No Longer Alone But Still Worried (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-01-02 20:55:10 by peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses

Before the end of the year I took in a dog that my co-worker(the one I'm now out of the closet to) was keeping after his owner died. He's a happy, healthy gentle giant named Moose who's a German Shepherd/St. Bernard/Some Large Unknown Breed mix. I've made sure his comfortable, well fed, exercised regularly, groomed and that he has plenty of toys to play with. I really do have feelings for him but that is not the reason why I took him in, I'm not like that. I have gotten my life on track after trying to kill myself last year and being an absolute basket case. I have a steady job, a good apartment, a good community to live in with space for a large 3-year old dog. I'm glad I have companionship again and I will spend my time ensuring that he is safe and well cared for. My co-worker knows that I'm a Zoophile but she's knows my personality and it's why she had no qualms about me adopting Moose after his owner(her neighbor) passed away due to old age. Even though Moose is mine now I've not initiated any sexual contact with him. He's tried mounting me but I've gently made him stop, I'm ok with him licking me but I don't allow him to lick between my legs or elsewhere like that. I just barely got him and I don't want him for sex. I'm perfectly capable of just masturbating if I want sex and I've done this ever since I lost my last boyfriend. I just don't feel comfortable with him doing things right now and I don't want to seem like a stereotypical Zoophile who got a dog just for sex. Maybe I'm overthinking all of this, I am very happy with Moose but I also don't want to seem like some of super desperate people who post here. I guess a part of me is still scared to be seen as just another horny freak despite accepting my Zoophilia. And also accepting that I'll never see my family or my old friends again.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-01-02 21:27:33

First, I´d like to applaud you for not "going at it" right from the start and hope everything turns out for you just fine in the next few months.

Additionally, I hope you can keep your co-worker from spilling dangerous details about you...although I understand the urge to unveil your orientation to a close friend, I´d like to mention that every single person knowing about you can turn your world into hell, accidentally or intentionally. The less folks know, the better... Stay, it´s not only about yourself anymore.

One tiny little sentence made me shiver, though... "...a stereotypical zoophile who got a dog just for sex." know that people who get animals solely for sex else aren´t zoophiles, right? No anger from my side, don´t worry. It just shows how exchangeable "zoophilia" and "bestiality" have also shows how desperately meaningful definitions are needed. How can we ever expect to teach the public about the differences when we ourselves speak of "stereotypical zoophiles" only in it for quick and easy fucks?

Again: no offense meant. But when you as an insider make the same mistake as most of the outsiders, there needs to be fundamental change within our own community before the situation can improve for us. You know, the word zoophile once was meant to exclude those who do as you wrote....somehow, it´s just a total FUBAR situation. Outside of our community...and within as well...

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-03 01:20:20

First, I´d like to applaud you for not "going at it" right from the start and hope everything turns out for you just fine in the next few months.

Thank you!

Additionally, I hope you can keep your co-worker from spilling dangerous details about you...

Well she keeps to herself and is pretty much alone like me(single, only has an older brother who lives in Canada, and a largely unfamiliar cousin) save for the disowned by the family part. She's a sympathetic and understanding person who isn't known to be the office gossip.

although I understand the urge to unveil your orientation to a close friend, I´d like to mention that every single person knowing about you can turn your world into hell, accidentally or intentionally.

I've been scared about that still, not wanting a repeat of 2015. Though my therapist knows and now my co-worker knows so its limited to just two people.

The less folks know, the better... Stay, it´s not only about yourself anymore.

I don't intend to tell anyone else about me especially now that I have Moose with me.

One tiny little sentence made me shiver, though... "...a stereotypical zoophile who got a dog just for sex." know that people who get animals solely for sex else aren´t zoophiles, right?

I know and honestly I'm very sorry about that. Just dafter all the drama related to that other so called Zoophile I'm still angry and feeling betrayed and find myself constantly clarifying that I'm not that way. Like I have to build up trust with others again and make it clear that I'm not some monster.

No anger from my side, don´t worry.

Oh I don't think you're angry :)

It just shows how exchangeable "zoophilia" and "bestiality" have also shows how desperately meaningful definitions are needed.

How can we fix this? It needs to be fixed but how?

How can we ever expect to teach the public about the differences when we ourselves speak of "stereotypical zoophiles" only in it for quick and easy fucks?

Perhaps because it needs to be discussed? To show those on the outside that they don't define the Zoophile community.

Again: no offense meant. But when you as an insider make the same mistake as most of the outsiders, there needs to be fundamental change within our own community before the situation can improve for us.

And I hope I haven't caused offense here either as I greatly value and appreciate your opinions. I just don't know how we can change, how we can start to change.

You know, the word zoophile once was meant to exclude those who do as you wrote

I know :(

....somehow, it´s just a total FUBAR situation. Outside of our community...and within as well...

One I hope can be changed someday.

[deleted] 3 points on 2017-01-03 05:45:26

You know, the word zoophile once was meant to exclude those who do as you wrote

To me, it always has meant that. I think to most within the community it does, as the romantic implication in zoophilia implies love and care. But there are always troublemakers who will flex that definition to their whim, I do agree. The real issue however, is how the outside world perceives us, regardless of what we chose to believe. That is very hard to change.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-01-03 14:55:43

Sure, and me know what the z-word stands for. But we´re a minority within a minority. Speaking of community, what exactly do you consider "our community"? Do you count the "semi-zoos", the beasties, the fencehoppers and the porn makers/consumers in? ´Cause that´s what society does. For them, we´re all the same and their picture is formed by...well, take a look at BF...

Whenever I hear stuff like "Oh, but it´s just some troublemakers ruining it for everybody", I barely cannot keep my calm. It´s not just a few troublemakers...and it doesn´t depend on my "ultraorthodox" definition of zoophilia either... The genuine zoos are outnumbered by the ingenuine ones, by the beasties, by the normies in it for a new and exciting taboo kick, by the folks pushing our orientation into the limelight at all costs, by the ones making not just a few, but loads of happy bucks out of our orientation.

One can easily be tricked into thinking that mainly the so called "intolerant" society is to blame...within our community, putting the blame elsewhere has become a reflex; "No, you´re okay, it´s society that´s wrong". But, with all of the stuff making headlines, with all of the fencehoppers caught, with all of the cruel and despicable acts committed with the z-word on the society really that wrong at all?

The outside world isn´t as hostile as you all might think; but it´s us who make it increasingly difficult for an outsider to cope with us by misunderstood "tolerance" and advanced permissiveness. For example, the predominant tendency to defend and protect individuals like caught fencehoppers or AP consumers. It´s the "If no animal was hurt..." attitude that increases the distance between us and society, Rannoch. Trespassing, fucking a random stranger´s animal? No problem...yeah, I know, yadda yadda, I´m against fencehopping, yadda yadda... Fact is, many are not...even folks calling themselves zoo are not... Without some rules carved in stone, we´re victims of our own indetermination, anyone can call himself zoo and even gets support when he does the most vile acts. Can you recall the famous pictures of the German shepherd duct taped to a table? The pictures frequently used by the antis? The guy, Janis Benda, who has done this, as well as other, even more brutal things like burning the dog´s scrotum with a lighter or killing the dog , sits in front of the judge and spews the z-word all over the place.
Another guy, caught making and uploading animal porn with random internet "friends" near Ramstein, tells the judge he has "zoophilistic tendencies"...

When one out of ten individuals from a minority steals or breaks into a house, saying that all guys of this minority are thiefs/burglars is prejudice. But when 9 out of ten steal and rob, it isn´t prejudice anymore, it´s a fact. Same goes for us...

We´re thrown into the same drawer as anyone else involved in the "animal sex" scene and unless we do as I proposed so many times before, this will remain just the same. Even worse when wrong usage of the z-word has infiltrated our very own community. Without a distinct separation, no improvements.

