Why do you... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-12-27 01:41:35 by nova7865

Hey everyone, just want some info about all this.

Can anyone explain what they like about sex with their dog as opposed to sex with humans?

What turns you on the most about it?

If a dog is better than a human, why is that?

Please remember to say whether or not you're a male or female with your response and try to be as detailed as possible please. Thx!

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 5 points on 2016-12-27 02:13:44

You seem to assume we are all into dogs, is there a particular reason you are seeking out the "dog group?"

nova7865 3 points on 2016-12-27 02:40:29

I know there's lots of variety when it comes to the species that people are into. But since dogs seem to be the most common I thought I'd ask about them

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-12-27 09:01:00

Then why not replace 'dog' with 'animal'?
Seems much easier as not everyone here is into dogs.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-12-27 08:59:45

I've only fingered her and performed cunnilingus on her, so yeah.
Not an extreme amount of experience on my part. ^yet

What turns you on the most about it?

The fact that she's a dog and not a human.

If a dog is better than a human, why is that?

Dogs look better, are better, smell better and I could make this list endless.
Also, a dog's genitals aren't disgusting, but a human's genitals are.

I mean, I've never had sex with a human and never will.
But my opinion still stands and won't change.

Also, why do you assume people here have had sex with humans?
TBH then you're not much of a zoophile, more like someone who's life revolves around sex.
EDIT: I forgot to tell you, I'm a male, by the way.

nova7865 1 point on 2016-12-27 11:55:09

I just stumbled across this world of sexuality and want to get a better understanding of it and the people who engage in it, hence the lack of knowledge haha.

How many people do you think are exlusively zoo sexual and not into humans? Because I got the impression that zoofilia was usually a fetish.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-12-27 13:07:05

Before I say anything related to our discussion, there is a reply button under a comment.
It is useful to press it when you're replying to someone because they get a notification and everyone knows who you are talking to.

How many people do you think are exlusively zoo sexual and not into humans?

This I don't know.
There's very different people in the zoophile community so the numbers could be anything.
Seriously, I don't have a single idea of what these numbers could be.

Because I got the impression that zoofilia was usually a fetish.

Yeah, it isn't.
I'd say bestiality is more of a fetish, even though it is an act.
Zoophilia is the attraction to non-human animals, both romantically and sexually.
It's a sexual orientation.

You're at a good place for asking stuff like this, because non-zoophiles will probably just call it a mental illness or something.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-12-27 13:45:33

I would guess that roughly one out of ten so called zoophiles is "zoo exclusive".

Yeah, you´re right, having sex with animals indeed for some IS a fetish. But if it is, then we´re not talking about zoophilia, but bestiality. Zoophilia is more than just getting laid with animals; it´s the deep and intimate feeling of actual love for the animal that zoophilia is about.

Sure, it´s undeniable that there are many out there who "use" their animals like sexdolls and dildos. There are folks out there not giving a shit about the animal , there are folks out there who pimp out their animals to "zoo friends" etc....don´t be fooled by this, ´cause this isn´t what zoophilia is about.

I´m gonna give you a quick summary of my life and you decide whether you´d call my sexual orientation a fetish or not:

  • normal childhood, no mental defects
  • good grades in school
  • in puberty, I was confronted with being different the first time...no sexual or romantic interest in humans of either sex. Nothing.
  • around the age of 16, I had my very first time with a lovely mare.Instantly knew I just arrived at "home".
  • became involved in the very first zoo forums in the 90s, learned what I was.
  • Soon after my first time with a mare, I decided to become a professional riding instructor. Three years of hard work and a few little shorttimed affairs with mares, then I met the love of my life.
  • Helped to unload her from the trailer. Our eyes met....booom!
  • I had fallen in love with a beautiful Hannoveranian mare. My feelings were so strong for her, I immediately tried to speak to the chairman of the riding club , he told me "For 10 K Euros, she´s yours."
  • Saved every cent to buy her ASAP...for one and a half years. Literally every cent. In this time, my main beverage was tap water, my main food noodles or rice.
  • Finally, I was able to buy her. More than 22 years of an extraordinary relationship with her followed. I never cheated on her, never hit her, never put my sexual gratification over her wellbeing.
  • I led this relationship with my mare although we always had to attend public horse stables. Luckily, I never ran into hateful persons trying to turn the police onto me or something equally undesirable..although everybody at least had suspicions about my mare and me.
  • this January, she left me at the very old age of nearly 30. She took my heart with her. 6 months of emptiness and despair. Staring at walls. Drinking. Lots. Crying. Even more.
  • managed to buy a farm of my own in the middle of the year.
  • bought three mares, a Tinker mare, an Oldenburger mare and a Connemara mare. Although some would call this "horse pussy heaven", I only sleep with my Tinker lady. She´s the one who gives me back some hope after my loss in the beginning of ´16...but I still struggle with that.

