dont know what to do. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-12-31 09:20:30 by RandomRedditman12212

Sexually attracted to mares. Feel like a freak. Just a normal 20 year old dude. Haven't told anyone, probably never will. Throwaway for obvious reasons. Just felt like typing this somewhere.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 10 points on 2016-12-31 12:26:52

Sexually attracted to mares. Feel like a freak. Just a normal 20 year old dude.

Yes, you're probably normal. Being a zoophile doesn't mean you're suddenly not normal or a 'freak'. At worst, it's just a quirk. Society at large would disagree with me, of course, but this possible element of your sexual orientation is still just that, and doesn't reflect anything else about you.

Haven't told anyone, probably never will.

A wise move.

If you find these attractions growing and/or find yourself lacking or losing interest in humans, you may want to find an outlet for those attractions(as I assume you don't wish to pursue them). The best way to avoid biting into forbidden fruit is finding something just as sweet to eat, after all... unsavory as that may seem to you. Doing nothing but suppressing it in the case of exclusive zoosexuality will only wear down your willpower over time. Of course, you'd want to review whether said outlets are legal in your jurisdiction. Either way, it's better to approach it on your own terms than it is to approach it because you were no longer able to remain rational about it(Note that I say this as a fact of sexuality in general, and not just zoosexuality).

Some of the less discretious people who frequent here may suggest the possibility of it being nothing more than a sexual fantasy or a fetish, which is something to consider, but not assume.

If I may ask, how did you discover this attraction?

tencendur_ Neeeigh 6 points on 2016-12-31 15:21:16

Having a particular sexual orientation or paraphilia is not a problem as long as you use some common sense about it. Nobody is perfect here, you can be sure that everybody has biological or psychological dysfunctions they don't talk about. Liking mares is not one of the worst.

It is important to note that acts define you as a person more than your fantasies or thoughts. This is because your acts are what passes the filters your psychology imposes on your deepest feelings and thoughts. As an extreme example; it is ok to have fantasies about killing your in-laws as long as you don't do it.

Not to put a lot of pressure on you, but the only person that can cope with your sexual identity issues is yourself. It is important that you explain why you feel bad about liking mares so you realize what is making you upset about the matter.

When I discovered that I was a equine-centric zoophile, I didn't feel well about it, but fact is that I am still here many years after. I am a common person with common worries and common issues and zoophilia has not destroyed my life or damaged me in any way. Life is not about being perfect, it is about learning to live without your peculiarities.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-01-01 13:45:23

Can´t someone add a "if you expect genuine and elaborate feedback, provide an accurate picture of your situation, motives and interests" rule to the sidebar?

It´s kinda exhausting when you have to ask over and over again for more details; based on the little info you gave us, you could basically be anything between a horny pervo and a genuine zoophile. How do you expect us to provide reliable adivce when all you do is throwing us some breadcrumbs?

Please share some more info. How did you discover your special attraction? Are you familiar with horses? Do you consume animal porn that resulted in your newly acquired "special interest"? How dominant is your attraction? Still into humans? What are your expectations? Do you actually want real experience with a mare? These are just some of the questions you´ve left open. Without sharing a more in depth view of your situation, any advice will be rather useless.

Susitar Canidae 1 point on 2017-01-01 15:46:08

On the other hand, he didn't actually ask for advice...

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-01-01 16:47:53

"Don´t know what to do" as this thread´s title sounds a lot like demanding advice from us...

Whatever....OP obviously has no further interest in discussing this highly controversial matters that may be ultimately relevant for his future life if he is a genuine zoo; opening a thread with a few lines and abandoning it immediately afterwards for the next 36 - 48 hours does not exactly hint at OP´s confession being more than just an exciting jerk off fantasy of a teen/twen in his "adventurous phase".

Hope the "two lines, one hand" writing was "successful" for our silent little friend....;)

Susitar Canidae 6 points on 2017-01-01 17:27:56

Nothing here screams out "making it up for sexual fantasies" here. This post is very similar to some posts I've seen on /r/bisexual when some young people, in a manner similar to confession, just write "I just realised I'm bisexual, and I just wanted to write it somewhere, because I can't come out to my family about it. Sorry". I'm guessing this type of posts are common in several subreddits about sexual orientation, but I only visit this one and /r/bisexual, so ...

I can't really see how exactly it would feel better to yell out one's secret on the internet, but apparently some people find comfort in it. I usually ignore such posts, since they don't have anything to discuss, really.

A person coming here for a wank would have more probably written some steaming "confession" about how they've had sex with some animal, and then asked us about our intimate stories. But no such thing here. Just a confused young person. No need to be rude.

Shastadog90 25/F/Bisexual Dog Lover 4 points on 2017-01-01 15:31:38

You're not a freak

West_dogger niks soos die liefde van 'n hond 1 point on 2017-01-01 17:39:41

continue to live your life brother, Just because your attracted to a horse doesn't mean To need to screw a horse.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-03 10:27:40


Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-08 22:50:03

You are a freak, most people are freaks (they keep their skeletons in the closet) nothing wrong with being this kind of freak.

Nobody is normal either. Again, nothing wrong with being abnormal.