Should this petition concern zoosexuals? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-01-10 05:57:18 by [deleted]


doghumper 5 points on 2017-01-10 06:21:08

nobody gives a shit about a five year old online petition

in the direction USA is heading with less personal freedoms there might be federal laws at some point but the animal rights people whining about bestiality are going to be drowned out by tons of other much more important issues for the next four years

take appropriate precautions like not sharing video evidence online, you'll be fine.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-01-10 08:42:16

What about other ways of discussing it?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-01-10 09:29:21

What about trying to understand why society is acting the way it does instead of falling into an "us versus them" trench fight mentality?

And, if you´re the guy I assume you are: would you please tell us why YOU are so interested in this? If you´re Zqwm7 from Beastforum, how many real experience do YOU have? I cannot remember reading more than this belligerent, polemic "evil society" rants from you....

Swibblestein 1 point on 2017-01-10 07:17:16

Petitions usually do nothing, but sometimes, rarely, they do absolutely nothing instead.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-10 08:37:23

2.000 signatures a year over 5 years. Had they gotten 10,000 signatures in a month, they could have possibly influenced state legislature, but given the size of Florida, you'd probably need 50,000 or 70,000 in a month to be taken seriously. At the pace that petition is going, it won't have enough signatures to be taken seriously at the federal level for literally hundreds of years, but even at this point the age of the petition all but disqualifies it.

You could sign the petition then comment with counterarguments to dissuade others, maybe... but it's not really worth the trouble.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-01-10 09:24:32

Zqwm7, is that you? ;)

Seriously: this kind of posts gives me cancer. Why don´t you add the fact that ALL laws against sex with animals are a direct response to bullshit that happened in reality?

Instead, you build a scenario that is so full of shit, you use biased rhetoric. Newsflash: There is no such thing as "zoophobia". There´s an actual psychological condition that is called zoophobia, but this refers to irrational fear of animals. Actual zoophobes become catatonic or panicky when they see animals. It´s fine you can identify enemy propaganda. Now , try to learn that "friendly" propaganda also is nothing more than propaganda. All this "ooh, but we´re soooo harmless." and "what a terribly unjust and zoophobic (sic!) society they are" sure you´re not missing something here? Like.... Enumclaw, for example? Like the many folks caught fencehopping?

Since the internet turned from a nerd space into a public space (around the year 2000, when it all began to change), our very own community hasn´t hesitated to draw unwanted attention. Before you put the blame on an allegedly "unjust" society, stop pretending that our community hasn´t done literally everything to force authorities to react.

By the way: I live in a country that has outlawed sexual contact with animals in 2013. Most of my time as a practicing zoophile, I wasn´t violating a law. Now we have a law against it, I´ll tell you what changed for me....NOTHING! As long as you can keep your mouth shut in certain situations, as long as you avoid giving away evidence yourself, you´re good and no one cares for what you put your dick into.

It´s rather funny to accuse others of the very same post that easily can be seen as exactly that...fearmongering. Sure, it´s unpleasant to be an "outlaw", but it is a fact almost everyone caught for "zoophilia" has done his own fair share getting caught.

The anti "zoosexual" crusade is a hoax, it´s nonexistent. Most people, including politicians, would prefer not to have to deal/ not being confronted with people who fuck animals. But the more exhibitionistic parts of our community forced ´em to...and the laws are nothing more than a reaction to growing problems. Sure, biased petitions also played a minor part, but the laws have been issued mainly because there was reason to do so. Enumclaw is what made Washington outlaw it, fencehopping cases sprouting like mushrooms after a warm, rainy autumn night is what made other countries outlaw it, a rapidly growing illegal sex industry with animal porn sites making multi millions, with animals pimped out to "friends" for money is what forced the authorities to react.

Being a smoker of an illegal drug since I was 18, I´m used to live with laws against something I value high in my life. It´s not as bad as it is portrayed once you get past the guilt trip. Of course, shit can and will always happen, but laying the focus on privacy, you can live a "zoo life" without having to worry too much about laws.

Well, let me share a secret with you: the laws that are issued against "zoophilia" in reality are not aimed at genuine zoophiles. Everyone, including politicians, knows that outlawing something won´t make it disappear from the face of the earth. But without these laws, the more vile and retarded bestialists could easily get away unpunished.