Maybe I should clarify MY motives to propose my very orthodox definition of zoophilia. I don´t propose monogamy and keeping distance from AP, animal sex parties, "zoo circles" etc. for no reason, just because I want to feel superior or want to gain power over my comrades. My reason to interpret zoophilia the way I do is because this is how you can connect to even the most conservative person. He may not be enthusiastic about a relationship with a quadruped, but he´s more likely to connect to us zoos when he recognizes his own beliefs in us.

The truth is: outside perception and troublemakers are directly linked to each other. None of that is separate, none should be addressed separately. Objectively realising that the troublemaker problem is actually bigger than most would think is the key to improved PR. What really is needed is a, not like ZETA has done with their shitty Zoophile Rights Days, we have to demonstrate that we´re NOT agreeing, we´re not "just like any other animal fucker". I´m still waiting for the ZAAP, zoophiles against animal pornography and the ZAFF, the zoophile anti fencehopping many nations have introduced new laws prohibiting sexual contact with animals just recently, the ball lies in our half of the turf....will we continue to sit and stare, to blame others while we´re blind for our own bullshit, to fool ourselves with the common "us vs. them" , trench fight mentality? Or do we need to experience even higher levels of prosecution and pressure from the authorities before we collectively wake up....finally? My eyes are open.....what about yours?

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-01-03 17:33:18

But we´re a minority within a minority.

I don't think that's true.

Do you count the "semi-zoos", the beasties, the fencehoppers and the porn makers/consumers in?

You should know from this reddit and my own PM to you (still waiting on some kind of reply to it if you ever want to try to meet me in the middle, by the way) what I think of such things.

The genuine zoos are outnumbered by the ingenuine ones

Please, support that claim with something, anything at all, and I might take you seriously.

But, with all of the stuff making headlines, with all of the fencehoppers caught, with all of the cruel and despicable acts committed with the z-word on the society really that wrong at all?

Have you ever heard the expression "the squeaky wheel gets the grease?"

My eyes are open.....what about yours?

You know the answer to this... and if you don't, then your eyes really aren't open as you claim.

Susitar Canidae 8 points on 2017-01-02 21:39:35

You seem like a good person. I mean, even if you like someone, doesn't mean you always feel ready for sex at first anyway, right? So, follow your own feelings about that. Maybe one day you'll want to explore that possiblity, but today is just not that day.

The most important thing is that you take good care of Moose, and it sounds like you truly care about him. Wonderful!

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-03 01:26:58

You seem like a good person.

Thank you :)

I mean, even if you like someone, doesn't mean you always feel ready for sex at first anyway, right?

True very true and I want to go about this carefully and with the utmost care.

So, follow your own feelings about that. Maybe one day you'll want to explore that possiblity, but today is just not that day.

I will eventually but just not now. In time when the time is right.

The most important thing is that you take good care of Moose, and it sounds like you truly care about him. Wonderful!

I want him to be happy and healthy for whatever years he has here. And I do care about him and I'm just so happy to have him in my life now. He's snoozing on my sofa right now despite me just finishing up washing dishes and running to the store for more ginger ale, chicken breasts, raspberry jam, assorted fresh fruits and french bread.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied -1 points on 2017-01-03 19:15:33

alright, I'll be that guy, this sounds fake.

If youre telling the truth then best of luck. You dont have to be so guilt ridden, if you didnt want to have sex with animals you wouldn't be posting here.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2017-01-03 19:58:32

Well excuse me for still being anxious. I'm out to someone now who didn't slap me and tell me to never come back, I'm still reeling from the recent drama here and being extra diligent when it comes to proving Zoophiles trustworthy and now I have someone to take care of and I don't want to screw up. Of course I would like to be intimate with Moose but that's not why I have him. If I wanted sex I have two hands and toy sex toys I could simply use and if I wanted things to feel realistic then I could let the toys soak in warm water.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2017-01-03 20:47:36

if I wanted things to feel realistic then I could let the toys soak in warm water.

major lol! this is the kind of thing that makes me doubt what you say. unless you were joking?

I'm just tainted after reading so many stories by people that obviously have no clue how dogs work IRL. Also I dont get why you're seeking our approval to say yes, you are now a zoo or something. surely you have a dog and want to have sex with dog, why tell us that you dont want to have sex with dog?

Not saying you definitely are lying, I'm just explaining why things dont quite seem to line up in my eyes. Feel free to ignore me, I'm just a random off the internet who would undoubtably have sex with a dog if they had one.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-04 19:38:23

major lol! this is the kind of thing that makes me doubt what you say. unless you were joking?

I was being sarcastic.

I'm just tainted after reading so many stories by people that obviously have no clue how dogs work IRL. Also I dont get why you're seeking our approval to say yes, you are now a zoo or something. surely you have a dog and want to have sex with dog, why tell us that you dont want to have sex with dog?

I'm not looking for approval. I just don't want to end up like our so called spokesman who turned out to be an abject failure a lunatic and one of the worst representations of the Zoo community ever. Is that so wrong exactly? To not want to turn into him?

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-01-06 18:02:23

I don't think he was ever our spokesman, beyond his imagination anyways...

Don't worry about him so much. What you turn into is ultimately your decision, and no one else can change that.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-09 22:42:00

I guess you're right but I've just been hypersensitive lately about the community and how we're perceived.

I know I won't turn into something like Aluzky.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-11 02:07:19

I know I won't turn into something like Aluzky.

I'm not an object... you know?

And why are you so obsessed about me? Can't you let it go? If I remember correctly, you came to me out of nowhere and attacked me with false accusation. I'm haven't done that to you and I don't hold a grudge against you. I'm used to people making bullshit accusations about me. All I'm doing is trying to have a mature conversation about this thread topic, yet, all you can do is make more false accusations against me... Let it go.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-11 11:25:25

I'm not an object... you know?


And why are you so obsessed about me?

Because you're among the worst "Zoophiles" on this planet. Hence why you're a good example for my fears.

Can't you let it go?

Can you? You're the one who keeps replying to people and complaining to them.

If I remember correctly, you came to me out of nowhere and attacked me with false accusation.

Nope the first person to call you out was WarCanine and I'm glad he did.

I'm haven't done that to you and I don't hold a grudge against you.

No but considering I actually saw you as being one of the good Zoophiles this still sucks. That it turns out that you weren't.

I'm used to people making bullshit accusations about me.

Some of them aren't bullshit. Maybe none of them are.

All I'm doing is trying to have a mature conversation about this thread topic,

You have nothing to offer. Mature or otherwise.

yet, all you can do is make more false accusations against me...

Not false.

Let it go.

So then stop replying.

Aluzky 0 points on 2017-01-12 01:36:49


Is not factual to refer to people like objects, is also disrespectful.

Because you're among the worst "Zoophiles" on this planet. Hence why you're a good example for my fears.

So, I'm worse that fence jumpers? Worse than zoorapists? Are you ok? because the things you are saying makes no sense.

Can you? You're the one who keeps replying to people and complaining to them.

I reply to them AFTER they attacked me with false accusations. Since when it is wrong to defend oneself from false accusations?

Nope the first person to call you out was WarCanine and I'm glad he did.

I didn't said you where the first. I'm saying that you also joined the attack Aluzky mob. I didn't asked you to come to attack me with false accusations of crimes that I have not done.

No but considering I actually saw you as being one of the good Zoophiles this still sucks. That it turns out that you weren't.

I'm not a bad zoophile either. I'm more in the middle, neither good nor bad. And sorry that I didn't fulfill your expectations but I never asked you to see me as a perfect zoophile.

Some of them aren't bullshit. Maybe none of them are.

Very few are not bullshit. Most of them are bullshit.

