Had a Dream I Got Doxxed Last Night (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-01-21 07:38:53 by [deleted]


fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-01-21 09:31:34

That sounds familiar. Have you by chance watched this Black Mirror episode and read about this Zoobuster guy (is this story even true?)?

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-01-21 09:37:27

Zoobuster was actually pretty much an anti-porn activist who thought in a strange way, banning all zoo sites from the internet would end all sexual animal exploitation.

I can't say much more about that as I know some things about him I'm sworn to secrecy on, but honestly he has more in common with 30-30 than someone who takes pleasure from pain like that post makes out. I can say that cultureghost.net and associated posts are not to be trusted. They are basically accounts for the notorious Douglas Spink. Google him if you don't know him.

Or just read this for some fun:


PS: Don't get me wrong, zoobuster did ruin some peoples lives. I'm speaking to his motivations for doing so, not the morality of his actions. Also, posting DS's name above may seem unwise, but he himself is an open zoo, so I am doing no harm to him by doing so.

fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2017-01-21 13:11:54

I've read his AE2011-Witchunt2010-rev3.0 document. It's a nice story, but I still don't know how much is true about it. There is a video where he gives a presentation about corporate legal jurisdiction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4jzmtyPIew. He seems like a fun guy, but he may be insane, and I don't mean this as an insult. There was also this book "Uniquely Dangerous" about him that I was looking forward to pirating, hoping it would either confirm or deny some of the things he said, but so far we got nothing. I wonder if this whole book idea was just an invention of him.

As you see, I did question this comment, I only mentioned it because the narrative it put forward seemed so fitting for this topic.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-01-21 13:26:02

According to him, my "idol" is zoobuster, and I can't wait to wring zoo throats as well.

Why? I said something mean to him, once.

So yeah, I really wouldn't take much he says with even an ounce of credibility. I appreciate you not believing everything you read.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-01-21 16:38:11

According to him, my "idol" is zoobuster, and I can't wait to wring zoo throats as well.

I don't know that I'd go that far, but you have a habit of being apologetic about him and of presenting a far less than accurate descrition of what he did. I recall a thread on knotty where this was discussed and you had stated being friends with him. I make no judgements, I don't care if he's your friend, brother, or alter-ego, but to pass him off as some misunderstood anti-porn nut is to insult the many people he hurt and the lives he ruined, and tried to ruin. I remember those days.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-21 19:25:35

but to pass him off as some misunderstood anti-porn nut is to insult the many people he hurt and the lives he ruined, and tried to ruin.

I didn't do that here, did I? Please reread and note the "PS" part. I'm only explaining what I observed his motivations to be, I do not think his behavior was acceptable in anyway shape or form, nor it's outcome.

I can't comment publicly on why I was apologetic about him back then (I was somewhat admittedly), him and I have had a falling out as of late though, and I would no longer state he is a friend. Even back at the time of the discussion on knotty, we were far from friends (but at least then, he still talked to me).

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2017-01-21 16:29:15

Zoobuster was actually pretty much an anti-porn activist who thought in a strange way, banning all zoo sites from the internet would end all sexual animal exploitation.

Yeah...no. He was once a part of the early zoo community, but he was not accepted for some, we'll call them unpleasant behaviors, and he turned and went out of his way to hassle and persecute anyone who assosciated with zoos if he had or could get any information about them. He was bent on desrtoying people's lives, including the lives of people who had never dealt with him but were zoos. He was unhinged and on a private crusade, porn had nothing to do with it.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-21 19:26:52

He was absolutely obsessed with the topic of porn when I dealt with him.

I think actually between you and I egoldstein, we may be able to put together some pieces that have long puzzled me. I'm no longer his friend, but I can't discuss some things in public due to past promises all the same. Would you be kind enough to PM me? I'd like to try to sort fact from fiction.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-01-21 19:43:21

If you're interested, make a post about it. Let others give their experiences with him, many had much more direct interaction with him than I. His history was pretty well documented by himself and the people he harassed, of which google should still yield plenty of results. The details are unrelated to this thread, except as an example of why people should be careful with their PI.

Sorry, but I don't like talking about him and I'd not have spoken up at all except for what looked like whitewashing his past to me. (edit: not to imply deliberate, I reworded this several times and never found the word I wanted, whitewashing isn't it, but it's close enough)

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-21 19:51:01

I was more interested in running things I simply can't post publicly by someone who could tell me how much was BS and how much was truth. I know he bends facts. I don't know which ones he bent with me.

As for what I can say publicly of my "whitewashing" of him, I'll be frank. When I was nearly institutionalized, my parents came to him for advice and help on an IM client. There were ready to institutionalize me after a few bad meetings with a doctor who was very anti-zoo. He (zoobuster) calmed them away from the subject, and somehow, convinced them to let me have a private talk with him.

There are some things in that talk I still can't discuss to this day, but let's just say he watched out for me that day, told me how to get out of that mess and probably saved my life.

I owe him, for that reason. And I'll be the first to admit I both know a lot more about him than most people for that reason, but it couldn't come from a more biased source (Zoobuster himself).

I'm not whitewashing his past. Honestly, I'd be telling this reddit the whole story hook line and sinker right now but these promises to secrecy aren't just soft-oaths. He knows my name, address, everything. I have to keep them. So there is that. What I know can never be public.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-21 14:00:20

You know, there was a zoo who deleted his account had a similar story...

That's fucked up, but that's what basically a dream/nightmare is.
I know how you feel, both with nightmares and afraid of being 'caught.'

I once had a nightmare where my bitch ran off and ended up in some location that you could only jump to.
I tried jumping to that location, but before I landed she jumped off and a car hit her mid air...
Her body just flew off on the road, like it was ice, and ended somewhere behind a bush.
I couldn't find her body or chase the car. It was over...
I woke up in a shock, just to find out she was lying next to me.

It's funny how defenseless you are in nightmares.
But hey, you're almost as paranoid as me.
Better safe than sorry.

the_egoldstein 3 points on 2017-01-21 16:46:36

Take online security seriously and it's a much smaller risk. Use accounts that aren't tied to you, created only for zoo stuff and use them ONLY for that, never anything else.

Be careful about what information you share. Never share real names of humans or non-humans or locations. Do that and it's pretty hard to link you and even harder to make it stick.

Skgrsgpf 2 points on 2017-01-22 00:25:00

Dreams are basically what one's sub-conscious mind is telling them. So basically the sub-consciousness in this case is fear and anxiety. And I've felt the same way. There's nowhere in society for zoos to go for support, except online.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-23 21:30:01