I don´t blame government for issuing generalised, "sledgehammer" laws. For any outsider, hearing about zoophilia for the first time is quite a challenge; IMHO, it´s only logic politicians want this issue off their desks as fast as fuckin´ possible. No one wants to read about the bestiality/zoophilia schism, no one wants to delve into "scene jargon".

One might really believe that outlawing zoophilia is unjust, but objectively perceived, it is some way. We zoos who care nearly as much about our privacy as we care for our quadruped partners aren´t "prey" for this law.

Summary: Unjust? Maybe. For exhibitionistic bestialists, fencehoppers and the animal porn industry, certainly. "Zoophobic?" Most definitely not. I spoke to a lot of outsiders in my life and can only say that zoophilia per se isn´t the problem for many. I´ve been surprised by folks being supportive or understanding I never would´ve believed they´d be cool with it. What really is the dealmaker or - breaker is your own, personal conduct. Fucking through the stables, inserting your dick into any pussy and asshole available? Well, don´t expect anyone to identify this as real love, then. Hopping fences? Well, don´t expect outsiders to stay calm when you fuck their animals behind their backs and with possible negative consequences for the animal.

I´ve never ran into bigger problems getting my point across. But I´m not a loonie as others and expect everyone to bow down to the special, animal fucking, snowflake. My point is: don´t blame society. The laws are nothing but a reaction to problems that are caused by our own community. Keep your head down, your face out of the internet and your mouth shut at the appropriate situations. Obey the zeta rules.

What is more promising, trying to topple these laws against an opposition that outnumbers you by one to a million? Or would it be more promising to finally do what´s necessary to clean up our own turf? You decide...

P.S.: Please stop using stupid artificial words like zoosexual and zoophobic. Only because you invent words, that doesn´t mean that it´s a real thing now. And remember: When you point a finger at someone else, you´re pointing at least three fingers towards yourself. ;) You avoided falling for the anti propaganda, now you´ll just have to avoid falling for the pro propaganda and you may end up with a rather objective picture of what the hell is going on. ;)

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-01-10 10:01:42

I agree that fence-hopping is wrong. But broad, "catch-all" anti-zoo laws are wrong because they ban ALL sex with animals.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-01-10 10:20:12

By the way I can't figure out how to get the first post back, so here is the anti-zoo petition that is the subject of this page:

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-01-10 10:30:41

Same rhetoric, same´s Zqwm7 from BF, folks! Hasn´t Saddlebum made you think with his replies to your crap? Well, it´s hopeless, I guess. Yeah, it´s entirely society that´s to blame...sigh

The anti zoo movement is literally nonexistent, besides a few individuals and loose organisations like Op Beast. They literally contributed nothing to the creation of new laws, their influence on society is marginal at best. What has influenced the negative view of society more than anything else is the excessive nature of our community. Deal with reality, not your stupid made up phantom of an "anti zoo crusade", this hasn´t worked in BF and is even more vain in here.

Hani mean the scientist who never verified anything that has been presented in the interviews with "zoophiles" she has conducted? Maybe you misunderstand her study on zoophilia/bestiality "bigly", this never was meant to be a real in depth study on zoophilia, it was a study on how a marginalized group of individuals likes to see and present themselves. I personally know one guy who has been participating in her study, even had personal contact with her....and lied his friggin´ ass off when she was listening....can you imagine why "Hani Miletski coined the term, therefore it must be true" isn´t exactly that impressive?

We don´t need anti zoo warriors. But we also don´t need pro zoo warriors who are blind for the many black spots and grey areas of our orientation. We don´t need "pro zoo lawyers" who deny there´s something wrong with our entire community and the way it deals with internal problems (or prefers to NOT deal with them and swipe them under the carpet).

P.S.: I won´t let you get away so cheap,, would you please tell us your experiences with animals? Do you have some at all? How legit are you, Zqwm7?

If you just came here to duplicate the bullshit you post in BF, you´ll gonna have a bad time around here, I promise. What hasn´t worked in BF will not work in here, too. Your goals aren´t compatible to our goals. Don´t blame society for OUR and YOUR bullshit....