You have nothing to offer. Mature or otherwise.

I gave the same advice that others gave. So, are you saying that all those other zoo have nothing to offer? Mature or otherwise? So, you not only hate me, you hate everybody.

Not false.

Oh yea? Then where is the evidence that they are not false? I asked about 100 times to you and other to present evidence to support those claims and none of you ever present any non-fallacious evidence.

So then stop replying.

This is a public forum. Giving you advice when you posted asking for advice is not against the rules... seriously... if you hate me so much, I believe there is a block user button. I'm not stopping you from using it.

FYI: I didn't even read the name of the person who made this thread.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2017-01-12 07:08:59

Is not factual to refer to people like objects, is also disrespectful.

At this point I no longer care about your "subjective" feelings.

So, I'm worse that fence jumpers? Worse than zoorapists? Are you ok? because the things you are saying makes no sense.

Maybe you're not a rapist but you're the same as a fence jumper. Which these days means that you're someone who goes after animals that aren't yours.

I reply to them AFTER they attacked me with false accusations. Since when it is wrong to defend oneself from false accusations?

Oh so you don't fuck dogs that aren't yours?

I didn't said you where the first. I'm saying that you also joined the attack Aluzky mob. I didn't asked you to come to attack me with false accusations of crimes that I have not done.

Oh so now it's a mob who called out poor little Aluzky for being a fence jumper? You're the one who admitted to us and /r/CringeAnarchy that you fuck dogs that aren't yours! You did that! Now deal with the effects of that admission!

I'm not a bad zoophile either. I'm more in the middle, neither good nor bad. And sorry that I didn't fulfill your expectations but I never asked you to see me as a perfect zoophile.

The real problem is you're one of the more visible ones out there who acts like they represent every good Zoophile in the world. I don't want to be associated with fence jumping Zoophiles no more than I want to be associated with racist White people or women who hate men.

Very few are not bullshit. Most of them are bullshit.

Which is bullshit and which isn't hmmmm?

I gave the same advice that others gave. So, are you saying that all those other zoo have nothing to offer? Mature or otherwise? So, you not only hate me, you hate everybody.

No I just mean you. Your word means nothing.

Oh yea? Then where is the evidence that they are not false? I asked about 100 times to you and other to present evidence to support those claims and none of you ever present any non-fallacious evidence.

People keep providing evidence everytime you ask. The quote your exact words. Some used links. The non-Zoos didn't because they don't want to see you doing stuff with dogs. I am not afraid to go to those websites and provide evidence.

This is a public forum.

Yeah I know.

Giving you advice when you posted asking for advice is not against the rules...

Yeah I know that already!

seriously... if you hate me so much, I believe there is a block user button.

I was hoping that you would ignore more but I guess you like bugging people that don't like you. I noticed that you leave 30-30 alone.

I'm not stopping you from using it.

Again I was hoping you would just avoid me like you avoid 30-30.

FYI: I didn't even read the name of the person who made this thread.

You should've noticed that my name was highlighted with the other people I replied to.

Aluzky 0 points on 2017-01-14 02:13:49

At this point I no longer care about your "subjective" feelings.

What subjective feelings?

Maybe you're not a rapist

That is progress.

but you're the same as a fence jumper.

Not a fact. I don't support trespassing private property to have sex with animals not I have done that.

Which these days means that you're someone who goes after animals that aren't yours.

Sorry, but you are changing the definition of a word just to fit your hate Aluzky agenda.

Oh so you don't fuck dogs that aren't yours?

I never denied those charges. I acknowledge those charges, never defend against them. I defended against the accusation that I do trespassing, animal abuse, rape, lying to owners face, etc. Some of those baseless accusation where done by you.

Oh so now it's a mob who called out poor little Aluzky for being a fence jumper?

Mob definition: a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.

Well, It was a smaller crowd, but the rest of the definition fit. Is there a word similar to mob but that is used for smaller crowds?

And like I said before, I have never fence jumped and I'm against it.

You're the one who admitted to us and /r/CringeAnarchy that you fuck dogs that aren't yours!

That by definion is not called fence jumping.

You did that! Now deal with the effects of that admission!

I have no problems with being attacked for having sex with dogs without the owner permission. Like I said, I never complained about that. My complain was always against you and other who where making baseless accusations (some of criminal nature) against me. So don't act like you don't know that.

The real problem is you're one of the more visible ones out there who acts like they represent every good Zoophile in the world.

How is that a problem? Even if I where a zoosadists, that would have no relation to the validity of the arguments that i use to defend zoosexuals. To call out any defects of me is an ad hominem attack or a poisoning the well fallacy.

I don't want to be associated with fence jumping Zoophiles no more than I want to be associated with racist White people or women who hate men.

Nobody can associate you with those unless you are proven guilty of doing those. If they associate you with those, they are doing a hasty generalization fallacy and they are most likely bigots who will use any fallacy as an excuse to hate on you.

Which is bullshit and which isn't hmmmm?

Have you not been reading the comments? Every time you said bullshit I corrected you. Every time you said something factual about me, I acknowledge it.

No I just mean you. Your word means nothing.

Sorry, but real life doesn't work that way. So, you are acknowledging that those other people advice means nothing.

People keep providing evidence everytime you ask.

And I keep pointing out that the evidence they provided was fallacious. Are you aware that fallacious evidence is not valid evidence?

The quote your exact words.

And they did a non-sequitur fallacy. As the words they quoted of me didn't support their claims. Just because they think it support their claims, it don't means it does. They have to PROVE IT.

Example: Screw: a short, slender, sharp-pointed metal pin with a raised helical thread running around it and a slotted head, used to join things together by being rotated so that it pierces wood or other material and is held tightly in place. ← This is evidence that earth is flat. Proof is is right there in that comment, this is the proof. (this is called a non-sequitur fallacy)

They did that fallacy almost every time. The other times, they cherry pick comments that where badly worded and used those comments to make ASSUMPTIONS about me that ended up being false. Or they chose texts out of context to make straw man fallacies.

Some used links.

Same problem as above, I gave evidence that their "evidence" was fallacious.

The non-Zoos didn't because they don't want to see you doing stuff with dogs. I am not afraid to go to those websites and provide evidence.

No comment.

Yeah I know.

Then you should know that you will get replies from making this comment. As such, don't complain when people reply.

Yeah I know that already!

Then don't act as if I'm attacking/insulting you. You don't need to act like an immature child.

I was hoping that you would ignore more but I guess you like bugging people that don't like you. I noticed that you leave 30-30 alone.

I don't leave him alone. If he makes a comment that is non-factual I will correct him (like I do with anyone else)

Again I was hoping you would just avoid me like you avoid 30-30.

I don't avoid anyone.

You should've noticed that my name was highlighted with the other people I replied to.

I didn't notice. I care little about the name of the person who makes a thread or the name of the person who makes a comment. I care about the comment itself.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2017-01-15 00:56:11

I'm done listening to you and communicating with you. I'm taking WarCanine's good advice. Blocking you would be too easy and you use that to paint yourself as the poor little victim you think you are. Ignoring you is much better.

Bye /u/Aluzky. Good riddance to rotten trash.

P.S. Maybe you should block or ignore people you don't like? Oh and stop threatening to "visit" antis dogs. You're just further proving everyone right about you liking to target dogs that belong to antis as revenge. Oh and you're situation is nowhere near comperable to that of people in countries where being gay can get you killed. It's an insult to the real men and women being killed out there. You're just a coward who uses sex as revenge.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2017-01-15 18:18:45

inb4 ''run away like a coward''

I know that when he does that you just want to grab the motherfucker dogfucker trough the screen and make his dick into origami art.
But I have a feeling he's the troll, actually.
Look at the things he said. Who is stupid enough to think that his actions are not wrong?
And not only that, saying that baits the person you're talking to.

