Confused and worried (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-12-28 16:58:36 by trashfurr

Hey everyone. I've recently learned of my affiliation for animals, specifically dogs. I don't really know what to do about it, or how to feel. I'm afraid of trying it out for fear of people finding out. I have also done a small amount of research, and there isn't any law against it in my state. Does anyone have any advice or anything about what to do or how to feel?

If it is of importance, I am an 18yo male

BamTwig Black Lab Owner 5 points on 2016-12-28 17:05:48

Stop being Worried. Confused is fine... This is clearly new to you and it's weird.

I wouldn't worry about laws.. I'm breaking them everyday.

Nobody can tell you how to feel or what to do.. These have to come from you.. If you ask for help and advice.. Want to talk... Then we can offer assistance, but everything you state is all down to you.

If you aren't stupid, you aren't going to have people find out.. I've been active with my puppy, he's been looked after by many people and nobody has figured out anything..

Keep anything on your computer safe... Don't tell anyone you don't trust.. Be careful meeting strangers with animals who you don't know.

Be safe.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 7 points on 2016-12-28 18:37:44

If you love dogs, learn about them. Not just sexually, but learn their ins and outs, learn their behavior, learn what they like and the full scope of what you can expect from a dog. Dogs have different personalities so if you have not grown up around many you may find some things surprisingly foreign to you.

I would recommend volunteering at an animal shelter, as it gives you a lot of positive social interaction with dogs, and it is helpful to those animals in need. I think that knowledge is important before jumping right into any kind of sexual interaction, for an appreciation of the animal and for safety in some instances.

It is a huge social misconception that people who are sexually active with dogs and other animals are inherently bad people. Some people for sure are, but dogs look at sex as essentially just a fun and pleasuring activity that, like other interactions with dogs, can bring you closer to them as well as brighten their mood(and tire them out lol).

EDIT: For clarification purposes, this is from my experience with male dogs and ownership of male dogs specifically.

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2016-12-28 20:26:31

"dogs look at sex essentially just a fun and pleasuring activity"

So, why is sexuality in animals restricted to mating seasons then? Why is a stallion with a small herd of mares completely exhausted although he hasn´t mated once, but had to defend his territory and mares in heat from other stallions? Just take it as it is, a fact...mating can be stressful for animals, too. There´s a reason behind mating season: to ensure the survival of the species without imposing too much stress onto the animals. Humans and some smaller apes like the bonobos are rare species without mating seasons...haven´t you shed a thought about that yet?

What your comment suggests: sex with a dog is good, no matter what. To me, this sounds very much like "humanisation" of your essentially impose YOUR personal, HUMAN attitude ("Sex is fun") onto an animal; you absolutely cannot be sure about the animal´s perspective on sex. Especially with canids who use sexual behavior also as non sexual signs of dominance ("Humping legs"), I believe your response displays a lot of inappropriate certainty.

Whether an animal actually benefits from sexual relations with a human also isn´t as certain as you like to portray. There are more than enough examples of animals suffering from intercourse with humans, males and females. The fearful dog refusing to be touched by humans, the mare panically turning away her butt to protect her private parts, the animals suffering a severe behavior change from "zoophilia" because humans force the animal to adopt to their idea of sex and relationship instead the other way around and so on...examples are out there in huge numbers.

Simplifying this issue by saying "sex is always fun for animals" is shortsighted at best...and may as well be one explanation why the so called zoophile community is so complacent and silent, defensive and permissive towards animal abuse. " Sex is always fun for the animal"....

Until real data on the consequences of sexual relations with humans in animals is collected, you really should refrain from giving such biased statements. What you say above isn´t verified at all, many counterexamples exist. We zoos may have some hints that animals can enjoy sex with humans, but using this to justify such a generalized statement is audacious...

As a zoo, you should be used to constant self actualization, questioning your actions over and over again, before , during and after the "action". Only that will give you enough objectivity so you´re not drifting off into the common, completely biased pro zoo bubble. We zoos also don´t know for sure whether an animal enjoys what we do with them. We have hints, but no final proof. Please keep that in mind in your future responses.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2016-12-28 20:44:58

We have hints, but no final proof.

In all seriousness, what would you consider "final proof"?

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-12-28 21:22:35

Reliable data scientifically gathered. Tests of stress levels, hormonal checks, scans of the animal brain during intercourse, stuff like that, you know. Something more than just hearsay from some dubious animal fuckers on the net...;)

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 4 points on 2016-12-29 18:50:46

I've been asking for that for years, but there is still a serious hole in your argumentation in that all science is interpreted by humans. What's to prevent them from applying their own bias?

The issue you are arguing against here is a universal human issue, and not exclusive to zoophiles. It's simple interpretation bias. Ultimately, some day we have to trust our eyes, or we won't get anywhere.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 5 points on 2016-12-28 21:18:17

We zoos also don´t know for sure whether an animal enjoys what we do with them.

I think from what information we gathered and the behavior these animals show it is obvious that they do like it and you can see when they don't.
At this point, it doesn't take a genius to find out.
In fact, I think it's almost just as obvious as a human responding to it.
Seriously, something like that is common sense, especially here.

