it forces you to perform it alone such a prof task, you have no choice. You need time... you need money.... you need inteligence and wisdom to learn, and do your best.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-26 03:33:51

Amarillo Bill I dont meet him in person, and no... im not willing to meet him cuz if i do, first i would try to give him a direct uppercut on his face. ;)) This horse is the 2nd in line of my options cuz the first one needs alot of burocracy once it needs to came by inports from USA, until today this 1st option freezed like nitrogen.... not going well, but who knows. :/

30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2016-12-25 07:38:50

After reading your text twice, I´m still not sure whether this has anything to do with reality or is entirely fantasized by you.

First, I´ve never met ANY horseowner who wanted to do AI him-/herself. It takes a whole lot more than just the equipment, it takes a lot of training to place the stallion´s semen exactly where it belongs. Normally, this is a vet´s job...they studied it, they practiced it with dummies...a an amateur, all you can do by trying to AI your own horse is damage. Get that stupid idea out of your head, immediately. Leave it to the pros...and, btw, not even I, a riding instructor, would ever try to do AI on my own...I´ve seen way too much examples of intra-uterine infections from AI by a TRAINED vet.

Additionally, I really think you are doing one big no-no of zoophilia, you "humanize" your horse. Your mare hasn´t "changed" since she saw a foal...she´s the same horse as she was before and YOU´RE the one who has changed. To be clear and precise: all you´ve written above is nothing but YOUR own interpretation.

Your descriptions of "the act" really smell fishy to can you hug her during sex? I´ve seen a pic of your horse and have enough expertise to know that the only thing you can hug during sex with a fullsized mare is her butt. No " I have her wrapped in my arms while she climaxes"...unless you´re 4 meters high.

Sorry to say it, but a lot of your text sounds terribly like fantasy to me. Buying AI equipment without having the proper training of a vet and without a STERILE room for storage and processing the semen is pointless...and expensive. Your mare does not "want" a foal...and using semen from a stallion to impregnate her absolutely won´t make you "the father" of the me, I´ve been thinking about that issue for the entire time of partnership with my mare.

You also wrote that you´re willing to buy semen from a top stallion. You know that this is an expensive thing to do, right? And it doesn´t even guarantee success...AI often has to be done several times until the mare absorbs the semen properly and gets pregnant...and each time, you´ll have to pay for the new semen sample. Prices for the semen of a top stallion almost always range in the four digit refunds when AI fails.

I really thought "Hey, another one like me", when you arrived here...but after this, I´m not so sure anymore. What do you keep a fullsize horse for? You don´t have an interest in riding, as it know that horses, especially young ones, are dependent on proper training to build up the muscles early enough to support their weight.

I really don´t know what to make out of your text...if I were you, I´d immediately quit this "my mare wants to be a mother" crap...this is entirely your perception, with a lot of "human" in there...combined with the other dubious things in your text, I´d strongly recommend to rethink your entire perspective. Taking proper care of a foal isn´t an easy task, it also includes a pregnancy phase of almost one year in which you should abstain from ALL sexual activities with your mare if you don´t want to risk your foal. A small, intra-uterine infection can lead to abortus quickly, you´ll also notice a distinctive mood change when she´s preganant...she won´t be interested in sex for a long time, I assure you. Are you ready for a year (if you´re lucky, can expand to almost two years if the heat cycle takes time to regenerate) of celibacy?

You displayed so much lack of "horse wisdom" here...and your descriptions of the act also make me wonder if you really know anything from own experience. You know, there are lots of people out there who form their "zooness" from other people´s wank stories...and your text tends to read a lot like this...maybe it´s the language barrier (I have to struggle with that myself sometimes), but your text lacks a lot of stringency and consistency. Based on the text above, I´m not sure anymore what type of "zoo" you are...

