What interesting things have you found out because of your zoophilia? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-12-27 13:02:15 by neutralworldview

There are very few zoophiles, but lots of regular animal owners, who sure do love their pets. But do regular animal owners miss out something that only zoos can see and feel? What have you found out your animal partner or yourself that you'd never find out if you were a non-zoo? New ways of communication? Unknown intricates of their characters? Unexpected gentleness and care? Maybe you have some curious zoo-related stories to tell (apart from boring sex-related ones)? Thank you.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2016-12-27 13:45:31

But do regular animal owners miss out something that only zoos can see and feel?

The feeling of love.
You know, romantic love.
Also, sexual feelings, I guess.
I don't think regular dog owners would look at their dog and think it's sexy.

What have you found out your animal partner or yourself that you'd never find out if you were a non-zoo?

That's hard to think about, actually.
Before I really loved dogs I didn't know they were that affectionate and that intelligent.
Also, I really realized that I loved canids after taking a better look at foxes.

Maybe you have some curious zoo-related stories to tell (apart from boring sex-related ones)?

Not being against you or anything, but why are any sex-related stories boring?
Wouldn't that be one of the most interesting things to know, especially if you're curious about zoophilia?

Anyways, I don't know.
We just have some special moments together, some are forgotten, some are remembered.
I can't think of one right now, but it's probably something romantic or clumsy.
EDIT: I also found out that I have a giant hatred against humans.
The isolation from the rest of the world...
The denial of truth, the sheep mindset...
Also, I found out that humans aren't attractive at all.

neutralworldview 2 points on 2016-12-27 18:49:44

Thank you for answering.

Not being against you or anything, but why are any sex-related stories boring?

Well, sex-related stories seem trivial to me. Zoophiles can engage in sexual activities with their animal partners. It's obvious. I'm more curious about non-obvious.

baptized-in-fire 1 point on 2016-12-28 15:17:42

This reply and this whole thing is coming off cherry-picked and elitist to me.

The most unique and rewarding experience I have is to be able to fully appreciate and care for a feline in heat, with all its intricacies, which is something that drives most people mad. I can point to this and know for a fact no one around me would give this type of attention to an animal. Pretty much all non-sexual forms of care I have experienced or can think of, on the other hand, are probably attainable by an empathetic and caring regular person with an animal given enough time and the right character, and I'm not about to presume to what extent individuals around me are able to think and feel.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-12-28 17:05:27

This reply and this whole thing is coming off cherry-picked and elitist to me.

Is this referring to me?
Because if it is, then I apologize for hating a species which has tortured me my whole life.
Unless you're talking about my love for dogs, in which case I'd have to write a 5 page long story.
UNLESS I am mistaken, in which case I'm happy that you weren't bothered by my beautiful message.

baptized-in-fire 1 point on 2016-12-28 18:23:38

No the other guy's posts [as in, was not attempt to comment on your post]

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2016-12-28 18:38:03

Why though?
He's just curious.

WeAreDifferent Canines 3 points on 2016-12-27 16:18:53

An animal's sentience.

A lot of people seem to believe animals are just walking robots without mind or heart, even though they do have both. The standards which are used to measure intelligence are simply not applicable to another species besides us, we have to admit that.

It is great to know, to feel, that they are in fact sentient. That they feel and that they have a complex personality.

Whatever you do, be aware, that your animal companion will respond to it, wether or not it actually does have a choice in it.

neutralworldview 2 points on 2016-12-27 18:55:52

Interesting, thank you.
It seems to me that regular, non-professional, animal owners tend to either anthropomorphize or oversimplify their partners.

30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2016-12-27 20:03:30

This point of view is what really is oversimplifying things here. Being a "zoo" does not serve as a protection against anthromorphisation and oversimplification of animals. I´ve met many regular horseowners in my life, but never have seen the tendency to "humanize" the animal or to oversimplify in most of them. I´ve met some "zoos" in real life during the last twentyfive years and the percentage of individuals who anthropomorphize and/or oversimplify animals definitely is significantly higher than in "regular" horseowners.

No "outsider" like you, but also no "insider" should ever think that having an interest in animals, emotional and/or sexual, will protect the "zoo" from dangerous illusions. Having sex with an animal won´t build up a resistance, won´t make you immune, even genuinely falling in love with an animal won´t necessarily keep you from misinterpreting the animal as a human or seeing your partner as "just an animal, driven only by desire to eat, sleep and fuck.

neutralworldview 1 point on 2016-12-27 21:38:12

I did not say anything about zoophiles there, that was just a general statement on regular human-animal relationships. Otherwise, you are absolutely right. But I actually hope to see higher percentage of taking-animals-as-they-are people between zoos.
Anthropomorphization I can get, but how do zoos oversimplify animals?