So, what would you say? I dedicated my entire life to horses, I live with them since I was 18, almost every Euro I earn I put into the horses (not literally, THAT would be fetishism ;) ) , my entire life depends on horses, I made them my profession, my sleep rhythm is based on that of my horses....is this fetishism? Like someone deriving additional pleasure from latex and leather? Like a foot fetish? Like s/m and ponyplay and all the other bs?

You decide...

silverwolf-tippysmat 4 points on 2016-12-28 00:50:23

"Can anyone explain what they like about sex with their dog as opposed to sex with humans?" I've been with women (many) and bitches (3), and there are differences physiologically, but the Difference isn't sexual to me, but emotional. I've never loved a woman I've known in quite the way I've loved all three bitches. It isn't a physical 'this feels different' but a mental 'this IS different!'

"What turns you on the most about it?" It? Nothing. They each had their good and bad points, in physical appeal. With the dogs, each had their own appeal, be it Gingers innocence in my innocent years, Tippys vivacious personality and sexy wiggle when she walked, or Shadows eyes, they each felt right to me, the women I'd been with felt more pressured and hollow, and though I loved some of them, I was never really in love until I met Tippy. Since Tippy I've been exclusively a zoophile, since Shadow I've had no desire whatever, but that may change.

"Please remember to say whether or not you're a male or female with your response and try to be as detailed as possible please. Thx!"

I think you've figured out by now I'm male, but your last line concerns me. It comes off more like someone looking for wanking material than enlightenment. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though. If you really want to know about zoo's and zoophilia, look into the writing posted here, mine and others; and read the posts here. Don't expect a clear cookie cutter form of zoo or zoo-partner though. We are each as different and individual as our non-human partners are. I did not, for instance, have sex with a dog(s); rather I had a loving relationship with an individual(s) who just happened to be a dog as well...

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-08 23:30:45

Mind if I ask, how does a human vagina feels like? Whats the difference from human to bitch?

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-01-09 02:19:47

Depends on the person really. Some I'd compare favorably with the best canine I've known, being Tippys. Others have been sloppy and somewhat cold. Women, in my experience don't recover physically as fast or to the degree that canines do, meaning they seem to stay more stretched out. The 'drapes' that women get from their inner labia stretching, for instance. Again, it's as much individualized as canines are one to the next. I became zoo-exclusive not because there were intense physical differences, but because I fell in love with Tippy, and Shadow after her. Should I fall in love again at this late stage in my life, it might as easily be with a human, or a horse, as a canine. You could say I became not zoo-exclusive, but mate exclusive.

What a human vagina feels like is an impossible one to answer. Each woman, like each dog, is different, and each man will have a different perspective of how one woman feels. There are just too many variables; her age, experience, body type, even genetics from nationality and parentage. ; the Mans variables, including size and genetics, and age... So, basically, the same as a dog is my answer, since the same variables exist.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-12 01:58:52

Well, I have only being with 2 and a half bitches. And they all seemed the same. Thigh in the "entry hole" and... "fluffy" and "weightless" and "very warm" in the inside. Just wondering if women where similar or the same.

Something I notice with dogs is that vaginas and dicks don't vary to much in shape, but in humans genitals, it does vary a lot in shapes, I have only see vaginas of humans from the outside in pictures and they all look extremely different from each other, I wonder if the inside where also that different from each human to another.

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-01-12 02:25:53

Hmm. I've been with three bitches, Ginger, Tippy and Shadow, and each felt and looked different. I've viewed other bitches vulvas and seen considerable variety in shape and size. I don't pay any attention to dogs penises, since peni in general don't appeal to me, but imagine there's the same variety there.

Bitches are a good deal hotter than most women, as their body temp is higher, but in the act a human females temp can increase and be near as warm. I dunno about fluffy and weightless for bitches, Tippy in particular was extremely muscular and could squeeze the hell outta me when she was really into it. I've been with women who could do the same, and with some that you could barely tell were there, and everything in between. Like I said, there's too much variety to give a blanket answer. The best woman I was ever with was like riding a silk tunnel with appropriate muscular clenches. The worst was like fucking a hole in the ground in January. The biggest difference between a woman and a bitch though is that women are much more active participants, with a wider variety of positions possible, though Tippy and I tried some positions most women never considered.

The point is, I didn't become sexually zoo-exclusive because bitches were inherently better or different (they aren't), but because the sexual for me followed the emotional, and emotionally there is a great difference, so 'Viv La Differeance!'

I know I haven't answered your question, the truth is I can't. Physically they are as alike as they are different. With no mate now, I could as easily end up in a human relationship as a non-human if only the physical were considered. Emotionally though, I doubt that after Shadow there is anyone, bitch or human, in my future...