Now if I only listened to my own advice of not feeding the mental pervert...

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-16 10:03:04

He's the coward who ran. But I'm absolutely done with him. He'll eventually he will caught doing what he does. He'll act like the innocent victim but he's the one who puts himself in these situations. He's a vengeful narcissistic little shit.

Don't blame yourself.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2017-01-16 10:09:15

I know that when he does that you just want to grab the motherfucker dogfucker trough the screen and make his dick into origami art.

More like go Ramsay Bolton on his lying Wendigo looking ass.

Shastadog90 25/F/Bisexual Dog Lover 1 point on 2017-01-16 10:12:05

I swear I didn't know.....all this time. I can't fucking believe it.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2017-01-16 16:15:08

all this time

What do you mean?
You should've known since the beginning.
You really can't miss it.
Check his post history if you enjoy self torture.

I've seen people quote Aluzky in bestiality/zoophilia arguments before as an example of a zoophile, sadly.
This man fucks with other peoples animals, forces his opinions down peoples throats and supports pedophilia.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-16 18:27:24

and you use that to paint yourself as the poor little victim

Fact, you and others are attacking me with false accusations. That by definition makes the a victim. So, congratulations, you already have made me into a victim.

P.S. Maybe you should block or ignore people you don't like?

I don't do that in here.

Oh and stop threatening to "visit" antis dogs.

Where I have threatened anyone with that? Do you know the definition of the word t"threatening" ?

You're just further proving everyone right about you liking to target dogs that belong to antis as revenge.

I target any dogs just because they are dogs, the owners have nothing to do with it.

Oh and you're situation is nowhere near comperable to that of people in countries where being gay can get you killed.

Yea, is not like I have got several death threads just for being a zoosexual. /sarcasm.

It's an insult to the real men and women being killed out there.

Subjective opinion. It is a fact that there are some violent bigots out here that would kill me if they where to find out about my orientation. Same way homosexuals gets killed by random bigots from time to time even in countries that are fairly in favor of gays.

You're just a coward

By your logic, gays are also cowards for not wanting to come out of the close.

who uses sex as revenge.

False attribution fallacy, you have yet to provide evidence that this claim is true. Till you do, this claim is only true in your head.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-11 01:52:45

beyond his imagination anyways...

I'm not the spokesman for zoosexuals. I'm just one of few (sadly not enough) zoosexuals who goes around educating people who are clearly spreading harmful misinformation about us. So, your comment is uncalled for. I'm not some deluded zoo.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-01-11 02:56:21

Fair enough. I do apologize, there is a lot of hate towards you on this reddit and while I won't go and say you have not earned at least some of it, sometimes it is hard to sort truth from fiction.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-11 03:12:43

I know that some of my behaviors are disliked by zoosexuals who are more moral than me. I don't mind that, I acknowledge that they are right in hatting that part of me. From day one (10 year ago or more) I came out clean and didn't lie about those behaviors (even when I could had done it to avoid drama, this is why people know about it, from my own mouth) but that ugly part of me is not 100% of me. Problem is, their hate goes beyond just that part and spill into hating everything about me and even making false accusations. For example, as much as I hate 30-30 because of some of his believes, he does make some good arguments from time to time. I don't let my hate spill everywhere every time I see him.

By the way, I find ironic that they hate me so much, don't a majority of zoosexual had sex behaviors with their family pets like when in their teens? (According to studies) Last time I check, they didn't ask for permission of their parents to do that.

Anyways, thanks for trying to understan.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-11 03:32:45

FWIW, I don't hate you. Especially if you are trying to change. I just don't condone those behaviors either.

I did some stupid things once or twice in my life too. None of them sexual to date, but what's important is that you learn.

zoo_away 1 point on 2017-01-03 21:02:31

Good for you two. You go, girl. But perhaps be careful, who you tell. The topic can go nuclear.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-04 19:34:48

I have no intentions to tell anyone else

Swibblestein 2 points on 2017-01-06 05:12:24

I always got a good feeling from you and it sounds like I was right.

I'm a big proponent of getting to know an animal thoroughly before even considering sexual contact. Maybe you'll never find yourself interested in such contact with him, and that's okay. But, if in the future you are, it sounds like it'll be after knowing him for long enough that you are familiar with him on a personal level - so much less chance of misinterpreting his body language and other cues.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're doing much better. I've dealt with major depression in the past as well. You've good life situation, and now a chance at a good friend, too. I really do hope for the continuing best for you.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2017-01-10 14:30:24

Thank you very much :)

Honestly it's all up to Moose and what he wants and to a lesser degree how I feel as I want him to be comfortable in his new home and get used to his routine here. He's still settling and I'm content just to snuggle on the sofa with him. I'm just happy he's in my life now and really all there is to it.

If he wants to do more I'll allow this but for now we're roommates for lack of a better word there. Albeit very friendly roommates.

I've definitely come a long way since 2015 and I want to remain positive from this point out. I'm glad you're doing ok too.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2017-01-07 03:54:02

. Even though Moose is mine now I've not initiated any sexual contact with him. He's tried mounting me but I've gently made him stop, I'm ok with him licking me but I don't allow him to lick between my legs or elsewhere like that. I just barely got him and I don't want him for sex. I'm perfectly capable of just masturbating if I want sex and I've done this ever since I lost my last boyfriend. I just don't feel comfortable with him doing things right now and I don't want to seem like a stereotypical Zoophile who got a dog just for sex. Maybe I'm overthinking all of this, I am very happy with Moose but I also don't want to seem like some of super desperate people who post here. I guess a part of me is still scared to be seen as just another horny freak despite accepting my Zoophilia.

what happens (or doesn't) between you and moose is nobody else's business. if you truly aren't ready, that's fine, but if you're only holding back because you're afraid of what others would think/say .. that's unfortunate. you never know .. it could be that it would strengthen your bond with him. shrug

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2017-01-09 23:04:29

Recent....drama in the community has me rattled still. I'm gradually calming down.

Aluzky 2 points on 2017-01-08 22:45:01

Because being a horny freak is bad? Do what you want to be happy and not what others want you to be. Don't do stuff to please others. You gain nothing by pleasing others. They will see you as a freak whether you have sex with him on day one or later.

Of course, bounds of reason, don't do stuff to be happy if that involves harming others.

Also, if your dog has sexual needs, at least give him a hand (for his sake not yours) is borderline cruel to leave him sexually deprived.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 3 points on 2017-01-09 22:58:02

Because being a horny freak is bad?

No but being a rabid maniac like you is a bad thing. And I don't remember asking you for your opinion here!

Do what you want to be happy and not what others want you to be.

Do you want to fuck off instead of trying to be my buddy? Because I don't buddy up with zoo trash. I don't want to be someone like you; a pathetic fence jumping liar who contributes to the negative stereotypes about Zoophiles.

Don't do stuff to please others.

I'm not!

You gain nothing by pleasing others.

I'm aware of that fact. Unlike you I can actually comprehend the works around me quite fine.

They will see you as a freak whether you have sex with him on day one or later.

I'd rather be seen as a freak than as a monster.

Of course, bounds of reason, don't do stuff to be happy if that involves harming others.

At least my friends can trust me. At least I can keep my word and not betray others.

Also, if your dog has sexual needs, at least give him a hand (for his sake not yours) is borderline cruel to leave him sexually deprived.

I'm waiting until HE is comfortable with such actions. He makes that choice not me. And really I'm done listening to you and communicating with you.

Aluzky 3 points on 2017-01-11 01:47:39

No but being a rabid maniac like you is a bad thing.

This thread is not about me and doing baseless accusation is not a welcomed behabior. Can't you act like an adult?

And I don't remember asking you for your opinion here!