But you know what bothers me most about this?
You still had sex with an animal while you're not so even sure if they like it or not.
Way to go man.

30-30 amator equae -4 points on 2016-12-28 22:25:48

Well, the information we zoos gather may be biased, one never should underestimate the human mind and its tendency to fool itself.

It´s funny how your rhetoric matches that of the antis: "I think from what information we gathered and the behavior these animals show, it is obvious that they don´t like it and "zoos" can´t see that because it would instantly shatter their justifications to do it. At this point, it doesn´t take a genius to find out; in fact, I think it´s almost just as obvious as identifying rape in humans. Seriously, something like that is common sense."

Eerie similarities, don´t you think?

"You still had sex with an animal while you´re not so even sure if they like it or not"

That´s not the point here. Although I have a vast repertoire of experiences, I never stopped questioning myself and my actions....yes, I too have enough hints to lean towards the pro zoophilia side, but I don´t allow me to be 100% dead sure about it. Once you reach that state of "certainty", you inevitably stop questioning yourself....why giving it another thought when you´re already convinced that you´re absolutely right?

Questioning yourself is healthy and prevents stuff like anthromophisation and "humanisation" of animals; until there´s real, fundamental evidence, all "we" have is hints. Nobody can take a look into an animal´s head, not even zoos...and being interested in having sex/a relationship with an animal won´t turn you into an animal expert, too. Just take a look into one of the notorious other "zoo" forums...

Agreed, chances are high that science someday will provide bulletproof evidence , backing our claims of zoophilia being harmless and even beneficial for the animal. I, too, believe that an interspecies relationship can be beneficial for the animal involved, but I refrain from generalising statements about that. Way to go, man? You´re right...except it´s not me , but you who has some way to go. Being too sure about something ends all brain activities immediately...the term "no brainer" gives it away, being so sure that you don´t need a brain. In zoophilia, there are no such "no brainers", no matter how much you like to portray vital issues as such no brainers. Awareness of that fact is desperately needed....all we have are hints and interpretations....same as the antis. Just remember the last time you read some anti pamphlets against us vile animal fuckers...recall the cringe feeling you had when reading a conglomerate of false deductions, opinions presented as undeniable facts and complete bias that does not allow any signals incompatible to the dominant reality tunnel? Well, terms like "we all know that" , "it´s obvious that" and such usually are decoys used to cover up logical´re doing practically the same in your above post. Try to see the whole picture, mate. It isn´t so self evident as you´d like it to be...

Only insane people are absolutely sure of themselves. Healthy folks will cherish and embrace doubt. It also is easier for the outside world to admit that zoophilia CAN be harmless in some cases than agreeing to the "sex (always) IS fun for animals" statement, basically exonerating every single fucking beasty and animal abuser along with that as well as us zoos.

Stop that trench fight mentality. We zoos are sitting in the same trench that has been lost a long time ago for decades now and the only ones making progress are our adversaries. If we want society to admit that zoophilia can be tolerable, harmless and even beneficial for the animal, we first have to admit that zoophilia, when misunderstood, also can be intolerable, harmful and negative for the animal. Quid pro quo. It´s basically the same as the automatic denial of any animal brothels ....another one of that " zoo no brainers". Instead of instant automatic denial reflexes, a simple "Show us the animal brothel and we zoos will take good care of the asshole running this hellhole" would´ve opened a lot more doors and created trust in us...

My only intent was to step on the brake for a little. Even though we have solid hints supporting our claims, we shouldn´t present our biased point of view as an undeniable fact. That´s counterproductive and scientifically false. Our side always demands scientific proof whenever we´re accused from our opponents...I only demand applying the same procedure onto our own statements.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 5 points on 2016-12-28 22:56:28

Eerie similarities, don´t you think?

And these 'antis' also say stuff like: ''That's what a guilty rapist also would say! A bit similar, no?''
Which is what you just did.
It's not how it gets said, it's what actually get said.
edit: didnt mean that you called me a rapist btw, but yknow what I prolly meant.

I never stopped questioning myself and my actions....yes, I too have enough hints to lean towards the pro zoophilia side, but I don´t allow me to be 100% dead sure about it.

Then why did you still have sex with an animal if you're not even sure?
Seems a bit selfish and disgusting, no?

Only insane people are absolutely sure of themselves. Healthy folks will cherish and embrace doubt.

Yeaaaah uhhhh no.
Being sure of something doesn't make you insane in any way.
Sure, I think that if you have doubts about something it shows that you're really thinking about it, but it doesn't make it that much better.

By the way, I wasn't defending the whole ''sex (always) IS fun for animals'' in any way, just so you know.
Because I've seen different.
Very different.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 9 points on 2016-12-28 21:40:56

Everything you say is why I first and foremost mentioned that knowledge of dogs as a species and their behavior is of foremost importance. I suppose I should clarify, because it is quite an important distinction, that I was referring to male dogs specifically since I have no in-depth experience in female dog ownership.