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-12-28 02:06:23

Not trying to speak for 30-30, but anthropomorphism is rife, romanticising (I don't mean sexually) various species is pretty common as well. Then there's the whole "animals are so much better than (horrible) humans". I think these ideas are more often held by newer members of the community, but certainly not limited to them.

SunTzuSaidThat 1 point on 2016-12-28 02:21:25

I´ve met many regular horseowners in my life, but never have seen the tendency to "humanize" the animal or to oversimplify in most of them. I´ve met some "zoos" in real life during the last twentyfive years and the percentage of individuals who anthropomorphize and/or oversimplify animals definitely is significantly higher than in "regular" horseowners.

Could be that you've hung out with smart, dedicated horse people and dumb, uneducated people who have sex with animals. Sampling error, and such.

Otherwise though, you're right, no one is immune to bias or delusion.

Kynophile Dog lover 6 points on 2016-12-27 16:50:37

I learned about furries due to zoophilia. Also, in learning more about it, a fair amount of history and biology, and a little psychology and law.

neutralworldview 1 point on 2016-12-27 18:59:09

Cool. You prefer anthros or ferals?

Kynophile Dog lover 6 points on 2016-12-27 19:28:32

Prefer as in sexual preference in fantasy? Feral, I guess. I was talking more about the subculture than the characters they draw and/or emulate.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-08 23:08:54

Same here.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-30 02:28:15


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-12-30 11:23:50

This is going to sound weird, but it is kinda a thing only a deer zoo would learn, and though it's sex related, it's not sexual in use...

The pigmentation pattern on a whitetail doe's rump is unique. As in, no two are the same. It can seriously be used for identification (I had this confirmed by a wildlife biologist friend of mine).

I think deer zoos had a fair bit to do with figuring this one out.

Aluzky 2 points on 2017-01-08 23:17:22

But do regular animal owners miss out something that only zoos can see and feel?

Sexual signs, they don't see them. If I had a dollar every time an owner though a dog behavior was not sexual when actually it was I would be rick. And I'm not talking about a dog humping you and the owner thinking is dominance (although that do happen) I'm talking about something as simple as the dog pawing you, which is when they put their paw on you and push back (to pull you in) that is like a more polite way a dog uses in replacement for flat out humping your face.

Although, some non-zoos are well educated on dogs and they know when their dogs are horny.

What have you found out your animal partner or yourself that you'd never find out if you were a non-zoo?

Can only think about sexual stuff... if i where not a zoo I would have not found out a a lot of sexual stuff about my boyfriend.

Unknown intricates of their characters?

Yea, but those again would be sexually related... -_-

Andrew-R 1 point on 2017-01-09 18:13:38

Hm, I think for me it was very idea sexual relations are valid field for thinking..Because for quite long time I assumed 'sex' is nothing interesting to think about, dismissed it. Then in my searches for various 'dolphin stories' I found somewhat scandalous article about Malcolm Brenner's book, read tons of (mostly negative) comments under e-newspaper article, moved to author's blog, read it nearly full, agreed in general with at least possibility of having serious and at the same time sexual relations between human and non-human, then moved down to BF and found there quite good (but unfinished) novel about human-turning-dolphin and living with them for some time (I also read by this time another interesting and less 'counterculture' book by Dereck Bickerton, about more realistic, at least in theory, way of ..living with libre dolphins as part of their society. It talks a lot about very matters I found very important - like who are real dolphin scientists? not really dolphin-friendly, as real-world history unfolding even now tells me ... Story even include brief, but important love scene). Well, by this time I can't say for sure why my ideas about even possibly (or in some sense wanted) sexual relations found their way towards dolphins. In fact, by this time I was already quite extending my view on non-humans in general, from dolphins to belugas to horses, to foxes, to wolves, to dogs...speaking only about biggest milestones. I was and is interested in thinking in non-humans (and humans, too. ..), so story where you not just swim with dolphins but actually attempt to listen/talk with them, definitely hit for me. By now it may look like cheap 'popsa' - something like urban legend never realized - but again, I spend considerable amount of time digging into not always obviously connected papers, books, articles about 'animal intelligence', language studies, etc, etc..Yes, this is unrealized possibility, but not just illusion. Again, even as far back in time as in 2006 I've read some parts of Lilly's "The mind of the dolphin", noticed relatively sexual scene close to the end of published part of it, yet found some sentences right below this paragraph even more important, namely objective nature of our subjective expirience, in sense we may VERY want something to be positive, yet if it somewhat hurt us (and not just us as humans) - it will erode us without specific reasoned understanding of why or how it works ...So, I ranked this work as (surprizingly) one of first anti-captivity books, and on recent re-reading I found even more details suggesting this. Unfortunately, John Lilly never quite followed his own advice completely (about voluntary nature of contact and mutual learning), and his later works sounds much more pro-captivity than they should be. But back to dolphin story as Malcolm put it ..I found it extremely alike my own story, not in sense I had any sex or even thoughts about it back in time I was with captives - but very this sense of finding someone..and losing them (in my case I can't say I was attached to just one dolphin) due to external world currents.