If you won't want people to read or reply to you, why did you made a thread then? Why are you telling that to me and not to the other people who also gave their opinions?

Do you want to fuck off instead of trying to be my buddy?

I'm not trying to be your buddy... was just replying to your thread...

Because I don't buddy up with zoo trash. I don't want to be someone like you; a pathetic fence jumping liar who contributes to the negative stereotypes about Zoophiles.

I'm not asking you to be best buddies... And I have never done fence jumping (you are spreading baseless rumors, again, can't you act like an adult?) and everybody tells lies. Calling me a liar is like calling me a human.

I'm not! I'm aware of that fact. Unlike you I can actually comprehend the works around me quite fine.

I'm glad that you know that.

I'd rather be seen as a freak than as a monster.

Pretty sure that in their eyes, both of those are the same thing.

At least my friends can trust me. At least I can keep my word and not betray others.

Good for you.

I'm waiting until HE is comfortable with such actions. He makes that choice not me. And really I'm done listening to you and communicating with you.

Pretty sure that him humping you is a pretty big hint that he has already made that choice and is OK with you helping him out.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2017-01-11 11:16:04

This thread is not about me and doing baseless accusation is not a welcomed behabior. Can't you act like an adult?

You asking me to be an adult? Yeah this coming from you?

If you won't want people to read or reply to you, why did you made a thread then? Why are you telling that to me and not to the other people who also gave their opinions?

Oh I'm just emulating you. You'll post stuff and then get mad when people call you out for it!

I'm not trying to be your buddy...

Good! Because I don't make friends with fence jumpers.

was just replying to your thread...

And you replied. Congratulations.

I'm not asking you to be best buddies...

That's a relief.

And I have never done fence jumping

What you've done is still no better than what a fence jumper does.

(you are spreading baseless rumors, again, can't you act like an adult?)

Can't you keep your dick in your panties whenever you are around dogs or is that too difficult for you to understand?

and everybody tells lies. Calling me a liar is like calling me a human.

I don't betray people. You do. You're a shame to this community, this sub and to humanity.

I'm glad that you know that.

At least one of us does.

Pretty sure that in their eyes, both of those are the same thing.

My co-worker was weirded out at first but she didn't think I raped her dog every time I was alone with him. Maybe she thought I was a freak but she didn't think I was a monster.

Good for you.

Yeah it is good for me.

Pretty sure that him humping you is a pretty big hint that he has already made that choice and is OK with you helping him out.

He's still settling in and I don't need advice from you of all people. Not all of us Zoos are so eager to get right to sex. Some of us actually want to bond with our partners first.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-12 01:17:06

You asking me to be an adult? Yeah this coming from you?

Do you see me calling you a rapist and a liar in here? NOPE. I'm not making any false accusation against you. I'm not attacking you at all. All I did was to reply to your comment, my comment was on topic. In fact, my advice was similar or the same as the advice that other people gave you.

Did you treat those other people in the same way you treat me? Even that they gave similar or same advice to you? No? Then don't act like your replies to me are not immature.

Oh I'm just emulating you. You'll post stuff and then get mad when people call you out for it!

I don't get mad when I get called out on stuff that I did. And no, I would never make a thread and then tell people to not post in the tread. So you are not emulating me.

Good! Because I don't make friends with fence jumpers.

Fence jumper definition: Some one who trespass private property without permission to have sex with animals.

Again, you nor anyone has ever provide any objective evidence that I'm guilty of doing that. And I have correct you many times that I have never done that.

You claim to be mature, yet you are making false accusation against me just because you don't like me. By definition, that is not a mature behabior.

What you've done is still no better than what a fence jumper does.

So, you are saying that my behabior is worse than people who does fence jumping? They are doing an actual CRIME and also something immoral. My behabior is just immoral, but not a crime.

So, I will have to disagree. I'm not worse than a fence jumper. And needless to say, I'm not better than you.

My co-worker was weirded out at first but she didn't think I raped her dog every time I was alone with him. Maybe she thought I was a freak but she didn't think I was a monster.

Well, I was talking more about bigots, is clear that your co-worked in not a bigot.

He's still settling in and I don't need advice from you of all people.

If I'm not wrong, another person also gave you similar advice, so, it seems you are only dismissing my advice because you hate me... again, not mature behabior.

Not all of us Zoos are so eager to get right to sex.

Like I said, do it for his own good, not for your own good. As you said, he is already asking you for sex.

Some of us actually want to bond with our partners first.

So, you will let him beg for sex for how many week or moths till you have finally bonded? IMO, that is subjectively wrong. You could give him a hand just to satisfy his needs and leave it at that, I'm not asking you to bend over for him. You can bond with him while also helping him out with your hand. Can you keep sex (for his own good) separated from your own sexuality?

I know non-zoosexuals that jerk of their dogs to help them out as their dogs have high sexual urges and they can't satisfy themselves without help. They do that not because they get off from it, they do to help them, no different from cutting their nails, picking their shit or expressing their anal glands. IMO, you can do that to help him out and still keep bonding with him. And I don't think nobody who is not bigoted will see you as a freak or monster for helping that dog. And once you feel like you have bonded enough, feel free to bend over for him when you are ready.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 3 points on 2017-01-12 06:53:58

Do you see me calling you a rapist and a liar in here?

I'm not the fence jumper. At least I only fucked my own dog and my own horse.



I'm not making any false accusation against you.

I'm not the person who fucks other people's dogs. You do. You admitted to that and you have videos of this. Not a false accusation.

I'm not attacking you at all.

I didn't say you did! I just said you complained!

All I did was to reply to your comment, my comment was on topic.

So what?

In fact, my advice was similar or the same as the advice that other people gave you.

Difference is I respect the other people.

Did you treat those other people in the same way you treat me? Even that they gave similar or same advice to you? No? Then don't act like your replies to me are not immature.

No I didn't what's your point?

I don't get mad when I get called out on stuff that I did.

Lmfao that's a lie.

And no, I would never make a thread and then tell people to not post in the tread.

No but you'll complain if someone compares you to a fence jumper.

So you are not emulating me.

Pretty damn close.

Fence jumper definition: Some one who trespass private property without permission to have sex with animals.

Just because you don't jump a fence doesn't mean you're still not a horrible disgusting person. You're worse than a fence jumper because people trust you around their animals and you betrayed that trust. And say you will continue to do so.

Again, you nor anyone has ever provide any objective evidence that I'm guilty of doing that. And I have correct you many times that I have never done that.

The video of the female Lab that you have sex with. She wasn't your dog and you admit in the description that the owner has no idea what you were doing with the dog. You made four videos with her.

You claim to be mature, yet you are making false accusation against me just because you don't like me.

Yeah I don't like liars or fence jumpers or people who act like fence jumpers.

By definition, that is not a mature behabior.

I'm not the one who made videos with other people's dogs just because. You did. They're on and they don't delete videos so until the sight is taken down they'll ALWAYS be there.

So, you are saying that my behabior is worse than people who does fence jumping?

If not worse than pretty damn close to it. Because you go behind the backs of friends who trust you. Sure they might know you're supposedly a Zoophile but you go behind their backs to get their dogs. Why not just ask or is that too difficult for you?

They are doing an actual CRIME and also something immoral. My behabior is just immoral, but not a crime.

You're still no better than them and you seem to like doing things like this otherwise you'd only have sex with your dog. And don't use the excuse of the sex getting boring to justify your behavior.

So, I will have to disagree. I'm not worse than a fence jumper. And needless to say, I'm not better than you.

Yeah you're nowhere near being the same as me.

Well, I was talking more about bigots, is clear that your co-worked in not a bigot.

She asked if I ever did anything to him and I was able to answer honestly. That I did nothing because that would be like fence jumping.