You seem to really be over-analyzing a basic and straightforward act. Additionally, you seem to be building your arguments over stuff you made up in your head, such as "sex is always fun for animals." I didn't say this at all. I didn't even say this about dogs. I said dogs look at sex as a fun and pleasurable act. Why? Because they do. Can it in actual practice be not? Yes, definitely, but more information is certainly needed to determine this.

Frankly it seems an awful lot like you skipped the first two paragraphs of what I had to say. Understanding the dogs and their behavior is literally what I talked about for the first two paragraphs.

Not to mention, when you talk about this stuff

Whether an animal actually benefits from sexual relations with a human also isn´t as certain as you like to portray. There are more than enough examples of animals suffering from intercourse with humans, males and females.

I specifically said can. Can as in, could. Or could not. I said nothing with absolute certainty, just that it can happen.

Also edited to add that animals don't mate out of season because in their social structure it doesn't serve any social purpose logistically(and biologically). The act itself still feels good though, the nerves are all there for that. Which is why my dogs enjoy it and I can very easily pick up on their expressed enjoyment

(I wrote all this on mobile so my thoughts are probably not laid out super clearly but yeah.)

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2016-12-28 18:50:11

You should take everything a little easy and slow.
You're worried, that's completely normal.
I'm living in extreme fear everyday, but you shouldn't do the same as me and still try to calm yourself.
If I were you, I'd REALLY remove that picture that you posted that I found in your comment history, though.
There's some extremely crazy people out there.

Anyways, what are your plans?
Looking to have a relationship with a dog?
I recommend you to keep researching in a safe manner and not only focus on sex, but also the dog's health and happiness.
But if you have any questions, you're at a good place, here.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2016-12-28 18:54:45

Whether it is legal or illegal in your area is only secondary, the social repercussions of being your local area´s "dog fucker" weigh heavier. You can lose literally everything, family, friends, your work, etc...

If I were you, I´d put an awful lot of thinking into this issue before further diving into this "lifestyle"/orientation. The guilt and the fear of being exposed will never reduce to zero when you decide to live your life this way. You´ll be constantly aware that you´re officially a "sicko", an outcast with a very unfavorable deviation. If you cannot imagine withstanding that kind of pressure for long, I strongly suggest you´re keeping the entire "sex with animals" thing a fantasy....

Given the fact that you´re only 18 and probably are going through your adventurous phase, trying to figure out what you really "are", the chances are pretty high you´re losing interest in this zoophilia thing faster than you can imagine. Many " 1000%, bona fide, lifetime zoos" in their teens and early twens have completely lost interest in sex with animals a few years, please keep in mind that your interest may only be temporary and acting out on it may turn into a lifelong source of constant guilt (" Oh my god...when I was young and foolish, I even fucked a dog...OMG, I hope I won´t accidentally tell anyone when I´m intoxicated...").

What I´d suggest: before you do anything, read and participate in this very subreddit. Listen to other people´s experiences, read what they have to say about living as an active zoophile. And while you are gathering a better, more realistic picture of what living as a zoo is like, you should also start to question yourself/your sexual wishes. Can you live without it or do you really, REALLY have to have this in order to be happy? You know, keeping certain things a fantasy in some cases is more beneficial than making them real, sometimes leaving a feeling of disappointment and emptiness.

But if you decide you NEED this in your life, be warned that, although a zoo life isn´t that sort of hard as some tend to portray it, many little and big traps await you. The very first thing you´ll have to learn is when it´s better to keep your mouth shut. Cherish your privacy, as a zoo, your freedom and your animal´s life depend on it.

Whether having sex with animals in your state is legal or not, shit will hit the fan when you´re exposed. Even without a law aiming directly at sex with animals, you can rest assured that you won´t get away easily and judges will try to construct something with animal welfare and animal cruelty laws. Life as a zoo is risky and you always have to be aware of the hostile you want that?

Read much, try to gather as much of the info provided in here as you can...and when you think you have seen the entire picture of zoophilia and have figured out whether you really want this, I´m sure you´ll find many supportive persons in a horse zoo, I´m not exactly the right guy to teach you about dogs and how to get it on with them...;)

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-12-28 20:55:10


actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 7 points on 2016-12-28 23:03:13

4 months ago you realise you were gay, and now youre posting on asexuality (so you may not actually be gay lol).

now youre posting on zoophilia... where will you be posting in another 4 months time?

stop and take a breather.

I get it, youre 18 and you saw a dog and popped a boner so now youre thinking the worst. At the moment do not do anything rash. Time is your friend in this situation. feel free to explore what being a zoophile means and do some reading about it (this place is as good as any) to see how much resonates with you, but from what it sounds like this is just a phase that will pass. If it isn't, dont worry, but the truth is it's far too early to know for sure.

remember life is a marathon not a sprint.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-01 02:59:13


LunaGwave 1 point on 2017-01-14 08:53:13

Research! Forget the guilt! Dont be pushy about it!

I grew up around many species, and learning about many others. We're all animals/people, emotions, fears, instincts, biological programming, likes and dislikes. Study allll of nature, get rid of your programmed idea of right and wrong. Im not saying turn into a crazy person at all lol. You will see just how similar so many of us are despite being different species. You will discover just how unattached we really are. Its a lot to take in, take things slow, math helps!