Why I think Mares are Better Than Women. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-01-02 03:47:01 by Maresboyfriend1994


[deleted] 6 points on 2017-01-02 04:17:54

And I bet my bike that you can't prove me wrong.

My brother will bet his "badass" 96 Ford Escort and fairly hot (I mean I think she is? Don't really know being zoo exc) girlfriend that he can.

Not all women are the same. Just saying. It's good your happy. But don't throw 50% of the human race under the bus if you'd be so kind.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2017-01-02 04:59:23

Is that you, Hedonist-Glen?

Maresboyfriend1994 0 points on 2017-01-02 06:09:17

Who? Nah you must have me mixed up with someone else. People say us bikers are all the same.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-02 08:35:47

We know it's you Glen

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-01-02 11:13:27

Strange incident that the same ugly shitfaced eejit smiles at me when I click on your other thread....you must´ve an identical twin,then... http://australia.backpage.com.au/MenSeekWomen/gentle-giant-mechanic-wants-relationship/26602907

What I fail to get my head wrapped around: if mares are so super and women are nothing but despicable golddiggers, why are you so desperately trying to hook up with one? ;) Fake as a wedding cake....

For the last time, Mr Hedonist-Glen, Maresboyfriend1994 or whatever you´ll call yourself in the future....GET PROFESSIONAL HELP!

If you continue to harass us with your bogus bullshit, maybe OpBeast will put your contact data to a good use...am I clear enough?

Maresboyfriend1994 1 point on 2017-01-03 06:23:39

It's not bullshit that women only care about wealth in a man

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-01-03 13:58:04

Have you considered your general ugliness, your shallow character and your obvious advanced sexual desperation BEFORE you blame it on the money or the lack thereof? ;)

Given the fact that you reappeared in here for the...wait a minute...fifth...amirite?...the fifth time spilling your misogynic bullshit although you are told clearly to sod off each fucking time, I wouldn´t even look at you stalky creep if I were a woman. You stalk, you lie straight up our faces, you´re ridden with severe conflicts regarding self consciousness etc....mate, will you please just agree that all evidence hints at the very likely chance that YOU`RE the one who´s shit, not women.

If you´re really that creep as your posts suggest, then it´s no big surprise women avoid you at all costs. You´re toxic, man. Get your shit together, get professional help with your unsolved mother complex, get some acid, whatever...but, pleeeeaaazzzeee, don´t come back here again. We don´t need this. We don´t need you. Get it now?

Kynophile Dog lover 7 points on 2017-01-02 05:25:04

O hai, AngryMGTOW.

Perhaps too many women are shallow and poor judges of character, but this is just sexist and retarded, particularly if applied to all or even most women wholesale. I might phrase the mirrored argument, a la Whitney Wisconsin, as follows:

  1. Dudes just want women to have great racks and asses. Dogs don't care what you look like if you're nice. My pit bull loves my 600 pound figure.

  2. Dudes mainly want a woman to impress people and make them look awesome, so they expect women to be polite and cheerful. A dog thinks you're great regardless of what others think.

  3. Dudes will fucking beat you at the drop of a hat, because they have to show who's boss. A dog is less concerned with being alpha.

  4. Dudes just want to fuck and do nothing else. Dogs love foreplay and cuddling.

  5. If a dude is pissed, he won't say shit: he'll just drink a fifth of vodka and punch you in the face because dinner was cold. A dog will do anything for your affection.

If you're a Poe, go fuck yourself. If you're serious, get therapy and then go fuck yourself.

ZooMasil 5 points on 2017-01-02 06:15:57

Jesus, this again. Do we really need to explain why this is garbage again?

IAmAZoophile 2 points on 2017-01-02 07:44:50

part of me wants these posts to stop immediately

part of me never wants them to stop

what do I do

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-01-02 07:46:10

I don't know why you'd want them to continue.

I've seen enough of these posts in other parts of the zoo community to seriously make me question my faith in at least the male portion of it. This attitude is sadly, very prevalent.

I'm glad it's not on this reddit, at the very least. But take a gander at some other forums... they won't disappoint.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-02 08:38:03

Great. The resident fence jumping troll is back.

Shastadog90 25/F/Bisexual Dog Lover 1 point on 2017-01-02 21:02:00

TL;DR I couldn't get laid even if I walked into a women's prison with a hardon and I have no depth and I'm just an all around creep that I'll molest mares because neigh clearly means yes.

And if you hate women so much then WHY are you still trying to fuck them? I'm not particularly into BBW women(at all I'm sorry) yet tou don't see me posting ads asking to fuck them. Get a life you sad cunt.