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2016-12-25 15:34:40

I think you're accurate in regard to him projecting his desires, but in regard to doing AI I disagree. It isn't especially difficult when using the proper equipment and with sound methods it is safe and effective. That said, there are risks in regard to pregnancy that should be seriously thought about; it's entirely possible to plan for a foal and lose everything.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-26 01:31:34

I'm sorry about my foolish where i tried to give a picture of my mare's behavior in a moment almost a year ago, that perspective was filled with alot presumed points but i grant you, the real picture is very similar. I had problems on formating bodily text on my smartphone and paste here (Reddit app). Love makes people like me seems foolish, and im happy, cuz i prefer to being like an idiot and emotive when i ask about my love than to being like 30-30 with that huge king inside his belly ready to burn in fire all zoos whos dont express in words like his ceticism and points of view. I just tried to share my wishies to be a father, and im working hardly to perform it perfectly in all ways. Im already Tecnologist with diploma in bovine AI, and actually in a 1 year course intensive for AI in equines. I bought the most advanced equipments for equine AI and a well prepared room with the tecnical support already installed, a new stable 90% finished and many things are about to be acomplished. Almost 2 hund thousand dollars spent so far... its for me? NOT... its for my Love. Im about to have a bullseye sucess in first? I donk know, but i have time, i've money, and i have responsabilty to hold all the process free of any bad. How i assure it? Very simple... im dealing with the most important person in my life, and i cant faill to her. (Again sorry about my very bad english)

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-12-26 06:21:34

....its for me? NOT... it is for my Love.

You can rationalize it all you like, but it's certainly something you are considering doing for your own desires. That doesn't make it inherently wrong or right, but if you examine your intentions and motivations you will see that it is your desire

AI is not especially difficult and requires very little aside from clean tools and sound methods. Even the professional tools are not required, they just make success more likely. I had perhaps 15 minutes of instruction when I started doing it as part of my job. I would recommend much deeper study, but one can be effective at the process with very little. If this is something you wish to pursue, it would likely cost you less to have your vet do it for you as the tools and materials which you will use once will likely cost as much as having them do it.

Choose a good sire and seriously consider everything involved before you go down such a route, the result may not be what you desire. Consider seriously the fact that while pregnancy happens routinely, so do complications from it. We lost a jenny this year due to complications, she arrived pregnant and it wasn't intended, but she's dead now all the same. I know of a number of zoos who've lost their loves due to such complications, so don't think it can't happen to you.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 1 point on 2016-12-26 13:10:57

We lost a jenny this year due to complications, she arrived pregnant and it wasn't intended, but she's dead now all the same.

I am really sad to hear.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 3 points on 2016-12-25 10:34:50

You think too much. Seriously.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-26 04:07:46

Im so sorry bud. :(

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-26 02:57:37

As i could see, type a text using a smartphone lose its formatation when you press "Send" im ok with it, but please take ease to me. :(( When some one whos live in a distant place and no human people around to talk, and you late submerges in a silent world of body language for many years, you need something to hold your feets on ground, and time to time you need a place to express your feelings, i prefer to deal with animals than human people cuz they dont hurt you like people does when you fragilized try to share some personal with like minded ones then BINGO you're reduced to ashes. This place isnt diferent from the world out there.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-12-27 05:28:13

No, this place isn´t different from the outside world...and why should it be anyway?

Pardon me if I still remain highly sceptical towards the stuff you presented us here. In one of your threads, you claimed to be "highly paranoid about the safety of your mare"....well, then why are you spamming this sub with more than enough details to "triangulate" your identity and location? You gave us the name of your horse, your profession, your plans to purchase semen from a specific stallion and the nation you´re from. How long do you think will it take for someone dedicated to "bringing all of us zoophiles down" to search for the Brazilian insemination technician owning a mare named Safira and buying semen from exactly the stallion you namedropped in here? How many folks do you think will buy semen from this stallion in the next few months? 20? 30? Even if 50 horseowners do it alike, this will inevitably narrow down the "options", two options remain: either you´re ignorant (highly improbable if you´re what you claim to be) about this or you can speak freely because you don´t really have something to lose here..

If you´re really an insemination tech in training, I still wonder why you´re making such a fuss about inseminating your mare. If you really consider yourself the "father" of the foal, then you´re already the "father" of many bovines and some foals as this is (or should be) daily business for you. You´d just do it...without any of this highly disturbing "humanisation" of your horse you displayed here.

When I teach a horse advanced lessons like Traversale and Piaffe, I don´t need to talk about it ´cause it´s my daily business. I would never make such a huge story about it like you did here...even if it´s one of my mares who is learning to do these lessons properly.