If I'm not wrong, another person also gave you similar advice, so, it seems you are only dismissing my advice because you hate me... again, not mature behabior.

I don't take advice from liars nor do I respect them. You are in both of those categories.

Like I said, do it for his own good, not for your own good. As you said, he is already asking you for sex.m

He only tried once and that was because I was doing something else. I don't want him to jump on me everytime I bend over it's not good for him. You don't even know him anyway.

So, you will let him beg for sex for how many week or moths till you have finally bonded?

He doesn't beg for sex. You're insane.

IMO, that is subjectively wrong.


You could give him a hand just to satisfy his needs and leave it at that,

If he wanted one I would. Stop telling me how to fuck my boyfriend.

I'm not asking you to bend over for him.


You can bond with him while also helping him out with your hand.

If HE wants help. You're starting to sound like one of those people who just wants to ask a female zoo to do sex things with her dog because it's "hot and taboo."

Can you keep sex (for his own good) separated from your own sexuality?

Better than you can and I don't need or want your false help.

I know non-zoosexuals that jerk of their dogs to help them out as their dogs have high sexual urges and they can't satisfy themselves without help. They do that not because they get off from it, they do to help them, no different from cutting their nails, picking their shit or expressing their anal glands.

Yeah yeah yeah good for them what's your point? Not everyone wants to do that with their dogs you know? Did you know that?

IMO, you can do that to help him out and still keep bonding with him.

That's up to Moose not me and definitely not you!

And I don't think nobody who is not bigoted will see you as a freak or monster for helping that dog.

Just because someone doesn't like the fact that I like dogs is really a bigot unless they tell me to die. So what if someone doesn't approve? I don't care! Not everyone will like this and that's fine!

And once you feel like you have bonded enough, feel free to bend over for him when you are ready.

When Moose is ready.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2017-01-12 16:00:41

I recommend blocking Aluzky or straight up ignoring him.

As you can see, it'll only bring problems and now your thread is getting spammed again by him and yourself.
You have to remember: There's nothing we can do about his disgusting actions.
We only create problems by doing this and we don't fix any.
Although it's entirely your choice, but tbh it's a little bothering.

I mean, should we even take him seriously at this point?
He is literally arguing about stuff older than one month.
He thinks I'm a troll, a spy and that 'behavior' is spelled as 'behabior.'

And you know what? In the end if he gets ignored enough he might leave and if we don't take him seriously we can't really get bothered by his, ahem, 'behabior' anymore.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2017-01-13 01:27:57

I think I'll just ignore him. Blocking him will give him validation about how "bigots" hate him. Ignoring makes an ass out of him if he comes back.

My first language is Ukrainian and even when I was learning English I knew how to spell behavior in 1st grade.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2017-01-15 00:29:55

He's still going after her huh? If you want my honest opinion here he seems more focused on the fact that her and her dog ain't fucking right away. Either way I want to apologize to those of you with self control, because you still don't deserve this level of insanity and narcissism.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-14 03:21:19

I'm not the fence jumper. At least I only fucked my own dog and my own horse.

I'm not a fence Jumper either.


If I where like you, I would accuse you of lying about not being a fence jumper and I would accuse you of raping your dog and your horse and so on. I'm more mature than you, even if I hated you, I would not make false accusations against you. That is my point.

So, can you be mature and stop making false accusations?

I'm not the person who fucks other people's dogs. You do.

Ignoratio elenchi fallacy. You are missing the point. This is not about me fucking other people dogs, this is about you continuing to be disruptive by making false accusations against me. You are calling me a rapist, a fence jumper and other things that I'm not and that you can't prove to be true. You keep focusing on the only thing that is true and that I'm not complaining about. MY COMPLAIN IS ABOUT THE FALSE ACCUSATION, NOT ABOUT THE FACTUAL ACCUSATIONS. So, again, don't act like you don't know that my problem is not with you accusing me of having sex with other people dogs without their permission.

You admitted to that and you have videos of this. Not a false accusation.

Again. I'm not calling that a false accusations. I'm calling your rape, lie, trespassing accusations to be FALSE.

Stop playing dumb (or maybe you are not playing) you know very well that I have acknowledge every time that I do have sex with other people dogs without their permission. Why would I call something that I acknowledge to do a false accusation? Don't act stupid, you know well what I'm talking about.

I didn't say you did! I just said you complained!

I complained because you are attacking me with false accusations. You are trying to pain me as something that I'm not just because you hate me. That is disrupting this thread topic and will probably disrupt other threads if you keep going at it. Stop being a "child" and stop making false accusations just because you hate me.

So what?

That you are acting like if I made a post to insult you. Or why did you had to attack me for giving advice to the thread poster? Are you going to attack me with false accusations on every thread where you see my name? Is that how it is going to be?

Difference is I respect the other people.

Other people that you know nothing about. They could be fence jumpers, they would be like me, they could even be rapists. How can you respect some one that you know nothing about? Going around

And even if you don't respect me, that doesn't justify your behabior.

No I didn't what's your point?

That you are being IMMATURE (and also disruptive) and you claim that you are being mature. So, your claim that you are mature is false.

Lmfao that's a lie.

When I have got mad for being called out on me having sex with other people dogs without their permission? Where is the evidence that it is a lie?

No but you'll complain if someone compares you to a fence jumper.

Because I'm not a fence jumper. Same way i would complain if some one accuses me of something that I'm not (be a positive accusation or a negative accusation)

Pretty damn close.

I totally disagree.

Just because you don't jump a fence doesn't mean you're still not a horrible disgusting person.

Horrible and disgusting are subjective opinion. Thus, you thinking that of me is not a fact and can never be a fact. Just like you think that, there are others who think the opposite.

You're worse than a fence jumper because people trust you around their animals and you betrayed that trust. And say you will continue to do so.

I disagree that I have betrayed their trust. To betray some ones trust, you have to do something that they asked you to not do or do something that is harmful to them or their property. I have not done neither of those.'s%20trust

Betray someone's trust definition: to do something very bad and hurtful to someone that causes a loss of respect. "You stole from us. You've betrayed our trust."

Like I said before, they don't know that I have done that. They haven't been emotionally hurt nor their property has been damaged. Nor I have lied to them nor I have done something that they asked me to not do.

The video of the female Lab that you have sex with. She wasn't your dog and you admit in the description that the owner has no idea what you were doing with the dog. You made four videos with her.

More missing the point fallacy. My comment was about fence jumping or the rape accusations or the lie to the owners accusation. Let me make it clear to you again: I'm not calling the act of me having sex with other people dogs a false accusations, I fully acknowledge that i do that and I never complain about it if i get called out on it. So, stop acting like I'm talking about the "doing it behind the owners back"

Yeah I don't like liars or fence jumpers or people who act like fence jumpers.

Everybody tell lies. So, you hate everybody?

And I'm not a fence jumper nor I act like one. So you hating me for things that I have not done is immature and you making false accusations against me just because you hate me is immature and disruptive.

I'm not the one who made videos with other people's dogs just because. You did. They're on and they don't delete videos so until the sight is taken down they'll ALWAYS be there.

More ignorant elenchi fallacy. Sorry, but all those arguments don't prove that you are not begin immature and disruptive.

If not worse than pretty damn close to it. Because you go behind the backs of friends who trust you. Sure they might know you're supposedly a Zoophile but you go behind their backs to get their dogs.

Don't be disingenuous, it is clearly not worse.

Why not just ask or is that too difficult for you?

Why don't gays ask a male person if they want to have sex in a country where doing so is social suicide or carries a jail sentence or a death sentence. (Analogy)

Same for me, over here is going to be illegal (or is already illegal) and is also social suicide. I don't live in a country where people don't give a fuck if you are a zoosexual.

