The website from GTA IV. Thought you guys may like this. (
submitted 2017-01-10 14:48:46 by britishdragon01
WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-10 15:06:21

At least it's not as bad as all the other zoo mockery.
I guess I can just give it a slight 'huehue.'

TheShotmeister ζ 6 points on 2017-01-10 15:46:45

I didn't really see it much as mockery, just a really silly joke. And I actually found it pretty entertaining :P

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-10 15:56:08

Considering how many people hate zoophilia and how they portrayed some jokes? (Ahem, 'there's nothing creepy about it at all' / 'this is a fact. You know why? Because you read it on the internet')
Yeah, I thought it was mockery.
But still, if you enjoyed it then I see no problem.
I just have a habit of complaining about things like this.

Valiant1204 Now with added gay! 1 point on 2017-01-10 18:50:27

I did too. Especially the name Bazooka.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2017-01-10 16:10:09

So you did miss the "try before you buy" part on the lower left? ;)

Honestly, this may seem like not so bad, but indeed it´s worse than all the "normal" mockery towards zoos. This isn´t a simple joke, this is satire. One of the Rockstar programmers must´ve run across a random zoo forum and got inspired, I guess...but since there are so called "zoos" out there demanding exactly this kind of completely permissive approach, this one tastes more bitter than all of the bland "...fucks an animal" jokes combined. Rockstar btw seems to be, interested in this topic. GTA´s brother in spirit and Western epos Red Dead Redemption from the same publisher had a couple of sidequests in which a old guy wants you to "return his love to him". Assuming the old fart is talking about a woman, the player pursues this sidequest....only to learn in the end that the old guy talked about a mare. When I first ran through this, I had to switch off the console after that. John Marston, RDR´s anti-hero, even comments this sidequest in the final dialogue, saying "Who am I to judge..." Made me cry, will always make me cry. The way Rockstar portrays zoophilia in RDR has to be the most understanding, empathic and sympathetic portrayal in videogames history ever. Hidden in plain sight, disguised as a cheap joke or satire...but without reassuring any prejudice towards zoophiles.

With the homebrew scene and so called indie games available on Sony´s and Microsoft´s platforms, I really wonder whether the time for a "zoo game" has come. I´ve played some of these indie games, often created by a small team; dealing with really serious issues like rape , guilt, abuse and such, maybe a game or a walking simulator with a zoo theme can be placed in the market.

"Make ´em see with their own eyes"...when I remember how much some of these games made me think after finishing them, I can only point out that talking, "teaching" and reassuring the public of our "harmlessness" won´t do...but giving them food for thought through art just might work out. Art is one possibility to get our point saddens me that our community seems to be incapable of ascending beyond stupid cartoon anthros with genitals and books like "The horseman" from George Willard/Mark Matthews/Hossie/whatever.

I´m really looking forward to RDR 2 , what was announced a few weeks ago. I would be surprised if Rockstar don´t include some zoophilia innuendo in it...

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-16 20:25:36

I proposed a pro-zoo RPG-type video game a long time ago. But I'm sure I'm too gullible to make it.

I'm sure it's gullibality that also made me unaware that zoophiles endorse using hamsters as anal stimulation devices.

Or it could just be that this entire page is the product of an imaginary perception of zoos, and not based in reality.

PiranhaJAC 1 point on 2017-01-10 16:21:56

funded entirely by the sale of short videos

I lol'd.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2017-01-10 22:06:16

someone, maybe even a group of people, all of them probably non zoos took time out of their day to write that. I think that imagery makes this even more lol inducing.

30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2017-01-10 23:46:38

After closer inspection:

  • Pets make you feel good about yourself.They don´t judge your flabby thighs or receding hairline.They don´t have sudden headaches and are always in the mood to play.They don´t answer back and , no matter what you do to them, they still love you afterwards.

  • It is this uniquely intimate approach to animal re-conditioning that makes our pets so sensitive to the needs of their new owners.

  • There is something inexplicably powerful about looking down to a pair of big brown eyes and thinking "I own you".

  • Some people call us creepy - well, let´s be very clear, there´s nothing creepy about loving God´s creatures in any way you see fit. Nothing at all. It´s not perverted, it´s saving lives and self expression all at once. You know why? Because you read it on the internet.

Folks, more accurate as this satire picking on the beasty/"zoo" community it cannot get. Funny that I know some "zoos" with exactly the same "vision" of "zoo freedom".

Satire always builds its exaggerations and silly conclusions around the truth...and if you really think through the idea of totally legalized and unregulated zoophilia, such a company as depicted above definitely would emerge some day. What looks so amusing at first sight is hard to swallow if you let it sink in. This is what most BF users imagine would be "free zoophilia". Without regulations, commercialism would take over (more than it already has with all the AP paysites and underground "animal parties" for cash).

Free and unregulated "zoophilia" would be, as I mentioned before, heaven for any beasty, but utter hell for the animals. This satirical website condenses all of my criticism into a few lines...what first was laughing matter has now become a reason to lay down and cry uncontrollably. THEY know it, too...