What I also fail to understand: if you really have that much money at your disposal, why don´t you just live alone with your mare, at your own farm? Wouldn´t this be way less risky for a zoophile? If you can spend 200K dollars on renovation, why don´t you use this money to live alone, on your own farm?

Sorry to say, but your entire story sounds rather fishy to me and I prefer to doubt your story until you can come across with some detailed knowledge that is NOT google-able in a few seconds. If you are what you tell us, this shouldn´t be too hard...

In your first thread, you told us you´re an "old zoo" it comes then you seem to be totally unaware of the fact that our community is overrun with fantasizing dipshits and impostors? Let me ask you: Do you like being bullshitted from some random guy? Do you like being abused by a fantasizing retard? neither...thus, the scepticism. Lies are much too common in our community and impostors are legion. As an "old zoo", you should be used to being put to the test...

Sure, I don´t know you. You could be telling the truth...but you also easily could bullshit us...and I haven´t seen one single proof of your claims. Your entire story reads a lot like some feverish fantasy of someone who has read a lot about something, but lacks the actual experience and knowledge. There are lots of THAT "zoo" type out you should already know if you´re really a bit longer into this.

I´m still sceptical...and I have good reasons to be...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-29 18:55:31

and 30-30 will still continue to be 30-30...

... /u/MareLuver, please do not take his actions as representative of the community. I don't think they are at all, really. He's just being the angry bitter person he has apparently become.

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2016-12-30 02:16:31

...and Rannoch will still continue to be gullible Rannoch...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-12-30 07:50:38

If you say so...

Feel free to ignore the fact that I am banned from nearly every zoo forum for calling out certain individuals who were abusers, what matters is only what you think...


peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-01 07:22:47

Oh great more zoo on zoo arguments.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-01-01 08:52:05

This isn't exactly a new thing. Zoos have argued with fellow zoos since zoos existed, pretty much.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-01 09:41:58

I'm just getting annoyed with arguments after having to deal with Mr. If It's Alone With Me That Means It Must Get Fucked By Me(please do not tag him).

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-01-01 20:10:19

I think Aluzky is getting a bad rap beyond the bad rap he deserves.

I don't agree with sleeping with other people's animals, but he never said anything that led me to believe that he'd absolutely necessitate sex with an animal under his care. He isn't a rapist, as far as I can tell. Just a misguided zoo with a sense of moral superiority that in my opinion, he does not deserve.

But that's way beside the point here, and this very argument (for and against fencehopping) is as old as the community itself. Again, this is nothing new. If anything is new, it's that the majority is against fencehopping in the modern era, whereas historically it was quite different.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-02 08:34:07

I think Aluzky is getting a bad rap beyond the bad rap he deserves.

He brought this on himself. And honestly I'm annoyed with him now.

I don't agree with sleeping with other people's animals, but he never said anything that led me to believe that he'd absolutely necessitate sex with an animal under his care.

My other problem here is he seems to especially go after antis dogs. Which doesn't help our plight in the slightest.

He isn't a rapist, as far as I can tell.

I hope not.

Just a misguided zoo with a sense of moral superiority that in my opinion, he does not deserve.

And a God complex.

But that's way beside the point here, and this very argument (for and against fencehopping) is as old as the community itself.

You're very right.

Again, this is nothing new. If anything is new, it's that the majority is against fencehopping in the modern era, whereas historically it was quite different.

I'd call this progress.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-02 20:28:32

I was also disgusted by his outright stupidity. Just because someone doesn't actively tell you "Don't fuck my dog or let my dog fuck you" doesn't mean they giving you the green light so to speak. And doing this behind the backs of others? It's distrustful and it's something I put a lot of emphasis on when I tell people I'm a Zoophile. I want them to know that I am to be trusted with their pets. That I won't start trying to fuck them as soon as I'm alone with them. I'm out to a co-worker who's first reaction wasn't all that great. She automatically assumed I had been doing things to her dog and honestly she looked like she was either going to cry or puke or scream. But I was able to calm her down and I pointed out that I'm "one of the good ones" and that I'd never betray someone's trust that way.