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-12 02:39:21

Nope, you alredy gave a perfect answer in this post. Thanks.

And yea, I hear you the first time, i understand that you are some one who has relationships based on who you love, be dog or human.

Thanks for the useful info. :)

Shastadog90 25/F/Bisexual Dog Lover 1 point on 2017-01-13 04:00:36

The stretching lips thing is mostly a myth due to lack of proper sex ed in the world. It's mostly hormonal.

nova7865 2 points on 2016-12-28 02:50:42

From what i've read people here seem very sincere and candid, so thanks for that.

I'm not after wanking material here, just wanted to get some answers. I want to know which gender I'm chatting with as I'd imagine they both propbably have different takes on what their relationship with animals means to them. As it happens, I think so far in this thread it's all guys.

Susitar Canidae 1 point on 2016-12-30 22:14:47

I'm female, and I like both humans and canines. For various reasons, I have very limited experience of sex and romance with dogs.

But seriously, the same feeling of butterflies in my stomach I get when an attractive woman or man comes close to me, the same feeling I can get from an attractive dog. Not all dogs, just "my type". There are certain personality traits and physical traits that are attractive. Just like not any human will do, nor will just any dog do. Dogs can have beautiful faces, smell good, have soft fur and move with such natural elegance... Dogs are individuals, just like people.

I hope to get a dog someday. Even if it wouldn't be interested in a sexual relationship, I would love to have a pet! I daydream about all the things we would do together: walks, maybe agility training, maybe scent tracking... I want an active and healthy dog.

I like animals in general, although only the species of Canidae are romantically/sexually interesting. And even if I do find myself attracted to humans, if I compare them to many other animals, humans are actually quite ugly! Flat faces, lack of fur, weird feet... I mean, surely, even non-zoophiles find a picture of a random dog or cat cuter than a picture of some random human?

nova7865 1 point on 2016-12-31 04:13:20

From what I've heard from both men and women, mens' sexual preferences seem to be more set in stone, but women seem a lot more fluid. Like they have a broader spectrum of things that they're interested in. I understand how people have individual personalities and traits that define them as sentient beings and as a result are more or less attractive.

Another common trait is the response that a lot of people involved in this want to be dominated and become the dogs bitch. Is this something you have have?

How would you define your sexual orientation? Or wouldn't you define it?

Susitar Canidae 1 point on 2016-12-31 12:58:12

No, my interest in dogs is not based on a wish to be treated "like a bitch" or "dominated by a slobbering beast". That seems to be more how bestiality fetishists, those only interested in sex with animals and not in romance, think. I find some dogs handsome and sexually attractive, and I like spending time with them, and I believe that friendship and love can exist between different species. It might not be exactly like with another human (I can't discuss philosophy with a dog, or get married to a wolf), but it can still be meaningful relationship.

BDSM is something I do with humans only. I don't think dogs would understand role play in that sense... And I wouldn't be turned on by having a dog actually behave aggressively towards me!

I'm a bisexual female who is also a non-exclusive zoophile for male canines.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-04 17:15:01


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-05 11:11:04


Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-08 23:27:26

Can anyone explain what they like about sex with their dog as opposed to sex with humans?

Other than both resulting in orgasms. Nothing different. Haven't been with a female human to know if sex with them is the same as sex with a bitch. From being bottom with male dogs, it is vastly different, male dogs fuck hard and fast, their dick is very hard as it has a bone inside it. They also only trust for 30 to 60 seconds and then stop. Then a knot is formed with can get painful if the knot is too big. That knot is the main difernce from sex with dogs and humans. Makes you feel full, you can even feel the dog cumming if you concentrate to feel it. As dog pulsate as they ejaculate. And they do so a lot all during the sex that can last 5 to 60 minutes. With humans,I can't feel if they have cum or not. And no matter how ruff they fuck, they can't compare to the ruffness of a male dog.

What turns you on the most about it?

The dog.

If a dog is better than a human, why is that?

Is 10000000 time better. But if i where into humans, humans would be 100000000 times better. And if I where into cacti, a cactus would be 10000000 times better.

Please remember to say whether or not you're a male or female with your response and try to be as detailed as possible please. Thx!

I'm male. Are you making this thread just to find material to masturbate?

nova7865 1 point on 2017-01-14 17:26:56

no lol. i'm not jerking off to this. I want to know why people do what they do here and why.

As a man, do you get off on the domination aspect of perhaps 'being his bitch'? Not trying to sound offensive here but I've noticed a common theme among women tends to be a domination aspect.

Thanks for the response!

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-16 19:06:01

Is not about domination, is just about liking dogs and liking to please dogs (sexually or non-sexually)

common theme among women

Those women are probably bestialist. People who do it because is fun/taboo. Though, some zoosexual women may try to explain why they find dog sex fun and say that the being dominated is kinda fun, but is not the reason why they do it.