Need advice on making friends (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-12-27 11:10:32 by Brettowesmic

I love animals and was hoping to find a way to find others and how to reach out live in the midwest on the mississippi river and not sure how to meet people like me?

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2016-12-27 13:11:40

Have patience, be an active member of the community, and reach out to people you feel Like you click with. Once you develop those personal relationships you can think about meeting people. That's how I've met all the zoos I have at least lol.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 3 points on 2016-12-27 16:31:23

I think the best advice regarding making friends is: go find an activity you find engaging and meet people while doing it.

If you like hitting things, you go to a martial arts school and hit people (and be hit by people). If you like shooting at things, you go to a target shooting range and shoot targets. If you like animals, you go and join some activity that involves animals (maybe taking horseback riding lessons). If you do these regularly, you will meet people who shares your same interests.

If what you mean is that you want to make zoophile friends, then I'd say that the same idea applies. The hard part is finding them in the first place.

2580741 3 points on 2016-12-27 17:10:36

What would you think about targeting animal-centric activities? It seems like you would be more likely to meet a fellow zoo, or zoo-friendly person there, but it seems equally likely to meet some vehement anti-zoos there, as well. Take animal rescues, or an animal shelter, for instance. Volunteering there, you're quite likely to meet another zoo, but I would also imagine it quite possible that if you approached the wrong person, you could get in a whole mess of trouble, more so than at a karate class, for instance.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 3 points on 2016-12-28 12:38:23

I suspect that politicized activities are not going to work well. Many rescue centers are very political for different reasons, and that is enough of a problem to make it an unhealthy or displeasing environment for many.

I have volunteered and contributed for some horse rescue centers. The ones that had the best people were the small ones that were managed by a small group of friends. Some had been created ad hoc for rescuing 6 or less horses. The biggest ones had a hell of a mess in the management board and competing interests running in the background.

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2017-01-03 23:01:40

Yes, this is a valid concern. It seems to me like zoophiles are often drawn towards activities or careers that have to do with animals or nature. But on the other hand, you'll also have people who are well-meaning but think that animals are innocent children there.

I met my boyfriend (who is attracted to cats) when we both studied biology. Plain luck, I hadn't approached the subject before we started dating. But he is the only zoophile I've found irl. I wouldn't discuss this with someone I don't trust, and I would introduce the subject with very small steps. Like with a joke, perhaps? To my boyfriend, I mentioned a sex dream involving a dog. Because if things had gone foul, I could have said "it was just a dream, dreams are crazy, yuck, haha".

Swibblestein 1 point on 2017-01-02 16:39:43

If what you mean is that you want to make zoophile friends, then I'd say that the same idea applies.

I don't know quite how this works, but I seem to have found a disproportionate number of zoophile friends from my MMO playing days.

I have no idea how that works, but it's an interesting result all the same.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-08 23:21:51

Option 1: Forum searching.

Some times you can search forums users and check who lives in your area and PM them and form friendship that way.

Option 2: non zoo forums with people from your area.

Use a zoosexual zoophile zooish name so others know you are a zoophile and just wait till they PM you and form friendship from there. I did that and got to me various people in real life.

Option 3: Like others say, do activities with other people and befriend them and later ask them if they love animals lie, you do (not likely to get good results) though you may end up with friend who don't like animals like you do but don't hate you for liking animals.