You're still no better than them

Non-sequitur fallacy. If my behabior is not worse, then my behabior is better than theirs.

and you seem to like doing things like this otherwise you'd only have sex with your dog.

Why would I not like it? It is sex.

And don't use the excuse of the sex getting boring to justify your behavior.

I don't. I don't get bored of having sex with my own dog.

Yeah you're nowhere near being the same as me.


She asked if I ever did anything to him and I was able to answer honestly. That I did nothing because that would be like fence jumping.

No comment.

I don't take advice from liars nor do I respect them. You are in both of those categories.

Again, not mature behabior. And everybody is a liar, so you are LYING that you don't take advice from liars. And you don't need to respect some one to take good advice from that person. Again, you are just behabior like an immature child, problem is, is not a harmless thing, you are disrupting the forum by making false accusations against me. If this where real life I could sue you for libel.

He only tried once and that was because I was doing something else. I don't want him to jump on me everytime I bend over it's not good for him. You don't even know him anyway.

That is fine, but you are still asking how many months or year you need to wait before having sex with him. You have no excuse for going on a different time an hour later and helping him when he has not jumped on you. (if your intention is to not condition him to jump and hump people all the time)

He doesn't beg for sex. You're insane.

Are you ignorant? A dog humping you in a sexual way is begging you for sex.


Care to explain how I'm being a hypocrite?

If he wanted one I would.

He already asked you for sex when he humped you.

Stop telling me how to fuck my boyfriend.

You are the one who asked for advice... don't complain when people reply with advices...

If HE wants help.

He already asked for help when he humped you.

You're starting to sound like one of those people who just wants to ask a female zoo to do sex things with her dog because it's "hot and taboo."

I'm not into humans. I could care less what you do. I do care that the dog needs are satisfied (including his sexual needs)

Better than you can

Contradictory, else you would have not made this tread asking for how long you need to wait before having sex with your dog. If you could keep them apart, you would have jerked off the dog for his own good to satisfy his needs, not related to you being a zoosexual.

and I don't need or want your false help.

I'm not giving false help.

Yeah yeah yeah good for them what's your point? Not everyone wants to do that with their dogs you know? Did you know that?

You are a zoosexual or not? If a non-sexual can jerk their dog to satisfy their sexual needs, why can't you do the same?

That's up to Moose not me and definitely not you!

Again, according to you, he already asked you for sexual help. Don't act like he has never asked.

Just because someone doesn't like the fact that I like dogs is really a bigot unless they tell me to die.

Sorry, can't translate that sentence. I think there is a grammatical mistake.

So what if someone doesn't approve? I don't care! Not everyone will like this and that's fine!

If you don't care, then why you said this: "I don't want to seem like a stereotypical Zoophile who got a dog just for sex"

You are overthinking this too much, if he ask you for sex, then help him (if you don't want to help him in the moment as to not teach him that humping random people is Ok, that is fine)

When Moose is ready.

Sounds to me that he is already ready (according to what you have said)

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-15 00:53:33

Yeah it's a national tragedy that my Moose only did a dominance mount and not a sex mount and I didn't immediately rip my panties off. When he is comfortable then I'll make our relationship official, he is still the same bouncy happy dog he was when I first got him. He hasn't died or become depressed just because I don't immediately use him for sex. Moose is more to me than just a sex toy and back when I was single I would just masturbate instead of doing like you and using my friend's dog for sex behind her back. Like I said I'm not you and I don't need your fake almost fetishized advice anymore. Feel free to reply back all you want and continue making an ass of yourself. I'll stick to speaking with the adults and the real "trustworthy" Zoophiles. If any of them turn out to be fence jumpers, backstabbers or rapists I'll treat them exactly how I'm treating you.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-16 18:42:24

Yeah it's a national tragedy that my Moose only did a dominance mount and not a sex mount and I didn't immediately rip my panties off.

Dominance mount? I let you know that I have done 10 years of research about dominance mounting and I have yet to find any scientific evidence of dogs doing that. And i have seen thousands of zooporn videos or dog mating videos or dog humping videos and I have yet to see a single one where a dog is doing a "dominance hump"

So, forgive me if I don't believe you when you claim that he humped you out of dominance. Same way I won't believe you if you claim to have telekinetic powers. I believe in scientific facts and such facts about "dominance humps" seems to be non-existent.

But hey, maybe you have evidence that dogs can hump for dominance reasons? If so, let me know. I would be happy to see such evidence.

By the way: Do you know what qualifies as a dominant behabior? Or you are saying he did it for dominance reason without even know what dominance is or how it is communicated by a dog?

When he is comfortable then I'll make our relationship official, he is still the same bouncy happy dog he was when I first got him.

Hmmm... that behabior is the opposite of a dog that is being dominant.

He hasn't died or become depressed just because I don't immediately use him for sex.

Playing fetch, taking him for walks or giving him sex is not necessarily going to kill him or get him depressed. But we can all agree that those activities are fun and improve the quality of life of the dog.

Moose is more to me than just a sex toy and back when I was single I would just masturbate instead of doing like you and using my friend's dog for sex behind her back.

Your believes and harmless actions are nobody business. You don't need my validation or anyone's validation.

Like I said I'm not you and I don't need your fake almost fetishized advice anymore.

Nobody is accusing you of being me. And I gave the same/similar advice that others gave you. So, if you don't need the advice of zoosexuals, then don't make threads asking for advice, problem solved.

Feel free to reply back all you want and continue making an ass of yourself.

Aren't you the one making an ass of yourself by being immature?

I'll stick to speaking with the adults and the real "trustworthy" Zoophiles.

Last time I checked, I'm an adult. And you finding me to be "untrustworthy" is your subjective opinion.

If any of them turn out to be fence jumpers, backstabbers or rapists I'll treat them exactly how I'm treating you.

I'm not a fence jumper nor a backstabber nor a rapist.

Shastadog90 25/F/Bisexual Dog Lover 2 points on 2017-01-15 00:32:42

Wait is all of that true? You do other people's dogs without them knowing about it? But all the're only with you're dog? What is this?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2017-01-15 18:38:25

Yeah, his videos are with his dogs.
But that doesn't stop him from fucking others dogs.
Even worse, behind their backs.
Did you also know that he let's his get fucked by others too?

It's no doubt that he sees dogs as sex toys.
He usually implies that we're going to need proof for that, but the proof are his own words and actions.
I mean, he accused me of being a troll by my behavior so I guess we can accuse him of seeing dogs as sex toys just as easily.

People like him are the reason nobody trusts zoophiles with their pets.
In fact, it has gone so far that I wouldn't trust any zoophile with my bitch.
Hey, don't blame me on that, but him.

Imo sex is healthy for the body, not for the mind, which is made obvious by people such as him.
Tell me, how would you feel after years and years after letting a person visit, find out that he had sex with your dog and catch him in the act?

Shastadog90 25/F/Bisexual Dog Lover 1 point on 2017-01-16 10:20:48

So Aluzky basically is a fence jumper :(

Aluzky 0 points on 2017-01-16 18:55:25

So Aluzky basically is a fence jumper :(

Fence jumper definition: To TRESPASS private property (without permission) to have sex with animals.

I'm not a fence jumper, trespassing is a criminal offense and I'm against it and I have never done trespassing to have sex with dogs.

Did you also know that he let's his get fucked by others too? (warcanine)

Do you have a problem that I did that? I don't see how it is a problem to let my male dog decide if he wants to fuck other humans, seems that warcanine wants me to forbid my dog from making his own choice on who he wants to fuck. Seems he is the type that would stop his dog from having sex with anyone just because he is jealous of the dog "cheating on him"

I threat dogs as individuals, sentient beings, I give them the freedom to chose by themselves what to do (as long as they actions would not put their life at risk) if my dog wants to fuck some other human, I don't have a problem with it, he has the right to fuck who ever he wants. I won't forbid my dog to fuck others just because I'm jealous of it and want him to only fuck me.