I think I tried to 'utilize' zoophilia (be it real or not ..in my case) for continuing to think and finding some working solutions for currently-captive cetaceans, because even by 2011 I was crashing badly (down to booting away my whole computer with many accumulated infos...well, I was too wise to keep some backups, so a lot was recoverd..but for what, really...) - whole 'animal rights' activism was not working , not propagating down to those who in theory must receive some real help - to captives themselves, and instead of progress there was even real regress, in both ideas/ideals and actions.. So, I figured out I better to live just slightly improved (by some kind of erotical fantasy, based as much on real-world dolphins as possible ...) life than crash even more. It worked for some time, moreover even my latest attempt at helping pair of captive dolphins was fueled not least by my sense of importance of whole message by Malcolm's book - one about helping your beloved one BEFORE it become too late. Unfortunately, whole case I involved myself with failed quite badly (to the point death of both dolphins become relatively insignificant for me! compared to yet another, much bigger crash in many ideals I was clinging to).

Now, I think thinking about dolphins* in this somewhat uncommon way is even a bit too invasive in my overall thinking, and I still have no idea what to do with some VERY common patterns of human behavior/thinking, preventing a lot of real change even in human-only cases ...so, I'm stuck.. to the point I barely want to write, even if I know without writing most humans will have no idea what happening in my head, and why.

How it will progress in years ahead - I have no idea ... it seems most humans mostly consumed by human-only life around them in one way or another. I don't completely want to repeat this, because I see how understaffed (in area of deep thinking) this whole 'dolphin rescue' arena...So, I live between dark times when I want to drop everything (even literally) and short periods of time when I still can make some kind of thinking progress with few human friends...

On 'but animals are better than humans!' - I think this is not just illusion - humans put a lot of positive-biased images/ideas about humanity and themselves..so, naive human, who assume those images not very deviated from real human being become VERY disappointed (for example, how I was disappointed by whole circle of 'dolphin scientists', even supposedly 'progressive' ones ...or even whole intellectual sphere, after discovering how anthropocentered it remained in practice, despite some more modern talks). With non-humans (dolphins, in my case, at first) I come to them without overly unreasoned assumption about what they can do with/for me... and turned out they (due to specifics of their captive situation, sure...) were not asking me to do things I was unable (at that point) do, yet were very thankful to see me playing with them. So, yes, with real contrast with dolphinarium humans dolphins (and belugas) were actually better! They don't look at me from top down, and accepted fact I was unable to even minimally swim with them, most of the time (let alone do other things even remotely at dolphin's level). Lately my way towards finding anything helpful for dolphins run me into street dogs, and they again..were both different but without completely rejecting me on the grounds of being 'useless' - sure, with dogs it was also food I was giving to them, but then ..it was useful gift for street dogs, and one of them liked me , even (I still remember this). I wonder what will happen when dolphins (or other beings) will able to tell me things about me ...hopefully I will not turn away from them, even if they will tell not so sweet things about me!

Anyway, life is complex and I hope to contribute to helping some of various non-humans, and not in current degraded ways of 'helping'. But this is very...unusual task.

Literature: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2652431-king-of-the-sea http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7994499-wet-goddess http://www.johnclilly.com/mind01.html

PS: sorry if it somewhat repetitative wrt my previous (only) big post there. I prefer not to repeat same thing over and over (because I assume this contributes more to conditioning than to true thinking?), but by now those somewhat 'non-standard' feelings about at least some non-humans part of my life, and someone may find some unusual 'use' for his or her zoophilia, I hope....