It's no doubt that he sees dogs as sex toys. (warcanine)

That is a false rumor spread by the zoophobes/bigots and the Aluzky haters. I see dogs as living creatures, not as sex objects. By the way, warcanine refer to dogs as "its" he talk about dogs as if they where objects. I think he is doing projection.

he accused me of being a troll by my behavior (warcanine)

He start trolling me in a different thread so I called him a troll. There is proof that my accusation was valid, his troll comments are there for anyone to read them. Where his claims that I see dogs as sex toys can't be supported with actual evidence .

People like him are the reason nobody trusts zoophiles with their pets. (warcanine)

That is not true, the reason that people don't trust zoosexuals is that people is mostly bigoted. There are heterosexuals who molest/rape children, yet you don't see people saying "I won't trust heterosexuals with my children"

A zoosexual is not by default a rapist/molester. Some one who doesn't see that is acting in a bigoted way by making a hasty generalization fallacy to painting the whole sexuality as being only bad people.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-16 19:33:28

Fence jumper definition: To TRESPASS private property (without permission) to have sex with animals I'm not a fence jumper, trespassing is a criminal offense and I'm against it and I have never done trespassing to have sex with dogs.

You know exactly what we mean by that.
You fuck other peoples pets behind their backs. That's the wrong part.

Seems he is the type that would stop his dog from having sex with anyone just because he is jealous of the dog "cheating on him"

Do you even know what cheating means?
Because that's what this is and it's wrong.
We lead a monogamous relationship, end of story.
And of course I wouldn't.
She's my partner and for that reason it's not going to happen for both sides.
There's also no reason to choose another human for sex as I'm her trusted partner.
Besides, she wouldn't want anyone else.
And not only that, if she can't take me then she can't take anyone, because penetrative sex would result in her vagina being ripped in pieces.

I threat dogs as individuals, sentient beings, I give them the freedom to chose by themselves what to do

I do too, but leaving my girl with people like you would result in her getting harmed.
Thanks for betraying a lot of people, you are a fine example of what is wrong with humanity.

Is Aluzky getting bullied like when he was a small kiddyyyy?

That is a false rumor spread by the zoophobes/bigots and the Aluzky haters.

It's always the zoophobes and bigots, huh?
Weird how I'm not entitled to my opinions and don't hate every zoophile.
Neither do I hate you, I'm just bothered by your disgusting actions.

By the way, warcanine refer to dogs as "its" he talk about dogs as if they where objects.

I only call them ''its'' if I don't know a dog's gender, which is the same for every other species.
Note how I call my bitch a her, because I know her gender.

He start trolling me in a different thread so I called him a troll.

I didn't troll anyone, you just assumed that because you were offended and had to make an escape plan.
Awww, saddyyyy.

Where his claims that I see dogs as sex toys can't be supported with actual evidence .
Take a scroll.

That is not true, the reason that people don't trust zoosexuals is that people is mostly bigoted.

Nope, there are no reasons to fear zoophiles fucking others pets, except fencehoppers like you.

There are heterosexuals who molest/rape children, yet you don't see people saying "I won't trust heterosexuals with my children"

Bad comparison.
There are also zoos who rape animals.
You can't compare heterosexuals with zoophiles in this case because animals can't talk and tell their owner they've been fucked.

Aluzky 0 points on 2017-01-16 19:00:11

It's no doubt that he sees dogs as sex toys.

Only true in your head.

he accused me of being a troll

The evidence of you trolling me, is in that thread comments. Act like a troll, get called a troll. PS: I only called you a troll in that thread. As long as you don't troll in other places, I won't call you a troll in other places.

People like him are the reason nobody trusts zoophiles with their pets.

Not trusting zoosexuals in geneal is a bigoted behabior. It is called a hasty generalization fallacy.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-16 19:10:23

Only true in your head.

Ask others.
Everything you think is right is also just in your head.

The evidence of you trolling me, is in that thread comments.

No it isn't.
Please show other zoophiles here the proof and let them decide if I'm a troll or not.
Because it's only true in your head.

Not trusting zoosexuals in geneal is a bigoted behabior.

Nope. It's your fault and other fencehoppers faults.
Also, what does 'behabior' mean? Can you please define this word?

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-01-16 19:02:48

Yes, those are true. I have never keep it a secret that I have done that. When I was 12 I started having sex with the family dog, I never asked the owners (my parents) for permission to do that. According to studies, many zoosexuals first sexual experiences are also with the family dog without the owner (parents) permission. I didn't got to own my own dog till I was 24 or 23. Before that, the only sex I had was with dogs from other people (100% of the time me being the bottom) again without their permission. I don't live in a country where you can go ask some one for permission to do that, as it is social suicide or can get you in jail or fined and they will also take away your dogs, so, the environment and old habits has lead me to do such behaviors. If it where socially/legally acceptable to be a zoosexual and it didn't carry such risks of coming out, I would have asked the owners for permission first, but I don't live in a country where I can risk doing that.

If it is of any help, I live by the "do not harm" principle. I'm not harming anyone with my actions, even if those actions are rude, they are harmless as long as I keep them a secret from the owners, this is why I don't see a problem with my actions. I understand if you have strong feelings about it, you have the right to not like what I do. And I hope you can keep your dislike limited to that part of me that you dislike and not hate other parts that have nothing to do with that behabior. Not like some other users who hate every part of me just because I do one thing that they dislike and they go to the extend of making false accusation just to try to ruin my reputation.

You probably also do things that I dislike, but I won't hate ALL of you for any of those. I dislike religious people, I dislike non-vegans, I dislike people who waste food (even if it is a small piece of food) I dislike judgemental people who judge others over petty stuff (like how fat a person is or what clothing the person uses or how ugly her boyfriend/husband is) and so on. So, I hope you can be mature and keep your dislike of that part of me civilized and not let it spill to other places.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-16 19:27:24

I don't live in a country where you can go ask some one for permission to do that, as it is social suicide or can get you in jail or fined and they will also take away your dogs, so, the environment and old habits has lead me to do such behaviors.

Doesn't make it right to do it behind their backs.
If people don't want you to do stuff with their pets, then don't.
And no, just because they didn't tell you that they don't want their dogs to be fucked doesn't mean they'll allow it.
You don't tell them for a reason.
It even makes it more wrong.
Hey, OPBeast, got any ideas of what to do with this guy?
You got him where you want, now castrate the fuck out of this dude.

I hope you can be mature

I dislike non-vegans

Looks like you can't be mature with that attitude.
Brb, gotta give my girl a whole chicken, it's really good for her health.

Look at this degenerate.
What do you think of him as an image of zoophilia?
What do you think the outsiders must think?
These outsiders must be afraid that their pets get fucked behind their backs by us.

Do you approve of him destroying any chances for social acceptability?

Shastadog90 25/F/Bisexual Dog Lover 1 point on 2017-01-15 00:35:12

Go at your own pace dear and don't worry about being seen in the same light as less the honorable Zoophiles. And Moode mounting you could've been more of dominance thing so don't feel too bad.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-15 01:00:28

It was a dominance mount yes and I'm going at our own pace. Moose is taking it just fine. No change in behavior he's still just happy to be near me or enjoy fresh broth.

Shastadog90 25/F/Bisexual Dog Lover 2 points on 2017-01-15 06:13:59

It's good that you're pacing yourself

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-01-16 09:59:39

True it is

Shastadog90 25/F/Bisexual Dog Lover 2 points on 2017-01-16 10:12:48

I paced myself with my girls and things are going well.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-16 20:44:35

Sorry folks, gotta lock up the salt mines. There's no more productive discussion going on, just a screaming match as far as I'm concerned.